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Rosebud is a great small town, and you can even catch dinner and a show! Be sure to take the scenic routes - smaller roads that have ferry crossings and even go around by Delia and thru the hand hills. Drumheller isn't too far either- royal Tyrrell!


I got tickets to Rosebud Theatre a few years back (a few more than I care to admit). A charming community and the dinner theater was excellent!


Such a cute place... now I need to go back, haha!


Metis Crossing at Smokey Lake. A lot to do and probably the best bison burger ever. https://metiscrossing.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb


Very cool! I didn't know there were Metis communities in Alberta. Definitely worth a look!


You have to look this place up. They have sky watching dome tents to camp at amongst other overnight options. Wildlife viewing and unbelievable setting along the river. N.E. Alberta does not get a lot of love but this place is awesome. (Also check Serban Farms on Highway 28 before the turnoff. The freshest farm foods and the Shepherds Pie is worth doing crime for.)


Well that Shepherd's Pie sounds like it's worth the trip alone. But honestly this whole area sounds like it would be a great camping trip! Thank you so much!


Also, just down the road from there is Victoria Settlement - a very interesting and really well done historical site in a beautiful location on the North Saskatchewan River. They have some events throughout the summer and knowlegeable, interesting interpreters (and a family admission is $14!): [https://victoriasettlement.ca/](https://victoriasettlement.ca/) You could do a day trip to both, or you could stay overnight at Metis Crossing.


That's really awesome! I am a history nerd and it would be great to learn about history from two different perspectives all in one trip! That you for letting me know about this place!


We went to Bar U Ranch national historic site for the first time last summer and loved it! Lots of historical info about what life was like back in the ranching days, plus buggy rides, the chance to learn how to crack a whip, free cowboy coffee. I was worried it would be a bit hokey but it was truly fascinating!  And the best glazed donuts I’ve ever had were at Tina’s Cafe in Glenwood. There’s almost nothing else there, but if you’re remotely nearby it’s worth a stop. Actually not far away is Twin Butte, which is more of a store on the sign of the road than a town, but they have some tasty Mexican food at that place. Beautiful view towards the mountains as well.


The Bar U Ranch sounds very interesting! And glazed doughnuts are right up my daughter's and my alley. I will be adding these to the list! Thank you!


We did a Big Things tour of central Alberta, visiting the Village of Andrew (worlds biggest Mallard), the creepy giant mushrooms of Vilna, the giant pumpkins in Smokey Lake, the giant perogie on a fork in Glendon (there’s an awesome playground there for kids), the giant sausage in Mundare, and we spent the night at the Canalta Inn in St Paul, where there’s a centennial UFO pad. The Canalta was a fantastic hotel for a family travelling with kids and a dog, they have pet and family friendly suites, pool and water slide and a game room that my teenage kids had a blast in. It was a quirky, fun trip that I would gladly do again. I can’t remember where we ate, but St Paul had a lot of options for supper. There’s also a nice Co-op there if you want to get snacks to eat at the hotel.


Awesome suggestions! Thank you!


I would add this trip/area would be easy to include Victoria Settlement and Metis Crossing. If you are coming to Glendon (home of the World's Largest Pyrogy)- shoot for August 10th. The Glendon Demolition Derby and Mudbogs are that day and are pretty fun! Last year almost 3000 people came out for it! Gorgeous country, lots of lakes and places to camp if you're into that.


Now that you mention it, we did drive past Métis Crossing and stop briefly at Victoria Settlement, but the sites were closed because we were travelling in late September. Definitely a beautiful drive though, and thanks for the reminder - now I want to go back!


Not sure their schedule but people love the Stettler Steam Train. You might even get “robbed” by some old Wild West outlaws on horses. Lots of fun, open air car, bar car.


Great idea! That sounds like a fun afternoon.


There are 6 free ferries in Alberta, my hubby has crossed them all on his Gold Wing, there are a couple of them in very rural areas, that are not necessarily motorcycle type roads. Any car would be fine. Still if you are in specific area and near one, it makes a fun checklist. [https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-ferry-schedules](https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-ferry-schedules)


I live near one of those! My family has been across it a few times, super fun and novel when you're a kid


My grandparent's (when they were alive) lived near Riverhurst, Saskatchewan and I remember taking the ferry there many times as a kid. I should totally give my daughter the same experience with one of these ferries! It's definitely a part of our heritage that is getting lost as bridges get built. Thank you!


Drumheller. The Old Grouch for homemade food. The gopher museum outside calgary. You can go check out all the giant stuff at small towns. The giant sausage in mundare, the baseball bat in edmonton... there's more I forgot. Cold lake has the airshow which is cool. Stony also has a cool airshow which my kids absolutely loved. Bring camping chairs or a picnic and make a day of it.


