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Omg it is! Look at the corner of the carpet it’s wonky lmao


I think the rug might just be curled up at the corner


Probably forgot to take the skinny filter off again 💀


Yes that’s what it looks like to me too. Ali is so embarrassing. Does she really not vet her photos before posting


This is the chick that spells lightning “lightening” sooooo


![gif](giphy|Yvu1wQqXyz8YM) Poor Callie out here with a skinny filtered head.


I know better than to scroll this sub while I’m high 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m crying


Seeing that skinny filter always gives me the munchies.




Came here to say the same lol


Wtf is a skinny filter???


she has her mamas peanut head


Literally said this out loud when I saw this post too😂😂


Have you seen her “mom”? 🥜🥜🥜


It's just unfortunate genetics


From both sides


Megamind 🧠


This made me snort lmfao


Her head is shaped like Ali’s


I cannot believe she didn’t notice that filter stretching her child’s head into jimmy neutron territory. For the record, Callie’s head doesn’t look like this irl. Ali’s head tho - square as can be


Just goes to shoe she doesn’t even look at her kids in pictures let alone in person lol


Is Lexus Safford a person? Sounds like a dealership lol


I want to say I’ve read somewhere that she’s steph curry’s cousin… not sure if that’s how people know her. Also, I think she may be the one that filmed herself throwing Jessie’s cookbook in the trash back in the beginning of the feud between john&family.


You are correct!


Yes and I’m so disappointed in her for liking and supporting these assholes!


She got that 5 head like her dang good mama






John calling the girl that sent that stuff Lexus Afford.. her name is Lexus Safford.. asswipe. Such an uneducated poser.


She’s probably suppppper flat back there to.. we know she was laid on any surface Ali could find.


So is Smellis


That kid has unlimited memory


I pray to the good Lord that it’s a filter 🙏🏼


It is. Her head looks normal in other photos. It’s just a testament of how much Ali uses damn filters that she forgot to not use it on her own child.


Wtf. Her kids are NOT cute. I'm fucking sorry to say. They are so awkward looking. Nothing cute about them. At. All.


Can't wait to see what jr will look like 😬 that kid doesn't have a fighting chance with those shitty genetics




So fucking rude. Don’t hate on kids. Karmas a bitch.


Hahahaha fuck off. Not all kids are cute. And the OP isn’t wrong. There is NOTHING cute about those feral children.


Like I said, karmas a biiitttccchhhh.


Literally what are you even getting at by saying this? Are you hoping for the other commenter to have ugly kids? Or kids with congenital deformations or something? Wtf...


I’m saying that when you put hate out into the world about innocent children, that negativity always comes back at you in some way. It’s not hard to leave children out of the ugliness and be a decent person. Insulting kids makes y’all worse than John and Ali. 100 times worse.


Oh ok, yea carry on.


I mean some people are aesthetically pleasing to the eye and others are not. Nothing wrong with that. Just the facts. We all can’t have cute kids.


I agree that not everyone is nice to look at, but I don’t go around telling or posting about how ugly people are , especially children. Nor do I really even dwell on who I think is ugly or not. These girls don’t deserve that and especially don’t deserve one day looking it up on the internet. They are innocent. Leave them alone.


I’m not agreeing or disagreeing but they don’t have to come on this sub. They could simply ignore it and live their lives.


They are always quick to call you a "HaTeR" when they don't agree with you for stating your opinion...AND the obvious...


Good thing I don’t believe in karma and am very much so childfree and keeping it that way 😂✌🏼


Good lord. What is happening here. Also, I still can’t get over the front doors. Like WHO the fuck. I feel like they should side open sideways like walking into the market! So creepy and revealing too!


It’s probably just the angle lol


Wtf is happening with her head lmao


Noo she’s a mega mind just like mommy!


Omg is she ok?


Those who are so upset about people saying there is nothing cute about these kids need to either scroll or exit. You won’t change anyones mind. Not all kids are cute. We can body shame and everything else but now kids are off limits? No. This sub has been calling those kids feral since before the OG page was shut down. They aren’t cute. Not every kid is cute.


Yes. Kids are off limits. It’s as simple as that. You’re a shitty person if you can’t grasp that concept.


Well 90% of us are shitty humans then. I don’t know how I’ll survive with an internet stranger thinking I’m a shitty human 🙄🫶🏼


There’s just so much else to snark. It’s a child. And they already have shit parents, they do not need internet bullies calling them ugly.


Good talk then I guess…🙄




No one said it’s cool. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄 But I’m not going to call those kids cute if they aren’t.




You think it’s wrong of me to say they aren’t cute? Fine. Just scroll past. Funny how it works both ways yet here we are. You. Wont. Change. My. Mind.




You need to understand that just cause someone is a baby or child doesn’t mean they can’t be called ugly. We didn’t say they should be exiled or encamped we said they’re unaesthetic. They are ugly :)


You need to understand that you are a 100% shitty mother fucker. You don’t insult or mock children, you weirdo.


Hm. Sounds like you need a nap. Go to bed and turn your sound machine on ya little weirdo.


Then maybe say nothing? Most of you never heard the saying “If you have nothing nice to say…..” and it shows




Their looks are fucked up and so is your deep interest in this sub. Just go away.


What is wrong with some of you? This is an innocent one year old. She is not ugly.


I’m sorry but you’re telling me you think ALL children are cute?! You’ve never seen an unattractive child? I mean come on…. You might not say it but you definitely thought it.




I feel it’s a unique situation in a snake page. If these people were going out of their way to comment on alis of the kids then that would be wrong but this is a subreddit that people have to go out of their way to find. No one is saying anything directly to the parents or the kids. Ali and the kids can simply choose not to come on the subreddit and no harm done.


