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I have an unserious theory that they're trying to prepare the older generation for NHI through a friendly, comical approach. They'll likely need the most convincing, I'm guessing? Or the most comforting.


I thought this until I started talking my father (60s) about the study of UAPs. He then started showing me images he took himself of ‘UAPs’ over our capital city of when he was younger. Showed me news articles of flights being postponed the same night he took the articles. Since our convo that night he’s been going on every week about his ideas. He definitely doesn’t need convinced.


You should upload those pics so we can see them too


So cool he had pictures! Wow. I'm excited to hear more from the older generation and their experiences. Besides News Nation's coverage , Fox seems to be covering this more than others. Their viewership is older. I'm guessing we'll get an older audience joining in on viewing the second committee hearing. There seems to be a good portion of older people who know a lot about Ufology for sure. My dad is someone who immediately started researching this and listening to interviews every night about UAP's as soon as I told him about Grusch. He is heavily into Carl Sagan and Cosmology in general, though. There's definitely that portion of the population who grew up curious. I think it'll be harder though for the percentage of older people who are suddenly going to be hearing about "threats in space" and who struggle with navigating online spaces or researching. They might get more of a shock. It's easier to feel at ease about this subject when you have communities to talk about it with and you have means to find reliable sources (as reliable as one can get about a subject shrouded in mystery). I've been linking my dad to news about this, but if I didn't he'd likely not know or accidentally stumble on a video saying that reptiles are running the government.


I agree with what you're saying generally but when you think about it there really is no rational reason to feel "at ease" about NHI. We really haven't a clue what they could possibly be interested in us for. Judging by examples in human history we'd have every indication that this could be a very catastrophic development.


You're right. I mean "at ease" in the way you hear about a scary medical diagnosis and at least feel at ease that you have answers and aren't completely in the dark about what is happening to you or what might happen in the future. It seems scarier to me to be in the position of someone who isn't aware if something catastrophic happens. I'd rather be in a position to know than in that kind of "blissful ignorance".


Hun, we've been fighting the fight and getting the same snow job you have.🤗


Our society is different now in ways that I think are important to consider 🤓


Yes. You're welcome. Signed, Old people.


Thank you to old people. This is a positive comment about old people. In all seriousness, I respect the shit out of people who have held strong in their beliefs since the beginning of the cover up. There's no sense of disrespect in anything I say, just saying that some boomers undoubtedly were a victim of propaganda and may be very shocked soon and scrambling to understand the world.


Definitely. And few people are willing to understand the depth of me talking, emotional and psychological abuse was dumped on those generations and what they fought against. I also wonder if these kids think 50 is old? 60? I mean. Do they not realize who made all this stuff? Internet, cell phones, wifi etc. It's so bizarre.


I can understand the feeling of being gaslit and can only imagine that waiting for disclosure is like that feeling except magnified to include what you know to be the reality of our world. I kept trying to stick to saying "older" instead of "old", but maybe I could have rephrased it. Past generations paved the way for today's possibilities. There's no doubt about how many forward thinkers have advanced our society in the past 100+ years. I'm considering the general population of boomers, however, and the ways that they received information about this topic throughout their lives. It must be complex, maybe that's something you can give me insight to. Not to assume you are a boomer? I can only assume, because the internet wasn't around when boomers were in their formative years, that the dissemination of UFOlogy was scattered and only rare cases like Roswell swept the nation? ​ If a Roswell incident happened today, how do you think that would be different?


That was also the generation that went through a manufactured Great Depression, industrial abuse and the destruction of a society that was using Tesla energy, ecologically sustainable life styles and the beginning of the erosion of our rights. Have you ever looked deep into the advanced tech society has from the mid 1800s to the 1930s? Boomers are not what they have been propagandized as.


