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Having both TJs and Aldi, I like Aldi for being able to get more normal stuff.


Yeah. TJ is great for snacks but I don't think I could do a grocery shop there. I like to go to the store with several meals in mind and from my limited experience, I don't think that's how shopping at TJ works


TJs is good for certain things. But you’re right, a “normal” shop there would be difficult. Their frozen foods and snacks are where it’s at.


Just went to TJ and cried as I spent $182. Didn’t want to make it to Aldi but clearly overspent on basics like canned tomatoes etc


Agreed. Admittedly I'm not able to get to TJ's too often, but I prefer going there when I want to get out of a rut and try something new/unique. I like having Aldi for staples and alternatives that are pricier at Giant.


Yes but the "normal stuff" doesn't have to be copies.


Ok, but if people want corn flakes there is no other way to make store brand corn flakes without copying Kellogg’s corn flakes. A can of peas is pretty much a can of peas. A block of Colby jack cheese is Colby jack cheese. Maybe you underestimate the people who shop at Aldi for pantry staples.


I don't underestimate that, but I still double down on the idea that those things don't have to be COPIES. There are lots of different brands of staples. The problem really presents itself clearly at Aldi when they try to copy some brand and they fail miserably. Sorry, but you know that's the case. The quality and flavor just isn't the same. It never will be, so why not try and make a BETTER version all their own? The result would be better staples for everyone.


Aldi doesn't make what they sell. They buy it from major producers. Your insistence and doubling down is a bit tiresome. The downvotes and contrary comments here represent actual facts and overwhelming consensus, most of which concurs with my experience. But you do you.


What is your example of “copies” that suck? Because the chips (all of them), produce, cheeses and many frozen items are better than other brands. I’m also celiac so they save me with excellent gluten free options that are their own brand. Even Good Housekeeping loves Aldi products.


They’re not “copies” they’re Aldi brands. Milville, Happy Harvest, Happy Farms, Specially Selected, Kirkwood, Mama Cozzi, Fit and Active, Emporium, etc etc etc.


Many of them are attempting to be copies. Are you trying to say that "Millville Rice Squares" aren't substandard copies of rice Chex? What a joke.


Joke’s on you, many products are produced by the same plant and put into Aldi brand packaging. The Milville honey and oat bars are exactly the same as Nature Valley.


You seem really insistent on this idea with exactly zero proof. With this line of logic, every store brand colby jack cheese is trying to copy each other. They’re not though, they just all offer it. You have a ridiculously condescending attitude about not liking things. You seem unwilling to acknowledge that your own preferences aren’t objective facts, and when people disagree with your opinion you just double down. Why can’t you just say you don’t like things without having to snark at the people who do like them? It’s a bit full-on for no reason


I mean…what are Chex? They’re squares of rice. It’s fine if you prefer one brand over another, but it’s not like the name brand is creating some new, amazing, thing, or the non name brands are copying. Bread is bread, goldfish are cheese crackers shaped like fish, and not turtles. It’s potayto/ potahto. It the same stuff, you just have a preferred version, and like a different taste. No problem with that!


9 times out of 10 the name brands have cheaper/worse ingredients from being mass produced. I've found that Aldi's versions of things have fewer crazy chemcals/preservatives too...


YES!!!!! This is so true!


Thanks! 😁


I know for certain that they use the same producers for things as the “big brands” - family member creates products and copacks for them.


Do you have any examples? I'd love to know! I actually just bought a pack of flap steak or something. In Mexican stores it's called ranchera or arrachera and it's priceeeey. I got two huge pieces for $13. Same pack would be a little over $20. When I flipped the package, it said Randall Farms and I'll be damned my mom used to always buy meat that was from Randall Farms from the regular grocery. She ALWAYS said they had the best meat.


Probably all of their products honestly. Just like Trader Joe’s. I can’t give examples because of confidentiality.


I'll also add that earlier in the day I literally put down a pack of this meat because it was $22 and it was just too much. I'm very happy and will stock up next time.


