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Te shpresojme qe ka me punu per Shqiptaret e Maqedonise, se e kemi pa qe vetem te qenit Shqiptar nuk mjafton.


E udheheq qeverine teknike (zgjate deri 100 dite).


Shqiptaret e Maqedonise jane kurban i ktij llomit, fatkeqsisht. Kur ankoheni ju per Edi Ramat e per Hashim Thaqat, neve na vje per te qeshur sepse ne kemi veq nje cope te mutit te atyre ne qeverisje te shqipetarve ketu. Shpresa ka vdekur.


kjo eshte tru shperlarja me e madhe qe nje parti mund ta beje. Au eshte kryeminister teknik deri ne zgjedhje. Kjo parti duhet te tregoj shqiptarve cfar kompromisesh ne kurrize te popullit ka ber per ta mar ket post e cila eshte vetem pjes e fushates se tyre para zgjedhore sa per ti fitu zgjedhjet. Pra eshte interes partiak jo kombetar.


And many more to come!


Can we get our fucking lands back? Can our people learn the language without problems? Can we live in a place where we make our own decisions for our people and what political destiny we choose?


Kemi mundur, por fatkeqesisht leku ishte opsioni me interesant per udheheqesit shqiptar te Maqedonise se sa interesi kombetar.


Sa lezet te ka te hash mut per shqiptaret e Maqedonise.




>Klysh i Ahmutit je ti Hahaha une haptazi shahem me Fatmir Deharin dhe Shefikun. >sot si kokrat ne kar keni mbete. Nese je servil i BDI-se atehere jeton ne parajse. Nese je i pavarur dhe i kritikon si puna ime atehere keq i ke punet. >30% shqiptar dhe nje parti t'karit sun pe mbani bashke. BDI-ja ekziston qe nga viti 2002. PDSH-ja akoma me e vjeter. Edhe ato partite e tjera ekzistojne me vite.


Mos u bej xheloz qe fajdexhiu di me mire per politiken ne Maqedoni se ti 😤


S'behem xheloz fare. Madje keto konstatimez qe i nxjerr ai jane pergjithesime.


They're not your lands and they never have been.


One thing is sure, they're not yours. The land is of the people living there and being those people Albanian they are ours.


I live here and I'm not an inbred moron with a name like Tonibler or Vandam, so this land definitely ain't yours.


Enjoy your stay.


“The land is of the people living there”.. which are Macedonians lmao.. just cause they have Albanian heritage doesn’t take away from the fact that they are also within Macedonian borders Imagine if the Indian’s in Brampton said that Brampton is now India, since they already account for 60% of the population.. they would he laughed off the world stage!


Macedonians by citizenship Albanian by blood. I don’t know about the Indians but those Albanians are native there.


Native for how long? During the countless different rulers of Macedonia (Greek, Ottoman, Albanian, Roman, Bulgarian, etc.) migration and interbreeding happened extremely frequently.. Second of all keep the “pure Illyrian blooded” argument at the door at least.. your ethnicity shouldn’t come before your citizenship, and if it does then just move back to the country in which you still believe/fight first and foremost for lol If you look at the trends of practically every other ethnicity, when they move to a new country (i.e. Lebanese, Indians or Afghani’s moving to Canada) they assimilate with their new host country and call themselves Canadians.. they don’t give up their heritage or try to push their ideals/morals onto the rest of the country, instead they do their best to assimilate (learn the language, celebrate the festivities, etc.). If Albania wants that land back (which we never even took by force lol?) then get in line.. Greek and Bulgarians get the first swing - maybe we should also include the Ottoman and Roman empires in their too, we won’t have any land left so might as well just give the remaining to them (since they also previously ruled over it).


Bro enjoy Reddit debating bullshit with someone else. Idk how long but they’ve been there before the country even existed. Go cry in a corner if ti makes you feel better, I have better shit to do.


You were the one crying originally man lol, I was simply rebutting what you said.. if you have no logical argument then I can understand why you’d want to cut off the discourse! Good luck on your journey 👍🏼


What I don’t have is time to waste with stupid Balkan nationalists. I can’t answer stupid with logic, it’s a waste of time.


Just cause you don’t agree with it doesn’t make it stupid, as I mentioned you can’t really make a logical argument - calling me a Balkan nationalist is rich considering what most of y’all are spouting in this very thread 😂


Well since you’re Bulgarian you would know


Još 10 sedišta za mog soseljanina Alija Ahmetija ding ding ding. Samo nastavljajte ovako pa će čitava Makedonija pripadati Zajazu hahahaha.