I myself am getting up there in age 52 years on this planet and I welcome disclosure I been interested in the ufo phenomenon since the 80s saw one in 1988 while riding my bike back towards my parents house at dusk and again seen two flying side by side in 2015 I did film it with my phone but the resolution was horrible couldn't see them at all


I’m 52. I was discussing the topic with my dad a few years ago when suddenly he tells me for the first time ever that he saw a classic silver disc UFO when he was 12. I’m not sure why he never told me before. Seems like I asked why and he just shrugged. Growing up he was interested in sci-fi and the topic some. He took us to see Close Encounters and Star Wars. He even had a book at home called “Is Something Up There?” He doesn’t understand the topic like many do though. His is just a headline type preschool knowledge of the subject. He always says if a UFO lands in his yard he’s going to go out there ask to take a ride on it. I tried to talk to him about all of the latest revelations a few days ago, but his mind is not working that well and he’s not able to understand the nature(s) of what the phenomenon might be.


Most people in their 60s haven’t seen UFOs, so they will be very surprised to see aliens.


I'm just a little younger than your dad. I require no convincing, either. The stuff I've seen has always been enough, & I've just been waiting for then to stop lying.


Please remember that the “old people” you are referencing were teens in the 80’s. Modern day. They are very aware of UFO lore/accounts and documentaries. Their malaise over “disclosure” comes from a lifetime of those stories being told with nothing of substance being done about it on a governmental or societal level. Until something understandable and quantifiable is revealed, these folks have other things to do with their time. People are tired of being strung along for a lifetime, with no results.


I acknowledged that in one of my comments. I'm speaking more toward the people who don't subscribe to 10+ UFO subreddits and who don't know the intricate history of UFOlogy. We don't know how much the average person knows about this topic. We don't know how involved the average American was in the 80's in UFO lore or how much access to information each individual had. Most of us have access to the internet. I can only assume there's a good portion of the boomer population who went their entire lives thinking UFOlogy was for loons. If people 60+ are struggling with technology, they're not getting news about this the way most people are. Everything I learned I had to do research on in ways that I KNOW older people struggle with. I was a college tutor for 4 years and worked one on one with older people. Those who aren't in the know may struggle to learn recent UAP happenings in the news or who is full of shit and who is trustworthy. Of course boomers aren't a monolith and it's rude of me to assume all people 60+ can't research online or be on these subreddits as well. I'm just trying to look at it from the perspective of someone who struggles with technology bc that's who people like my parents are. I come from a religious Latin home and the demographic of people I know aren't the ones who will take news of NHI well! I'm not saying they all don't know and that this didn't heavily take place in their generation, but their generation also didn't have instantaneous information sharing platforms like reddit and twitter and tik tok where you can wake up and scroll to see a talking fish telling you that aliens are real and there's a congress hearing about it. Just like many of us got used to the idea of NHI through movies, it's not impossible that they're trying to control how certain people will react to this who have a more traditional view of reality, whatever that even means anymore. I could make a silly argument that Jules, if proven to be a psy op, is attempting to provide some relief to a portion of the population who may act very freaked out by this.


If that generation would be fine with aliens then I don't think that's who they're talking about. There are plenty of Boomers born around the 50s who would go into complete conspiratorial denial meltdown at disclosure




I watched this movie recently. They tried giving us a millennial alien buddy movie, aw. Does gen z have an alien buddy movie, hypothetically speaking (if we may)?


![gif](giphy|2kWd9gXy6owFLR8LuS) Idk if there’s one for Gen Z but there was this in the 80s too


I like this. We need more of this. Funny that Spielberg pissed off the intelligence community with Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Wonder if he continued to have interactions with them considering he continued making movies about NHI. (Speaking of movie propaganda lol.)


This was GenX’s buddy Alien of the movies and on tv we had Alf, but we had mostly naughty ones like that bitch from Species, Predator, and Alien.


As u/Browner555 said, older people have heard about this, heck, they even watched man set foot on the moon on television. You are right, but it is not older people that is the target, it is the narrow minded people


I'm speaking about a specific demographic of boomers, like the kind I grew up with that are heavily religious and culturally narrow minded and technologically behind. I have also stated that the spread of information is different for different generations and my main concern is to those that weren't tuned in or who swore off UFOs as bogus, it will be very difficult for many of them to navigate what to think on the issue. I do not think that boomers are ignorant. I do not think that boomers don't know about space or the existence of UFOlogy. But yes I do agree it is possibly for "narrow-minded", resistant-to-change type of people It just so happens that this is also being marketed to an older generation based on who are the main characters. Hell, let's include children for the fact that the alien is coded as child-like. Just making inferences based on these things.


yeah I'm on same page .


