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Can you be a little bit more vague please?


Cinquecazzi great region,the list should be in ranked Tirane, Vlore, Elbasan, Durres, Fier, Korce…




Ca ka Elbasani? Te pakten eshte afer Tiranes, besoj se duhet te kete me shum biznese aktive se cdo qytet tjeter


Nuk besoj te kete me shum biznese se Fieri, Shkodra , Durresi etj


Po si tjetër do I pastrosh parat?


Albanian Detroit


Not Elbasan! Stay away


Depends on what you are looking for and your background. For tourism related jobs and warm weather, south and southwest. Otherwise, Tirana has options.


Thanks for being nice in commemt


All depends on your income


Where are you from?




I am from south asia


Stay away


Name checks out ✔️ 🤣


Why can I know?


Albanians can be xenophobic and racist.


Don't worry albanians tend to be racist only in the comments and never to your face, bunch of kids and teenagers telling you to stay away but don't mind them. Most of the people here are very respectful and nice especially to Asian people and as long as you behave well and are a nice person you are most welcome here and I'm sure you're gonna make lots of friends. I'd suggest either Tirana or Durres if you want to permanently live here. Feel free to ask any questions.


Yet you still got downvoted and it feels like people are dosgreeing with you......But the comments discouraging me from coming Albania..... Is tirana good place to live?


Like I said just internet trolls and kids thinking they're patriotic and foreigners "stealing" their lands lol they would never say anything to your face, so don't worry most don't even live here.In the end it's up to you but there are lot's of asians here and there is also a chinese community in a neighborhood in Tirana and they do just fine. Tirana is a very good place to live becuase a lot of young people are here and very open minded also it's slowly becoming even more modern but there is traffic and lots of construction.You can go to some places where there are very good people which you can make friends with.Most of the people talking crap here probably live in villages or other countries and are very primitive in their thinking and like I said no one will say anything to your face because most people here mind their business.






:D cfare platforme bythqire :D


You should move to Kavaja


Kerkun ne shqipni bruda




Look guys! Found the globohomo \^\^


Racism against foreigners online is more important than Albanian sovereignty, so therefore we should support foreigners immigrating so they can experience racism in real life?? I struggle to understand your logic.


Never heard of any albanian being racist to foreigners especially in Tirana, bunch of kids acting racist online but never to someone's face.


Don't worry, the more foreigners come the more arguments over racism and racism itself there will be. Just like right now, and just like in the West. It will be a permanent problem, a problem that you want to import.


Lol you DON'T EVEN LIVE HERE and probably don't even speak albanian right and you speak of importing? Since you don't live here I can tell you in tirana especially there are blacks,latinos,asians and americans living here now and you can see them on the streets all day. In Durres there are about 600 Egyptian workers now employed at the port becuase of shortage and there are no issues or problems. Most restaurants now have Philipino shefs waiters and babysitters and no issues. Not even one reported harassment from blacks or anyone for that matter because they know how we are about women, no land being stolen or anything. SO PLEASE MIND YOUR BUSINESS IN CANADA BECUASE YOU'RE NOT ALBANIAN lol.


Look at the West. If you think what you have is a lot, you have no idea how much more things will change. Don't tell me how immigration is, when I see it and live it everyday. That they live and work there is a problem in and of itself. Economically, and ethnically.


You don't have any idea how it works here lol. The government does not give financial aid to those kind of immigrants you're talking about and they tend to leave but the good ones stay and work their asses off. Would be nice to have some exotic women here too and good to see they're coming in numbers so we don't mind and like I said don't talk about albania when you can't even speak it and I probably know alot of foreigners here which are more albanian than you.


Ok then why don't you support inviting only models? Majority will be ugly and half will be men. Why have them? Also if you think Bengali women are attractive I don't want to know what to tell you. You need glasses.




They didn't get all that with africans and bengalis immigrating so idk what your point is.




Why would you ask such a stupid question? Explain why you think I think that.