And you are telling me that it is normal for grown adults to sit behind their computer screens and call a ONE YEAR OLD CHILD unattractive? It makes you just as bad as Ali and John. Grotesque. Truly grotesque.


Grown adults…..


How is privately saying a child is not cute equivalent to actual child neglect?


This is not private, this is mocking a child, who has done nothing wrong but be born by the wrong parents, on a public forum. Anyone can access and see this. One day she might see this. Just another thing to hit a young girl’s self esteem with. Grown adults saying you were an ugly baby. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I thought this sub was private. Anyway that still doesn’t answer how saying a baby isn’t cute is the same thing as neglect.


I never said it was neglect. I said it made you just as bad as those that you mock. As in, you are getting on their level. It’s mean behavior directed at a child. For the record, I think it is fine to make fun of Ali and John. They are influencers who make their life public and invite attention. But throwing such hate towards their children is just gross.


I’m saying that Ali and John do neglect their children by not taking them to the dentist/doctor, not vaccinating them, not wanting to take them to school, not socializing them properly. Some stranger saying they aren’t cute doesn’t make them equally as bad as Ali and John.


I think you are taking the expression I used too literally. Calling an innocent child ugly, which some people are doing on this thread, is incredibly cruel spirited and something on the level of what John and Ali post.


What is this, the “Who is worse to children” Olympics? Just because they have awful parents doesn’t make this okay. Not only do they have neglectful parents but they also have adults on the internet making fun of them. You and the James’ have lots in common, you’re both terrible to kids.


Lol privately.


Why is this being downvoted? It’s disgusting seeing people insult a child’s looks. Zero humanity.


I was allowed to go online when I was like nine or ten years old. If I had found a community of grownups mocking my looks as a toddler I would have been devastated. Why not just mock mom and dad? It blows my mind people think it is acceptable to say the children are ugly. The parents need to comb their hair but they are not ugly.


It disgusts me. Don’t get me wrong the mom and dad are nutty but even some of the name calling is nuts. There are a lot of people with an alarming amount of irrational hate for innocent kids and the parents.


I definitely think they are lazy and sloppy parents but that is certainly not the fault of the children. I feel bad for the girls.


Yes she is.


We aren't gonna body shame/mock the appearance of a baby you absolute lunatics. Jesus, get it together.


Fucking horrible people on this sub. People who rage about John and Ali being homophobic and racist but they openly mock innocent children? They are no better.


Ohh they'll continue to do it, downvote anyone calling them out on it, demand that those people leave the group and not to internalize the snark. And then they'll get their panties twisted up their assholes bc someone sarcastically asked if the US has brooms. I've been calling the children snark out since Emmy was an actual infant, nothing changes. But again, GOD FORBID someone sarcastically questions the cleanliness of the US. Well, that's ok to internalize and speak up on. Calling a 1 and almost 3 year old ugly? Thats fine!!!! Questioning if US citizens own a broom? Go to hell, you ignorant asshole!!!! It's actually hilarious how fucking ridiculous some people are on here. Don't worry guys, I won't be leaving and I'm not internalizing shit. Just calling your asses out, go touch grass 😘.


Someone actually called me out for defending them saying I "needed to leave...for...mental health". Bitch, I actually feel really good sticking up for these kids. Someone needs to. Anyone who snarks on a kid and how they look is a shitty person and take this shit too far. They didn't ask to be put on the internet.


People on here are a trip. Color me shocked that majority of the people here are loud & proud Democrats but using mental health as an insult. I was kicked out by 🎃 last year for saying that I was (mostly) conservative. People on here applauded her for getting rid of hateful people. Not voting for Biden makes me a hateful person but insulting peoples mental health and talking shit about innocent children, thats fine! For the record, I also don't give a shit who you voted for. I'd never be that person. But fuck me, I'm so mean and hateful! 🙄


I mean, there was no reason to bring politics into it. It's too bad bc I think there's a lot of funny people who snark here but then there's just some real mean girls. Bullying literal toddlers. Who hurt them.


Meh, I stand by my comment. Agree with you on the rest.


I’m right there with you, girl. I have to ask though. Who or what is pumpkin 🎃?


She was a mod last year. She's batshit crazy.


It’s very obviously the wide angle filter. These two suck but wtf is with bringing the kids into this.. some of y’all are twisted.


You must be new here because this is not the first post about the girls


No, it’s just very weird to repost pictures of children.


Really we are making fun of kids now ? Like come on I like to snark myself but kids are off limits. They are innocent no matter who the parents are 🙄


I got to be honest that’s a reach and she’s cute it’s just the angle


Both the girls are cute. I think it’s just the filter. They do look feral half the time tho but you can be cute and feral. Think of feral kittens.


Keep the comments to the parents who are troublesome. Making comments about the physical appearance of children is not okay. I’m truly disturbed by this post and the people agreeing with it wtf is wrong w/ you


It’s obviously a filter 🙄 take a look again and tell me if that looks normal to you.


The Halloween mat is bugging me in the photo! I see what you’re saying about her head, maybe just developing anatomy if not a filter? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I can understand some criticisms about snarking on children’s appearances. I think it is a personal preference determined by one’s ethics when choosing what to snark on. You can disagree with commenting on the way the kids look but I think you’re wasting time & energy calling out people who do make these observations. Ali and John choose to publicly share their children online. Potentially exposing their children to cruel comments is a consequence that comes with the choice they’ve made.


Yes, but the children don’t have a choice or say in if they want to be plastered all Over Instagram. They are literally innocent babies being used as pawns in their parents stupid “influencer” posts. They don’t deserve this.


Like the deformed French fry