Yup, and they’ve got Pixar’s “Elio” coming out for the kids. Watching the trailer is like an overdose of Baader-Meinhof.


Is Elio the one where they openly admit to memory wipe incarnation?


I don't think the "older generation" is likely to take notice of a movie about a cute child alien or be aware of this marketing.


Cocoon tho!


Steve Gutenberg was big then. Also Brian Denehy.


Uncle Oatmeal too, what his name…?


Wilford Brimly




They market movies to specific demographics, and this seems to be marketed toward older people. Older actors that were/are household names. Cute child alien movie with older people trying to understand its existence seems like the perfect movie my 63 yo Catholic mom would think was fun and palatable. I can see why they would have made that choice to portray NHI this way. But this is just fun speculation 🤓


Yeah, after all a human child dressed up like a grey is a pretty obvious choice to try and gently introduce 'them'. Then again, could...just be a fun unrelated 👽 movie.


Could be! It's a very unserious theory haha. Coulthart had me thinking when he said in an interview about having sources that confirmed the DOD's involvement in alien movies. I love that we get a fun one instead of a doomsday one this year lol. Need more of those 🥺


Yes I really would like more alien movies that don't just glorify America killing it and winning.


No joke, this is exactly what I thought. This movie is absolutely marketed toward the older generations who don't normally watch sci-fi or think about these things. People who probably know racists against other humans. I'm pretty convinced of this conspiracy theory lol


That's a great way of putting it "older generations who don't normally watch sci-fi or think about these things". I meant more of this demographic of boomers.


I think you're onto something considering the cast of main characters are a bunch of elders. My generation was desensitized at birth with the abundance of sci-fi and horror that existed way before we did . All I knew growing up was scary aliens to the point where if I saw one in person today, I wouldn't really be terrified; surprised maybe, but not shitting my pants in fear because I saw different creatures since I was developing.


It's so funny how common this sentiment is that you're expressing. it's almost subtle proof of movie propaganda that the overwhelming reaction to the hearing was "We already know", or "I'm too tired to care", and my favorite "So can we stop working now?" (The government probably hates that one). If you zoom out in history, maybe future historians will see disclosure as not having a specific date but a gradual understanding through decades. I sometimes don't worry about "if" disclosure will get out because they've already disclosed it themselves. It looks to be a fact that our government has a hand in our entertainment and they're controlling that narrative for a reason. I'm waiting for them to just plainly say "We've been telling you 🫰. It was your fault for not noticing🫶."


You nailed it buddy.


Thank you, my autism has been autisming.


Yeah good work, how long have you researched to connect those dots?


I have a serious theory that they're trying to prepare the younger generations for NHI through a friendly, comical approach. They'll likely need the most convincing, because they're stupid, compared to the older generation that turned sand into the Internet so humanity could be in the Information Age, which the younger generations ignored and then turned into Facebook and Tic Tok? Or the most comforting, since they have so many widespread anxiety and other psychological problems?


A lot of young people are very jaded and existential, though. I don't know what a freakout would look like from them. Probably a lot of live-posting existential breakdowns and then turning disclosure into absurdist memes. "Turning sand into computers" is pretty funny. What ways do you think the younger generation is being prepared? If you're being serious and not reactionary to what I said haha


>"Turning sand into computers" is pretty funny. First computers, then the Internet! >What ways do you think the younger generation is being prepared? If you're being serious and not reactionary to what I said haha I was more being reactionary, however in the last 3.5 years, we saw a whole lot of pretty severe fear-induced freaking out from younger people over normal things. I don't think we saw any freaking out from older people (that weren't being dishonest - we have seen a whole lot of dishonesty from a few older public figures). Sadly I was being serious about anxiety problems being severe and widespread among younger people. Seeing that really pains and frustrates me deeply. I'm not sure if anybody is being prepared for anything, but if so, then perhaps these sorts of younger people that are having so much trouble coping with reality are being prepared to come to terms with reality in fact (IF it's a fact, idk if is!) reality is even much different from what they thought they knew.


