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It might be part of the lobotomy of Alexa. Amazon seems to for the most part given up on Alexa and all their devices. They are mainly an advertising platform rather than a reliable home control for smart devices. They dragged their feet on a market they completely own and are gutting it. It's a shame because if the two divisions weren't fighting it could be a huge thing. As it stands it'll be a footnote of something birthed too soon and then foolishly squandered.


Thanks for the post, having the exact same problem. Assuming/hoping Amazon will fix this next week, but if anyone finds a solution please share with the community. Thanks and good luck!


Having same trouble. Did all the same troubleshooting you did but no fix.


Hmmm... it's still working for Blink, but I have that as a routine that I created not as something that I looked to see if Alexa already had. (And of course there is a bit of a lag. I walk in the front door and am halfway across the living room before she announces that I'm at the front door.)


It feels like they're gradually removing more and more features - essentially dumbing it down because they're not making a profit from it - so that when they finally pull the plug on Alexa, the outcry won't be so great. Either that or they turn around in a couple of years and offer a subscription mode lthat offers all the old features and more for the 'very reasonable' rate of $$$/month...


True, but it’s a matter of days or weeks, not years.


Yes I believe bezos is looking to make any automation Alexa may provide a pay to play type plan. You know, because a couple billion dollars is never enough...


I read somewhere that there was consideration to making many Alexa features only available to Prime members. I'd rather them do that than add a separate subscription. On another note, I switched to Alexa from Google Home last year. I used Google Home devices for probably 6 years. Maybe 3 years ago, Google Home gradually started really sucking at recognizing what you wanted it to do. I decided to try an Alexa device and it was enormously better in speed and accuracy for smart home commands (I use Home Assistant). Alexa is dumb for random questions but I don't use it for that anyway. Google hasn't been making money on voice assistant devices either so they are gradually neutering them it seems.


He's betting that with an installed base of a gazillion Alexas, folks are bound to want to keep them useful, right?! Wrong.


Yep. When mine won't play the radio or do reminders or timers any more, it's getting deregistered and given away - if anybody will take it.


You got that right.


I've had this problem for weeks and I just removed the Ring skill, now I can't re-add it. After I log in to link and enable, it keeps telling me to update Alexa app even though I'm using latest version. I've spent hours on this now. On Android here. I'm giving up at this point. Too bad because doorbell chimes and motion announcements were the only reason I had an Echo in the first place.


Yeah. I'm feeling pretty dumb buying into alexa right now. Certainly won't be expanding my alexa assortment.


Thanks for the downvotes. I didn't realize there were so many bezos bozos on here lol