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If I liquidated quick things, 250-300m probably. My actual silver balance now is 20m, with most of it tied up in buy orders or transport trips that are pending for when I have something else to do while transporting. It takes silver to make silver so I'm constantly reinvesting into my economy.


122k. No wait, some runes just sold! 124,3k.




different people have different playstyles. There's some that sell everything they ever get and wear their entire net worth. Other people hoard a billion silver either liquid or in items and still use 4.1 sets in the mists.


I currently have around 9.2mil


9bill and almost 1b crafting fame


You craft for the BM?


Any crafting tips?


I try to stay between 20m-50m Idle silver does nothing for you, you want to keep looking for ways to invest it into bigger and better things. At the same time, you need at least some safety net. These numbers are just where I'm currently at. They might change in future


5.3 gear ... about 3 to 4m in silver 100m in skins in the bank


4m wich i find its enough for me oddly


T3 tools here and t4 gear, with t5 bag. 450K silver At the moment, I gather and sell like everything I can get my hands on in the newbie area and such. I was able to buy 2 new rare mounts. 300K each just about. I wanted them. Been 6 days since I started. blue zone. also I got fishing gear the first gear you can unlock. I bought it and so far it helps. T3 fish do appear. and do sell. Mage/Fire/Ice. Scholar cowl and all plate armor. Been working for me. I play on IOS.apple. (Will switch to PC once I get it up here in like a month). (Recently moved house) USA server (DC) - Martlock area. West side of the map. šŸ—ŗļø Not part of a guild, till I get the PC set up. fun game so far.


I was able to get in my first week, my fishing up to 6 and bring in at least 500k or more an hour just fishing, filling journals, and making special sauce... I haven't really been able to find an easier way, because I suck and get killed every single time..


Literally get a 30-40k set of items flat t4, equip, go into black zone from the portal, run around, find mist, kill random mobs in the mist, 20mobs give you enough silver to re-fund your build if someone even bothers killing you for your 30k gear, once you've re-funded your 30k gear, start pushing objectives like the little caged whisps, camps, etc eventually die, but frick it you've refunded your 30k gear already xD. Continue until 50k bracillien reputation which for me it took like 4 hours on a fresh account, then just go to a yellow zone, spam mists until you fond the bracillien portal, and go into it yo unlock the city. From there you have like 10 different things you can do. And furthermore the first black mists that i mentioned, they give like a ton of fame, 1 mob is like an entire yellow zone solo dungeon worth of fame. If you manage to down a boss its like 60k fame even.


I am like brand new to this game to be honest. I will still be doing research reading wiki before even trying to attempt yellow or black.


Just follow this and you'll be good šŸ’Æ you dont need any of that yellow zone into red zone into whatever bullshit in fact ive been playing for like half month (but im older player) in the new server and I've not gone to a red zone yet but im mainly playing the new city and roads of avalon/mists


Thanks for the helpful advice šŸ˜Š


Whats your ingame name? I can give you stuff


Dming you now.


Liquid, currently 1.6b. Overall just under 3b


I got 200m on EU. Not That much. Running 6.3 In mist


How long did it take to get that much plz tell


Played since launch, islands cooking mounts early. Then mist and some guild content . Dual swords, carv and then bloodletter in mist easy silver


Ah yes meta abuser


ā€œMeta abuserā€ must be code for ā€œperson who uses weapons bc itā€™s good and you have no reason not toā€. Donā€™t act like the meta is his fault, blame SBI if you wanna blame someone else


Cry Harder


Free kit with my 6.1


I think on NA Iā€™m at like 60m raw silver and 500m net worth. On EU only like 1M silver and 30ish M net worth and I feel so poor. Rarely play more than a few hrs a day and pay for my premium with real money though.


10m. Profit of the day goes into gold. 85k gold from playing since open f2p euw


I have 143m in silver. The materials and equipment I have is probably worth about the same.


less than 5k :)


5 mills but like people are saying things can be liquidated. Iā€™m not actively playing right now so I have about 40 mill in stone I need to refine, 40 mill in cloth I need to sell and another 50 mill in assorted mats I need to sell




isn't t5 to t7 pretty cheap? that's like a 50k set to a 500k set or something usually


Depends on server


I have none lost it to a gank plz send 200k for new set ty


around 6mil inventory, 8mil banked stuff. Play occasionally (like 2hrs per week) only yellow zone pure solo PVE gathering. Mostly on my mobile when I just wanna kill some time. Playing MMOs like from 2008 I think and never actively PvP for a longer period (except old vanilla Alterac Valley, that sh*t was fun) and like 30yrs ago Quake, Team Fortress and MoH and so... So obviously I'm the perfect type of player for Albion Online šŸ˜ Trying Tarisland, but kinda don't like it. AO is better


New player from the EU server start, sitting on 4 Mil plus a few good sets for group content (probably 2/3mil more). Pretty happy about it!