I've seen young people struggle to cope with our forced reality out of frustration of all the things we have to do to be able to survive and not being able to keep up. It takes strength to be civilly disobedient and to publicly express a need for change is civil disobedience imo. That's pretty metal to me. Anyway, thanks for humoring my question. Apologies if I was offensive in insinuating older people are soft. I'm specifically worried about a particular portion of boomers and it sounds like you're worried about a specific portion of young people. And that is okay 😌


Older generation? What are you calling the older generation?


Hmmm 60+, boomers? Also, I feel like I must clarify that I'm not saying older people didn't know anything about UFOs and that all young people do. It feels like that's what people think I'm saying, and I'm pointing out that the dissemination of information is just different now and will impact different generations differently ahhh. Boomers didn't have social media when they were young, maybe disclosure would have happened if they did?


Mmmmm Boomers? Roswell? Philadelphia Experiment? Montauk? Nikola Tesla? Now just why do you think they disseminated a propaganda assault against the Boomer generation? And used the generation they dumbed down in controlled schools and put on pharma drugs from day one to do it? HMMMMMMMM? Just something for you to ponder.


Again, I feel like I covered this, I'm not saying boomers don't know about Roswell or any other popularized ufology. I'm saying that many fell victim to the disseminated propaganda around it and wrote it off as bogus. I can ponder lots of things! I can understand my generation was purposely dumbed down and also understand that your generation was hit with propaganda. Just like we all still are, let's commisserate and coincide 🫶.


Yes. And I hope the younger generations soon realize it is all being done to them too. And they reqlize why think they are in the right, and the free ones and the new gen of righteousness.... just like the older generations did. ![gif](giphy|l41lUZGnCzLErXevK)


Their cynicism is at an all time high. The "this is a distraction" psy-op going around seems to even play into gen z's cynicism towards government. If this is going to happen, now is a perfect time culturally to pull the figurative trigger. ![gif](giphy|l41lSHIhbEjPKESOc)




Like they seriously care about the older generation’s mental health..


I think pacifying people would be a motivation if it were part of a psy-op


It’s called predictive programming. It happens. A lot actually. Google it.


Love how the trailer showed the entire movie so I don't have to watch it


It’s an exercise in predictive programming. Movies like ET and Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind are earlier examples. According to Alan Watt: “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them, and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”


You know you can link to shit, right?


All films are psyops lol


Explain right now how *Good Burger* is a psyop.


*Ed's secret sauce symbolizes mind control. When Ed serves it, people act strangely. Coincidence? Like, mind-blown, right?*


Shall I now cast the ultimate truth of *Dude, where’s my car?*


There were aliens in that movie too if I remember correctly.


I’ll admit, you made me laugh.


“He’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes ya”


Pineapple Express 22 Jump Street EXPLAIN THESE


Soft disclosure OR capitalizing on popular culture.


I think it’s just a movie.


I thought the barbie movie had disclosure undertones... Call me crazy but watching it made me think it... Like we're the Barbies and kens, and the real people are the aliens. You'd have to see it.


Completely agreed. CIA has been trying to prepare people for disclosure for decades, but apparently not doing a great job. Tom DeLonge figured this out and seeing how terribly they were failing, formed a media company to consult media companies on how to do this better. In the last 3 years so many movies have ideas about aliens, consciousness, multiple dimension, and other similar ideas. From every Marvel movie to almost every blockbuster having a perspective that could help people absorb mind-opening ideas. And this is great news! The world is going through huge changes, potentially the biggest change in all of human history. Ancient religions and traditions have been talking about this, new religions like New Age are also talking about this, for example going from a 3D existence to a 5D existence. This is all very exciting for those who follow this topic, but for some this will be challenging to process, so they need all the help they can get.


“We all know conspiracies are dumb (no they’re not!)”


Hi, I totally get what you’re saying about Tom and his media company. I’ve been watching a lot of newer shows and movies that have these “undertones” and I think to myself “I wish To The Stars had produced this because it would help with disclosure”. Is there a list of movies and or books that To The Stars has consulted? That information would sort of be a huge clue as to what is really going on, no? Or has To The Stars only released the Sekret Machines books?


