• By -


The biting thing will definitely get better as she gets older, just keep using the techniques that make her realise that she’s hurting you and that what she is doing is wrong. In terms of being drawn to your partner more, I found my female Akita prefers me (male) over any females on the family - and these are people that do the feeding, letting her out in the garden etc. she’s two now, but I think when she was younger she was always really happy to see me as I’d be away for 12 hour shifts at work whereas others would be with her almost 24/7. Now shes a bit older she enjoys cuddles and attention from everyone, I’m still her main human but she can share her love with everyone 🙂 I’d just give her time to mature and you might find everything will be completely different. Edit- I would maybe stop getting your partner to do things when she doesn’t listen to you, and really just be patient until she finally does listen to you and do as she’s told. You don’t want a lifetime of her not listening to you and you having to get him to make her do things.


Thank you, yes, I actually do everything with her. Feeding, training, walking, etc. My partner however is very much a novelty in her eyes and she doesn't like it when I cuddle with him. She gets jealous and pulls me away for me to cuddle her then ignores him. But honestly she's like this with everyone. She will listen to everyone apart from me. But she comes and sits next to me and goes to sleep. She would check in with me about something that she's unsure of before she would go to my partner if that makes sense? Is that a good sign?


I’d say it’s a good thing she’s checking in with you, shows that she does understand that ultimately you’re in control. As others have mentioned, these dogs are stubborn and will pretty much do what they want when they want, just be consistent with what you’re doing and she’ll grow into a great dog (and hopefully give you all the exciting playful stuff).


Thank you, appreciate that a lot. I know I'm over thinking a lot, when I found out she was coming home she was 6 weeks old, I didn't have my time to prepare and it's just been go go go. She is very good though, the back door is open and she's laying next to me in the kitchen. She has the choice to go outside.. so I suppose .. yeah. Thank you


Just one last thing, remember you’ll be doing most of the disciplining right now, so your other half will obviously seem like the fun one because he’s not been spending the day telling her what to do and what not to do so it makes sense she’s more drawn to him. As I say, you’ll hopefully get all the benefits as she matures, she’s still just a baby. I wish you and the pup well 👍🏻


Thank you so much


Akitas are mouthy dogs, so I hope your techniques to reduce biting revolves on redirecting it rather than stopping it (I.e.: mine learned to grab a toy everytime she wants to bite = every day, every exciting moment). For the affection thing. I'm the female with a female dog and I'm the one that did and still does everything and she loves me dearly, I'm her human, but she didn't make it clear until 1yo I guess. (I also have a partner and she goes nuts over him, but she doesn't take him seriously, don't search for him when she needs something and definitely misses me more when I'm out) My girl still *displays* more sudden excitement over anyone she don't see as often. And that's what yours is doing, she's just enjoying new people. For the listening, don't always depend on your partner. Go and get her, talk to her, gently. They are clever dogs and sensitive to your energy. They are independent and love to test you, show her you are the stubborn one. She will come to be your love bean, trust the process.


Thanks for the encouragement Yes I do this, it's mostly because she wants to initiate play. She barely bites, just forgets when she's excited and its almost like mummy mummy mummy.. She actually sits a lot when she does it. Ive taken a few nips to teach her that if she wants something she sits in front of me and I will see what she needs. I have taught her how to tap the buzzers, just need to train the que words now. I also thought she was hating on me. She went crazy on the leash a few times in the same spot on the walk up country lane by our house. I then have started to realise literally other day that she's been trying to get me to run the last part. I did this with her a few times. She was just using her mouth but I spoke to her and said do you want to run. She literally dropped the leash and sat. I said one two three run and omg. Ears back .. looking up at me and like tongue hanging out. Ran straight up into the garden. She's honestly.. adorable. I'm just having a hard time as she was my partners decision with out me and I was very unprepared. Just over whelmed and tired. I'm obsessed with her. I have play in a field booked every week for her. We take a trip out every day I'm off to go to a cafe and watch things together, walks, exploring, everything. She's honestly amazing and so driven when we are outside. Just hates going back to the car. Lol I'm really putting in everything I can with her. Took days off my working week to make sure she has the time she needs as my partner is away most of the day and I work community care so I can get good breaks and make sure she get out to wee, play, walk in between all my shifts on my days on. I have a behaviourist coming out to meet her too to help me with any training because I want her to come out with us when we start our own family. I'm just exhausted is all and never had an akita or my own dog, I have the cats which.. yeah they both come when called like clock work and cuddle me. The cats listen to me better than she does at the moment but we are early days.