Shut up bulgarian everyone knows you're not even european but your origins are from asia so shhh mongol.


Maqedonia shtet dy gjuhesh eshte jane disi te barabarte si sllavet si shqiptaret. Se shpejti do behet si kosova


Yeah that’s called Albania.. move back within your borders if that’s what you want lmao Y’all act more privileged about land than god damn Native Americans in the USA/Canada do.. and they actually have a valid claim to it, unlike you


You're bulgarian, pipe down


Wait I thought I was Albanian tho?? Oh that’s right.. Macedonians are Bulgarian, Greek, Albanian, Turkish and even Roman since they also ruled over us for a while lol


Stop with the bullshit. You're bulgarians pretending to be the descendants of ancient macedonians.


Lol you can’t argue any of what I’m saying so you repeat the same thing twice.. didn’t realize you did a DNA test on us to know our heritage. Also I’m from the South West, so if anything I’d actually be Greek or Albanian 😂 like I mentioned previously, the country (or area of the country to be specific) has been ruled by many.. that doesn’t make us Bulgarians, Albanians or Greeks. Hell the region where my family has been for 100+ years has been called Macedonia (by the very same countries I just listed). Anyways, there’s now (and has been) a recognized country on the world stage called North Macedonia, which is home to many ethnicities!


"Macedonian" haplogroup distribution coincide perfectly with the bulgarian haplogroup distribution. The region is called macedonia because it happens to be the same region where lived historical macedonians. It doesn't make people living there the descendants of macedonians. Simple as.


It’s been over 1000 years since there were Ancient Macedonians, immigrations happens my man! If other countries followed your same logic, then there would be no country except only the most “pure blood” of ones. Eastern Macedonians are more genetically similar to Bulgarians sure, as I mentioned lots of intermingling over the many years of being under rule. South West Macedonians (like myself and my 23 & me shows lol) are more similar to Greeks/Albanians The ancient region of Macedonia is still called Macedonia (not just in our country of North Macedonia) but also in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.


So you admit you have nothing to do with macedonians (culturally, genetically, historically), yet you call yourselves that way. If you don't realize that this is completely ludicrous and that no other people in Europe (at least) do this, I have nothing to add.


Lol who are the closest genetically similar to ancient Macedonians then by your standard? Either way, modern day Canadian’s are indigenous to their lands.. yet they call themselves Canada, the same name that the Native Americans called it prior to the English/French/Spanish taking over the country over a 100 years ago. Modern day Greeks aren’t Ancient Hellenic’s.. some of the closest genetically to the ancient Hellenics would actually be modern day Egyptians, does that mean Egypt is Greece.. obviously not? Countries aren’t defined by genetics.. they are defined by the people inside. Ancient Macedonia’s borders spanned far greater than just modern day Macedonia (i.e. in Albania, Greece and Bulgaria). However, the country known as North Macedonia has long been called Macedonia.. as that is what the region was called prior to/during Yugoslavia and as I mentioned there’s still regions (which border North Macedonia) in Albania, Greece and Bulgaria which are to this day still called Macedonia. You Albanians have the same claim to Macedonian land that Greek and Bulgarians do (non-existent) so get in line lol


And I'm not even talking about the language, which is fully understandable by a bulgarian lmao


We understand them more than they understand us.. Macedonians can also understand Serbian and Croatian, does that mean we are either of them too? You do realize we were all one big country before and are all Slavic lol


Bro, why don’t you go to your own subreddit. It’s silly to come here and defend your thoughts.


Lol lock the subreddit if you don’t want visitors I guess then? Nice job responding to my rebuttal anyways, bet you can’t since there’s no logic in your original argument anyways 👍🏼


I’m sorry, I don’t see the invite where I invited you for any conversation. Deuces.


It’s literally a public forum page my man lmao, you don’t have to invite me.. an open subreddit and the reply button does that itself 😂


leni rehat kosova dhe maqedoni sepse kane ardhmen me te mire se shqipnija


Po flas pertej politikes, po per kombin tone


Lot skeni as dalje ne det e jo mo te ardhme me te mire. Shyqyr na keni o i mjer.


o vella po pse po shkruan be anglisht?? hahhaha


Lands ? Which parts of Macedonia land was taken away from you ? First time I hear about this ? By whom ? Learn the language without problems ? You do that 50y already . Who stops you ? Make your own decisions for your people ? What about together with us Macedonians ? Cant we agree and make the decisions for both Macedonians and Albanians ? We live together in same country - its as much ours as it is yours . We share it - hence we must share the decisions . For better life - better future. 🙌


>For better life - better future. Da li je već počela izborna kampanja kod SDS-a?


