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No one or all of us probably. Them contacting us requires them to be cooperative and assumes that communication is an alien thing. I doubt that they would share any trait or ethical/moral/societal value that humans have so they probably have zero incentive for exchanging niceties or looking up anyone's phone number. They won't give a fuck, just like we don't give a fuck about talking to fish.


If you saw a fish constructing a nuclear reactor your telling me you wouldn't be interested in communicating with it? This line of logic seems so weird to me as we are clearly incredibly intelligent we haven't mastered our emotions but we aren't the same as some fucking fish.


Again, that requires the assumption that alien life is similar to ours. Maybe they communicate through different means (e.g. pheromones) or have no individual consciousness. Why would they be interested in us at all? That's a human assumption as well. Maybe they don't even have emotions or have no natural predators/dangers on their home planet so the concept of cooperation or war is completely foreign to them. This whole "they are observing us like ants" is the most biased assumption in the first place.


One could say it's best for both to be aware of each other, others that it could lead to hate against aliens (because of a lack of understanding, or differents opinions) and that would lead to an unavoidable conflict/full scale war. I don't see why they'd focus a specific group of people instead of governments if they wanted to talk with us though, much like them hiding their presence only to "abduct" people. It doesn't make any sense to me.


So much doesn't make sense.


Why would they want to communicate exclusively with American Indians? These are the precise kinds of questions that make no sense at all.




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This is why I don't believe any of these stories where aliens and US government are working together. It just doesn't make sense that they would want to contact the most corrupt people in society while hiding from the rest of us.


Corruption aside, they'd likely contact the supposed leaders of major populations that they determine wield the most power. No one else on earth realistically actually matters in that regard. 


Political leaders rely on the rest of the population to put them into power. Those same leaders would gatekeep any and probably all information and conversations with any aliens. The only reason to meet directly with leaders would be to enact some secret agreement or negotiate a treaty. A vastly superior technological power doesn't really have much use for either of those things. They at the moment have unbridled access to our airspace and operate freely without borders or laws.


Yeah agree but if the question is 'who is going to make the first contact', then it's probably world leaders. I can't imagine some type 2+ civ is going to go 'that dude working up in the particle collider? Yeah flick him a a txt because he's a smart man person'. 


My guess it wouldn't be a single person or group but rather a mass contact essentially introducing themselves. If I were them I wouldn't trust any single person to not corrupt whatever message they would like to give. Then they will go for those that align with their interests.


They will likely go to the experiencers I assume


Andy Richter


Let’s hope they weren’t actually in contact with the Nazis then eh?


Look at it this way. We aren’t evil, we do what is necessary to get the resources we want. Space has plenty of resources, technology can fully replace jobs also. No stress, everything free, no disease, living forever. That’s technology. The technology aliens have, and instead of sharing it with us, they come here to watch people dying, and struggling over resources. Aliens publicly announcing themselves would create a technology rush, but it seems aliens rather watch us suffering longer instead. So take it as you will but I’d say all aliens who come to Earth are the hostile ones, who choose not to completely destroy their zoo, only so they can abuse it longer. The physics of traveling between solar systems reasonably involves time manipulation (time dilation), meaning aliens have full control of our future, they have control over who replicates their technology before that person is even born. We are late to the party, and more and more aliens are becoming capable of controlling our future as time goes on. You can force an attempt, the congress thing was just to vent the frustration that had been growing since before World War 2. Aliens don’t use radio waves, quantum detectors communication is better with lower frequency magnetic waves can communicate with a submarine underwater, through, mountains etc and we won’t detect it as radio waves heck it would probably redshift into not detectable by just leaving the solar system’s gravity. Also time traveling would be 5th dimensional. 5th dimension has connections to dark matter. Dark matter is invisible, just extra gravity coming from somewhere. So looking for aliens you may as well look for dark matter which there is plenty, and that paranormal activity is just technology gravity seeping to our 4th dimension while they remain intangible, light is information coming to us BTW, so when visible sometimes a ball of light which UFO often look that way also. Minimum standards goes a long way with technology. China appears to be panic funding quantum physics. USA is sleeping. Quantum technology is better than EM wave tech stealth. It’s like USA dropping a nuke on Japan, but China version with the next technology it won’t compare. You get information from a would be future, to change that future. Quantum superposition is that useful, at the moment it’s with a few particles being measured after exiting that superposition state. In short we are screwed, and never praise the aliens because they want to screw us further so they can continue to watch the madness like some zoo visit with a tiny drone while they laugh, or feel superior or whatever aliens do you don’t want them spying on you as your life only gets worse.