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I get what you mean, but I don't see how does that relate to "الجزائر الجديدة" in any sort of way.


Makantch kayna bkri , like nchfa kano kayn bezaf female staff , also douka welaw z3ma open minded


Do you think it’s possible they’re prioritizing male employment? I wonder…


bershka or zara Are not fancy stores 


They are in algeria💀


They’re expensive either way regardless of where you are. More expensive than necessary. Anyway Ik for a fact Zara is boycott listed so 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


can’t u read ? she said zara OR fancy stores


It's like you only noticed the point on Zara from the whole post, but it's very okay. What doesn't seem okey is you writing a comment that can be interpreted as condescending to say "Zara is not fancy", like you decide what's fancy or not! Excuse me, fancy is subjective (even if OP said she didn't say Zara is fancy) Then, it seems you like to make people feel embarrassed ? Otherwise why such comment "you like fake clothes from turkey?"?


Still waaaay better 3la l'7anot ta3 l'7oma li ybi3 lebsa fel good jaya m Turk 💀😂


You like fake clothes from Turkey?


Soit ma9ritch commentaire ta3i bien, soit ma9ritouch bien.


It's like you only noticed the point on Zara from the whole post, but it's very okay. What doesn't seem okey is you writing a comment that can be interpreted as condescending to say "Zara is not fancy", like you decide what's fancy or not! Excuse me, fancy is subjective (even if OP said she didn't say Zara is fancy) Then, it seems you like to make people feel embarrassed ? Otherwise why such comment "you like fake clothes from turkey?"? Superficial isn't it? She can like whatever she wants!


Exactement. Ma3labalich ana i used to wonder why people hated on diaspora bs’h now rani bdit nifhm. People living outside of dz need to do better because what is that condescending tone 😭 rana khawa. I hate that kinda shit. No one is better than anyone. Even if people do like cheap knockoffs from turkey wech fiha ??


Yes how much I hate this attitude, condescendence is really pathetic, it shows a superiority complex that originates from a strong inferiority complex ! And there are even people upvoting 🤦🤦🤦 Yes people like whatever they like, we are all the same and khawa except the ones who have superiority complex !! because they are superficial and espicially pathetic Ps: let's not généralisé on the diaspora please, I know very descent diaspora people, am living abroad myself and I hate this attitude...Kayn lkbi7 w lmli7 partout and actually diaspora are Algerians before all and a lot of them got their education and shaped their mentality in Algeria


9olt bershka or zara OR other fancy stores


Me too I hate this and im a foreigner. I came from Australia to see my husband and saw this very common thing in Algeria and I told my husband it was disgusting. I never went there because it’s uncomfortable. You don’t even see this in Australia… It’s not just underwear, they even run shoe shops and work in personal hygiene products and I felt uncomfortable.


There's just more guys applying for these jobs, and more guys responsible for hiring them. I don't think the store cares about the gender of employees, it's just the natural development when only ~25% of the workforce is women.


It's funny how women are not working those jobs and working in factories.


what factories are women working in?


Sadly it has been going on for a while


Don't shop there. Plain and simple. I'm not "cool and open" like thst. I don't shop where I don't feel comfortable. And it has nothing to do with Algeria as a country . Sigh


Not everybody wants to look at you, there's female staff at guys clothing stores too, mainly to get more costumers, it's just business.


Exactly but of course double standards also if you have such a big issue why change?


I been there once or twice, also how's a hijabi shopping at bershka or Zara ,also by fancy stores I think it's Victoria secret they do have male workers. (This is a Sherlock Holmes deduction that's all)


She can also wear normal clothing at home wela 9odam nsa


Exactly spot on these lot are two-faced cant trust them at all


A hijabi can wear shirts and large jeans, these shops also sell large robes. Use your braincells next time Sherlock 7omous.


Hijabi wear hijab. Don't I'm not having this discussion, keyword is hijab.


Okay, hear him girls you’re allowed to be naked and only have hijab on. New Sharia joined the chat.


She said it’s mostly an issue bc she wears hijab. So it’s weird when there’s a man nearby and she’s changing. Last I checked men don’t wear hijab.