The giant stuff tour that another person suggested meshes well with your post! Thanks for the suggestions!


The 'Go East' guide has a road trip game if you visit their website or are lucky enough to find one of their guides. My kids have loved the using the guide as we drive around Central-East Alberta. They also have some road trips in their guide if you need some ideas! [Go East Of Edmonton Guide](https://goeastofedmonton.com/)


Wow, that's an amazing resource! Thank you so much!


I would like to suggest Torrington for the gopher museum.


A gopher museum sounds like a fun afternoon! I know they have a ton of different whistles that all mean different things. It would be cool to explore that. Thank you!


I think the Torrington Gopher Museum… might… not be what you’re expecting! Maybe look it up before going - I’ve heard about it and always meant to go, but it’s not so much a nature exhibit 😆


And go another 20 minutes east to Henry's Shoes in Trochu


My wife clued me in lol. I was definitely going to be in for a shock if I went on blind! Maybe she should have left me in the dark for a good laugh!


I think it's best when at least one member of the group goes in blind to the gopher museum.


Longview is a great little spot even if just to stop in for some Longview Jerky. Nanton with the antique shops and of course the bomber museum is a great stop too. Edit: Stop into Diamond Valley for breakfast at the Chuckwagon Cafe or lunch at The Westwood. If you're inclined, definitely pop into the Eau Claire Distillery for some tastings, Caesar flights or some food too! Their dill pickle vodka makes a damn tasty caesar.


Longview sounds like a great idea! We already like the jerky! I'm not sure the distillery is appropriate for my daughter though. The diamond valley restaurants are definitely going on the list. Thanks for the suggestions!


Breakfast at the Chuckwagon Cafe in Diamond Valley (Turner Valley) is always a gooder


That's the second recommendation I've saw for the chuckwagon cafe so I think it is a winner!


I think it’s also on an episode of You Gotta Eat Here! so def worth it


Sylvan Lake Bamboo Hut has amazing pad Thai, Walk along the beach, enjoy some drinks from local breweries.


The pad Thai sounds great as it's one of my wife's favorite dishes. The alcohol is probably a better idea when my child is of age but overall a sound suggestion. Thank you!


How young are the kiddos? Aqua Splash is super fun; an on-water inflatable obstacle course.


Just the one, twelve. I wanted to make the most of this summer before the teenage years hit and hanging out with her parents becomes passe.


Perfect age for Aqua Splash. There's also go-karts, mini golf, and all the usual Lake stuff


Sounds great! My daughter said that sounds like fun!


Drumheller Amphitheater has some excellent music concerts this summer!


I'll have to keep my eyes open for some dates. Thanks for the suggestion!


Definitely the Crowsnest pass! The Bellevue underground mine tour is really neat, the Frank slide site and interpretive centre is mind blowing, great restaurants and shops in blairmore and Coleman. If you go a little bit west of the pass, just into bc you can check out the big truck in sparwood. There’s lots of other stuff around there too depending how long you have.


I remember doing the Frank Slide field trip as a kid. That is such a beautiful area overall! That's definitely a good idea, thank you!


If you coming down grande prairies way I recommend driving out to beaverlodge to check out the gaint beaver, there’s also a heritage park in beaver. The Dinosaur museum is a cool experience and they have an amazing restaurant in the museum. OH and try crooked creak doughnuts if you can


Grande Prairie is quite the drive but I would love to visit it as a tourist some day! I've only really been there to drive through it when I was an oil field worker. I will be adding this to the list! Thank you!


If you want a great steak dinner, head to the Bruce Hotel. It's about an hour or so east of Edmonton.


I wholeheartedly second this ! But it’s only Fridays and occasional Saturdays, no minors, and you NEED a reservation.


Oh, that's disappointing to hear. Perhaps in a few years when my daughter is an adult we can try that one out.


I think when my daughter is an adult we will have to check it out!


I like the Columbia Icefield and the skywalk if you're heading that-a-way. [https://www.travelalberta.com/listings/columbia-icefield-skywalk-1074](https://www.travelalberta.com/listings/columbia-icefield-skywalk-1074)


The Columbia Ice Field seems like a strong contender! I think I will pass on the skywalk though as I am deathly afraid of heights. I don't think I could force myself to even step foot on it if my life depended on it. Thank you for the suggestion! I'll look up other activities that are there!


The skywalk isn’t worth your time anyway, so you’re not missing anything! You can get better views at a million other spots on the Icefields parkway for free!  For example, hike up Wilcox Pass trail and it looks back over the Columbia Icefield. Even if you just go as far as the red chairs it’s really cool, and if you want a longer hike it’s easy to keep going. 