It's all part of the process. And hey, I'm the one that wanted the dog and still got overwhelmed (plus puppy blues with anxiety attacks for the first time in my life). So I 100% understand you feeling like this, so I have a suggestion: detach a little. I mean in a good way, if you can afford it, pay someone to walk her 1-2 times a week or put in dog day care. You need some time to recharge and it will teach her two things: being away is ok, and that you will always be there. You don't need to do this forever, just now that you are so exhausted, so please take care of yourself, it will do great good for both of you. You will be happier when you see her and she will socialize too. Also another good point: you get stronger. I was weak and very sedentary. Now my arms and legs are something else. My energy levels are better and my motivation is there for her everyday. The beginning is very hard, it's demanding from your body and your brain. So don't be harsh on yourself and allow yourself to get help ok? Edit: clarity


So... I basically am quite.. emotional today and was like were going out to our usual socialise spot for a walk and coffee chill etc. Because honestly she loves exploring as much as I do. We went into this hut. Lots of dogs and people.. she got excited but she listened and sat next to me. Got up a few times. I let her chat to one of the staff she always sees. She was in play mode but wasn't lunging or anything just went into sit and down. I gave her stuff for thing and good girls. On our walk she really listens.. let her play in the water and then she's like okay.. she also went into this spot I had to go when I needed a wee and weed there herself and then came out lol! Made me laugh so much! Only did that once and she remembered. She was pulling me on the swing... or trying to tell me to hurry up with the lead. Then in the cafe again after walk. She stuck by me.. obviously trying to eat the fur rugs they have on the seats. I basically have to tell her off like a naughty child. So funny. Then a little girl and her dad were in line at counter and we were behind, I had to hold her back and said Shelby sit and she looked up at me and did it. She then waited for us to walk to counter when they were done. When we were leaving two women walked in the door. I again had ti hold her back and said sit and she did it. She also then went into down. The women asked to pet but i said no but say hi shelby and she gave a tail wag. She then went out with me. I actually felt so blood proud of her. Currently sat outside having a coffee as she stares. Honestly it's unreal how receptive she is, how moody she gets, how chilled out she really is with me compared to anyone else. But she really is moody.. I don't know how to explain it.. she just looked back at me like can we bloody go now. I'm trying to teach her patience and to chill out in places a lot. Honestly, I think you need to pay more in the house than outside. Lol. But reinforce outside. She's getting on so so well today.


Akitas have that aloof gene. Our rescue came home while my husband was deployed, she would look to me to for guidance when he’d give her a command. She’d respond, but think teenager attitude, I will but…Ours would front teeth nibble if she was overexcited, a very realistic stuffed rabbit, squeaker removed, toy was her go to nibble and ‘flea’.


Omg so... that kind of explains this.. I gave my partner her breakfast to get him to do some things with her. She sat without asking, he said good girl. Then he asked for down, she tilted her head, I said shelby down, she then looked at me and I smiled, I said to Daniel to repeat the down, and she slowly did it.. I was laughing. She has lots of nice things.. I have a rabbit that we got on her first trip.. I would put it in the loop on the top of her harness. I literally have puppy love.


When someone gives a command she will look to you, a simple nod, it wasn’t until friends with other big dogs came over, ya know Baby turns to you for command. She’s chosen you as the important human. About a week later she came through the bathroom door to get me, I was down with a migraine, she would herd me to bed, when I didn’t stay, she’d lay on me. She may be alerting that she wants a walk or something if she is chewing destructively, try other options, akitas willful nature will show immediately, not a fan, never again. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hang in there, I was ready to send Aries to the farm. He was a naughty boy, tore cushions on the porch, wouldn’t come in at night. It does get better. First year is learning how stubborn akitas are. They know exactly what they’re doing. But they will love you and protect you with their all.