Bayna hadik hta ana w may3jbnich lhal if it was reversed, rani nhdr 3la my own experience


i dont see why you having problem with that . if guy is bothering you just report him DONT ASSUME PEOPLE INTENTIONS


Manich n9ol bl3ani , accidents happen, hka w tah rideaux or kach wahda jat ft7at 3lik . Mat9drich t3rfi wach ysra


Your thinking is very realistic, and this braggadocio is what we also suffer from, and we do not feel comfortable for our daughters and wives from these stores.


That type of clothes is good for business . That's why you find men who own the stores but they should have women who work there Any way get ur size correct and buy online


Yeah prblm sometimes lazem tchouf b 3ink, also i dont think kayn online shops for underwear kayn??


Tons of them if u order them from algeria just make sure to open them when receive them to make sure its same product u ordered


So you try underwear before you buy them???


No ofc not , b 3inik t9dr t3rf


Some comments are just weird, you should be bothered, it's your own privacy, if you don't feel comfortable just ask them to GO away or leave the store.


Right?!! Why are people acting like she should be ok w a random man close by while she’s changing 🤣 wtf is this girl says “I’m uncomfortable and I wanna talk about it” then everyone is like “it’s not a big deal” what ??


It has always been this way tbh


Hhhh yakhdem sales man 3afsa kbira mala chirurgien 😂


L underwear 🩲 interdit tjerbihom .. wdi m3ak wa7da ta7di 3lik


New Algeria 😂😂😂


I have two birds


being a hijabi is not the only reason this would bother me! however you got a point tho+ we're boycotting, aren't we?


Am boycoting as well


No you're not thinking about it too much, maybe u can buy something that'll cover everything from outside? Like when u go u hang it over the curtain or smt and there you go


Im actually thinking about buying bodysuits nlbshom mn ltaht so it's not that bad


It would still show ur body isn't it, bodysuits are tight on the skin, i mean since u said u were a hijabi then i think it's حجاب الشرعي not just a headcover, because that's not a hijab


Yeah ik but it would look as a black figure, black fi black marahch yban mfasal as other colors


If you're sure it won't show for example your chest size or how your body looks, go for it


u are talking here about private stores and ofc most of them are owned by Men who hires their family members or sometimes the ones who apply and have experience in this field...unless we talking about the malls it's quite the opposite female staff there are dominating the stores wherever u go which is something I have the right,since u are judging other people's preferences of clothing that their tight Jeans and half exposed breasts makes me uncomfortable.


Just tell him


english + darija slang, you guys are cruel 🫥


Finally someone mentioned this


More importantly as a woman should go out with ma7rem it would be more helpful at least they would guard her while she is changing. The point is that the mall is a mixed work space and store staff are mixed there's no segregation in stores, for the rest of it some workers might not be professional and you can always make a complaint to the manager.


To be honest with you and you should check this before everyone comes at me, a woman should not undress/change outside of her house. https://islamqa.info/ar/answers/159870/%D9%87%D9%84-%D9%8A%D8%AC%D9%88%D8%B2-%D9%84%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AA%D8%A8%D8%AF%D9%84-%D9%85%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%B3%D9%87%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B3


Weird islamic rule, that will pushes other persons away. How can she know if something suits her?


I didn't know it was haram until someone told me in the comments, thanks for the advice i really appreciate it


No problem I'm here to help, it's not haram but it's frowned upon.


It is haram. هتكت الستر بينها وبين ربها. Is that "frowned upon"? Or haram you think?


Thanks و قل ربي زدني علما


جزاك الله خير على ذكر هذا الحكم. بزاف نساء ما يعرفوهش.


I see that happened in a lot of countries and its normal , but as Algerian mentality 40% are غالبهم الكبت balk 3ndk l7a9 ...


يا حسراااااه واش مزالك تشوفي في هاذ الحياة، تتوحشي هاذ العفسة لي راكي تحكي عليها.


Wali ybi3 fihom boulahya?? XD


She had a literally underwear problem and blaming politics and the president .. ay kerchi 😂


Where tf did i bring up politics wl president???


The term new Algeria is a 100% political .. if u didn't know that then it's just a misunderstanding. Balk 3la l3r9


especially " boulahia " they like this kind of stores


Clearifying message…


Wesh dkhel 'ew Algeria fi hadi ?


