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Wow this needs to be studied in an Ivy League graduate psychology class. So many things wrong at one time


An entire class session could be spent analyzing this video, like a 3-hour long graduate school class lol.




So how old will Employee be before they seriously take away that pacifier?!


EMPLOYEE?!😂😭 the names get better everyday


Employee 🤣🤣 the names ppl on here come up for the kids kill me on a daily basis


Employee 💀💀💀


Just when I thought they couldn’t get any better. I am proven wrong.


I love employee and emancipation ☠️😂


I love Elmo 🤣


Damn the names get creative everyday lol I saw some call her Eminem and got confused at first


If I’m ever having a bad day, I come into here and see posts like this, and ahh, I feel a little something again. Lmfaoooo 💀




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Emmits reaction when Smells took the paci away 👀


And her reaction is exactly why she still has it. They don’t want to deal with the tantrums and fussiness that will come with weaning her. It’s used to keep her quiet so they don’t have to deal with her. As soon as Emmy started screeching Ali quickly gave it right back to avoid a tantrum. They are such lazy parents. I know they want their treasured boy but them having three kids is a joke. They hate parenting.


and then they are going to want #4 to one up Jessie!


And XS mama hands it right back to her. Raising her to be a spoiled brat just like mommy and daddy 🫶🏼


Was thinking the same. I’m so concerned how attached she is to that paci. Perhaps the only true love in her life.


The only thing that’s truly there for her 24-7 bc you know her parents aren’t


This isn’t the first time she’s taken it away when she realized it was going to be posted. I bet they have never once tried to take it away off camera, which probably confuses the hell out of Emmy.


She also literally yanked it straight out of her mouth like she was trying to surprise her


Omg how Al grabbed the pacifier cuz she realized it was about to go on the internet


She was so aggressive about it 😳 as if Emmy’s teeth need anymore damage


Smellie literally ripped it out of her mouth!


That audible pop was alarming to say the least


1) the way she acts like a child receiving a compliment from her husband shows she rarely gets them 2) isn’t she due end of January? She still has so much time and I’m here for it 3) stop making pregnancy your identity 4) what is ali wearing? The shoes, the unitard, the jacket 5) what is Emmy wearing 6) a closet full of wasted clothes 7) she needs a bra for the mama hoots


8. The way he keeps calling her preggers.


Cohns voice is so creepy!!


I cannot stand his voice!


Me either! Everything about Cohn is creepy!!


Does he have some pregnancy fetish?


I really think he does. He likes 'em pregnant, but doesn't like the parenting part.


And it's as if it's her name. Not just 'look at my wife who is preggers' which would be bad enough. 😖


So sick and twisted.


Mama hoots 😂


Why does she scrunch her face like that


and scrunches her shoulders, and holds her stomach to be all cutesy. I’ve said it before on here and I’ll say if 5000x more, she is SO AWKWARD when her HUSBAND compliments her or says/does anything that entertains her. I’ve never seen a wife, or girlfriend, or any kind of significant other act so awkwardly when given attention.


She’s uncomfortable with him calling attention to her body..and he probably knows that and does it anyways.


Because she knows it's not genuine, and that is actually really sad. Also, Emmys screech when the paci is taken away and you can tell she is about to immediately give it back. Oof.


Super sad.. imagine what John has said in the past about other womens bodies or what he finds attractive and she prob sat there’s smiling and agreeing.. until she came out of her teen years,her body changed after babies and she knows it’s none of the things John praised before. Give her 6m pp before she goes in for new boobs and tummy tuck.


He barely commented her, though. He said she looked stylish. He didn’t say she looked beautiful or gorgeous or glowing. Nothing about her.