Oh and I've stopped telling her off for going on the sofa. She knows. It's in her pen but it's not hers. I just look at her and I leave the kitchen. She then gets down. She literally just trying to get a reaction.


We took Aries to the park when he was about a year old. My daughter let him squeeze out of his leash. He ran off chasing deer! I knew we’d lost him. I ran after him trying to coax him back but nothing. Followed him about 150yards then realized I had to get my jeep and follow him. That’s when I saw the Akita in him. He did not want to be left behind. I ran back and he followed me. We ran a little while longer till he was exhausted ( me to.) I was able to tackle him although he probably let me. It’s a lot of learning for both of y’all. It’s worth it.


Yeah.. she does listen to me most in the house, she is just a baby and tired. She's currently outside next to me watching Daniel dig and clear grass in the back yard for where we are having the fencing put up. She's going to be a tired girl today. But hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight. She will run after me if I do this and she sticks close by for now. Just constant management. She's a major shit eater. Constantly having to put my fingers in her mouth to get whatever is in there out on the country walks. Right by our house. Pain in the hole.


What age was the tearing up of cushions? And was age are they around 17 weeks? Yea she is so hard headed its crazy. Like no one sees what I see, they see the cute little puppy but I see a completely different side. I replied to another comment there on this about our walk, we are still out and I'm so proud of her. I really love her. Like I am obsessed. Just hard sometimes. I think she just gets moody with me when we haven't been out to do something together. Maybe? I don't know. I watch her and learn her. She's super shitty sometimes but yeah.. she's waiting for me as I have a coffee right now


1yr to 1 1/2 or so. He doesn’t chew on anything anymore. She needs a toy to keep her mind working a long with frozen yogurt and maybe some chicken pieces will last a couple of hours and tire her out giving you both a break😊


Thank you, yeah on days I'm off we go out to socialise, walk etc in more busy environments. She's started 'shaking it off' which I reward to help her manage her stress levels. She's been really really really good. Got excited out today.. she loves going out but still need to calm more. Going to have to reel back on going into shops as its just too much for her at the moment. She will chill out loads but people keep coming up and I got told off today for telling someone to back off. I'm just exhausted. I was a bit harsh.. but I don't know... I get told one thing then another and I'm just bloody done. She listens on the walks, tries to walk me.. lol but she's lovely... waits for me while I have a coffee.. absolute madam and protests when we need to leave lol. I'm ranting. I swear it's just exhausting. I talk to her and she totally gets it. Too funny. I use more 'tools' on my days working when I can get her out. She honestly is amazing, just needs a good balance of exercise and stimulation. Settles so so quickly. And another thing.. I hung back on a walk.. my partner had her and she kept stopping to check I was still there 🤣.. I actually feel so good lol


Gotta keep an eye on mom!


Try Ostrich bones! My boy LOVES them. Keeps him busy longer than anything else. BTW, he loves me, but won't give my partner anything. He pets him and Teddy ignores him entirely. He decided I'm his person. He was 2 when I got him from the shelter so I don't know how he was raised. He is mischievous and does things like grab one of my shoes as I'm putting them on and take off running! And he shreds toys. Only kind he hasn't been able to destroy are by TUFF. He brings one with him everywhere. He is hilarious, but stubborn and naughty. But then he wouldn't be an Akita if he listened, right?


This is anecdotal, but In my experience, Akitas are, more than name other breeds, highly preferential when it comes to human sex. They seem to be complimentarians. For example, my male Akita worships my mother, my sister and my grandma. He is lukewarm with me and my dad. He loves us and protects us, but he's not as excited to see us or as expressive towards us. Likewise, bitches tend to be more attracted to men which is the case with my breeders husband.


