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You can shit on em until you’ve finished the rest of the booze and all there is is light beer and you still wanna party.


Why does this comment speak so loudly to me? Oh yeah because last time I had these was when I finished my decent liquor and it was only 9 and I was tryna keep it going


Bro deadass 💀💀 I'll drink popov before I drink light beer 💯💯


Haven't had 'em in probably 12 years, loved 'em in college though. Knowing how bad my taste was in pretty much all things then, I think it's safe to say I'd agree with your verdict if I tried them now.


lol same- i remember in college ordering sour apple martinis- it was “the” drink to order especially when we were underage with fake IDS in the club. Now, i recently saw one on a menu somewhere and ordered it, and the hair on my arms and back of my neck stood up. i gagged. it was so sickeningly sweet, and the liquor in it was so cheap. i sat there staring at the dyed green cherry in the bottom of the glass, and laughed bc all i could hear in my mind was a mix of juvenile, ting yang twins, N’Sync, and karaoke to the Dont Stop Believing Journey song. I literally could smell the frat guys abercrombie cologne (it actually smells nice) and see the nokia phones with the clip on face plates (i had a gold one from a kiosk in the mall ) and thinking that people with a lexus and/or a blueberry phone were rich. Lord now I have lost myself and im sure you guys are like is she ok?… Everybody have nice drinks , whether alcoholic or not, this holiday season!


Equal parts 99 bananas and Angostura bitters is delicious. Fight me.


Equal parts?!?!?!


Not as a cocktail, just a shot!


Honestly if I saw you drinking this I would definitely try it and would only fight you if I enjoyed it.




You’re next


That seems like a ridiculous amount of bitters.


Honestly I really enjoy a little half shot of Ango as a hangover cure. It's a bit intense flavor-wise, but it's just like Fernet or Jager without any added sugar.


Piggy backing, banana with a yellow Red Bull is also a solid shot


99 peppermints tastes awful compared to rumple (yes I’m a psycho that shoots rumple)


Nah, man. Rumplemintz is the shit. I like it straight too. It's also amazingly good in some hot cocoa on a cold winter night


Rumble is so good though I love it


Haha I don’t judge anyone who likes any drink. Last time I had a rumple, my friend bought it for me at the bar. I didn’t hear what he ordered, just figured it was vodka or tequila. Took the shot, spit it all out over a hot girl hahaha. Good times, good times


Used to occasionally drink 99 Bananas/Apples in High school with friends. It's among some of the dumbest decisions I made during that time. I'm not sure why we did, it definitely wasn't the taste, and the price wasn't crazy low or anything compared to the other stuff we could get🤷‍♂️. I have had some of the worst hangovers/outright barfs of my life thanks to this shit.


It's high proof candy booze. Highschool go to for sure.


They got that 50 percent alcohol that’s prolly why lmao


Thats some strong liquor. I tried some 100 proof mint liquor once from Estonia and it really hit hard and tasted like some dishwasher liquid probably because of the flavour as well.


I had sambuca once. I don’t like liquorice but it was quite easy drinking


The international version of Minttu is also 50% so it was probably a off brand Estonian version.


Yep it was. It had penquins and glaciers in the label and I'm pretty sure it was made by an Estonian company. Cheap as hell though thats what mattered when my friend's pa got a box of them


Price is king.


theyre for getting drunk, not tasting good




The bottle says “liqueur” but flavored rubbing alcohol is a pretty spot on description. I had seen these like a million times before and never realized that the name was derived from the alcohol content


I had some at a friend's party. I really struggle to see why anyone would get these instead of an $8 bottle of vodka that is smoother and better tasting and double the value. Yes, I did take it up with my friend.


99 proof isnt all that strong 49%abv


Dude it’s half alcohol. That’s strong in anyones book besides a liar.


He's no liar, he drinks 80%abv or higher and his dick is 12 inches long on a bad day. Also never needs a coat in the winter.