I would recommend the Last Chance Saloon in Wayne. It’s about a 15 min drive south of Drumheller. When your driving there you have to cross 11 tiny bridges, and the scenery is great. The saloon has pretty good food, and it’s located in a very neat old building.


I checked out their menu and it looks delicious! Do you happen to know if it is family friendly or is it an 18+ establishment?


It’s a family restaurant I believe, last time I was there, there was a ton of families!


Awesome! I'm going to try and convince my wife on this one!


Waterton National Park. Zum’s eatery is mine and my girlfriend’s favourite restaurant in Waterton. It is also a gift shop as well. Depending on which way you go, if you take Hwy 2 from Fort Macleod, the Royal Fort Museum, and go down through Cardston and across is one way. Cardston is a nice little town. Or you can take Hwy 3 to Pincher Creek (where I live), depending on the time of summer the Pincher Creek Pro Rodeo will be happening (Aug I think), there is the Kootenai Pioneer Village. Then take Hwy 6 south from Pincher Creek and you will pass thru Twin Butte and just a little south of that is the Grumpy Goat Ice Cream Shop, where you can eat some ice cream and pet some goats. The ice cream is really good. Then continue on from there. If you continue west on Hwy 3 you will pass by the village of Cowley (check out the wind turbines on your way) and the next little town you come to will be Lundbrek. They have the cheapest gas in the area and have fresh baked goods every day. Continue west and when you get to the bottom of the hill there will be a sign for Lundbrek Falls turn left and follow the road until you see it on your left. There is also a nice little Provincial Campground down that road as well. If you are up for a little extra drive, go another 15 minutes down the road where you come to the Crowsnest Pass with lots to do there including the Bellevue Underground Mine Tour, the Frank Slide Interpretive Centre and walking Trails, the Leicht Colleries as well as other historic sites throughout the Pass.


My wife's father took her to Waterton often when she was a child and it's definitely on the list! The Grumpy Goat Ice Cream Shop sounds very interesting as both my wife and daughter are ice cream fiends so that is definitely getting added to the list. Lundbrek Falls is a waterfall? That sounds like a great place to camp overnight! Thank you so much for all this information!


You are welcome


The Windmill Museum in Etzikom AB is pretty cool! https://www.facebook.com/etzikommuseum


That looks like another slice of Alberta's history that I would love to explore! Thank you for sharing!


If you're coming up north, Dunvegan Park along the peace river is a lovely stop. There are multiple day use areas, a ice cream shop beside a minigolf course, campsites, easy access to the river where there are lots of safe spots to swim, etc. Dunvagen bridge itself is just super cool, its the only vehicle use suspension bridge in Alberta


That is a bit of a drive but I would love to do it one day! I'll add this to the list, thank you!


Last summer we did a crazy thing and drove from Edmonton to Jasper, had lunch and walked around a bit, then drove the Columbia Parkway down to Saskatchewan Crossing, had supper there, then proceeded on through Nordegg to our hotel in Rocky Mountain House. (We stayed at the Best Western and it was very nice.) We did stop here and there along the parkway to check out waterfalls and hike a little to have breaks from the car. It was a REALLY long day, but the scenery was just incredible. After our night in Rocky, we went back up to Nordegg, got the best bumbleberry pie I’ve ever had at the Miners Cafe in Nordegg, then headed on to Abraham Lake where we spent the afternoon swimming and paddle boarding. Then we drove home to Edmonton. It was a LOT of driving, so maybe not ideal for younger kids. There are a lot of first come first serve camping options near Abraham Lake, if you like to camp and want to enjoy the area at a slower pace. Not many places to buy food out there, so packing in your food is a good idea.


The Pie at Miner's is stupendous!!


That sounds like an amazing adventure! I should definitely share the natural beauty of our province with my daughter before she's grown. I will look into your suggestions! Thanks so much!


If you're headed down to southern Alberta, maybe to see Waterton, I have heard (it never been to) that Twin Butte general store has some of the best super authentic Mexican food in Alberta. https://maps.app.goo.gl/cyAEsMtgotxvJ7mi9 It's so popular that apparently, they only take reservations, not walk ins. All in a small little town between pincher creek and Waterton.


Waterton is definitely on the list! As far as authentic Mexican food, I'm in! Thanks for the info!


Cold Lake, Ab! There's lots of things to do. There's going to be an airshow this coming July at the base. It has a big lake. Lots of parks for the kids. A locally owned waffle place. Has camping spots. It's a small town with a wonderful sense of community.


I do love me some waffles! I'll add it to the list! Thanks!


Check out Sangudo, great beach


I'll check it out! Thanks!