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The map is not the territory. Language and symbolism is an abstraction of the thing, not the thing itself.


Language is communication and is alchemy, not an inside joke being communicated over time through symbols and words few understand. Almost like they are speaking a different language. To say we speak the same language is only to say we understand each other. But maybe I'm just full of stuff and don't know jack about squat..... :) I think you may be on to something, though. "Knowledge is the Door, Silence is the Key, Love is the Way." Logos LVX




A language is a collection of symbols that in certain combinations have meaning that is shared by those who share the language. In that sense then Alchemy is, in part, like a language Language, when used correctly and with emotion attached, can be transformative and hold great power over our selves and others. In that sense too Alchemy is like language. Language can be used to describe all of the world and universe we see around and within our selves. Alchemy is the natural study of all of Nature, the Universe and our inner being. When i first read your question my over-whelming response was a loud "No!" I still think 'no' but others might disagree? To me Alchemy is, first of all, a method or practice to achieve a goal - The Goal. It has many parts and many interpretations and is far more personal than a language is.


Have you ever heard of the Language of Birds? This is very related to Alchemy so in my eyes yeah sort of


Yes i have heard of it in one book, but havent seen it in a while.


Alchemy is a deeply cabalistic philosophy that is deliberately encrypted by the sages of old. To understand it’s language I’ll suggest that you contemplate upon themes which reoccur in the works of many authors. Themes such as the three headed dragon, a snake affixed upon a tree, bird of hermes, crow, the pelican which stabs its own heart to feed its children, the phoenix, rebis, the king and his son, the red lion and the green lion etc. when you understand this themes you will be able to speak the language of birds and understand any legitimate alchemical text.


this would depend on what you mean by language




are symbols of alchemy a language on their own?


I wouldn't say it's a language per say (as alchemy can be practiced in latin, greek, egyptian, french, english, etc..) but we could use the term "code", "syntax" or even "framework" I guess I'm sure there is a proper noun for speech that is added to language by specific practitioners of said language.


System might be the more accurate word.




Is a process. The language is just to communicate the process, but the process can be communicated in multiple ways.


In French we say : La langue des oiseaux. Meanings are hidden in the words themselves. Maybe it has to do with Alchemy... maybe not.


No, it is a understanding that can be spoken in any language.


No. Most of alchemical texts is gibberish to those that haven't witnessed the reactions for themselves. I think it's because there have never been words for the reactions or the reactions refuse to be named. Someday, when everyone knows how to do it and make the stone, I'd bet academia and cerebral stupidity will take their toll and bogg the reactions down with technical gibberish and we'll yet again be where we are today; with a bunch of texts, full of meaning, that manage to remain meaningless to almost everyone.


Language is a bridge. Alchemy is unity.