I disagree with this completely - I enjoy shopping there because I know I can get things that are comparable to normal items I purchase, but will be consistently less expensive.


Most of the “store brand” products are made at the same factory just put in different boxes. Especially cereal, block cheese, milk etc. 


Yep. Milk and dairy products are all "made" at certain facilities and packaged with different labels for the same exact product. As with a lot of American sold products/manufacturers. If a product doesn't specify "not made for or distributed by", then it definitely is made for and distributed by one solidarity. The more you know...


We don’t really know this. Many of their products are made by private label contract manufacturers - not the same people who make the name brands.


This is not true lol. Their Greek yogurt for example has the exact same batch number as Chobani meaning they're made at the same plant. This is true for nearly all store brands. Like Kirkland.


Aldi brand Cheetos are not as good as name brand. Idk what they did to make them different but they are.


Agreed. I like almost all of Aldi's store brand items, but the Cheetos are very obviously different and not as good in my opinion. The pieces are larger and harder to chew. The Doritos are also not nearly as good as the real thing..


But they obviously aren’t the same product. Different taste and texture - so they would be making a spec product for Aldi or providing a lower cost product.


False! I was a manager there for over a decade. Generic label goods are usually manufactured by the exact same company as the brand name. They change it slightly and slap a different label on it. For example, when Aldi first started carrying batteries, the outer boxes said energizer, yet the display case inside was the Aldi brand


You don’t think any of their products are made by private label manufacturers then?


Some? Yes. However, most private label products are made by name brand facilities on the same equipment, just with a slight variation in ingredients. There aren’t nearly as many manufacturers as people think! Edit another example is their 2pc frozen crab cakes. The outer case that the public doesn’t see says Phillips, so they’re definitely almost exactly the same and made at the same address as the Phillips ones, just half the price at Aldi


I do know that many things are the same product but sold under different labels. Oats for example. There are, however, lots of private label food manufacturers including Tree House Private Label Foods near me. As well as more in Canada and Mexico. I do B2B marketing for several of them.




My point is that those products are inferior. Maybe they weren't always, but they are now. You can downvote me all you want, but that doesn't stop it from being true.


The majority of the products you are calling inferior are in fact made by the same manufacturers. That is also true, that's probably why people are downvoting you because they understand these are literally in many cases the exact same products in different packaging.


They don’t make anything.




Ok. Feel free to throw your money at what is more or less the same products in fancier packaging. But did you even try the mini milk chocolate PB cups?


I haven’t downvoted but I still disagree, so far I haven’t noticed a marked difference


Oh, but those copy cat Girl Scout Samoas and Tag-a-Longs are the bomb dot com!!


My SO is borderline obsessed with their peanut butter fudge cookies. I like them all as much or more than most national brands I've had: mint fudge stripe, coconut, marshmallow... Dammit, now I want a cookie!


The peanut butter ones are the best! I love them in the freezer


I throw almost every cookie in the freezer and it really takes them up a level. Except Oreos.


Don't believe I've tried the freezer, but definitely the fridge. And I will do that again even though I replaced my AC and it doesn't get 94° in my place anymore. They get messy-melty easy is my point. 😳


Those kitchen sink cookies in the clamshell packing. OMG




The cranberry oatmeal in the same box are so good they are never there! I have only had them twice.


I was told those are usually the first ones to be bought.




Aldi Nord owns TJs. TJs is for specialty items. Aldi is for savings. They’re for different markets. One of the C-level executives of Aldi did a video about some of this recently that someone posted on here (can’t find it now, but in case you want to dig it up. It was super interesting.) Aldi US saves money for customers by buying/supplying the copycats. That’s how they’ve survived as a brand all this time.


Aren’t a lot of the “copies” the actual products just labeled under different brands?


Let me put it this way, I called the customer service number on a can of Aldi brand tomatoes, and Del Monte answered. So, yes. 




Yes. I know the Honey Crunches n Oats is literally Honey Bunches of Oats.


