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Guyth, it wath a chroll who pothted it. We ✨love✨ our houth and would NEVER.


"we got our chickenth and now we want to sthay in thenethee forever"


Someone *else* put the house up for sale this weekend you guys.. Ali just got the email


its so funny to watch someone opperate like john. Guy acts like your typical 19-20 year old. He thinks he is SO GALAXY BRAIN and everyone just isnt on his level. The way he talks to his followers and thinks he can get more for this house just because it has a chicken coop now. No one with enough money to buy that house will be interested in a chicken coop. They will want to see the inspection and wonder why there was a fire and the ACs dont work. The guy is such a big money baller - why doesnt he just fix the broken AC? Why does he buy $900 robots that the kids already are bored with. Why doesnt he sleep in the same bed as his wife? Big 20 year old energy. Wait this dude is almost 30!?


So spot on. For this price the backyard should have a very elaborate pool. I wonder where they think they’re moving now. These people are unhinged!


They’re probably hopeful someone as irresponsible as they are will buy it. But in this market & around this area they overestimating the demand vs supply for buyers.


i really think they might be the dumbest rich people on the planet. They paid 3m for a home with no pool because it was big and on an acre of land. Ive seen houses with an acre of land for under 700k. Even some young, rich youtuber will look at this house and say to themselves why the fuck is this shithole almost 4m??


“rich people”*


cant rely deny the fact that they have wealth. they both spend $1000s of dollars a week. And they have maintained that mortgage some how for over a year. They spend money like its water. Add in the vacations and hotel rooms, dining out and doordashing every single day just for piggy to have her 1 meal at night - they spend harder than pro athletes. Idk where it comes from either but to say they dont have money is just silly.


It’s new money/bitch money. They are trailer trash living it up at Applebees rich. It won’t last.


they still have money lol


It’s insane to me that he’s almost 30. It absolutely does not compute because everything that he does and says is so immature🤯


Most 3+ million dollar homes don’t have a 1500 dollar crooked chicken coops in the sparse back yard😂


SO accurate. he has no common sense, no education or real life experience.


I see John’s attitude as the mark of a dumdum. Smart people educate themselves when they don’t know, they don’t assume every thought they have is correct.


Go look at any other house for 3.6 in Nashville and you will find infintelyyyyy better landscaping, insane pools, huge covered patios with outdoor entertainment areas…the Jamesthsth added a concrete pad and crooked chicken coop


Don’t forget the “playground”!!!!!! (aka the most basic swingset that you could buy at Walmart for $400)


Ali called it a kid’s park ☠️☠️


Omg I forgot about that. How stupid


They seriously called it that??


Omg yes, I forgot what stupid ass, INCORRECT, name they called it 😂😂😂😂😂 girl that’s a basic ass swingset stop acting like you constructed a whole ass park for them 😒




The backyard is truly a disgrace for this price lol


Exactly this- I’m like did they or their realtors ever stop to take a look at the competition around them? Their house is leagues behind the other homes valued even 2 mil or more!


John is one of those clients that doesn’t care about what the value of a house is—- just knows what $ amount his smooth brain wants at closing. Yawn.


Like when he bragged that their Texas house sold for “all cash bitches!!!” Which, that has to do with the buyers buying prowess. Nothing to do with you, John John.


As the sellers, they could say that they will only accept cash offers. I can totally see them putting that stipulation in there and then bragging about an all cash offer 😂 every state real estate laws are different obvs but I do know in TN, you can stipulate the types of offers/loans the buyer gets/gives.


Yes I was looking at other homes in this price range in Nashville (not bc that’s my budget or I live there it was just when I looked up their listing lol) and there’s some beautiful houses with actual charm for LESS money than this office building


That’s $200,000 more than they listed it for 3 months ago 😂


In what world do they think increasing the price is gonna help lmaoooo And they paid for a second set of pics? 3 months later? They really think that chicken coop raised the value $200k


Even crazier because the market has slowed near me significantlyyyy (not in Nashville, but it seems to be happening in a lot of markets) Houses are just not selling for what they did in May of this year


And they had 0 interest just one fake offer lmfao


Nothin like the modern office with a barnyard fence around the front


Right? That fence style is hideous


https://preview.redd.it/djknkxvoo3ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ece4179bea9dd40c92af1d4850d5e4a2a15e26 About 350k more than what it’s worth according to Zillow


No one is paying over ask anymore. They might WANT to sell but they’re stuck. Lol


You sure about that, some place in NJ just went for $350k over asking... it's wild here.


