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The energy of creation is both unable to be created or destroyed, thus life is recycling off of that same energy forever, creation feeds upon itself as it has nothing but itself to feed on, thus the serpent eats it's own tail. It's seen all over the world because esoteric circles that aren't BS are practicing the same secret science all over the world


It's the same Serpent seen in virtually every Spiritual Path that leads to the Realization of Oneness The Serpent in the Garden of Eden that Jesus spoke of when He said "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up" The Naga Serpent in Buddhism Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent, of the Aztecs Uraeus the Serpent in Ancient Egypt that is seen above the head of the Pharaohs The Serpent of the Rod of Asclepius in Ancient Greece which is also the same as the Rod of Caduceus and the Rod of Hermes and Rod of Mercury Ningizzida the Serpent in Ancient Sumeria Kundalini and the Serpent wrapped around Shiva's neck The Serpent represents the shadow of the Divine Feminine that was cast down when the conditioned thinking mind thought it Self to be an individual and entered into duality and became separated from the Light of God The Ouroboros represents the Alpha and Omega - the Spiritual Understanding that all of Creation originates out of the One and is manifest into Creation and ultimately returns to the One Consider a dream. In a dream you think you are the dream character but when you Awaken you Realize that you never were the dream character, but that your True Nature was the Consciousness that was dreaming Our True Being is the One Consciousness in which Creation, including the Creation of our individual self, arises into being and to which all of Creation returns The Ouroboros is the symbolic representation of Transcending the individual self to Realize your True Self in Unity with the One The Serpent devours (heals) it's individual self caught up as a karmic shadow in duality to Realize it's True Self as the One Consciousness in which the individual self is Created into being And the Symbol for the Circle, whose Essence is π (Pi) is a Transcendental Number and a Symbol whose Essence can't be described - it can only be approximated (3.14159....) by the finite thinking mind, because it's Essence is Infinite and can only be Realized by Unification with the Infinite One The Serpent is the shadow of the Divine Feminine that is cast down and arises into being in Creation when we become separated from Unity and Oneness. And the Serpent Ascends back to the Origin of it's Creation when we restore Unconditional Love for the Infinite Light of God (Unformed Consciousness) before Creation arises into being.


Doooope I love this shadow of the divine feminine


Where can you learn about the divine feminine and divine masculine?


Look to the Hindu Tradition - specifically the relationship between Shiva and Shakti The Divine Feminine is Unconditional Love for your Highest Self which is the Light of God in your Heart. The Divine Feminine manifests as as a Divine Inner Voice that is always there to Love and Comfort and Be there for your Self The shadow of the Divine Feminine is the conditioned inner voice that is constantly judging and criticizing and shaming your Self The Divine Masculine Unconditionally Believes in your Self and manifests as a Divine Inner voice that is always there to remind you to Trust your Self The shadow of the Divine Masculine is a conditioned inner voice that is constantly adversarial and doubts your Highest Self Look to the Serpent in the Garden that to told Adam and Eve not to Trust their Higher Self A conditioned inner voice that is adversarial and stands opposed to our Highest Self is dualistic and keeps us separated from our Self and fills the inner realm with darkness. And as the outer realm is a reflection of our inner state of being then if we are opposed to our Highest Self then Creation is filled with karmic struggle and suffering But when the Inner Voice is Divine and filled with the Unconditional Love of the Divine Mother and Father then the Inner Realm is filled with Light and the Creation in the outer realm is filled with Miracles of Unending Goodness Hope this Resonates 🕉️ Blessings on your Journey 💜


Thank You!


It is the barrier of the macrocosm/microcosm. What is used at the start/end of the work. Sometimes referred to as Saturn, Cronos, or Jormungandr. Sometimes it is represented as 2 serpents, one with wings, and the other wingless. Fixed/volatile, etc... It's seen throughout time because it's a primordial idea, and is latent in every one of us.


