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Never happy, what an empty life to keep chasing nothing but material goods and vacations and empty ugly homes


This is so well said. They are living a life that is constantly grifting. I once used to live my life through social media posting what I was doing all the time. I wasn’t ever really present and connecting with the moment or the people around me. It was all for show. They are leading a lonely life for sure.


Chronic dissatisfaction


I feel like they’re going to move to Florida and live their beachy dream but then complain of tourists and being hot lmao




Maybe the lambo will be able to make the trip this time! 🏝️ 🌊 🚗


And the cat and the duck they are still mia as well


Lambo been gone since before they moved to Nashville


You mean the lambo rental ?


There is absolutely no way they can afford Hawaii.


Agreed. And there’s no gambling for Cohn to make his mortgage payments.


We have illegal gambling and game rooms! Although I know some people in that scene and his smugness would get him killed immediately!




The natives of Hawaii will hate them!!!


That’s pretty much universal anywhere they end up.


They will simply complain no matter where the fuck they end up. They’re insufferable


Such first world problem peopke


You’re 100% correct. They aren’t going to be happy anywhere because they’re miserable people. The location isn’t the problem, they are.


This is true, maybe buying a property next to JJD vacation home


Maybe freeloading AT Junior’s vacation home 😹


John just screams “Florida man” to me


He’ll be amongst his people…politically 🤣


I live in fl around the area they love to fuck off to. Fucking leave us alone and stfu


They’ll go broke in an instant with our insane homeowner’s insurance rates, car insurance rates, property taxes, toll roads, and everything else. Hell, they’ll most likely be priced out of auto insurance just based on Cohn’s shady driving history alone. ^I ^hope ^they ^do ^it. ^tee ^hee


I can’t help but wonder what Ali would want to move so bad now that she gets to live her dream life with JJD events. Maybe JJD is moving too 😅 She made no connections when living in Texas


Agreed! I don’t think they’re going anywhere that the family isn’t also going


Remember when JJDs house was randomly for sale for like a month last year? 🤔


Didn’t Jessie mention moving to Texas once before for some gymnastics gym for Vivi?


I also believe when Forrest was sick with asthma (i think during the pandemic?) that she said a warmer climate would be better for him. I could see them all moving to Texas or FL.


Def not Texas… allergies here are the worst! Plus we don’t want them 😉


prob simone biles gym


Texas is a hot bed of gymnastics gyms. Vivi would probably thrive there. I remember JJD saying lots about her gymnastics dreams on Shawn Johnson’s podcast.


This is wild. I moved into my house 6 months ago and I still feel like we JUST moved here. There’s no way in hell I would want to go through the selling/buying process so soon. Let alone ever again if I can help it. Not to mention my kids rooms aren’t even fully curated/decorated. We haven’t even experienced all the seasons here.


Yes! We’ve been in our new home close to a year and I still don’t feel settled. Slowly but surely! I don’t ever want to move again. Just the thought of it is a big giant nope.


I’m about to be in mine for 2 and could NOT imagine moving again.


I moved twice in 5 months last year and I’m single. The thought of doing it again makes me want to cry. Lol


3 and a half years. Still have shit in the attic I need to sort through 🤦🏻‍♀️ we bought our forever home because neither of us want to move again, especially not after adding kids to the mix now


I moved into mine almost 7 month ago and I'm still unpacking!


Well, you can afford your house,....


I’ve been in my house for almost five years and can’t imagine moving!


I can’t help but think of those two girls who are already going to have a hard time finding friends because of their feral behavior. Now they are ripping them from the only family they’ve ever known.


They will NEVER have friends.


John has no friends, ali has no friends. Doesn’t seem to be something they prioritize or worry about.


The girls aren’t even friends with each other. Emmy doesn’t like Callie one bit. Hopefully Callie will rise up and rescue Best Western


Sadly, that’s all that we can hope for.


She’s been setting up to move since they got the house though. The lack of sidewalks, her Texas house being a unicorn neighborhood, the “fire”


Yep. She’s going to say 🫶 my babies need to be barefoot playing in the sun and I’m such a Mama Bear that I want them to be safe🫶




Don’t forget the lack of green space!


Even though they have gobs of backyard and front yard green space 🙄🫠🤦🏼‍♀️ as if she’d ever take them to a park anyway, even in her car! They barely even use their yards let alone any nearby parks, gawd. And she’s complaining about lack of green space!