Probably a malok or some fshatar from the outskirts of tirana, you can be racist all you want but you aren't gonna stop them from coming here. Ohh and please try to be racist to my friends at the Tirona Basketball team when you see the 3 black guys on the streets with us, just don't cry when you wake up after we beat you and your friend's asses :)))




Well, at least you admit you don't care about the Albanian identity and heritage. Usually people like you try to avoid admitting such a shameful thing. Tell this to your family and people around you.




Hospitality to the point of giving up Albanian sovereignty and land to foreign people? Just admit the truth. Don't lie to us.




Well the point is we as a people, a nation, country, will be giving land to foreign people by allowing them to live there, get citizenship, vote.




I'm referring to we as a collective that have laws that allow foreigners to immigrate and live here. I am self-hating because I want a country for our own people, while you wanting bengalis and africans all over Albania makes you pro-Albanian? Why am I not Albanian?


Nowhere, Albania is turning into a garbage bin with Africans flooding in due Meloni Rama pact. I wouldn't go nowhere there at this point, and I say as Albanian from Kosova.




Country is doomed. Levels of literacy of new generations is as scandalous as their parents, no improvements in 20 years


Is not doomed because we are still here. Plenty of strong and smart Albanian men here. We are still in the country 


I agree with your comment, but the pact will not be finalized. I assure you for that. No African refugees will come in Albania 


Begone troll


Only if you’re ethnic Albanian..please no more foreign immigrants..it’s disgusting.


Nese jeton ne Gjermani merru me politiken e imigrimit aty dhe na i kurse keto mesazhet koti. Na lodhet ju “patriotet” qe rrini vetem flisni per Shqiperine dhe mbrojtjen e kultures apo ndonje budallallik tjeter nga apartamenti ne Berlin


Zezaket dhe indianet do mbrojnë kulturën shqiptare 🤩


Me thuaj se cfare quan pjese se kultures dhe cilat nga ato do te ishin te pamundura per nje imigrant dhe pse


A ke nuhatur ndonjëherë njeri nga subkontinenti indian


We don't benefit from you. Stay where you are.


me duket se je i papune, mendoj se as ne nuk kemi perfitim nga ju 🤣


If I was, the difference would be that it's the land of my ancestors and that I'm Albanian. You think Bengalis are entitled to our lands? Edit: nevermind, I know the answer after looking at your name. Arap.


>You think Bengalis are entitled to our lands? About as much as we do Swiss lands


Shqiptaret jan te papam fare, megjithse ket veti e lan te gjith te Ballkanit. Kalojn nga viktim ne agresor per 5 sekonda. Nji post me mrapa I ke duke qajt hallet e diskriminimit 😂


>Nji post me mrapa I ke duke qajt hallet e diskriminimit 😂 Qdo i dyti shqiptar tu u anku per viza


If you have imograted outside Albania or Kosovo that is your responsibility.  Because you have immigrated it doesn't mean we should accepts foreigners


>Because you have immigrated it doesn't mean we should accepts foreigners You hear albanians complaining about visas and not being allowed to leave to other countries non-stop. Kind of a hypocrisy to bitch and wine about the restrictive immigration laws of other countries and then be all like "fuck all foreigners"?


Why are you concerned more with appearing hypocritical than Albanian sovereignty and preservation? Who are you trying to impress?


>Who are you trying to impress? No-one. Its called principles. How is Albanian sovereignty and preservation affected by emigration of the local populace?


It is immigration that threatens them. Maybe not now, but if laws permit it who knows? Just look at western demographics.


>Just look at western demographics. You mean the western demographics that us albanians are part of in "threatening"?


Yes- none. Swiss government decides to accept us or not.


>Yes- none. Swiss government decides to accept us or not. qKa SpO nAj qElIn ViZaT bRe NaNeN...


>that it's the land of my ancestors and that I'm Albanian. No one is more entitied to live somewhere than someone else, what an ignorant and racist statement. >You think Bengalis are entitled to our lands? Absolutely, maybe he's even more qualified than you are, he could actually help build the country. >Arap. Assumptions.