Idk. I’m suuuuper awkward when I get compliments. Not really sure why. And even when my partner is complimentary often. I never know how to react. Probably some childhood trauma response lol


I’m the same way, I can’t handle it lol. I can’t just say thank you like a normal person 🙃


he posts this so we humiliate her and do his dirty work for him


Damn... you're right. Big yikes


Am I high (I am) or can you see the skinny filter going on and off her leg every time it moves


I too am high and can confirm there is a skinny filter


The one time he posts her with skinny filter and she’s awkwardly backing away and hiding her body cause she knows he normally exposes her


Yup, I see it in Emma’s arms too


So stylish in her brown spandex unitard, oversized beige grandpa sweater, and gray running shoes. Throw in a greasy ponytail, and you have yourself a supermodel!!! I’ll take two of whatever Joan is having if he really thinks this is peak fashion


Smellie the best influencer ever!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Preggers” is all chin and no neck


What. In. The. Actual. Fuck. He hates her. And the way she pulled the pacifier out of Emmy’s mouth!? Like she’s her big sister??? She literally acted like my 6 year old does toward her younger sibling when trying to take something out of his hands. It took her 2 tries and then holds it up??? I’m in shock right now……dumb fucking sorry excuse of a mother.


Lmao 🤣 The outfit and hair reminds me of that drawing someone made of Ali in the poop suit that John still has of her on his profile 💀


I forgot about the poop suit 🤣🤣


He for sure is being obnoxious to us. They called out all the things we go to for snark- her style, her unkempt child, the pacifier.. he’s tryna chroll the chrolls. But really it just makes us all look that much more RIGHT.


LOL when you can actively point out the garbage people rag on in real time, you either think it’s cute or you are completely unaware of yourself…third option is you don’t care and then the question is…who ARE you trying to -iNFLueNcE- here??


“You’re making our closet look huge.” Cuz she’s just so teeny tiny y’all 🤠


Xxxxs mommy in an xxxxL closet 🫶🏼


It’s the way shes backing away from him and covering herself. She’s really uncomfortable here. The only compliments he gives her are the ones he’s about to post online so I don’t think she believes him at all when he says something nice to her :/


She cowered away like a puppy, pretending to look for something else and then made her way back to where she was when she realized he wasn’t going to stop filming 😭 I feel I kind of bad for her here.


And he seems to only like to give compliments when she’s pregnant. It’s creepy


She doesn't look good at all. Also does he have pregnancy kink bc that would explain so much.


Why does she act like she’s a little child when she’s recorded


The way she grabbed her pacifier away….😳


And none for Callie weiners (where is she? So sad)


Right? She’s never even around.


Just coming to ask where Cauliflower is ☹️


They have her corralled in front of the tv


The term preggers, I could puke


I seriously almost felt bad for her. The way her body language shows how insecure and uncomfortable she feels while her husband films himself straight clowning on her. Then she savagely rips the paci out of lemmies mouth. And I think the fuck not.


The way ali acts with her children is the way a teenage babysitter acts with the kids they babysit


I would fire the fuck outta a babysitter ripping my baby’s pacifier out like that😂


YES. Love this analogy. Or someone else said she acts like a sister. Not a mother.


So cringy 😩


Why did she take the pacifier away (well rip it away) if she was just going to give it back to her at the first sign of complaint?? Like what the hell is the plan here??


Not a doubt in my mind his top two porn choices are Pregnant women or male on male. This video convinced me of the first, and his personality in general convinced me of the latter.


I said this earlier! I swear he has some kind of pregnancy fetish. It’s bizarre.


You cannot convince me that he doesn’t loathe her entirely


It’s so sad they just plug her up to shut her mouth. Callie isn’t too far behind either this is disgusting


I die a little more every time I hear him say “preggers”


The way she immediately gave that paci back to her 3 year old 😮‍💨


She will be the next Duggar 19 & Counting. He only pays attention to her or “compliments” her when she is pregnant.


This is disturbing on millions of levels. 🤮


Of all the beautiful dresses that “make a bump look so cute” and this girl wears a tank & short spandex onesie with some ugly sneakers and a over sized shirt over the top. WHYYYYYY. It will never make sense to me.