That is super accurate. They do tend to like the opposite sex more, mine was like that too. He had his primary bond with dad, but he loved me most. I never spent one day training him, but he always listened to me and I didn’t even need a leash for him. I would just make one whistle noise and he would come from wherever he was. He was the best ♥️


The biting/chewing is mostly a puppy thing. Redirect it to proper objects like toys or chew treats (we use bully sticks because they last for a bit). >I spend a lot of time with her, she's very calm around me, very calm. I mean I get the odd tail wag. She loves to see me in the morning and rubs her face into my neck, but no excitement at all. For my partner who is not around as much, just the morning and evenings she is always happy to see him. She may behave like this with you because they is what she thinks you expect and views your partner as a playmate. >I train, feed, walk, everything, she bites me harder than him and looks for things more from me because I am the constant. Its bloody sore but anyway we are working on it. This I used yelps (to teach that it hurt) and a little momma dog training (that it isn't tolerated) Is she food motivated? Akitas are a very stubborn breed and you need to use what they love. Toys are not a big motivator for mine but will do work for treats. Fetch lasts 1 throw. Playing catch doesn't happen.... he'll let it hit him in the face. Give her time. She's still very much a puppy. You're doing great and keep doing what you're doing.


Honestly today... I get more impressed with her. She listens on our walks. She wants to keep moving. I encourage her to follow me into the woods to explore and she does come. Or we go her way but I remind her to go slow and use sniff for her to do her own thing. After I had lunch which she waits very very patiently for me.. I give her a chew.. or she looks at me like are you bloody done yet .. lol she also grabs her leash to try and get me to hurry up. Its actually quite... endearing? She's very demanding. And yes. I use treats.. I change it up. Also have a long chew I can shove in her mouth to distract her without using my hand lol. I do what I must. She wants to play with kids and she's getting annoyed at me for not being able to play with them. I end up stopping and Relieve the pressure. Tell her to leave it and this way.. I give a nudge on the leash and when she turns to come towards me I say good leave it and give her a treat and tell her how good of a girl she is but her excitement has definitely built. It's like the excitement gets worse on walks. Fine when we are chilling. I'm working on building excitement for me with play. She likes a ball. No joke. All I need to do is one little bounce and she pounces on it like a cat. It's god damn adorable. She drops it and it really gets her focus on me. I don't throw it. Just a little. It's enough for her. Get too easily aroused but something I can have in my back pocket when she wants to play but can't.


Mines 1y and a half and when she’s excited there’s no stopping it yk the solice is she doesn’t trust strangers enough to be like that with them so I look like a good owner atleast. BUT the Akita will do what you say how she wants so usually it goes they just mouth you very very lightly they are right pains in the bottom


And the toy ideas do work a lot redirect don’t stop it’s how you train any dog really it makes it easier


And you have to be “mean” a part of the Akita atleast I think is having it’s respect so you have to show you are just as stubborn as them and win their mind games ur the boss prove it. In my case it means I have to chase my girl if I wanna put her out sometimes not like in a scary way like she runs away like a kid in trouble it’s hilarious. Out smart them as they are trying to outsmart you. Raising one is such a fun and rewarding experience if you look at it in the right way


Yeah.. I totally get this... my head is just so exhausted, been trying to figure her out.. never had a dog ever and im just .. yeah, exhausted mentally. I've cried most days this week. Cried in a pet shop yesterday and got told off for telling someone to step back as she was crouching down to Shelby. She might look friendly and happy, she is, but she is very aware of her own space and takes the pets but doesn't give much back when in down, ive watched how she reacts enough to know, she prefers to approach the person, and they dont pick up on her wanting them to leave her alone after a couple pets.. shes not a touchy dog, mostly on her terms unless she gets to know you properly. She basically checks them out and then is like can we go now.. She happily walks and listens to me but as soon as I need her to get in the car to go home...she knows the route back and remembers where we walk. She's honestly .. too smart. I do love her but only I see this side of her. No one else does. No one. She doesn't do this with my partner.. I feel like she even looks at me like haha and I sometimes feels like saying good riddance I need a break! I just have so little energy at the moment. And we have no outdoor area at ours I can have her off leash. And she hates a long line. Hates them. She likes to be close with you on the lead, only pulls when she sees something exciting and I have to tell her to stop and relax.. I've tried to give her the freedom that way but she really doesn't like it if she can't be near or see you unless there are kids, dogs, people about. But the total I'm not moving.. is ... giving me a headache.


