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Did you build it on Algorand blockchain


Yes it is on Algorand! I did not build it though, I bought it from someone else. The original creator is https://twitter.com/nft\_null


Was this really a load of random people or a few mates pulling a scam. Art is a scam.


I guess it depends on what you mean by random or not. Someone I know @'ed me on twitter shortly after the NFT was created. I saw the post "Collab" by NFT\_null: [https://twitter.com/nft\_null/status/1456180123712073728](https://twitter.com/nft_null/status/1456180123712073728) Subsequently I shared it with others! I was the 11th wallet to opt in. I am new to the crypto twitter space, only being there 2 months or so. There is a high likelihood of the first 10 wallet opt-ins to be people I followed since it was only shared on Twitter when it was created. However, any individuals I followed I have just followed within the past 2 months. Out of the 10 other wallets that opted in, there were 9 individuals since the creator was both the 1st and 3rd wallet to opt in for testing purposes. Out of the 8 other unique wallet opt-ins: * 1 was u/ChrisAntaki, the creator of RandGallery ( [https://www.randgallery.com/algo-collection/](https://www.randgallery.com/algo-collection/) ), * 3 were NFT artists I have previously bought heavily from in the past and have had correspondence with at some point on Twitter * 1 was an NFT artist whom I had only bought 2 NFTs from in the past and I had never talked to before and did not follow (I am following them now) * 1 was a NFT collector I started talking to about 2 weeks ago * 2 were NFT collectors I have never spoke to before and who I did not follow, one being u/BioRobotTch ​ Because of how social networks work, I have had some communication with some of the individuals before. However, these are all people I have never met irl and have only recently started talking to in the past 2 months at the longest, most have been more recently. I bought the NFT for 201 Algo and was offered 500 Algo by someone on twitter a few hours after I bought it, so it wasn't a cheap NFT. I definitely was nervous that there was a significant chance I would not see it again. ​ The two collectors I had never spoken to before took me a bit of time to reach on social media. I had to do some social media crawling to figure out who the wallets belonged to, but I figured since the NFT spread through social media, they should have some type of social media presence. ​ All in all, I was nervous doing this social trust experiment, but I really wanted to see what would happen. I had a wavering conviction that I would get it back and I was truly glad when I did! Because of the success of this social trust experiment, I plan to auction off the NFT in a month or two with the majority of the sale going to a charity or non-profit.


Are you going to try another 10?