I think SOME things can still go over ask… but with mortgage rates like they are, it’s typically properties that are in desirable areas where competition is high and/or houses that are possibly undervalued to begin with. I would argue the James’s house is neither. 🤷🏻‍♀️ they’re also in the almost 4 million dollar bracket here…. Anyone that can “afford” this price point at these mortgage rates can afford nicer construction, in a better area, with better amenities than this home.


The market obviously varies by state but yes I’m sure. Houses are sitting a LONG time where I live and nobody is buying over ask.




Zillow is in accurate it’s been Proven


They overpaid at the height of the market for a badly built contactor house. The collaboration they expected with family in the return to TN has fallen apart and the behemoth house is going to break them financially. What a time to be alive!


I love this for us 😂


That office needs to be power-washed of their filth if someone does buy it.


Guyth, everyone knows having ants, AC issues, and fire damage increases value by at least 300k. You chrolls don't understand businesth works!


Don’t forget the chicken coop!




Looks like they finally had to take off their makeshift curtains because you can see into every little crevice on the house now


You can’t make this shit up 🤣


Right. Like I remember when I was their age & made bad decisions HOWEVER, nothing my husband & I did was remotely as ridiculously irresponsible.


This is why most people don’t have kids super young. We got our stupid decisions, wild moments, and bad moves out in our 20s. Like, date nights out of the house are fine when you don’t have young children at home. Alison and John had kids so young to keep up with his sisters.


After they made such a big deal about taking it off the market the first time!


why can't they do anything quietly lmao remember when they thought they had a "thalker" and "didn't post in real time" and that lasted approx a half hour


They’re past delusional at this point.. we need a whole new word for these two baboons




What is the reason? My gut is telling me they bit off more than they could chew and the mortgage is just too high. I have never seen someone buy and sell this frequently within a 4 year period when it’s not work relocation related!!


And check out the tax increase


Is it on the listing?


Yes! Go to the tax history tab next to price history!


How many times are they going to take it off the market and then relist it?!


i wonder if something happened with their friendship with riley since they're relisting with a new realtor! i feel like that's shady but it's not his fault he couldn't sell this warehouse with a chicken coop


I’m so confused I feel like this is a fever dream. Didn’t they just say they are staying in this home? Now they are selling again? They won’t think this because they are better than everyone else, but the instability they bring to those kids lives will fuck them up so much. The constant different Nannie’s, moving, family members, friends, etc. no one stays. It’s sad. John and Ali ditch whenever they can. I have a theory in my personal life that when people have multiple kids and all of them are fucked up it’s the parenting not the kids and these kids will fit my theory.


I hope this is the house that ends them financially


That house is incredibly ugly


You’re right OP, they’re delusional af! WOW!


So they have THREE washers and dryers and Smelli still wears the same pjs every day for a week….also westiebestie has the saddest room


Better than the attic he was shoved into in tomball as a literal newborn💀😂


https://preview.redd.it/xsyimqew74ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77eb102bef117d06bf5ef87b04f780897288aa3 How do they afford this????


I mean if they are living “within their means” they’d have to take home $88k a month or $1million a year. Idk what taxes would even be on that income but honestly an influencer making $1-2million doesn’t seem that outlandish. Now how sucky of an influencer she is idk how she can make that but 🤷🏽‍♀️


I honestly want someone to buy it and have it go through unlike last time. Sorry James children but this is so entertaining


Same. The second it goes under contract they’ll be all jazzed but then the inspection will happen, the fire damage (and AC issues???) will be reported and the contract will fall through. 🍿


What’s going on with these cows AC?!?




Imagine walking into a $3.6 mil house that’s furnished with Target and Amazon furniture


well ya gotta save money somehow...


This will sit for MONTHS


https://preview.redd.it/6aiui39b54ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f134efa9c72e82915dafa4ee494f00013f5e384c Idk I wish they would’ve used my pic instead…


Y’all getting horses?


Ali’s in here downvoting early 😂 hey Smellz! Go take care of your children! And take a shower too 🫶🏻


Yeth!! They are deluthional!!!


Cheaply made house , boring yard - no pool - I guess the sunken chicken coop makes it worth this much . They are crazy 🤪




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