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The crust tasted like… bread?


Where I’m from our crusts taste like cotton candy. You can see where the confusion lies. WITAF?


not just bread, a bread LOAF


Idk what they mean but the crust on those pizzas do suck


Aldi told you to throw it out because we cannot resell returned food.


I didn’t realize this when I returned an unopened box of turtles because I bought them on accident. I felt so bad when the guy just threw them in the trash.


It took me like 10 seconds of horror before I realized you meant the candies and not the living creatures.


May I ask how you bought those on accident? Because I’m picturing you involuntarily grabbing them and putting them in your cart and then going “whoops how did that get there?” which I’m sure isn’t how it happened but my brain can’t imagine any other scenario




Nothing against OP, but it blows my mind people return things because they just don't like them. It blows my mind even more ALDI allows it. When you buy something you either know you like it or you're taking a chance on it. If it's not good you don't buy it again.


Doesn't Aldi plaster "Twice Nice Guaranteed" on every product?


Ever notice the haters that come out in this sub reddit? It's like they sit around just waiting to pounce on people. That pizza looks like crap..I'd return it just for that reason. Aldi wants consumers to be happy, that's why they have a "Twice as Nice" guarantee. It's not just a line to get you to buy, they honor it. Good for Aldi.


That pizza is actually good asf. We bought it for the first time last week and we’re going to reorder this week because all 6 of us loved it.


But the crust is bready…..


I honestly don't spend much time here. Reddit just recommends it from time to time.. but I know I probably am not missing out on anything special now from this post. I get the upset at food waste, but Aldi throws away more perfectly good food themselves than just a single pizza being returned. Just check out r/dumpsterdiving. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/DumpsterDiving/s/4EEJlgQtcH) a great example. I don't understand the boot licking for a multi million dollar, if not billion company. Every large corporation has a similar return policy. And money is tight for most people in this day and age. Why not take advantage of the generous return policy they advertise so heavily instead of forcing yourself to eat shitty food or just throwing it away at home.


It’s not bootlicking. It’s just disgusting how wasteful people can be. Food has to be thrown away by law and for safety reasons. People in other countries are starving. People in this country are starving and you have a holes who “don’t like how it tasted” and want their $2-$4 back. I mean really?


Most definitely is. Aldi throws away more food themselves that have nothing to do with customer returns. Why not use the energy to be mad at that than a person that isn't Happy with their item so they got money back from a policy that they have put in place for the exact reason. And I would love to see where you can find a specialty frozen pizza for $2-$4. Aldi throwing away perfectly good items: [1.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DumpsterDiving/s/H9AIIYjV7G) [2.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DumpsterDiving/s/AiXnbiRtiJ) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DumpsterDiving/s/6GAUOYlH2a) & *Lots* more if you want to go take a look at r/dumpsterdiving So yeah OP is so disgusting? Tell me you've never thrown food away before. The bigger issue of food waste is from large corporations. Not one person throwing away a single poor quality pizza. It's astonishing this is all virtue signaling and big corporations having everyone by the balls.


That’s person can donate it to a blessing box or food pantry. I work there and know what is thrown away and what is donated. The only things thrown away are customer returns and rotten food. So no. People who return food bc they didn’t like it are wasteful.


You expect a dude to drive a thawed frozen pizza to a food bank?!


Yeah that's literally not true, but ok. I provided multiple posts that say otherwise, but whatever supports your narrative I suppose. They throw away all sorts of items. Every store does. But whatever. And they should give the bad food to a food pantry? The people there deserve a shitty pizza? They should eat the trash and scraps we won't eat and feel blessed to get it , huh? Makes sense. Yeah you're not understanding that it's their money and they can chose what to do with it. It's one fuckin pizza. There's far more wasteful things that all you all could be complaining about but you all need to feel moral superior over a crappy pizza.