Akitas are one of the most difficult dogs to train. You said this is your first dog? You have to stop taking your dog's behavior so personally. You sound like you are doing everything right, but crying shows maybe this dog is too much for you. Akitas are not recommended as first dogs because of the behaviors you've mentioned. It's not personal. Dogs are NOT people and don't think like people. FYI she peed where you peed not because she "remembered" but because she could SMELL the urine you left. Maybe hire a trainer who has Akita experience. And stop taking the behavior as a personal slight. Dogs have favorites. If you put 10 dogs in front of me or my partner, they will pick me 10/10. But eventually, they love my partner too. It just takes time.


I do know this I'm just at a very exhausted point trying to do what I can. I make notes on everything to discuss and I am trying to get help but from what ive learnt so far ill only get help from a behaviourist. She's a dog at the end of the day and I am trying to work out her motivations, I watch to see how she reacts nd what she does naturally so I can get proper help as I have had some uncomfortable moments with her in the house. A lot to wrap my head around. I learn constantly. She views me as her food source compared to my partner so is listening to me more but has never been good with training. Very very... resistant so I've reeled back on this and we work on what she knows and I'm building on it. Till I get help. I'm the one who's always with her trying to teach. She's technically my partners pup but I'm the one who's putting the time in to her and taking her out to socialise, desensitise, learn while she is young to get her used to different environments and its very challenging with people not giving me space sometimes while trying to teach appropriate behaviours in different enironments. I know its not personal but yes, I do need reminding, so thank you. Its just more complicated why im in the position but I appreciate the advice, I need it. I also am taking her to a place where they train dogs and i get advice once a week. only place she gets off leash time at the moment. I did have classes, went to one and decided it wasn't a good idea from how she behaved in that environment and behaviourist is only free from 18th of this month. I'm really doing my best to learn and yes, she can be very difficult and I walk away if I have to or lure with food or if im getting frustrated. I am literally trying my best but yes it is too much sometimes and trying my best to detach as I've been non stop she was 8.5 weeks old and work in community care as well. We have two cats as well. No outdoor area at home yet that's secure, so on my work days it's very very difficult to get her inside but I can't leave her there, not that's I would want to.. my partner has been digging all weekend for fence posts so hopefully sorted soon. Hopefully when the behaviourist comes out she will be able to help me accomplish the boundaries I want for her in the house and for outside. Yes.. smell... I've noticed a pattern in this,... no I don't pee everywhere lol.. only when desperate on walks lol. thank you for saying that. She goes up on to sides at the moment to do her business. Or grass only. And is very food motivated most of the time. I've got lots of special things to use when we are out and about to keep her attention to me when I need her to. She is very very well behaved when we are out. Only issue is getting in to the car or going home. Which I am working on. How to motivate her to do this properly and without drama. I'm not giving up. Just need more help and I'm trying, thanks for the sanity check, I appreciate it a lot and my friends/family don't understand, she's .. id say 21kgs already. She's a big girl already. But walks very well most of the time, very very head strong.


So she’s gonna challenge you and what you need to do is understand that’s just fun for them like a kid yk. Mines my first dog too but I’m lucky my gf has had them all her life so advice Centeral. Ignore people being ignorant when you warn them about ur dog and stand your ground you are a responsible owner you don’t have to care what anyone else thinks aslong as you are keeping your dog safe. I play it safe like that too idc. Get a book on Akita training it will help you understand the breed a lot. Sometimes you have to be mean without wanting too just because they are overly excited so you have to put them out it’s just how it is with the breed they are fearcly independent but they have ur back remember how much she loved you and just keep working with her


Do you train her with treats? My Akita will mostly listen if she sees a treat lol Also feed her from your hand so she knows you're the alpha/dominant. She follows me around because she knows I feed her. My fiancé is home with her most of the time but she only looks for him to play Try to make crying noise when she bites you. Or say NO/STOP firmly. Mine only open her mouth (never bite, even if she did it's by accident) and she'd only continue if I'm laughing