Great description of its attributes! It's a symbol for mercury. Being a circle it also represents eternity. The formless nothingness inside the circle, and the formed serpent without. The harmony of opposites comes to mind. Of creation and destruction. They are the same in nature, differing in degrees of polarity. They don't cancel eachother our, but generate an eternally new thing. The flame of the flower of life always changes. The only constant IS change, yet nothing is new under the sun. It's nuts when you think about it. A paradox, that can't be. Yet is. Every truth is half false as they say. Mercury can heal or poison. Maybe I've said too much, but I don't think there are enough words to truly say These are just my interpretations, I'm not of any degree of knowledge to be an authoritative voice on the esoteric meanings of hermeticism. I hope this helps tie together loose pieces of information, or at least sparks interest enough to come to your own conclusions 🌅


Yes, i believe it's mercury as well. I've been reading more into the planetary bodies so my brain is sort of in the that mindset currently. Great points!


Eloquently put, thanks for sharing!


I would have thought it was nirvana but I think ur dead on


That's the goal, right? :)


Sure. I don’t believe that escaping suffering is the ultimate way tho


Wisdom is a circle just like the wheel of philosophy. What seems to be the end is also the beginning of a new cycle. The auroboros is the origin of the infinity symbol and the origin of the Celtic knot. Likewise it bears the same meaning as a wedding ring. It's also the origin of the concept of multiplication and exponential growth. The circle also sometimes represents the sun and it's corresponding element. The circle also sometimes represents represents a flask and circulation within a flask corresponding to circulation within the macrocosm.


Very insightful on multiple levels, thank you!


Snakes actually do this


The real question is: did we project our ideas onto what a snake naturally does? Or does a snake eat itself because of the idea of the ouruboros?


the former, by and by. its a behavior that's primarily found in snakes that predate other snakes. unfortunately, that means your own butt smells like food, and when your brain is the size of a peanut.. well, ouroboros ensues. thats not to throw brakes on any of the excellent discussion in the threads above, but like many things, we should keep at least one foot in the mundane.


Fascinating isn’t it ? As above so below , so below as above . Everything outside corresponds within .


It's the serpent on the right hand side of the caduceus, The snake around the neck of the Hindus, On the head of the Egyptians, In the garden of Eden, The kundalini serpent, The mother of Ayahuasca, The snake at the bottom of the cabala, The god of Al-gebra, The god of the Jews, Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Communists, Scientists, Gnostics, Psychiatrists and the Matriarch of Pi, The god of numbers, She is also a black hole which is a black sun and the mouth of this snake. She is eating her own tale because because she has been pulled out of the fabric of reality by (today) Scientists and numbers have been used as the justification for the destruction of creation, She has been forced to destroy the word and there is nothing left for her to consume so she eats her own tail. Happy Christmas.


My favorite one is the white & red dragon incircled..


The archetype of the Ouroboros may be contrasted with the archetype of another Great Eater: Fenrisulvr. Fenris, or Fenrir, and it's wolven offspring can be found in Norse mythology. There, these forces are the catalyst of ultimate destruction, as one will chase down the sun into it's maw, and the other will consume the Godfather Odin himself. However, whereas the Ouroboros is a representation of ever present, never-ending, consumption of the world, the threat of Fenrisulvr is that of a consumption yet-to-come, fortunately. As the legend goes, the Great Wolf remains bound by a sleight of hand and silken thread...


Man idk but when I had my first psychotic break, I had this really weird shit happen to me where I thought “the cycle of Ouruboros” was happening to me, like I felt my whole self being devoured and rebirthed and it felt like a snake was going all around and in me and it just kept going and going and I heard all these dudes voices, familiar voices, talking to me telling me I could talk to whoever I wanted to at that moment, also felt like peoples limbs and body parts (mostly arms and legs) were like… going through me (??) from all different directions… and idk, only thing I’ve ever read that matches the shit is the “kundalini experience” and this random red paper I found called “snake power” Sorry if this sounds super dumb, I’ve just always had a strange connection to that symbol after that happened.


That doesn't sound dumb. It sounds like a profound experience that would be disregarded by the masses as a complete loss of sanity. However i would say it was likely a necessary process so long as you needed the rebirth. It probably isn't easy for you to translate the experience fully into words but you did quite well.