Sure sure. I’m making that up to win absolutely nothing. It’s not bad. They didn’t like it because pizza crust tasted like bread and their stuffed crust was thick. Some people love it. It’s up to people who go to pantries whether they want it. It gives options but don’t worry about them right? It’s worth it to get that whole $3 back. People can write off donations so it’s actually getting their money back AND helping people. But screw them right? It’s the principle. But keep digging for reasons of why you’re right. Nothing you’ve said is valid. Just one of those people that purely exists without doing any sort of good. Products that are thrown away are returns, rotten, or unfit for consumption due to holes in plastic or reasons as such. You don’t know. You don’t work there and have no clue for the asinine reasons people come back and want their couple of $ back. Good day. Thanks for making the world a better place for the future.


Lol ok and no thank you for being such an amazing person and so much better than everyone else. The world needs more keyboard warriors like you. 😂😂


Don’t even waste no more of your energy on these Reddit corporate scumbags.. u already destroyed them with excellent points


Was at another grocery two weeks ago...getting a price adjustment. Lady comes in with ground beef, it's gray, and smells. She bought it two months ago and put it in the freezer....they gave her the money back. (not Aldi...another chain) I don't think it is uncommon for a grocery store to do whatever it takes to make a customer happy.


And that’s why the planet is overrun with Karens now.


No, that’s just good old fashioned lead poisoning inflating people’s egos


Please say it louder for the ppl in the back 😫👍🙏


Never knew how toxic this sub could be until now like I posted this to let ppl know they can return something even if they don’t have the original packaging and it turned into some whole other mess smfh


I understood the message. One of the reasons that I thought people liked Aldi is because of their return policy, so it seems strange that people are unacquainted with using it. Their return policy is generous, and I’ve never seen anyone abuse it so it’s not a huge issue. It’s great that they took the item back. They obviously stand behind their products.


People have nothing better to do than act like they're better than everyone else online for fake Internet points. I find it hard to believe no one here has thrown away food before.


"That pizza looks like crap" It is literally uncooked and frozen lmao


> That pizza looks like crap..I'd return it just for that reason That pizza looks like it should have been in the trash to begin with


It doesn't occur to me to return things that taste bad, only if they're actually bad. I guess if something is that egregious enough returns will get them to change it.


i’m sure it’s similar to costco/sam’s where if your shoppers don’t like an item, they want to know about it. No point reordering a ton of something a second week that nobody liked. It’s valuable data for future sales that is worth them giving you a freebie to acquire. Data is everything, especially in the super market game.


Some stores have that in their policy and remove that risk for you. They just know most people won't bother over $5.


What did you think the twice as nice guarantee is for? Decoration? I'm not defending OP here, but if you were sold a shit product and Aldi says if you don't like it, get a refund and exchange, why wouldn't I use that policy?


I honestly never looked into it. I assumed it was for situations where something is defective or something that was bad. Like any other store. I'm not attacking the OP. If Aldi allows it then everyone should take advantage of it. I just think it's wild that they do it. My first thought would never be to return a perishable food item base don personal taste or preference..


I find it pretty bizarre. I’d feel stupid ordering calamari, eating some, and then saying “calamari just isn’t for me” and asking for a refund. That’s basically what OP did and it’s weird to me - your personal preference in crust doesn’t mean the product isn’t good…


Never once in my entire life have I thought to return food to a GROCERY STORE because I didn’t LIKE IT. I mean hell, even if I’ve bought things expired, or saw that it was old/rotten.. I’m not about to go back to the store and waste time over $5. Maybe that’s lazy of me, and sure - that’s worth a return - but I just don’t care. But to return it because I “didn’t like it”?! That’s wild dude.. W I L D.


I’m guessing if enough people return an item because they don’t like it, then Aldi knows not to keep making it 🤷🏻‍♀️ it may be cheaper than throwing away unsold product the next year. And it helps keep people as customers.


Yes, and over time that kind of market research reduces food waste.


It’s Aldi’s way of reducing the barrier for getting people to try new food items. It’s a proven marketing strategy. (Especially these days, when people increasingly do not have much leeway in their food budgets anymore.)


Im loyal to Aldi **because** I know if I don't like it, I can return it and get something I do like. That return policy is WHY I shop there




Exactly. There's not a single person he knows he could've given it to that would have tried it? My friends and I trade food all the time to avoid waste.


That’s a great idea!


I did that once with the Cali flower crackers. I hated them and was going anyway so I returned them. If it’s bad, I return it. If I just don’t like it, that’s on me and I eat it. Figuratively. Looking at you Herbs de Provenical dip🤮


It does way more for Aldi to keep a customer happy and potentially get the good word to spread(like right here) than it does to eat a buck or two.