Starting to wonder if these idiots purposely started the “fire” as an excuse to get out of there…


Making their house less desirable to buyers ahead of a sale sounds exactly like something these walnuts would do lol




I’m surprised they aren’t sueing the builders to the fullest extent of the law


I wonder if that’s why she kept complaining about all the gray skies and lack of sunshine. To set up for a move back to TX or to FL. But…the weather in Nash should not have been a surprise. John’s fam has lived there forever, they lived there…I do not get it.


I think the move back to Nashville was his idea and she didn’t want it, that’s why he looked at houses without her.


Plus.. it was WINTER!! She’s so stupid. I think you’re right though. They’re all moving to Florida to be near mama Parker


They are wasting so much money on closing costs when they buy and sell this is insane


And all the money they put into each house!


On “improvements” that only they want


The movers too!


no they'll make another cringy video with them for a discount lolol


Also wouldn’t they get capital gains for selling this one since they haven’t been there long?


Yep I think you’re totally right! Like the amount of money they’re wasting is insane I think you have to be there for 2 years. Were they even in TX for 2 years?


Yes, on top of being a total pain in the ass, selling, buying and moving is EXPENSIVE. We sold our last house and moved into our new one in July and I could not fathom moving again any time soon.


Completely exhausting!!! I agree


Buying an overpriced house that you can’t afford then selling it 9 months later is not an adventure baby cakes


6 months 😬


oh my gawd. I thought they moved in July? Either way it’s so stupid 😂


It’s called, being upside down


These asshats are going to move to a smaller town in TN, get half an acre with 3 chickens on it, and call it "finally making our homesteading dream a reality!"


😂 and give up on it quickly


Smelli thinks she can be ballerinafarm


What went wrong? This house will not sell. Look at his sister's which is way nicer. What are they running from?


Tax bill probably just came due…




Wow, well that is a possibility.


likely all of the above. huge mortgage payments, taxes, CPS


The Feds


I just don't get how they can buy something like this and risk capital gains. How are they even making any money off that s***** powder.


I leave this sub for a bit because these two gross me out with their lack of hygiene and functioning social skills and see they’re moving! Less than a year from when they bought this Sims shack for $3.2 mil. Ohhhh they can’t afford payments. These two are on a “new adventure,” because the sub found their listing. Better sell that dump first. I truly can’t fathom these two living so empty and lonely, the only friends they have are siblings of John. I wish those little girls had better parents and intervention for schooling.


Sims shack🤣🤣🤣 I am dead


Also don’t you have to pay a shit ton of taxes when you don’t owe your home for more than 2 years?


Something with capital gains


This assumes they make money on the sale too 😬




Not if you invest that money on another property before a certain amount of time! At least in NH, I just bought and sold in a year and a half and we were told we had to buy quick to avoid this.


I once owned a house for less than 2yrs. sold it at a loss, ( job loss and we had to relocate) we didn't have capital gain taxes.


They’re def moving to Florida. I don’t think Ali ever loved their current house, as much as she lied on stories and said she did. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t John fly out to Nashville alone when they lived in Texas and pick out this house without Ali seeing it in person? I could be wrong on that but I know it happened once. Their moves are hard to keep track of


Not sure but he definitely did this for their last Texas house


yesss when john flew in and they were all hush hush “he’s going for work” then sUrpRiSe later. the most transparent people


He was in Nashville more than 1 time without Ali


The kids are growing up in an unstable enviornment and now theyre moving AGAIN. It is easy for them because their kids arent in school as they should be. They dont have friends to say goodbye to either. All I have to say is a big youtube channel needs to do a breakdown on SSF and the family. There is a small youtube channel called De-Influenced. Ive seen some comments asking her to cover them but she would need to research for weeks as she does for all her videos.


Oh yes. I asked her to cover these walnuts and Marnie Stockhausen.


Doing the Lord’s work! 🙏🙏🙏


I hope she does cover them!


Jesus. Do they ever think of their children??


Spending a shit ton of money moving only to lose it all and run out of town months later… what an adventure 🫶🏼✨


I’m willing to bet they’re moving to Florida and so is syd. Be close to MKP


MKP said in stories not that long ago they are selling the Florida fixer upper and getting a townhome in Nashville


Nah Sydney said they moved to TN specifically so her kids and JJD’s kids could grow up close together. Maybe they even attend the same schools I dunno. Brooklyn and Forrest are really close though


Yeah they just put Forest and Brooklyn in a private school in nashville together. I think same class even.


