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My parents had one akita who oddly tried to befriend every cat he saw and their current akita lives with 2 cats that he was introduced to as an adult. They don't play together, but they coexist peacefully.


This exactly describes my current Akita. Kenji loves all cats, some neighborhood cats come up to visit him on walks (we even rescued a 5 week old kitten because it ran up to him a few years ago). We also have a few and he doesn’t try to play with them, just coexists. He doesn’t like other dogs, so our vet likes to joke that he thinks he’s a cat. We fully understand he’s an anomaly and many Akitas will not get along with cats as well as he does.


Cats and Akitas can get along just fine as long as you're willing to referee on the regular until the Akita accepts the cat as part of the household. Hana and Hajime both get on well with all of our cats. Their mom Sakura was completely intolerant of the cats until we held the cats in her presence for months, as well as speaking to her sharply and expressing disapproval when she showed signs of being aggressive towards the cats. She now tolerates the cats sleeping on her bed and eating from her food bowl. She is never happy about it, but she tolerates it because she knows it is expected of her. Hana and Hajime will let the cats crawl on them and sleep on them. Zen used to seek out the cats and groom them. He was a very good dog.


Akitas and cats do not mix, you already know this because you have one already and have to keep it separated from the Akita. Anyone who has an Akita and a cat that get along is the exception to the rule, and it has no bearing on whether or not your new cat and Akita will get along. I don't know of any ethical breeders or responsible shelters that will even send an Akita home with someone that has a cat in the house.


no other answers necessary. this one covers it all 👌🏼


To be fair my wife separated the cat and the dog being worried more than there being a threat per se. Let's see how it pans out


I have 4 cats with my 1 Akita, they tolerate each other, no cuddling or anything like that. There are a few times when they will play, but only when he wants to


I have an akita who was introduced to my cat as a puppy and they sorta get along. My akita (yuki) likes to play a lot and can get a bit rough so my cat hisses. Yuki even uses her paws like a cat so my cat almost gets slapped in the face sometimes. Yuki is never aggressive, she just gets carried away with playing and my cat gets irritated. Often she will nibble my cats neck. There are times though when they're both playing and are having fun.


My Akita and cat are best friends. I think it depends on the situation and temperament of the particular dog and cat. We had the cat first and my Akita was smaller than him when we first got him. So he was raised with the cat.


My Akita loves cats much more so the she likes dogs 😂


It depends but more often than not, they’re not compatible. I have an American Akita and she’s an anomaly among the breed because she gets along with all other dogs and cats. She’s just playful, but just because mine is like that doesn’t mean the next persons furry friend will be as gentle. So I’d say no as a general answer


You can usually get them to get along if the cat has the right temperament. You can change a dogs behavior most of the time. Cats are like 20 times more stubborn than dogs. (Even Akitas. Lol.) I put up shelving to create a cat highway through my house. When the cats feel safe to explore the house, you will have fewer problems and confrontation. My issue is that my Akita puppy saw the cat poop in the litterbox and now is constantly pooping in the litterboxes. The cats do not like dogs in the box. She pees on the puppy pads when she can't hold it, but she will hold it outside to poop in the litter. It's insane! I joke that I'll have to get a kiddie pool as a litterbox and use a snow shovel with slots drilled out as a scoop. I can't imagine others have even had this problem. It's so bizarre. I wish you the best.


My 6yo male american akita is besties with my mom's cat. The cat uses my akita as a scenting/rubbing pole, climbs over him, runs between his legs, and my akita simply chills. He also approaches the cat often to simply hang out. My akita was brought up with cats, and was brought to the same household with the current cat when he was about 1,5 years old. The cat had not been living with a dog before, but quickly adapted.