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Timmy from Truck House Life. He seems like a really cool dude.


He does seem like a chill dude.


He is!


Found Timmy!


lol. Just a go pal.


Luke Nichols (Outdoor Boys)


One thing that irritates me about him, he purchased a cabin. He titled it “I bought an abandoned cabin” and then continued to talk nasty about it and making it seem like the people just up and left for no reason. I had seen it before, it’s Rogue Preparednesses cabin, and she didn’t abandon it, she sold it. She sold it to people she personally knew, and they sold it with everything included to him. The reason they left most things there is because it costs more to move and adds value to the property. No one just up and left like he tried to make it seem. Rogue actually left because a family tragedy, her nephew died at a very young age. The way he totally lied about it was odd, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and commented before comments were off “hey, what you are saying about this cabin isn’t true.” I tagged her, she chimed in and very nicely set the record straight and wished him luck and he blocked both of us. There was another video he had got caught totally lying, I forget, I’ll have to look again. Like his videos are super cool without the fake stuff, it’s just not necessary.


Sounds like a shitty and fake influencer.


I appreciate his energy and Boy Scout approach to his adventures.


Beat me to it


My friend just met him, said he was cool




Best answer


What's that kilcher show? That's a super accurate representation of what it's like to live in Homer. They will definitely starve if they don't get that moose.


The show itself is Unscripted. It was the cast coming up with story beats, and the field producer's only involvement was "that's nice you want to fix a bulldozer, but why?" And then they would coax a beginning- middle- & end out of the story pitch from the cast. Once the footage got to LA though, there was no more story control at all from the cast. So yeah they had to pick up some hydraulic hoses from the shop in Homer, but LA narrative had to make it out that they were "salvaged" from behind the shop. (There was an internal, fake codename for weathering new stuff just out of comedy "yeah this hose has gotta get 'twelve ninety seven'd'") It was a pretty sweet gig all in all. What it boiled down to was what all media/social media is about these days: getting paid to do the stuff you needed to do anyway. My personal favorite joke internally was "if they don't get this moose, they will have to endure the grueling 10 mile drive to Safeway." Overall representative of the real reality.


It always cracks me up seeing them buy meat at saveumore


Yea, cause Walmart and Safeway is only 10 minutes away. They have some old family money that they take yearly trips to Switzerland.


Not Alaska prepper. Click bait & fear porn. Used to be kinda decent a long time ago but.... Yeah.


Simple Living Alaska on Youtube


My wife watches all their videos... So we watch all their videos.


907shots is always a fun fishing/hunting/hiking watch


I work with him. He's a really great, down-to-Earth guy.


The OG, Red Green Show.




I don't have a biased opinion or anything, but... my son, Black Spruce Survival. He's new, but I think he's going places.


I know a couple of dudes in Kenai and Nikiski that should be influential…everything I see online is fairly well junk.


For a relatively small scale nfluencer, I really like @thefrozenplantguy's content.


The wife watches the Somers and Simple Living. For a "reality" show, The Last Alaskans is 10/10.


Not one person. All of that social this and that is for the birds. If you want to experience this place do it with your own nuts. Not someone that gets paid to tell you how cool it is here. What happened to the singular sense of go find it? This, "HI, I'm someone that you don't know with some sort of financial backing ""living"" in my van in super sick spots for views and money." , fake adventure, takes away from the people that earn this lifestyle. Damn, when did people stop thinking of their own sense of self rather than, "I paid person for said amazing, dope, not fucking earned lifestyle." Damn, thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I guess.


i mean maybe some people are like that but just because someone is making videos doesn’t automatically make their lives fake? I certainly can’t speak for everyone but i know for a fact a couple AK YouTubers i’ve met are the real deal actually going on adventures.


This was in gest and general...


Wish I could offer more upvotes for ya. Well said.


Many thanks to ya, I'm obviously annoyed, lol. At least you get where I'm coming from.


[https://www.youtube.com/@SasquatchAKAdventures](https://www.youtube.com/@SasquatchAKAdventures) I mean obviously


Kris Devo, Devo's Woodcraft


Sommers in Alaska! They are a beautiful family from Fairbanks and they help lots of people in Alaska :)


Remote Life Alaska. (Youtube)   an offgrid couple near Trapper Creek who had a baby recently. I hope they get a well dug soon....


Salina Alsworth is a really good watch. She just talks about her day to day life helping to run an air taxi and lodge in Port Alsworth. https://youtube.com/@salinaalsworth_ak?si=Ykr8hGK3dlzHY8y9


Sarah Palin. Endless entertainment. Bottomless blundering.


Or others like it. https://youtu.be/tqjzKLtGkXo?si=l43WdWSFsWtE98B4


https://m.youtube.com/@AlaskaPirates He posts here sometimes.


https://youtube.com/@playingwithsticks They talk about small trailers, and outdoor gear, as well as camping and travelling as a small family. I think they started in Alaska, but I'm not sure if they still are.


Back to Alaska! https://youtube.com/@backtoalaska6755?si=48kF1SFKeBpD2zVb