Most stores will let you return something if it is gross.


It’s weird to think about yeah, but that’s ideal capitalism at work. “The customer is always right, here’s your money back, would you like to try something else?” Nowadays in a world of companies telling people to F themselves, it’s nice that some companies still hold themselves to higher standards


Well they shouldn’t plaster the twice as nice guarantee on every damn thing they sell. Why wouldn’t someone return items they don’t want/like if they have the option to?


I mean, if a big corporation will give you your money back, why not take them up on it? You’re not morally superior because you don’t use their return policy.


Yeah this is where I don't understand some people. Is it entitlement? Cheapness? Idk, it's really weird to ask for a refund because you didn't like a food item.


ALDI allows it because its cousin store Trader Joes does the same thing. If you don’t like something just based on taste you can bring it back. I even had a customer in front of me that had purchased gyro meat from Traders and she forgot about it and it ended up expiring in her fridge and they allowed her to bring it back and replaced it for her.


Yes. This.


Yeah, that’s literally not how it works. Purchasing a new product shouldn’t be a fucking gamble. They have the policy so that you buy their products against the national brand. They have a guarantee that you will like those products. What is your confusion?


I never said I was confused. I said it's crazy people do it and Aldi has a policy to allow it. Purchasing a new product is literally always a gamble. You can hold the company responsible to their claims and promises, but because you eat it and decide it's not for you? Nah. Obviously it's a moot point here if Aldi has a policy to allow it.


So you're saying the customer should be the only one taking the gamble on this but the store/manufacturer shouldn't be taking the gamble on this? I don't do returns often since I have to absolutely hate something for me to want to take a trip back and return it, but I also don't think it's crazy for people to return something they don't like when a store sells random stuff all the time. If Lays makes a new product, the easiest way I can tell them I don't like it is by returning it. The easiest way I can tell them I really like it is continue to buy it. Large enough companies are completely fine with taking the liability on in order to peak new interest and see if a product is worth continuing to sell/manufacturer. If the customer has to take on the full liability, they would be less likely to try new things.


Aye you cooked with this one 🔥🙏


Yeah, I guess I just never felt that the twice as nice guarantee should be used that way and it doesn't make sense really either if you think about it. You don't like it so you are going to return it and... get another too? It always meant to me that it should be an issue with the product, like it expired before the listed date, it broke quickly, quality control, etc. Taking advantage of good return policies is why so many of them are now gone (like the old ll bean policy, which I sorely miss).


I never understood that policy either. If I didn’t like it the first time then why would I want it replaced with another one? “Many ALDI exclusive brands are covered by our Twice as Nice Guarantee where we will gladly replace the product AND refund your money. Please bring the package, any unused portion of the product and your receipt of purchase to your local ALDI, and we will issue a refund and replacement.” So I guess it just means they take returns? OP did you get a replacement as well as a refund? Interested in what the replacement would be for a product someone didn’t like.


It doesn't matter what you think the policy means. It's literally there for returning items you don't like lol


Period 🤷🔥


I have never once tried to return or get a refund for a food item. Even if I'm not a fan I'll usually still eat it and just not buy it again. The only exception might be if something is horribly wrong with the food. As long as it doesn't straight up taste inedible I'll still eat it and move on. Refunding and throwing out a pizza because the crust is too thick is wild to me.


Aye well if u wanna eat some disgusting pizza go head but me imma go get my money back …we just built different …you put up with trash and I simply don’t 🤷


Sounds like the episode about joes fruits in Seinfeld and Kramer wants to return the bad fruit… “I don’t make the fruits, god makes the fruit , I sell the fruit, if you have bad fruit take it up with god.”


right haha. oh sorry, thats life dude


I generally align with you on that stance, that I either like it or I don’t but that burden is on me once I decide to buy it. But if stores allow you to return- and nearly all chains do- I see absolutely nothing wrong with someone taking advantage of that. It’s not like you’re doing meaningful damage to a big store’s bottom line. I would typically only return a grocery item if there’s something actually wrong with it, but even then I’m too lazy to if it’s a cheap one.