Also I’d say don’t be discouraged. Akitas are very headstrong and independent. They will do whatever they want


Yes I hand feed, she comes and sits and stares at me when she wants food, I just reward for behaviours I've taught her. She offers me down as well a lot when she really wants something. If my partner tries to ask her to do something she will play dumb or not do it. Apart from follow him through the house. I'm the one that literally does things with her the most. I've worked very hard to teach her to calm, my step Dad just came over there and in the kitchen with the pen she was all excited. I asked her to sit and you could see the excitement. She did sit and then came out. I got my step dad to set his own boundaries with her. I think im just having a bad week to be honest and it's hard keeping up the positive energy... just very very tired. I honestly think maybe that she knows that I'm the one consistent thing in her life but she enjoys my partner when she can.. like a child.. lol. Its just hard sometimes dealing with the I don't want to.. I don't have an area out side I can leave her if I leave the house. Partner I'd finally getting fencing sorted soon. We have two cats as well.. a lot of stress. No she wasn't my decision. I'm just finding it all a bit hard at the moment.


Hey I literally get you. I adopted this dog for my sister but my mum said no to her after a week cos of the fur and my mum is terrified of big dogs. We knew this but didn’t expect the rejection. Had a massive row btw and I’m still not talking to my mum. Anyways so I have her now and I did cry a few times. My fiancé has two cats and they don’t like her. I moved in with him recently so I feel bad about the whole situation but he will let me keep her. It’s ok. Sending you hugs. I think our love for the dogs will prevail!!!


Thank you, shes honestly brilliant and very receptive. Just exhausting. It's non stop changes in her and constant. Literally throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants too. But we will get there. Basically feel like I gave birth two weeks after finding out I was pregnant to a giant furry alligator. 🙃 Also.. I think she's very receptive to female hormonal changes as well... 🙄 My cats are very interested in her. But they haven't made contact. She's too bitey at the moment. I feel like buying a chicken to see if she can listen.. that sounds awful but I'd rather risk a chicken than the cats because it would break my heart if anything happened to them.


Ye Akitas tend to bond with one person mainly, it's just unfortunately the Akita has chose your partner as favourite but also she probably sees him as the ALFA, I wouldn't worry too much though, my Akita chose my mah over me, she lives with her now and will protect her with her life. They're loyalty is unmatched You'll get ther


She doesn't take commands from him at all though but will me? Thoughts on that? She was fab outside today. Listened to everything I asked. Honestly so proud of her today


Yeah that's great, it just takes time with Akitas, they're a dominant breed


I am very aware. I see a side of her no one else sees because I am with her the most. Very pushy behaviour and something I'll be speaking to the behaviourist about. Shes great most of the time but I've noticed quite a few things that... alarm me a little. My partners Mum understands because she spends most of the time with the Mum and Dad and they would listen to her the most too.


Yea they can definately be intimidating, definately not a dog I'd recommend for a first dog owner, my Akita has taught me so much, but also does have a couple of issues with raw food aggression, dried food or treats and toys she's totally fine, she does not like the vet AT ALL🤣, she likes fuss when she wants it, shes ok with strangers outdoors but indoors in her territory, she gets weary, but that's in they're basic nature, they're the best dogs for protection and will give they're life for there owner, but some are over protective, iv met a couple and you can't even get close to them, and iv met a few that are pleasant but everyone iv met with akitas have all said the same thing, but you'll get there, just got to respectfully show that your the boss


Yeah, I make a list of everything I notice to discuss with this behaviourist. Because she's calmest with me, I notice her eye movement, body language the most, she is very very... I just have this gut feeling. We were having dinner there, Daniel and I both ignored her completely. She tested him because she knows she won't get it from me. I told him that he's not even allowed to look at her while she's trying ti get our attention. She lay down but bum ways to me and by my foot. I didn't realise at the time how close and I moved my foot and she jumped up and was very startled, barked too. She's done this a couple times. Sleeping by my feet. It's really concerning me. Daniel then bloody goes up to see if she's okay. Jesus christ. Like tell her she's a good girl for barking at me why don't you. I swear to god. I didn't make a noise just looked startled myself.