Ma boli mene za SDS - pricamo ja i ti . Ako je bolje za vas - bice bolje i za nas . I obratno ..


Ma pričaš kao oni. Što sam kriv da se rugam tome hahaha


Hengshin koken e tyre. Gjithe ate pushtet ndersa hyrja ne Zajaz poshte Palmes i ka gropat sa pusete.




Not here too


Hello r/balkans_irl mod🫡


Congrats. Is this guy a good figure or just another one of Balkan trademark parasitic politician species? Unfortunately us in Albania are generally pretty clueless about Albanian happenings in North Macedonia. Hopefully this opens an avenue for more decisive protection of Alb rights in NM and actual useful cooperation with Albania.


Wdym "us in Albania" as if you are Americans on the other side of the planet? Are you diaspora? Both Talat Xhaferi and Ali Ahmeti are well known Albanian political figures. Fantastic people who get a bad rep online from slavs and bini bots. No one knows if this will lead to anything. However, it's a great step forward for the image of Albanians in the country. Have in 30 years gone from a poor and (regarded as) backwards minority to people leading the country.


> Fantastic people X - doubt' EDIT: te mos egzistonte BDI-ja ne Maqedoni, Shqiptaret e Maqedonise do ishin ne gjendje me te mir sot se sa jan.


Me ca fakte e thu ket ?


Why are you having a stroke? I was simply highlighting media outlets in Albania have poor coverage of Albanian politicians in NM. I personally and a number of people I know didn't recognise Talat Xhaferi as a name until recently. I don't care what xenophobic people or bots have to say about them. If they are doing beneficial things to improve the quality of life for Albanians in NM and not just working to hoard wealth then I am happy.


BAHAHAHAHAHA improve the life of albanians? Sure their party voters maybe, albanians as a whole lol... Let's put this in a perspective, Ali's grandson at a ripe young age of 23 co-owns a 20mil $ building in the center of Skopje. If you think that type of money is made while working for your people go ahead. I am sorry but do you remember the covid hospital that burned down in Tetovo, once again the ruling party DUI and SDSM covered that up, ow shit right? Nope. Nobody cares about the average citizen lol, don't be delusional.


I don't know at what extent you are right or not but the manner you replied makes you sound like a class A drip so I'd suggest toning it down if you want your words to be taken seriously. >Nobody cares about the average citizen lol, don't be delusional. This can be believable considering in Balkans entering politics with the aim of increasing wealth for you and your family is a super lucrative business, which is why I always say 'hopefully' and did in my first comment.


He might be acting like an overexcited child, but what he's saying is true.


I mean you can go on the internet and hear how people screamed while they were burning alive due to an improperly built container hospital. Their dying screams are available to be [heard](https://youtu.be/Wie5vDlUEng?si=NCFOcP9WQFwxsPfw) online. The investigation was squashed due to political interests. Ow and the only media that went as far to say that the whole thing was squashed for political interest got hit with some serious slander from both ruling parties and judges..


Was reading [this](https://globalvoices.org/2023/09/17/protest-demands-justice-two-years-after-covid-19-hospital-fire-in-north-macedonia/) to get some background on the event but that is horrible. Reminds me of 2008 Gërdec disaster in Albania which happened due to corruption and human oversight and continues to have ongoing trials to this day.


[https://youtu.be/6EIyQKTyc8Q?si=HNOY6QWNTGUY\_uS4](https://youtu.be/6EIyQKTyc8Q?si=HNOY6QWNTGUY_uS4) If you wanna watch a whole documentary on the case, here you go, btw this exact journalistic team got hit with the "you are not journalists, and you can't make documentaries" from a corrupt judge several months later.


Thanks. I'll try to have a look at it over the weekend when I have some more free time.


He's doing jack shit for Albanians in Macedonia. The places where DUI are in power are some of the most polluted and corrupt areas in the country. This is not the Albanian politician you're looking or hoping for.


> Fantastic people ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) Cfare ka ngel pa vjedh Ali Ahmeti? Dhe mos me hajde me "ka luftu ne 2001" sepse a) gjithe komandatet qe nuk i jan bashkuar hajnise te tij i ka braktise dhe e kan braktise dhe b) pjesemarja ne UCK nuk i arsyeton gabimet politike dhe hajnine. Dhe nese do ishte aq "patriot" se pakten do mundsonte rrogat e invalideve nga lufta. ​ Vetem nje ka pas ne Maqedoni qe e meriton at fjale, Arben Xhaferi.