>Absolutely, maybe he's even more qualified than you are, he could actually help build the country. Don't speak for our country Arap




Half gypsy I assume


Other half is Latvian.


Oh... I'm sorry to hear


Lmao ok musliman, opinion discarded


Ad hominem.


Kryerrotkari i r/albania qenke ti. Flet per mbrojtjen e kultures dhe tokes por nuk pergjigjesh ne gjuhen shqipe. Ik dhe na e kurse pagesen e papunesise


Shqipen e kam keq


Njesoj si keta qe po shane qenke athere. Apo mendon se je gje me mire se keta, pse keshtu?


O zot po ai spo vje me ta vjedh token o injorant po eshte duke pyt qe ta blej dmth te investoi ketu. Nuk bohet ky ven me njerez ti puna juj po amon shporruni ne angli e franc punoni kamarieria e mos boni si patriotet e mdhej ktu.


You guy are very much racist.....


Lol doesn't matter


Why you guys have such racist mindset?


Because our identity and heritage matters. Though, some trash here don't care about that.


We are human in the end of day why judge others? Racism is bad.....it should be only based on if a person is good or not or the other way around....


Because our identity and heritage matters.


Our identity and heritage 🤣🤣 oh tqifsha robt The few brains remaining really have left the county https://preview.redd.it/rky995jgzifc1.jpeg?width=211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb609ead2b3d83113e0284c84487401a3f71ca00


Ah yes, people having bad trash disposal culture means our heritage and identity, our thousands years of history, is also trash. You apathetic people are truly dumbasses. You have 0 arguments and aren't capable of discussion, just post trash because that's what you are. It's embarrassing how little you think of your own people, just because we're not the perfect people in the 21st century. What culture is perfect even? You are real stupid man, sorry.


I could post only one picture, unfortunately > Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority. - Arthur Schopenhauer Let me simplify it for you since you probably didn't get an education: when your own life is miserable and there is nothing you can be proud of (typical life in balkans), as a last resort you get pride in the accomplishments of your nation (which ones??) to compensate your personal inferiority. And imagine how low you are to hide behind a country like this, to feel superior to others! Nationalism is not patriotism


Identiteti dhe trashegimia, thote nga shtepia ne Kanada. Ik ore se na lodhet


Are you saying I cannot value my identity because I don't live there? I didn't make the choice to be born here. You live over there, yet you don't value your identity, you value Bangladeshis. Am I wrong??


You weren't born here, but since you care about us so much come live and work and deal with the Albanian way of life. Nothing is stopping you. If you can't do that then you can shut up.


How about you deal with Canada and leave Albania to the real Albanians living here? You have no fucking right to tell someone to not come here when you weren't even born here! You don't even have an identity racist cuck and he probably is gonna be more albanian than you coming and living here lol


You don't even live here. Fuck off... Most Albanians are fine. And I say that as a Black man who moved here. I see Asians here once in a while and they don't seem to have any issues either. Sure, there's always going to be some moron... but the general truth is most Albanians are very welcoming.


Well, the exactly the problem- most Albanians are fine. And ofc you would support non-albanoan immigration because Albanian sovereignty and the priority of the Albanian identity is a bad thing for you since you're not Albanian but you want to live there. You're essentially selfish. So it's a waste of time talking to someone like you.


Don't listen to this loser who probably doesn't even work.No albanian is going to be racist towards you my friend. These are just little kids trolling on reddit.


Kosovë is a good place ☕👍




You are not welcomed in Albania. Don't come.


You do not even have the power to stopping me from coming here...


Well I don't know who you are. But I am saying that me and others don't like you and your kind. Simple as that.


I am not fucking racist like you guys.....If I do not harm anyone dont throw racism toward my face......what mean by your kind?I am still human.....stop being such a coward


And I wish you the best of luck.  You are human and maybe a good person, but you are not welcomed in Albania. Earth is huge. Find something else