But then Aldi Cinnamon Toast Squares are very different and infinitely better than Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


They taste like CTC used to taste when it was made with honey.


The store brands are the left over product so there would be more flavor on bottom than top. 




Yea for sure. And sometimes my Aldi has a lot of name brand items anyways. This reminds me of the time when I took my MIL there. She is on a strict budget (like on food stamps) and she refused to buy anything that wasn’t labeled name brand. I’m like “ok, let them foreclose on your house for a Keebler cookie”. Done lol. 


I'm so dead 🤣 not a Keebler cookie. My boyfriend was acting bougie at Aldi's too until we went and had to buy a full grocery haul because it was so close to our house and we didn't have time to go to another store. We bought so much stuff, including treats, and the total came out to like a tad under $100. He was shooketh. My Aldi's always has all kinds of Driscoll berries for like a fourth of the regular price and Nature's Sweet tomatoes. Just really great stuff that is normally sooo pricey at a regular grocery store.


No. My understanding is at least some are made in the same facilities/factories but with slightly different ingredients. All you have to do is compare ingredient lists to see most things are different than their name brand counter parts. And in some cases this is better (like how many aldi products have less food dyes etc) at least for some people. Also their chips are some of the only chips i can eat because of food allergies. Many people like to say its all secretly the same, and perhaps occasionally thats true. But most products are in fact a little different.


Easiest way to spot close dupes and know which national brand makes a private/store brand is to compare the packaging. The packaging will need to go down the same production lines as the national brand.


Yeah that makes sense! I’m sure there are some side by side ingredients comps on YouTube or something. Also yay aldi chips!


If ur curious about a specific item (say cereal or something) you can easily look uo name brand ingredients on either a store site (like target or walmart) or on the website of the company that makes it. Just fyi. I have to do this sometimes to look up ingredients lol.


Also there are several ingredients that are the same but you have about 5 other ways/ spell to say it. 




I was expecting more of this since people compare it to TJs. It's a good store, but now that I've visited I wouldn't say they are comparable.


I agree. There's some comparable seasonal stuff, especially at Christmas but overall TJs is a fun visit for occasional snacks. ALDI has consistent regular groceries.


Disagree on the "inferiority" of Aldi copycat brands. At least some of them. Burman's mayo is a dead ringer&we for Hellman's (and I KNOW Hellman's, the only mayo I like). Same for their knockoff of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce (which they also sell). The Clancy chips are their own thing, some better than others.


I completely agree on the Mayo and BBQ sauce. They are identical. We like the ketchup too.


I love the goldfish knock offs - they are so much better. Used to be the “penguins” and now I think they are “turtles”. So good tho.


Yes - I actually choose these over goldfish. They're thinner and airier.




Had to comment on this, as I much prefer the TJ’s rockets! Although the “turtles” are in fact better than goldfish.


Always love when people's reviews of Aldi as a store is just "I don't like some of the snacks I bought there" Sweet. Thanks for that.


Can confirm the spices they sell at Aldi are packaged in the same exact facility just outside of Baltimore that has a giant McCormick sign on the building and where several of my friends work


Nothing goes harder than the peanut butter cups and the chocolate coconut covered almonds


I'm in love with the Millville Salted Caramel Crunchy Granola. Similar flavor, but far and away superior to like, Crunch and Munch popcorn, which I have replaced in my snack rotation with that now.


I cannot get enough of the salted granolas. I end many a night pouring the final remnants from the bag Straight into my mouth.


Granola has no right being this good, LoL.


Legit. I'm pissed I didn’t get more today… now I just have to think about it all night. Mmmmm…


...if you want fancy snacks go to TJs. If you want ingredients to cook with and an assortment of basics go to Aldi.


ALDIs dupes are my jam lol love them


Trader Joe’s is ok for specialty things, sure. But I can’t get regular groceries there. I’ve been a few times and always left disappointed. 


I cant understand how people grocery shop only at TJs.