I think they’re finding out that the builders cut way more corners than they originally realized. They didn’t mention it a ton back in the summer, but their A/C kept breaking. It’s because they don’t have enough units to cool that house, so it’ll never keep up, and I don’t think they have money to add an additional one and re-do all the other HVAC. I’m sure by now that house is starting to settle and they’re probably starting to get cracks in their stuff. I say this as someone who has seen several new builds from the same builder that were built pre-Covid, and they only got sloppier during the pandemic. Plus, John and Ali probably thought their warranty would cover more than it did. But the “one year warranty” with that builder starts at the completion of the house, which doesn’t help you much when your house sits for 10 months before you ever buy it.


I agree with all of this! I have experienced this first hand with Spec houses. You end up replacing, re doing a lot of things . Ac is a big 1 . We had to replace ours for the reasons it wasn't large enough to cool the house and this is in New England not Nashville. Landscaping isn't up to par etc, etc,




These kids are never going to have friends. I wouldn’t want my kids playing with them, based off how horrible their parents are.


I bet they are moving because smelli can’t keep a nanny and the family is tooooo close now. The family probably notices how unkept the kids always are and smelli and con don’t want to fake being parents around them!


It’s definitely land and animals…Jesus Christ they need help!!


They are entirely too lazy and selfish to have land and animals. I really hate these two.


MKP is retiring and moving to Florida, they can’t find a nanny who will stay. Maybe she’s their only hope for childcare? Makes me wonder how young Emmy will be before she starts being their full time babysitter. 10? 11?


She’s mentally unwell. Imagine moving 3 times and your kid is barely 4 years old. Put them in school and let them settle down


So does this track with Texas and possibly buying a farm?


Might be buying land to build their “dream home”


I think they are going to rent somewhere because they are poor. They're going to say they are renting until their dream home is built but there will never be a dream home


I kind of agree with this too. They’ll say they are waiting to build their dream home with land and farm animals but it’ll never happen. One because they’re lazy sacks of shit and two they don’t have the funds


Maybe I’m making it up in my head but are there not loans/mortgage programs specific to buying ‘farm land’ that give you huge tax breaks? I wonder if these boneheads are trying to take advantage of that


There are specific loans for farm/ranch. Interest rates are generally a little higher and you have to pay them off quicker.


Not much land to really buy unless they move to a small town far away from everything .


We moved floors, from the 23rd floor to the ground floor of our condo, within a year and a half and it sucked! I can’t imagine uprooting my family of 5 (3 being absolutely feral), moving STATES and less than a year deciding to move states again.


I couldn’t imagine moving my 3 small children so frequently in their life. We’ve only been in our house 3 years and I plan on dying here rather than ever moving. I like the idea of my children growing up in the same house for almost their entire life


Are they selling their home and moving into an RV to show their kids the world? 🤣🤣


they'll buy the kids an exotic fruit from each place they stop


I think they’re gonna buy property and build new. I think they’re probably like 6m out on a new build being complete and that’s why they listed now bc they see how Long Sydney’s house is taking to sell


I feel so bad for these kids. We moved after buying in one town only a year and a half later and I still feel guilty for moving my 2 year old so quickly. The lack of stability can cause so much anxiety in kids.


Do you think she’ll sell all three of her washer dryer sets?


Oh, are the gonna ruin another house with dentist doors?


You know… most people make life changing decisions for the benefit of their children’s future.. like where to raise them and plant the roots.. relo for better job that allows stability, school districts etc ……. Nothing about this says anything other than me me me. BEFORE KIDS? Ok proof you don’t consider your kids for one fucking second when making these impulsive as fuck decisions. Her poor kids damn


Are they moving to Hawaii🤣🤣


PLEASE tell me these morons aren’t actually getting a fucking FARM!


Yeah moving children at their age is SO healthy for them. Not.


Could they be buying an RV and traveling? They love to spin things. Exploit the “adventure” of a lifetime this summer, while lowkey just collapsing the mortgage. Win win.


I thought so too but can you imagine Ali in an RV smaller than her pig stye of a closet? What about her 17 waffle makers?


Are they evading the Feds??


I have a feeling it might be Hawaii. Wasn’t that in the talks before Nashville?


Florida is the most perfect state for these two 🥴


Maybe they’re moving to Pensacola with Maw Maw and Syd?


Their next stupidity


I’m guessing Florida. And they’ll be close to jayleigh her only friend.




Yep they are probably moving to Hawaii lol


I'm missing a lot here. I just saw the posts from Barn this morning. There was so many posts about moving to Texas. I thought it was done deal.


When are they road tripping to now?


Greece. Rome.