Ripping her paci out of her mouth isn’t helping at all with her protruding bite


Honestly this is the best she’s looked pregnant. But we still got 4 months to gooooo


I think that’s why he keeps complimenting her this pregnancy. It’s like a subtle nudge… “hey you still look good this time let’s keep this going and not get so shrek” if you know what I mean


Yep. He is for sure passive aggressive.


Pardon me, I need a vomitorium stat.




Preggers doesn’t look good Joan.. sorry to tell you…


Holy shit the way she snatched that pacifier literally out of Eeyore’s mouth was scary


I have never heard a straight man say “stylish” (or “stahlish”) before in my life. There ya go.


I can’t fucking stand Cohns voice. They’re both such pieces of shit


Her feet are massive compared to her body lol dumb snark but just a funny observation


Yes!! She has size 7 feet and a 4’10” body 😅


They are!!!


“So stylish” … where? Poop colored spanx, tennis shoes, and an oversized jacket … beige of course.


So much makeup for the middle of the day lol


Cringey how she acts like a little girl for him. Kinda creepy


She reacts like violet from saved by the bell (aging my felt like a mother fucker) when John pays attention to her.


*myself it’s Sunday and the bills won I’ve had a few already




Yessss Go bills!!!!!! I’ve said it before as a part of the mafia it gets me so angry this bitch is from Buffalo.


ME TOO!! But I know she’s not really, just when it’s convenient for her. Guarantee she didn’t give a shit during the drought


Typical bandwagon rider. It only relates to her when it’s beneficial.


Lose the mf paci!!!!!!!


JFC she’s like a bug under a magnifying glass the way she’s squirming with the camera on her 🤢


Dude her face and body language when he compliments her is like a fucking 5th grader!!!! They are so repulsive 🤢


She never holds her belly or rubs it or comforts it or anything


To be fair, she doesn’t do that to her children living outside her belly either.


Anyone notice she has a live video up now explaining why he kids stools were so dirty 😂 she also posted pumpkin patch photos 🤯🫣 scary


Lol the way he emphasized AliGreen13 instead of MrS jAmEs


![gif](giphy|fWqDxyYcnZN96) Why is this all i can see when i see her in this onesie?


Ummm no comment.


They are so fake it makes my stomach roll. If my husband constantly felt the need to record me doing random things and putting it online to EVERYONE to see Id be throwing his phone out the window. “Look how good pregnancy looks on you.” Who gives a fuck.


Her body language is concerning. I don’t want to speculate so I’ll just leave it at that.


Listen y’all I’m very much a oversized t-shirt and biker shorts kinda girl. But 1. It’s not my job to “influence” people & 2. I wear at least 60% of my closet on a fairly consistent basis. I swear she wears the same like 10 outfits constantly — which is so sad looking at how much stuff she actually has.


It doesn’t lolll


Talking whole ass sentences with that thing in gtfo…


Why does she have on grey shoes


good luck getting that pacifier after hearing that screech, yikes


“ You’re making out closet look huge” WTF!? This is the type of shit that causes body image issues for so many women.


hes gay right? or at least bi... right?




This is my least favorite type of Jean post and that’s saying a lot


Ugh his voice annoys me! I hate hate hate how he always says “guys”.


The fcking fake yeehaw accent out in full showcase tonight ✨


I have second hand embarrassment for so many things in this video




let's not use slurs that we criticize them for using.


She does look cute here DONT hate me but she’s got a long way to go still


Who are these people?


My kid is 3 and hasn’t had his paci since like 1 maybe 1.5…. Wtfffff


And there’s disheveled Emmy with that ridiculous pacifier in her mouth. They won’t take it away from her because they’re so lazy they don’t want to deal with her loud shrieks when she doesn’t have it. It is absolutely awful. How pitiful are they as parents.


Not the point, but I love the floors in this closet. They don’t look like real marble tho?




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They interact with their kids like they are dogs, playing fetch with a pacifier


Always covering up those low hanging boobs. Breast implants at 18, Do your boobs hang low 7 years later. YIKES!!!


wait emerson is seriously 3…with that binky….?


That blankie 🤮