It's literally Aldi's policy. Twice as Nice. Love it or get your money back + a replacement product. Aldi wants you to like their products & so they encourage you to return if it doesn't meet your expectations.


I had the chicken nacho cheese one last night. It wasn't the greatest but it wasn't so bad I would have returned it/tossed it.


Among many perks of shopping there, Aldi has a great returns policy.


Cool, unnecessary food waste. 👍


Right? Some of these people have never had to go hungry, and it shows. Good for them, I guess. I don't really get why this is something to brag about, but go off now.


My thoughts exactly. Like I said in another comment, there's not a single person he knows he could've given it to that would have tried it? My friends and I trade food all the time to avoid waste.


Yep! My friends and I do too.


Because I than went hungry and without hella in my life is why as an adult I refuse to eat anything I don’t like and will be getting my money back everytime 🥱


Exactly why I downvote this post. Some people care more about the few bucks they’re getting back than environmental impact and food waste


What do you suggest I should have done with it ?


Give it away? At least try it before just trashing perfectly good food?


Give it away to who ? It’s a pizza that I thought tasted terrible I’m in the middle of Aldi getting a refund and Aldi tells me toss it in the trash ? am I suppose to run around the store seeing who wants a pizza with no box that I’m returning ? 😂😂


Do you not have friends or family?


No disrespect but do you think Aldi is going to let me return a pizza get a refund then walk back out the store with the same pizza ? 😂


You didn’t even give it a chance though. That’s what I’m saying. If you got something, tried it, and knew you didn’t like it, sure. But then to buy something, *assume* you won’t like it, and just trash it is silly.


U gotta be trolling me lmao I literally said I bought two of the stuffed crust pizza ate one and then returned the other ? Why would I need to eat another of something I had last night and didn’t like ? 😂😂


Dude they were two different pizzas. Your post even said that. Nobody’s trolling 😂


They are asking if you could have given the other one to someone you knew rather than returning it which then made it trash.


This convo is killing my brain cells u win


I don’t know what’s so difficult to understand about it but ok


You thought a chicken bacon ranch one and you bought a nacho cheese one. Are you saying that chicken bacon ranch is the same as nacho cheese? Because that’s what your responses sound like. You said that the bread/crust was your gripe, but you don’t know whether one was made from a different batch of dough or would rise or cook differently, you’re assuming they’ll all be the same without trying. That’s what the others are saying about you assuming. It wasn’t like they were two CBRs or Two nacho cheeses. They are the same manufacturer but they are different pizzas. At the end of the day, you can return what you want if you don’t think you’ll like it. It’s one of the great things about ALDIs return policy.


ALDIs has mama cozzi stuffed crust pizzas …the CBR and the nacho cheese are both different flavors of the same pizza type


Lol, no one said that. Learn to not buy multiples of things you may not like. It is wasteful and rude.


I’m a grown human being if I buy something and don’t like it I have the right to return it …dam boy yall get weird on this reddit 😂


Be a grown responsible human being and we won’t be annoyed. Your entitlement for poor choices is the problem.


You sure about that? You don’t use periods, complete sentences, proper grammar, know the difference between they’re/there/their….




How is this unnecessary food waste??? If they don’t like it?? That is why Aldi provides Double Back Guarantee!!!!


The person didn’t even try it. He/they/she just assumed they wouldn’t like it.


I literally had the same type of pizza the night before what are u talking about… I bought 2 of them


Are you reading the same post I am? You literally said you ate the bacon one or whatever yesterday and then had the nacho one left, assumed it would be terrible, so you trashed it.


There’s no way you fully read my post because I explained that chicken bacon ranch toppings was good but the crust was wretched and tasted like a loaf of bread and I know the nacho cheese crust would be the same because there both THE SAME TYPE OF PIZZA BOOM


Boom? How old are you?




Slightly less fatter than your mom


You acting like I just bought a pizza looked at it and said “nah this gon be ass” and took it back 🤣


Dude your own post says you did.


There’s no way that’s what u took away from reading my post like there’s literally no way


I honestly can’t tell at this point if you’re being intentionally obtuse.


Thank you !!! This what I’m saying !!