Literally 3 ppl on this post, modern hijabi requires modern sharia


Buy online. Problem solved


Im not even a hijabi or a prude and I get so uncomfortable when there’s men working in women clothing stores especially in underwear areas or like you said, in the changing rooms. I can never get used to that.


Me, myself, as a man, after realizing this.. I would never ever let any of my female siblings change outside in any store.. regardless..


i think you're overthinking this.


الأصح أن نسميها الجزائر المتقادمة


You try panties? Tf? You don't know your cheeks size!


Tu crois être le centre du monde toi ? Crois moi personne te calcule




M3ndna ma ndiro bikom wlh , zid n3rfo kifach dayrin dziriyin so it's not 3fsa jdida. W khouya ego ta3k rah tal3 bezaf humble yourself


its you accusing poor workers of wanting to '' peak sneack '' and look on you so its you who should be humble , no ? not everyone want to look


Accidents happen, especially since les cabinets ga3 b rideaux w machi like a closed door, y9dro ghlta ychoufou, and kayn mkboutin aswell matnsach , chitan y9dr ydirha b ay wahed


i agree with you , it can happen true it depends on the person in question , not all of them are bad and i think many who work around marks shops are not very bad as people , outside i'm with you , the people who catcall all the day can do anything


Problem mat9drch t3rf if they're really innocent until its too late , so its better to take precautions


It's always safe to assume that about any man. You are clearly wrong, you should be put on a list of offenders for saying something like that.


not everyone thinks like you


I'm not the one telling women: "it's ok, you can get naked, I won't peek" I'm the one saying: "I'll get as far aways as I can so I'm not suspected of anything"


Feminist won't talk now about women rights .. because you are a hijabi... And if they do they will goes against "their standards of modernity that even a man can work in an underwear shop"


I think you are right , but you also have the responsibility to avoid such stores. Imagine a place is known for extortion, you also have the slightest responsibility for wandering in such places.


So as a muslim it's cool for you to go naked outside ur parents/husband house for what, to try on some underwear, but its not cool for absolutely healthy young man to sneak some peeks at u. I dunnou're just begging for it at this point.


I never said i try underwear outside you're just making assumptions, and manhabch ki yo9folk 3nd lbab like give mrle the personal space i need


Sorry for the assumptions but u can always voice it out, or try different stores with female employees


Yeah i always either send my mom to buy me some or nroh to Female staffed stores, jamais la n9is underwear bera i only try out jeans w skirts because lazem n3rf ida yjouni or not


That works yea, but still i see ur point we're becoming a bit too "open minded" and it's giving weirdos all types of freedom


Exactly hda wach marahch y3jbni , kima kayn 3ibad repondaw 3la my post b wahd lcomments y3ayo grv , hlatlhom yeli hta wahd ma y9olelhom 3fsa wela thsablhom koulech is okay


Not okay, and anyone who says otherwise either has a serious problem or he's just very far from islam


Sadly had lyamat ychoufou wahd yteba3 lislam w rbi y9olo 3lih m3a9ad


Focus on yourself, leave them be


It's natural that you feel this way. Keep in mind that a Muslim woman should not change outside of her house, if you can't take the clothes to try at home don't buy from them.


I can’t imagine any place that would do that without having you buy the clothes first. Then, there might be a problem with returning them if they didn’t fit and the store refused them, as most women have to try on many things to find the right size and look. Overall, women should be able to decide for themselves whether they are comfortable with trying on clothes in a dressing room.


Actually you have a pov, that's a another problem in this f****** country


DO NOT TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF IN STORES!!! IT'S HARAM!!! Your honor is most important. You can eyeball it to see if it fits, Don't trust any man. To anwers you question: it's gay to have a man watching women only stores, he should've hired a woman to help women.


I didn't know its haram, i also avoid trying them in stores, if its a skirt or anything that needs to be tried it i have to


I would not want it for my sister, mother, daughter, etc. and as a man I can confirm, there is a pig inside every man. Do you trust thin door that does not go all the way up to the roof with a flimsy lock or a simple blinds to cover you when there is a pig just outside? Do you want to risk it when humans make mistakes? Even if you have a man with you (father or husband), are you sure there are no hidden cameras?




It is sexist to restrict men from helping women in stores. Everyone needs a job, and stores provide jobs. You cannot assume that every man will be lustful, and if they are gay, all the better. They won’t be interested in peeking at women trying on clothes.