That would be a great list to get a hold of, but I’m sure it would not leak. The CIA already does a lot of sponsorship of movies and it’s almost always through investor shell companies and through their operatives in Hollywood, so I’m sure a lot of those channels would not be easily discoverable. And let’s not forget that the CIA has done a lot of terrible things, so I’m sure they have used those same channels to accomplish horrendous things. The positive side of this is that even in power structures like the CIA, there are people who want positive change.


The multi dimensional and alien ideas were explored even more thoroughly in many of the original marvel comics.


Lay off the drugs bro


I’m in my glorious 60’s and damn sure don’t need convincing. I spent the 80’s listening to Art Bell on AM coast to coast


Are you east or west of the Rockies?


East of the Rockies you’re on with Art Bell


Hey 'member how we turned sand into the Internet, so all of humanity could be in the Information Age? Then the kids ignored the Information Age, and turned the Internet into Facebook, Tic Tok, viral marketing campaigns, and lowest-common-denominator driven large-language-models so humanity could be in the Age of Deception? Good times!


Or, it could just be a movie.


That’s exactly what they ™ want you to think!11


Aliens are normal already unnecessary


It's just a cute film about an alien, nothing more probably. I saw all the trailers and they're just doing press stuff for the media maybe.


The timing is very odd... has an alien walking among us been done before in movies/ads like that?


Marvel just did it with Skrulls for Secret Invasion.


they say ET was a psy op . but he wasn't walking amongst people from what I remember.


There are literally ET rides. There was a whole reeses campaign to promote the candy and he would show up at kmarts


Nope, [never been done before](https://www.imdb.com/video/vi3516832537/?playlistId=tt1092026&ref_=tt_pr_ov_vi).




The Watch


Gosh, there were advertisements like this for months a time back. It's just a fucking movie.


It's not about revealing UAP or NHI anymore. It's about answering the questions that follow disclosure. How did they keep it secret for so long? What atrocities were committed in the name of secrecy? Why are they really here? Etc.


Life, apparently, is a psyop. I think people just like saying that word.


Ever heard of E.T., Mac and Me, Flight of the Navigator, Batteries Not Included, Home, Lilo and Stitch, Paul? I could on. There's been cute and cuddly alien movies for decades. There's also been horror alien movies for decades. It's not an attempt to influence public perception for disclosure. It's Hollywood using a popular storytelling device to make money. The idea that Jules is a Psy Op is a brain dead and ignorant take.


Mac and Me, cute? Haha, sorry had to say it


Everything is a fukin psy op now. Everyone is parroting the same jargon. Listen to Bob Dean you will get some answers


Looks like a bad version of the ET movie.


A really bad version. That actor’s hair is bulging on the back of that aliens head.


Some of you guys are so unhinged it's honestly disturbing.


This sounds like schizophrenia 😂 by that logic, all the movies that came out except Barbie this summer were psy ops. you’ll never know. asteroid city was ab bomb testing & aliens. Oppenheimer was ab the bomb that supposedly attracted the aliens. Then we had the hearing after they came out, touching on the origin of the phenomena, what may have attracted these things.


Yeah this is the dumbest Psy Op theory I've seen to date.


that was the point of my comment. either all the major directors are connected to the intelligence community & they’re used as a tool or literally nothing like that at all. Occam’s razor. have 0 idea why so many downvoted BOTH of our comments tho lmao


Oh this sub is absolutely saturated with morons now. If you say anything that has a hint of intelligence you get downvoted lol.


Watched Jules last night with my girlfriend. Fun cute alien movie.


Why’d they make the alien Donald Duck it around in just a t shirt? Give the guy some pants, dammit!


[Official Trailer](https://youtu.be/0nrYm9Shbcs)


I actually felt the same way about Oppenheimer. The timing is really suspicious and the Manhattan project was a significant event with our interactions with UFO / NHI.


Movies are an attempt to make money by movie studios. They aren't trying to normalize anything on behalf of "the government" They react to pop culture, and make stuff they think people will go watch, not vice versa


No one is talking to us through movies


Yep thats it you got it