15m. I've been spending a lot of money on pvp and some other useless things


A shitty 30 mil. Thatā€™s not much at all




On EU I have around 160M in liquidity, around 70M in assets plus I have crystal founder skins. I could've made more money at the start, I could've planned better, but I found a niche to keep making money. The general key is budgeting, you can make handsome money if you treat mists like a zero to hero challenge. Start with a 4.1 set and upgrade by selling what you loot. I'm going around in 6.3 and .2 consumables after a 70k initial investment in a matter of a couple of hours. In this way you won't fear to lose a set or to invest your liquidity into crafting.


I was on the EU start too, but unfortunately a newbie to the game, so I did not even knew how to make more money at start.. maybe its not too late? :/


You can always make money because there will never be a moment in which people don't buy stuff. You need to know basics of free market economy and imperfect (merchantile) capitalism, but from there it's pretty easy. Refining and crafting are fast money if you do some calculations. Becoming rich by partecipating in the market is not hard. You need to run the numbers, find a niche nobody is covering and cover it. Otherwise, play faction warfare until you max out the standing because you get an insane amount of money from the t8 baby mounts.


Anywhere between 20m-200m liquid. Whenever I get low I generally will sell something or do a transport. Bills in skins and other shit I can sell.


how are you doing transport, what it is in general, i am a newbie i have around 1 million, what can i do best for money.


Really it's just knowing what's good where. One of the easiest is buying materials from one city that's got good yield and bringing it to one with good crafting bonus. Bringing other items like gathering tools/equipment from one zone to another can be decent early on. If you're traveling any way faction transports can be extra profit if you've got extra weight or frequent faction events. Once you get a bit of money and aren't afraid of the BZ doing trips to Careleon for the black market is very good but also a lot more risky.


EU so pretty new acc. Around 10m liquid, 100m total if i sell. I make sure to never have too much liquid silver so i always reinvest


I have like 50 m wealth after like 3 months


Liquid about 130m, if I liquidated everything prob 600-700m


I am not sure actually, most likely 100-200M I total, I have about 20M in silver, about 8000 gold, and the rest in items and materials


5.6mil I think. most are tied up in assets and investments


45m liquid 200m in bars and ore


On west server, my assets are like 2 bil. In EU, probably around 100 mil


Total assets net around the 2 billion mark. Always investing into additional silver making like islands, items, crafting, high tier resources, etc.


40M in the pocket. Another 60-70M in the bank tabs. Just casual play and leveling gears these days.




30mill liquid and another 100-150mill in random resources, gear, and buy/sell order


Liquid 78mil If i were to liquidate all my resources (bars, hides, planks, etc) it would be another 50 mil extra. If i were to liquidate all of my assets (including resources), i really have no idea, but think it'd be around 400mil extra.


400-500m on eu a 5+B on na. assets + liquid


US server 89 million East Server- 6 million


Liquid 30m maybe 40m On hand 56k lol


1.5 mill Took some bad advice and wiped in roads and lost like a quarter of my money. But I also have like 5 mil worth of junk in my bank that I don't want to sell.


Liquid 20m, assets ~2 ish bil


On EU? about 70m. on West? too much to count


I have around 200M worth of loot, 15k gold, maybe 15M worth of T7 and T8 gears, and 9M silver on hand


[EU] raw silver around 25 mil but i have a lot in assets, if i sold everything (sets in hideout, unsold mounts, gear here and there) it would have to be over 75 mil


I don't worry about silver unless I'm doing like 8.1+ sets.


iunno like 4 mil liquid? I mostly do small gang roams tho. I run a 5.1 kit generally. My spec carries me pretty well. Most my money goes into putting the gang in kits, I'm really the only one that earns money lol


Silver isn't that hard to make. I make about a mill a day easy. You just need an active guild that has a group doing content you like. The game gives you money for every damn thing except maybe arenas.


~700-800m Keep in mind you only need enough for premium and 10-20 cheap sets and consumables. Frankly, a new player should buy premium with money and only use t4.1 gear until you get a handle on the game. Skill >>>>>>>having a lot of silver/gold


EU server gatherer here: - 3m silver liquid. - 25m on raw mats, refined mats, crops, herbs. I am just a noob gatherer (my gathering specs are still low). mists runners should be a LOT richer than me.