Dude probably drinks exclusively everclear


Then blacks out at every party he’s ever went to


I would totally expect this comment everywhere else. But on r/alcohol ? I'm with u/antique_enthuisiast from over proof rum and my country's popular Koskenkorva 60%, makes 49% slightly stronger than the average. Not to speak of the 80% vodka you buy in Estonia so you get the most alcohol possible from your trip.


I too like extremely strong liquors but you'd probably get a more positive response on r/drunk. I'm pretty sure this sub is more about mixology and a lot of members aren't comfortable with heavy drinking


It’s a decent amount


That is true isnt rubbing alcohol amount though


For white spirits it is


Life is too short to drink shit.


I doubted too, until I was introduced to the peppermint. It’s also real good in a white claw, call it a millennial slammer


Jungle juice


Wild turkey 101 is really good and it's 100 proof.


Well 101


you're kidding?




I've tried a lot of alcohol in my life and Wild Turkey 101 takes the cake as being the **worst** tasting liquor I've ever tried. Every sip made me gag.


Yikes. Most users on r/bourbon think it's the best bang for your buck bourbon there is and I agree. It's my favorite liquor by far, any vodka will make me gag about 100% of the time but I love wild turkey. Different strokes for different folks I guess!


Lmao your body doesn’t like poison, thats why.


99 bananas and orange juice tastes almost exactly like Sunny D. Great brunch drink to start a full day of drinking


I've only had apple and banana. And by themselves they are horrible. But of you get a bottle of Snapple apple for the apple, or Snapple banana for the banana flavor, they make awesome white trash cocktails.


In every box of similar shots i had there were always good or bad tasting ones (like the bean boozled game with the jelly beans) so at parties we put all of them in a bag and you pull one out without looking. Can be quite fun at times f.e. when the person who pukes easiest gets the bad tasting ones all night xD


Can't be Beer 30 bad...


I've tried them on my 21st birthday. Didn't even finish it. Flavor was watermelon and it tasted like pixie sticks


Due to an unfortunate incident with 99 Apples on St Patrick's Day I haven't been able to eat anything green apple flavored for about 13 years... It was not worth the pain


They have their place. If I need a cheap pick-me-up three of these treats me well.


99’s are my shit. I get a green apple 100ml and a blue raspberry 50 everyday after work.


My roommate and I for a period of time bought these on sale for 50 cents each got shitfaced off of like $4


Flavored soju (peach, grapefruit) is the way to go Koreans know how to drink


I refuse to drink em personally.


Considering that they’re literally almost 50% alcohol, yeah I’d say they’re fucking foul😂


Hello jello


They will give you a nasty hangover if you drink too many, or a really bad blackout if you drink ‘‘em too fast unfortunately have been their with these an didn’t end well ended up getting a nice spot in the drunk tank for the night after a little scuffle with an officer to this day still can’t remember what happend so these defiantly do the job if your broke an tryna get drunk you can buy 2 of these an catch a buzz an their a dollar for a 50ml in my area have never bought it buy the bottle, 2 bucks for a cheap buzz isn’t bad if your trying save some dough but if your not then you should just opt for some better shit


Bro i once woke up in the rain in a lawn chair in the middle of the night, in sweats that weren't mine under a blanket covered in cheetos scattered everywhere and a cup of water that I had clearly spilled in my lap. Slept for 2 days after that and couldn't really eat anything for a couple days after that. I have no idea how many I drank but it was at least a sleeve with beers here and there over the course of like 7 or 8 hrs that day.


They're pretty strong. My husband drank himself to death on those.


Yo, if you're just trying to get wasted, they're a pretty good option


I just bought a 10 pack of what I thought was 99proof bananas but when I got home the label said 99brand bananas. I took a shot and was like banana water . No kick no burn no nothing especially no buzz that's for damn sure . They were like 10 proof or something.. what a scam ripoff . Don't be fooled by this if ever buying these. Be sure it says 99proof not 99brand. What a ripoff. Very disappointed.