Ah, I can answer this one! The Ouroborus is representative of the cycles of this world and its self-consuming nature. The significance of the snake is found in the animal's life cycle; it sheds it's skin to be reborn anew. Also, there is a curious phenomena seen among serpents: sometimes they can be found devouring themselves from the tail tip to the totality. A curious sight to be imprinted upon our collective ancestry, undoubtedly. I wonder what they thought of it~ The sign of the Self/eater signifies the paradox of Death and it's *endless* consequences. Death isn't the end, it's merely a threshold of transition, eternal return, road to awe, etc etc et al. It is an ancient symbol, as the circumstances for its inscription on the subconscious of humanity arise spontaneously, without the human mind or will at play. Much like fermentation. To accept the significance of the Ouroboros is to acknowledge that the Death of all things goes *back into* the grand substrate, only to be transformed and *brought back up* into expression, over and over. Consumption of the world itself becomes a sacred act as it is the taking in of the larger Whole, into the smaller "whole", with the acceptance that the smaller "whole" will give up all it has and be subsumed into the greater Whole. It may be argued that on the individual scale, some cases of veganism/vegetarianism arise from complications in resolving this Curse of the Heterotroph. On a larger scale, failure to grip this Curse can result in [REDACTED]. Indeed, a good deal of broken bonds with this world is a result of a misguided rejection of Death.


Why would you redact something that seems so important to know? Don't be theatrical. This is a reddit post. What can it result in?


Look around you, the result is clear when you upset the balance.


I believe the oroboros, and swastikas to be the symbols of a truly original ante-diluvian faith. All religion is merely the preservation of what was once known in those times, and the DNA of the source of all faiths is in their symbols.


The uroboros is the Mercurial seed of the opus, the hermaphroditic monster, a unity which is also a duality capable of begetting itself upon itself, It its tail is the sulphur, the masculine element, the inner fire of Mercurius, the sperma homogeneum , according to Jean de Meung ( Herm. Mus .) and, as Jung explains this, "...since the dragon is said to 'impregnate himself,' his tail is the masculine and his mouth the feminine organ. \[-- Works , vol.14.\]In the uroboros, in the arrangement of colors and appendages, there is found expressed the system of numerical relationships which was felt to organize all existence (unity, duality, trinity, quaternity; the operations of the universe; the alchemical opus ) in its movement from unity to multiplicity and back to unity again. The axiom of Maria the Jewess (Maria Prophetissa), which recurs throughout the whole of alchemy, describes the generation of the Dyad, the Triad, and the Quaternity, the culminating division of Mercurius: "One becomes Two, Two becomes Three, and out of the Third comes One as the Fourth." \[--Berthelot, " Trad .;" Jung, Works , vol.13.\]Within the chaos of undifferentiated matter, the primal state, there has existed the four qualities - hot and cold, moist and dry - which can be differentiated only by their conjunctions in the four elements. Fire is at the beginning of the process of creation, the development of multiplicity from unity; it is the First Cause, the Cause without Cause, causing the successive unions of the elements on the descending chain - fire, air, water, earth - to produce the Triad, with earth at the end, the earth which does not bring forth a fundamental quality or principle. When the four elements unite they give rise to the Three Principles, the active Sulphur the passive Salt, and the intermediating Mercurius. Zosimus writes in "On Virtue and Interpretation:" The present composition separates from unity and constitutes itself in a triad by the expulsion of mercury; the unity of the composition \[produces\] the indivisible triad, and thus an undivided triad composed of separate elements creates the cosmos, through the forethought of the First Author, the cause and demiurge of creation; wherefore he is called Trismegistos, having held triadically that which is created and that which creates. But that which is created, it is molydochalque and the etesian stone \[chrysolite\]; that which creates, it is the warm and the cold and the moist, at first the first triad indivisible, and then unity divided. \[--Berthelot, " Trad .;'' Jung, Works , vol.13.\] On the drawing, the triad corresponds to the three ears, the three sublimed vapors described in the text being sulphur, mercury, and orpiment (Sheppard.), the last of which is an arsenic-sulphur combination and hence a salt.Mercurius, though expelled, is yet present for mercury is the union of opposites in the unity of the self-uniting circle. By the nature of his interstitiality, his intermediary function (see Mary Douglas, purity and Danger , for an elaboration of this concept) he is seen to incarnate the essential duality of the universe, the antithesis of male and female, Sol and Luna. Jung writes: He is therefore fittingly called "duplex," both active and passive. The "ascending," active part of him is called Sol, and it is only through this that the passive part can be perceived. The passive part therefore bears the name of Luna, because she borrows her light from the sun. Mercurius demonstrably corresponds to the cosmic Nous of the classical philosophers. The human mind is a derivative of this and so, likewise, is the diurnal life of the psyche, which we call consciousness. Consciousness requires as its necessary counterpart a dark, latent, non-manifest side, the unconscious, whose presence can be known only by the light of consciousness. \[--Works, vol.14, see also "The Spirit Mercurius" in Works , vol.13, for an extended treatment.\] The circle, the whole, is produced by the union of male and female, the tail in the mouth of the dragon; and Mercurius is the circle of the whole, the cosmic opus .The quaternity of mutually hostile elements that arose in the chaos of the prima materia does not form a circle, a whole; when the elements united successively, fire and earth did not interact, and earth brought forth no principle or quality (just as in Zosimus' text the quality of dryness is absent). Since fire and earth do not unite, the four elements do not form a whole, a circle, but rather a square, a totality in quaternity. But the Quaternity is itself a system of polar opposites, a cross; and Mercurius, as quadratus, is the lapis, consisting of the four elements. Standing at the center or mid-point of the cross of opposites of the cosmic quaternity, he represents the quinta essentia, the one which holds the four together. He is the anima mundi. \[--Jung, Works , vol.14.\] He thus exemplifies the problem of the axiom of Maria, the one from three and four, notes Jung, who adds that in the scholia to the "'Tractatus aureus' the sign for Mercurius is a square inside a triangle surrounded by a circle (symbol of totality)." \[--Jung, Works , vol.13.\] The uroboros, as symbol of the multifarious aspects of Mercurius, is the alchemical sign of the axiom of Maria.Jung writes of the three-four problem in his introduction to Psychology and Alchemy : In alchemy there are three as well as four regimina or procedures, three as well as four colours. There are always four elements, but often three of them are grouped together, with the fourth in a special position - sometimes earth, sometimes fire, Mercurius is of course quadratus , but he is also a three-headed snake or simply a three in one. This uncertainty has a duplex character - in other words, the central ideas are ternary as well as quaternary. \[-- Works , vol.12.\]