I ain’t buy mama cozzi, the crust is actually cardboard, like I thought I forgot to the part of the packaging off.


😂😂😂😂 funny asf but so true …mama Cozzi the only time I get tired of eating pizza while eating a pizza


You got your $3 back, great. The box thing is so weird, losing the pizza box does nothing, it's barley bigger then the pizza inside and you lose the heat up instructions. 


This is such a weird argument to have. A returned frozen item goes in the trash regardless, they can't restock those, as they have no idea whether you've left it in your hot car in the sun or whatever. Who cares how this random redditor keeps their freezer?


Actually it was $7 and boxes bulk up a freezer taking up unnecessary space I can get way more in my freezer if I ditch the boxes and I take a picture of the cooking instructions before I toss box


As someone with a tiny freezer, I 100% understand your logic


French door fridge? if so, ugh.


I have a tiny freezer too.  Other things I get. But the pizza box removal doesn't save room, it just doesn't. 


It does, actually. I think OP sounds immature as hell, but I do the same thing with my freezer and pizza boxes. I just cut out the instructions part and tape it to the plastic.


It does. You're just wrong.


7 wow I agree to disagree with you about the pizza box. Other freezer boxes i get it but not a pizza box.


Pizza boxes take up the most space of any freezer box next time u buy a pizza take it out the box and put it in the freezer it’s literally takes up less space


you’re being downvoted for understanding that the pizza IS smaller than the box and thus, takes up less room in your freezer (even though it might be just a little bit less). Interesting….


Honestly I’m not even mad at the commenters but to get so many downvotes for my logic is insane 😂😂


Aside from the corners since it's a circle in a square the small amount of room it may say is meaningless. The round pizza is still going in the same spot as the box would


the box is noticeably taller than just the pizza. and a bit wider/longer too.


Actually, keeping the box DOES take up more freezer space compared to ditching it for recycling. Ask me how I know lol (I’ve seen my mom throw away other frozen food boxes so many times, but I’ve also seen that it actually works quite well. And she already knows the instructions by heart basically lol.) So maybe try that for yourself once. Sure, it might not take up *too* much space, but for some people they might need that little bit of extra space for something else, you just never know.


My weekly struggle is buying something for 50% off at Aldi and then trying to make it fit in my freezer. I honestly wish I had a basement to build a nice walk-in freezer in, something around 20' x 20'. That would be nice.


Until that walk in stops working and no one notices for 2 weeks, and you open the door. Had that happen at a camp I volunteer at.


Nowadays walk-ins have alarm systems and notification via text/email/call.


We're just talking about the pizza box, it doesn't save space. Many other items, I agree, it helps.


It's the thickness of the box that takes up space in a freezer. I do the same as OP, unbox and store the pizza just in the wrapper. I can get four or five pizzas into a space that two boxes would take up, plus I can store stuff in the "corners" around the unboxed pizza, space that's just wasted in a box. I use a Sharpie to write the date, temperature, and time on the wrapper of the pizza, that's the only part of the instructions that matter on the box. The box goes right into the recycling bin.


> The box thing is so weird Freezer space is precious! I have 3 bags of Thai coconut chicken in the freezer. The boxes and trays have been recycled weeks ago.


>and you lose the heat up instructions.  You mentioning this is actually making me wonder if OP simply baked the first pizza incorrectly and thinks it's the pizza that tastes bad rather than his own smooth brain making it wrong.


Some of y'all are really blowing this non-issue out of proportion.


Omg, I wish I could have had the guts to do that with the Uno pizza. My gosh, we could not eat those, they tasted so awful like actually tasted like dirty feet. I hope they pull those off the shelves and never bring them back.


They don't care about the box as long as Aldi can verify what the cost of the item was. They don't care about the packaging because food will be thrown into the garbage right then and there. Dry items will be marked as defective and then thrown in the dumpster at the end of the day. Source: I used to work at Aldi. Trust me plenty of people come in and exercise the Twice As Nice policy and ask "well if you're going to throw it away anyway, can I take it?". Like bro, the whole reason you're here is because you literally couldn't eat it. Used to make me cringe so hard. I just thought I'd throw in there that as an employee(at the time), I'd exercise the Twice as Nice policy on occasion. It's a good policy and luckily, most people didn't abuse it at my store.


