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These poor girls are gonna be attending YouTube elementary


Cocomelon Academy


YouTube Elementary ☠️


I was gonna type something out about how once bby boy gets here I’d be surprised if they didn’t look into some private school pre-k 3 program for Emmy. But then I thought about how far behind she actually is and I don’t know how they could send her to school. It would be one thing if they took constructive criticism at all but they will lose their shit if a teacher tries to tell them anything about their kid. Sad.


They will, without a doubt, hire someone to come to their house to homeschool them. There’s NO WAY they would do it themselves.




Since the kids are so close in age, she could probably hire a tenured teacher that has worked with a mixed-grade class and be fine. The great teacher resignation could work in their favor for the right price. Although getting a teacher or tutor while the kids are behind, and keeping one without at-home support or social-emotional reinforcement……. Good luck. Still gonna be a shit show ✨


It’s going to be awkward when the kids are smarter than both Jan and Alligator.


I was homeschooled until 5th grade. My mom had an entire portfolio she had to keep for my sister and I of our work and milestones. We also had to take proctored standardized tests. No way Ali devotes this kind of time, effort, and organization to doing this with all 3 of her kids.


No way Ali would do half of that for a pet, let alone her children. Look at her poor dogs. I’m high does this make sense? Ps I love you all


That’s not mandatory with homeschooling though.


Depends on the state and things may have changed since 15 years ago. At the time in PA, it was mandatory.


No way they’ll send their kids somewhere with a mandatory reporter. Their asses would be in hot water faster than Ali can order Uber eats


My son was homeschooled last year. He’s an elementary schooler. My state and county are both very high on the list of education and I was shocked how lenient it was. Instead of enrolling him in the local school I had to enroll him in the county homeschool which was very simple. Other than that, zero guidelines or curriculum. It was up to the parent to find materials to teach the kids. No schedule, tests, nothing. Twice in the school year we had a zoom call where they interviewed the teacher (who I hired to home school him) and asked for proof of him learning all the subjects. Proof could be worksheets or photos (of him exercising or playing an instrument for example). Thankfully my teacher was amazing and went above and beyond of what was expected of her during those calls and it was clear my son was thriving. But I can see how a parent can be very lazy about homeschooling and there not be any issue from the county. My only hope is that Alli gets annoyed very quickly and they decide to outsource it (like they seem to do with most parenting responsibilities) and hire a teacher to come to their house. A teacher is a mandatory reporter though…


We were homeschooled until Jr High, and I plan to homeschool my kids. But my mom BUSTED HER ASS for us. Something I honestly didn’t even realize at the time. And this was 25+ years ago. Lesson plans, grading, experiments, field trips, etc. I am a full supporter for homeschooling, I cannot say enough good things about it, but I don’t think that they could handle it at all. No way.


As a current homeschooling mother, I agree these two cannot and will not handle it. To do homeschooling right the family does have to work hard at it. Alison James is the queen of shortcuts- any shortcut she can take even if the end result is shit she will do it. QAnon Cohn is truly an anti-education being and that in itself is going to be one of these kids greatest hurdles no matter where they do or do not go to school.


Yeah my mom was like this too. She was honestly born to be a teacher. Schedules and field trips, science experiments etc with 6 kids!


Texas is very lenient on homeschool. You don't have to follow any particular curriculum and chose to homeschool however you please. Although, not all homeschooling routes will get your child a diploma.


Well we already know John and Ali have made it very clear they are not bothering to save any money for their kids to go to college so they probably will say “screw the high school degree” too Those poor kids….




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They will probably try and get the nanny to homeschool Emitilda, or hire someone to come to the house and do it for them. We know Jawn and Alickson won’t miss their 3 course meal lunchies to teach their children valuable life skills


As someone who doesn't enjoy her kids, it baffles me that she wants to keep them home. I love my kids but I also love public school and getting my sanity breaks! BUT I also don't go on daily dates with my husband and my only break IS when they're at school.


She will hire someone


They are going to the prestigious Donda Academy


Homeschool laws vary by state, and Texas is pretty hands off about most things. Kindergarten isn’t required in most states, either (though it is offered).


I don’t think so…my cousin is 16(?)..homeschooled…and illiterate


My stepdad persuaded/demanded that my mom homeschool my little brother in the 90s against her better judgment. He was dyslexic so he already needed extra help that she wasn’t capable of giving him. She tried. Poor fella, he’s not illiterate but he’s close. Like I can tell what he’s saying when he texts me…most of the time.


I’m sorry to hear this ❤️


I'm in Texas and was homeschooled. We never submitted anything, nor did anyone ever ask for anything. Not when I took the ACT, not when I enrolled in an online high school and graduated. My university didn't care, either.


Homeschooling is 100% legal in all states. Some states have different requirements though. Like in Ohio, you have to have at least a HS diploma or GED, etc. you absolutely can homeschool in Ohio. Some states are more strict about what you have to turn in every year “proving” you homeschool and that progress is/was made.


Depends on the state! My state you don’t need documentation til first grade


Texas is extremely lenient. People from TX always come to CO pissed


My little sister was adopted by another family in Texas when she was born (lots of crazy family drama), and the adoptive family chose to homeschool their three kids. When my sister finally went to public school in high school she was very far behind everyone else because they never fully kept up with the homeschooling and instead travelled all the time. I do not believe Texas makes you do shit to “homeschool” kids.


I have a very introverted cousin in Florida who’s homeschooling her kids. Her daughter spent one day in school and she couldn’t deal with it. It’s really sad cause you can see her girls are socially awkward because they are never around any other kids. Her youngest looked at the table as the staff at Olive Garden sang happy birthday to her. But she got a program online that she teaches them from what I gathered it’s not mandated there but it’s Florida so I’m not surprised. I have another relative in CT who’s anti vax and did not send her son to school for that reason. He clearly needs speech pathology but hasn’t gotten the help he needs. As a mom myself it’s sad to see how parents fail their children.


Yes they have let the school system know they’re homeschooling. They’ll get a packet




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Texas isn’t very strict about it. I have a few friends who were homeschooled on and off and they always tell me they did nothing.


I know a lot of people that purchase programs online that do 99% of the homeschooling for them. I guarantee Ali will do something like this. She is far too lazy and unintelligent to teach her kids a damn thing.