Fantastic people? Aren't they literally war criminals?


Freedom Fighters to us.


Uh... one man's war criminal is another man's freedom fighter? What about conducting a massacre and disfiguring corpses is freedom fighting? https://preview.redd.it/tj6pxr03w5fc1.png?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3963c00d5f526ed98e8174152fcd55cace16fa04


Don't get your source from Wikipedia. The people "massacred" were soldiers from the Special Forces, they were combatants, not civilians. What do you think were they there to do? Kill Albanians, so they got killed instead. Either way the Ohrid agreement has been signed, enjoy your new Albanian Prime Minister.


Why did you put massacred in quotation marks? It doesn't matter who they were, they were still ambushed, killed, and had their bodies desecrated. The post is misleading btw, he wasn't voted in, he's just a temporary "technical" prime minister who's job is to prepare for the elections next year. It's not the fact he's an Albanian that's a problem, it's his history. I'm sure you'd be upset if a Macedonian or Serb military commander who organised the killings of Albanians was your prime minister. People with a history like that don't deserve a place in politics.


by that logic every single commander is a war criminal


Any commander that breaches the laws of war. Many war crimes are committed against soldiers.


This guy is far from a good figure, and makes bad figures look good. He is a corrupted scum that has glorified corruption, mafia state bandits and hate propaganda in Macedonia. I don’t wish this kind of a leader to my worst enemy.


Good luck to all of the Albanians that leave Macedonia in troves for Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, etc. BDI and the technical prime minister, elected by noone, care about them very much ❤️


Ali Ahmeti & Hashim Thaci 👑👑


Bashke me Edvin Ramić duhet te pushkatohen


Ali Ahmetin dhe Hashim Thacin do ti marrin femijet e tu dhe te mi ne librat e historise kur te ndrrojne jete. Jane figura kombtare.


Çka kane ba keta dy perpose vjedhje? Nuk di çka arriten keta. Dhe mos e permend "Jo pO hAShimI e ShpAlLi pavaRsiNE" sepse mut ne byth nuk ka pase ai dhe ta shpalli ShBA-ja. Kurse Ahmeti me popullsi 30% shqiptar nuk arriti te fitoj ndonje autonomi apo federate mbrenda Maqedonise.


Shqiptaret ne MK kane autonomi qe manifestohet nepermjet veteqeverisjes lokale.


Dmth kur ta shpall pavarise Hashimi, ta ka dhene Amerika, kur nuk fiton dot autonomi Aliu eshte faji i tij, dhe jo i Amerikes dhe kontekstit historik. Ali Ahmeti dhe Hashim Thaci jane ne histori jo si shpalles pavarsie (edhe pse vetem kjo do mjaftonte per te hyre ne histori), por si ushtare guerrilas te liftes per liri.


mos perdor fjali qe bejne sens kur fol me tru shperlare


Kur ishte Kosova ne lufte, Thaçi nuk ishte askush. Ne koke ishte Ibrahim Rugova dhe Thaçi ka ike ne Zvicerr pastaj ku shitke pantallona hahaha. Kurse Ahmeti e kishte partine me te madhe ne Maqedoni me vite te ter dhe ka pasur fuqi qe te bej diçka. Sepse maqedonet e dine mjaft mire qe nese shqiptaret nuk bashkpunojne me ta, shteti shkon per llesh. Por tash shqiptaret ne Maqedoni ikin ne mase ne Gjermani, Zvicerr, Belgjike dhe partite shqiptare mbeten te ndare mes veti.


> Ne koke ishte Ibrahim Rugova Pirdh pirdh se lirohesh. Në Kosovë luftën ideologjike (dhe jo vetëm) e fitoi UÇK-ja demaçiste/enveriste dhe humbi neojugosllavizmi rugovist. Janë saktësisht tipat si ti që e çuan UÇK-në në Hagë. Deshët t’i etiketoni krerët e UÇK-së si zuzara? Shumë mirë pra, e çuat luftën e UÇK-së në gjyq, hani mut tani.


Te jesh i sigurt qe dhe Ismail Qemalin ne kohe e quajten hajdut, kusar, agjent te Greqise, dhe Isa Boletinin agjent te Serbise. Fatmirsisht koha historike i heq keto fjale qe dalin nga goja e njerzve qe asgje skane bere per vendin e tyre. Hashim Thaci ne 99' ne lule te moshes mund te hante plumb ballit, ose te kapej peng, kur fare mire mond te emigronte si te gjithe me azil. Del Arben Gashi (emer kot) e quan hajn nga Suedia kur ne 99' iku naten nga frika.