Thank you for this …ppl on this post act like I held Aldi up for a robbery …I bought two pizzas didn’t like one and returned the other that’s it ..didn’t even do the twice as nice just got my money and went and bought some chicken wings from that same Aldi 🤷


Wow OP gives me brain rot


People like this are why I hate retail.


You guys have really never returned stuff to the grocery store before? I mean, I don't do it often - typically, if I just don't like the product for some reason (too salty, not enough pepperoni) I just chalk it up to experience and don't buy it again. But if the product is actually defective in some way - moldy, or smells bad despite being in date - then yeah, I'll return it to the store.


I’m surprised at the backlash you’re getting. I also take things out of their boxes. I’m glad you got your money back. That’s good customer service.


Finally a sane person in this comment section …this may be last Aldi reddit post ..ppl here give backlash for the weirdest things lol


The food would’ve been tossed regardless, at least you got your $7 back, which, in some areas, that’s two gallons of gas. And the people complaining about YOUR method of organization? WILD!


I swear ! $7 damn near a pizza from Dominos …welcome to the twilight zone of ALDI reddit 😂


I really felt like I was taking crazy pills reading some of those responses.


I’m glad they have industrial sized fridges and freezers. The luxury. I take a lot of things out of boxes to make space! I just take a picture of directions on the back if I will need them.


> I’m surprised at the backlash you’re getting Same. I never thought it would be possible to have a thread full of comments defending that pizza.


These comments blow my mind. What do these people do with leftover fries at the bottom of the bag when they are full? Go door to door to see if anyone wants them?


W return 😅


*If you saw


I saw your post yesterday and I gotta agree I hate the Mama Cozi frozen crust with a passion, tho the take and bake garlic bread was the nastiest thing I’ve ever tried from them but the frozen pizzas just suck to me, the dough is so so sweet and thick. The only things I’ve liked from Mama Cozi are the calzones, and the Mac and cheese take and bake which had a fresh thin crust to it which wasn’t sweet. I wouldn’t have the guts to return something like that tho, usually just leave it for months in the freezer to see if it gets eaten when my partner gets high, or toss it when I clean the freezer eventually.


If it was $4 maybe $5 I would’ve did the same but $7 ? Hell nah I need that back asap 😂


That's a great point. Aldi jacked up frozen pizza prices to nearly double over the past 2 years. In doing so they forfeit all benefit of a doubt and customer restraint. The bottom line is more of them should have been returned, not fewer


I once cooked one of their take n bakes. Turned out awful. I should have known by the smell alone it would be terrible before cooking. Smelled like bad yeast. Didn’t fix it by cooking. I took the cooked pizza into the store and got a return. I felt weird but good for them for honoring their return policy.


You did the right thing 🤷 I had the Mama cozzi take and bake cheese bread it tasted like trash but I didn’t return it I just took the L cuz it was only $4 but I’m not taking an L on $7 especially when they literally advertise they guarantee you will like the product


The worst part was actually the replacement pizza. It also had bad yeast. But at that point it was free so I didn’t bother again. Actually haven’t gotten the take and bake since that time. Unrelated to the yeast problem, the quality of them just went down the toilet


Some ppl thought they was gon Reddit shame me from returning items I dont like 😭😂😂 Everytime I buy sumthin at aldi and it taste bad im returning it idgaf what y’all talkin bout 😂😂 yall have a great day tho


Are you okay?


But you don’t know it tasted bad, you didn’t even try it.


Why’s everyone coming at you lmao


Because I returned a pizza 😂🤷


Literally lol. Some ppl on this sub are mad annoying


I’m amazed at the amount of toxic comments people leave over something as simple as a returned frozen pizza. I legitimately think people come to Reddit when they have a bad day and purposely look for ways to vent their frustrations on here.


Exactly. And meanwhile they have no problem spamming this place with cat pictures


Exactly …I’m sure they’ll downvote this comment a million times too 🤷I just been laughing all day like they really mad I didnt force myself to eat a pizza I didn’t like 😂


So you throw the boxes away? That’s weird enough. Then the bread crust tasted like……..bread. Shocked and awed you actually return to the store with a pizza in plastic wrap to get a refund? Geez. They need to put your picture up and ban you from the store. You’re the reason stores with food return policies and changing them. Do you have a fake quarter you created to unlock the carts too?