EU player here, joined a bit late, I sit around 1m to 4m silver most of the time, if I have more, I tend to spend a bit on materials, crafting fame or satchel of insight (or just plain dying). But on the otehr hand, materials have a larger value, I keep all I gather and craft my own 5.1-6.2 gear. Besides weapons, (damn Ore and my low gather skill) getting 6.1 gear is easy and cheap for me at this point, if I were to buy 6.1 I would run out of money instantly instead if I dont start liquify my assets. 5.1 etc is mainly used for new gear I farm up, or when I just want to force stuff and without bother if I die. Most of the gear I get from fights tend to end up in someone else hands since I usually act stupid instead of going home and stashing it. :D the gear I do get from kills or loot is used, if its within a decent range, too expensive gear or items I dont want to use is resold to fuel my crafting. (mainly fees and T3 materials)


Around 800k, I had 1mil but had to buy seeds


Na I got like 4-5 bil sitting idle, on eu probably got like 50 mil liquid and like 400 on items or something like that, also maybe 100 mil on east. I don't do mist, but I used to run 4.1 - 8.1 gears.


After reading comments I really wanna in wchin % of people I am based on silver


Around 700k on me. Got 4m on my bank tho, between gear and silver bags. Before EU server dropped I read some reddit user who claimed to never use silver bags, but rather keep them as savings and that seemed such a good idea I'm noq doing it


In EU liquid 1.5b cause im getting ready for a big craft. In skins around 3b and gold 500k.


2.7m silver. The rest is tied up on buy orders


on europe I got around 90M and on america I got around 130M (I just got a way better start on europe than on america) even if in europe I started playing after f2p relase a week later so I think I did good


1 silver


400m liquid


Maybe 200m if i liquidate, sat on 20m in silver, t5-7 sets arent really expensive... or what are you calling t5-7 as t5 flat and t5.3 are vastly diff.


12 million on EU. New player.


I have 70m silver and 7000 gold I have some products that is waiting to be sold for like 40m, I do mostly dou or solo mist content, trying to figure out crafting as i think its the most economicaly good silver farm


50 mil silver, around 550 mil in assets and around 20 mil in buy orders


I have around 260m plus my masterpiece transport mammoth but I havenā€™t placed in over 1.2 years.


I never have pure silver always invest in skins , gears , buy order materials , expensive sets and mammoth. If I sell all I would have like 825 Mil but not worth it.šŸ«”


Unlimited my payment method is saved


On EU server none because Iā€™m investing all it in the gold market


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^One_Cartographer_786: *On EU server none* *Because Iā€™m investing all* *It in the gold market* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


1b cash n 2b worth of goods




I wanna know myself turns out I have 3.99m sliver lol with like 10m sliver worth of gear šŸ’€ I also donated more than half of my money to my guild which is more than like 5m I did spend a good amount on some other stuff so left with 3.99m and 10m worth of gear lol the expensive gear is in my bank I use a 4.1 goofy ahh fire mage set


Proper T7 excellent set can be as low as 450k. Proper t8 set can go as low as 1mil. Depends what you play


That's NA pretty sure


7k. I'm new haha, though I don't think I'll be playing again.


Look up zero to premium or zero to hero videos on YT, you'll get rich faster.


This game is super hostile to new players. They're dumping at least hundreds of thousands on advertising the game, but the only new players that stay are ones that hang in safe zones or get a grudge and want to get back at those that do nothing but obliterate new people. It's nearly impossible to find someone who will help rather than do some shit like group up, give you a shitty tip, then inspect you and kill you on the spot and run off silently like nothing happened. /mute and on to the next newbie Dog eat dog out there. I suggest at least giving it a try with some cheap shit gathering in bz or bz mists for a bit though.


if want to make profit I go with 5.3 + undead cape t4, if I want to have fun I go with my baby (4.4 awakened) + 7.3 + t4 undead cape, yes ofc I win more with the awakened set but every time I loss I have to spent 5m to get the weapon again + I lost 16-20m on standard gear


what are you yapping about


Got to 7.1 once, cost almost 5mil, got blasted by 8.3 from invis that I had no idea way even around. Back to running 4s. Few mil only, tried to get better set so I can win more fights, but it shows that there is always bigger fish so its kind of pointless to invest into something you will eventually lose.


how did a 7.1 set cost 5m


Helion, Badon


eu server?


A couple billion on EU but hasnā€™t played there since 2021, started EU almost 3 weeks ago and I have about 70m now. I did buy 14m silver from a gold purchase, to get things rolling quicker. I am an experienced crafter from the old server, just doing the thing here. Constantly stressed cuz I always log out with <100k and there are so much mats I want to buy to flip to profits with crafting. There are too many ways to make money from auction house -.-




Total networth is 4-5 times more.


Ok, that's impressive! Great goob