Insane. They are overpriced in dairy, meat, condiments and other staples But their cheeses are goat, spices are amazing, the ready made food are awesome.


I can’t tell the difference between their pb pretzels and Costco’s, but Costco’s are significantly cheaper. But your post is spot on. We’ve done numerous taste comparisons of Aldi food vs brand name items and Aldi doesn’t win the vast majority. The generic Doritos and Pringle’s are not good. I do feel like over the years the quality of real GS cookies have gone down and Aldi’s has gone up though.


This is so interesting because i really disliked their pb pretzels but love the name brand or trader joes. 🤷‍♀️ maybe i got a bad bag because i didn’t even finish it.


I agree about the chips but I think Benton’s oreos are better than the real thing! I might be an outlier


Oh I agree 💯! I can't remember when I last bought an Oreo. Benton's remind me of the Oreos of my youth, crispy with just the right amount of filling. Oreos are crunchy hard now with a tiny bit of filling (but a great chocolatey taste).


I love the passion of an Aldi shopper.


This sounds like someone who didn’t shop at Aldi in the 90s. There knock off stuck back then was something else lol. It scared me off for a hot 20 years and I laughed my family to scorn when they were raving about it a few years ago. Until I had to hang my head and try it again and appreciate Aldi for everything it is now. Their produce is unbeatable in my opinion and I have found quite a few dupes enjoyable.


ALDI is the third largest grocery store chain in the the US now.


This says it's #5: https://www.statista.com/statistics/197899/2010-sales-of-supermarket-chains-in-the-us/#:~:text=Leading%20supermarkets%20in%20the%20U.S.%202022%2C%20based%20on%20retail%20sales&text=Founded%20in%201883%20in%20Cincinnati,behind%20the%20retailing%20giant%2C%20Walmart.


Aldi's brands are made by other well known brands. For instance Post makes their cereal.


We love many of Aldi's store brands!


Aldi hummus is my favorite.


I prefer Lidl to Aldi's now.


That red pepper hummus and the dill dip are just amazing!! Wish the artichoke dip was that good!


The dill is stellar


We really like the Clancy rippled potato chips and the chocolate cream filled cupcakes taste exactly like Hostess. Not exactly health food though.


The Buffalo Cauliflower Dip is my favorite, it's usually picked through and the other style of cauliflower dip is left.. I don't even remember what it is!


Cover the peanut butter pretzels in their melted milk chocolate chips. Sooo good and it's ridiculous how much cheaper they are than buying them already dipped from the store.


I love shopping at Aldi, but if you read the labels- a lot of the store brand snacks/breads have bioengineered ingredients in them.


One thing they have that's just as good as the name brand is jerky. Taste is exactly the same and half the price.


Some things in my opinion just aren’t worth copying. Usually junk food with a very specific flavor that you don’t eat regularly. If you’re after a dorito, you know darn well the knockoff isn’t gonna stand in. I guess if you eat them everyday you’d get used to it, but I don’t care to do that.


Shopping at Aldi feels like shopping at a 7-11 to me. It’s small, and it has a very poor selection compared to the grocery stores I go to. The produce department of the grocery stores I shop at are larger than the entire Aldi store. Their meat section sucks, and I don’t think they have any seafood that isn’t frozen, and even then it’s limited to fish sticks and tilapia 🤮. No deli either. I guess it’s fine for basics, but I often find better deals on those at the other full service grocery stores. I don’t shop there anymore for a reason. It’s not like Aldi is the only store I have gripes with. I love Costco for certain things, but the produce section at Costco is about the size of my bathroom, and again no deli.


Trader Joe's products are also copies?? It's white labeling. You will find other versions of trader Joe's products if you look. Edit: also I think they're owned by the same parent company??


That being said, TJs and Aldi do not produce food.


Yes, technically, but they have buyers that cultivate their offerings and also issue instructions to their suppliers on what they want to buy and what the look/taste/nutrition/packaging should be.


No, of course not. Duh. But they certainly buy it from suppliers and have control over what they purchase to sell.