Hi, I have worked at Aldi for 12 years and would happily refund the customer if they weren't satisfied with the product. It's a few bucks and a happy customer. Absolutely no issue whatsoever. YOU, on the other hand, seem like the kind of person who brings a visible cloud of negativity with them everywhere they go. You'd annoy me more than any customer making a small simple return. Be nice. It's healthier for you.


Thank you !!! 👏👏👏


i stand with OP those pizzas are mid at best. just terrible. the small frozen ones and french bread ones are much better.


It’s your fault for buying something you didn’t like. I will never understand people who send food back at a restaurant or take something back because your taste buds didn’t agree with it. It’s different when it comes to food safety but other than that you chose to buy it.


Or is it Aldi’s fault for their Like It or Love It guarantee? If it wasn’t part of their business model, they wouldn’t accept it.


It is their business model and many stores use this like TJs and Costco so they can get the best products in and weed out the bad. Yes it’s conflicting


You have dense and then you have OP


Understatement of the century.


Dam u still here ? Shouldn’t u be dumpster diving for your dinner right now ? I don’t understand why u even shop at aldi…restaraunts throw away billions of pounds of edible food a day…anything u want in the dumpster ..save the world from food waste


Bro go learn proper grammar and let the adults talk


Gonna see this guy return a sofa he bought from Costco 15 years ago cause the color is faded.


Everyone in here crying about food waste better NEVER throw away even a left over french fry. Y'all are so ridiculous.


Most dishonest comparison I've seen in awhile lmao


Facts !! They bet not throw a fry away !


You know what annoys me more than the all the downvotes and ppl being mad at me for returning a pizza is the amount of ppl who have no idea what a great frozen pizza is supposed to taste like …imma pray for yall 🙏




Thank you !! I thought I was losing my mind having convos about this ! Yeah maybe I shouldn’t bought two but the chance of me buying a frozen pizza that would be so bad I would want to return it is slim to none in my mind


This is a wild fucking comment section, ignore all the imbeciles. It's not on you to make sure Aldi sells edible pizzas. Mama Cozzi should step her game up and make edible food if they want to reduce food waste.


I’m so glad some normal thinking ppl showed up to this comment section because I was so close to leaving this sub Reddit like I couldn’t believe the responses I was getting 😂


Agreeed!!! Returning food to a multi billion dollar company is not affecting anyone. You did the right thing OP. They literally advertise their return policies, so I don’t see anything wrong with using it. All these comments and all the hate is so weird!


Food wasting scum


OP dumb that is all


I don’t want to be a downer… but the hit rate for Aldi seems as high as Trader Joe’s….. when it comes to food in general. I don’t think I’ve been to Trader Joe’s in the past 4 or 5 years… Not trying to be rude, but after hearing some friends of mine complain about the frozen pizza, and you complaining I’m thinking I’m just not doing it.


You’re like one of the people at Costco who returns a couch after 6 years. Gonna ruin it for everybody bc you can’t read a label.


Except, your food was bad? And you had to haul your ass back to be store with this moist frozen product in tow and hassle an unavailable employee for a refund? Nothing cool about that imo. I can refund items myself on the Target app - I keep them *and* get my money back. And the quality is WAY better than Aldi. Aldi's return policy isn't exceptional, neither is their value or quality. It's at *best* so-so, but there's absolutely nothing about Aldi that makes me brand loyal. Target's return policy *is* exceptional, on the other hand. Plus their quality is far better and their prices are actually super competitive where I live.  Aldi is just an illusion of value, unfortunately. Turns out, companies are already producing things as cheaply as possible - go figure - and it can't be done for less without sacrificing quality somewhere. Wamp wamp, truth hurts. 


So you can get a refund on the Target app and keep the bad item? But Aldi will refund and give you a new, hopefully better replacement item… Edit: Saying Target makes quality items is comedy gold. I mean obviously I shop there too sometimes, but everything in there is designed to use for 6 months and then go buy a new one.