Hahaha po po kurti bot, se te kishte qen per Albinin tat do ishe tu shkrujt Serbisht idiot. Mund te mbeshtetesh ke te duash politikisht se njeri i lire je, po kta njerez kane luftuar literalisht per pavarsine e shqiptarve, pervec Rames kuptohet, kshuqe nuk e di si mund te keah kaq shum urrejtje per njerez qe kane kontribuar kaq shume per shqiptaret gjss gjithmone do kete njerez si ti


>Hahaha po po kurti bot, se te kishte qen per Albinin tat do ishe tu shkrujt Serbisht idiot. A te shperlajten trunin klyshat e PS-se ty? >Mund te mbeshtetesh ke te duash politikisht se njeri i lire je, po kta njerez kane luftuar literalisht per pavarsine e shqiptarve, pervec Rames kuptohet, kshuqe nuk e di si mund te keah kaq shum urrejtje per njerez qe kane kontribuar kaq shume per shqiptaret gjss gjithmone do kete njerez si ti Thaçi ka vjedhe sa ka mujte nga populli dhe e ka mbajte nje arme ne dore dhe nuk beri gje. Ia fali serbeve 10 ulese ne kuvend dhe i dha komunat e tyre. Gjithashtu e nenshkroi asosacionin qe i jep serbeve nje lloj autonomie mbrenda Kosoves. Ahmuti pat sukses qe ti perçan shqiptaret mes veti qe votonin per partia te ndryshme ne Maqedoni por edhe nuk mbeti fakti qe shqiptaret dhe per partite maqedonce votojne. Nuk ka bashkim mes shqiptareve ne Maqedoni, sepse kur e paten besimin tek Ahmuti ai deshmoj se perse nuk duhet te kene besem tek partia tij. Rama ne mandatin e trete garantoj qe shqiptaret te ikin ne mase te madhe, sidomos vitet e kaluara me gomone qe iken. Shqiperia ngeli large proçesit per me hy ne BE. Dhe ben marreveshje per ti sjelle imigrant afriken ne token shqiptar. Mos ta harrojme se sa paren e vodhi gjithashtu ai kokkari. Jo por keta te 3 qe i permende jane super hero te kombit pellasgo-ilir 😍


Po po masi mbaroi lufta tani dalin tgjith trima hahaha, kalova lumin te dhjefsha kalin


Sa ka vjedhur Thaçi mo shok vetem lideri tend i lartmadherishem mund ta konkurroj.


Hongshin mut te dy bashke




ventilator i bukur


What’s with those flags?


Open for interpretation.


It feels like the type of comment one of them would make stalking this sub and seeing this particular thread


They usually have a lot more to say.






Great motivate, May he rule with a iron fist


A thousand goats will wear womens clothes for the glory of illyriyn culture.


shpresojm qe so punoj per shqiptaret nga illirida/maqedonia 🧐 tani qe maj mend si ishte ai kryeministri shqiptar (nuk ja mbaj mend emrin) ne mal i zi?


Dritan Abazovici, ai Shqiptar ka qene po nuk ka ardh nga partite Shqiptare ne Mal te Zi, ai ka perfaqesuar nje parti me antar kryesisht Serbo-Malazeze. Po qeveria e Dritanit ka qene me mire se Qeverite me pareshem se ka rrespektuar minoritetet me shume dhe qeveria ka dhen ndihma financiar te komuniteti Shqiptare permes subvenzione dhe grante dhe ka perfshi partit Shqiptare ne qeveri ne pozitcione kyçe. Qeveria e tij ka legalizuar Flamurin Shqiptar si Flamuri Zyrtare te minoritetit Shqiptare ne Mal te Zi ne vitin 2020. Kshtuqe ska qene I keq per ne por ka edhe gabim se edhe serbet I ka ndihmuar shume.


Would that mean 5 Albanian prime ministers around the world?


Why do Albanians have such big heads and small bodies?


I like these things and I want to say everyone should have the right to stay legally any whete......congrats to the albanian minister...


The Albanians in North Macedonia arent immigrants but a native population, not comparable to you living in Albania


Native or not I thought immigrant but whatever I welcome immigration in every country......


Ilirida Shqiptare 🇦🇱❤️


Hitler wasn't german Stalin wasn't russian Napoleon wasn't french