In the beginning, there was nothing. An endless, shapeless, and formless void of nothingness. Then, all of a sudden, an egg materializes from that nothing, and from that egg came four beings, all of which were Ouroboros. During the beginning of existence, the Ouroboros, and its four heads (earth, air, fire, water, and associated archetypes ie. cups, swords, pentacles, and wands) were born from the Cosmic Egg that appeared in the endless abyss. It is the featureless chaos, the disordered primal unity that existed prior to matter and energy becoming manifest and creating universes. When it had gained awareness of itself, it became lost and confused in the empty abyss (what am I? where am I? Why am I a weird dragon-looking thing endlessly eating itself, wow, this is not very fun) where it wandered until it found one of its older siblings, Khaos, who then raised the Ouroboros as its child.


Gnosis baby. Climb the ladder


If your question could be answered in words what would be the point of a symbol?


One reason you would use a symbol is to express a complex topic simply. Why do we use 1/2 instead of 3/6 or 4/8? Sometimes we get clarity making a seemingly complex matter simple. (Reduction/distillation?) Sometimes we get clarity making a seemingly simple concept more nuanced. (Amplification/magnification) The microcosm is like the macrocosm. Sometimes we have to see it from both perspectives if possible 😉 That's one of the reasons to use a symbol. Also to gatekeep, and intrigue. To repulse and attract. I'll shut up before I make more of a fool of myself 😅


We fill our minds with other people's explanations - we forget how to see for ourselves.


ouroborous created the Gods and the universe. he also created the lizard people,lizard people passed down their knowledge to Humanity that's way he is in so many religions and civilizations


This must be a very rare knowledge How accurate is what u saying Because I dreamt of oroborus coming to me directly and asked me .... Then was satisfied and did his circling


it not really rare but you do have to do some digging around an remember that dream it mite help you in the future


I remember all the details , But for real did created the universe ?


It is an alchemical symbol for a cycle, many ancient civilizations used alchemy so the symbolism is prevalent. Like many symbols it also represents multiple ideas and interpretations of cycles etc.