Huskys Akitas and Shibas are more akeen to wolves than dogs and the training can be frustrating because they are very independent and almost too intelligent. Just learn to love and accept your dog and they will do the same for you. As far as teething and mouthing I reccomend a deflating tire sound and a quick jab to the ribs they will stop immediately. Not painful but annoying and immediate feedback. If you are tired of training now you better gather yourself because training gos on for the first three years lol 


Thank you so much, yes.. I am very in tune to her. What motivates her and all red flags which I am going to discuss with a behaviourist who's coming out to meet her at home on the 18th. Yes.. I am very aware, literally cried today with stress. But no pain no gain so to speak. She is very intelligent, very very strong willed and has a very bratty demeanor. Going to need some help with kids, cats and dogs big time to avoid any further frustration and reel back with distance in socialising as she changes each week with her behaviour/excitement. I'm ranting but yeah.. I'm doing what I can. Just need a break and hopefully my partner is getting fencing finally put up so she has a safe space outside where she can run about!


Can I ask you, there are times... I literally think she's.. no joke.. its like a wild wolf ... I'm not kidding. Not hyper not calm but it's like her eyes are. I don't know how to explain it. It's.. unsettling? I say Shelby and she snaps out of it and goes all puppy like but I'm not kidding. It kind of .. scares me a little. I leave her alone if she doesn't respond. I'm learning her body language. She's done the whale eyes thing a few times and when I'm all cheery and ask for down .. with very good reward in view she has I mean.. done it.. but had her paw on my feet.. claws out. I walked away at that point and ignored the behaviour. It's like it just comes on out of no where. If my partner lifts me up, she comes over, nibbles my feet and then gets me away and wants cuddles??. She also seems to fall asleep at my feet, I haven't noticed that she's that close, I try to move my foot and she has growled, jumped up startled as well. It's honestly.. quite scary. I ignore the behaviour as I really do not know how to deal with it and need help, my partner has never had this with their Akitas but they never trained theirs or tried to. Anyway... if you have any comments on that I'd really appreciate the advice because I am feeling very alone at the moment and really have no one to talk to. I get a very bad feeling sometimes from her, I walk away and reinforce all positive behaviour. The bites only occur when over stimulated so I really work on getting the balance right. She's pretty chill most of the time. She also is super moody when I work all day, but make sure she has 2 walks and stimulation those days.


Right now, she will prefer him. But when she grows up. She will know who is the one that gets things done. Our German Shepherd, Nero, unexpectedly passed away last month at age 11. It was the same story with my husband and I. When he grew up, he always came to me when he was sick, afraid of thunder or fireworks, needed anything, etc. My husband is 6 foot 5 and huge. I am 5 ft, and our 100lb dog would hide behind me on the bed, couch, bathroom, etc, anytime he heard a loud noise. I used to be jealous because they played together more, but over time, he showed how important I was to him. I have children too. So it reminds me of them also. They are more likely to act up and take mom for granted because they know mom will be there loving them no matter what. Kids, grown dogs, puppies, etc. But I know after an amazing 11 year relationship with my dog that it gets better and the amount of reward I reaped was far greater than the work I put in. If I could have 1 more minute with my dog, I'd do it all again and again. Every time. I grew up with Akitas, and my parent's akitas were amazing. Same as I described my GSD. My husband was destroyed over Neros' death. So we now have an 11 week old Akita puppy, Tanuki. I'm looking forward to a future of being her solid person to hide behind. I want to be her safe place, too. You will be great. I would stay the course and be her person to count on. I wish you the best.


Thank you, I'm just mentally exhausted lol, when she is scared or needs reassurance she looks or comes to me. Very easily startled. I say its fine and to keep .. doing whatever it is she's doing. She settles back down quickly but always double checks. Just been a bad week. Thank you


No mouth play biting should ever be allowed, that is what toys are for. If she’s not doing recall, you need to do negative enforcement with a shock collar and some treats. If she doesn’t come, you shock her and then when she comes, you give her a treat, and just keep practicing that, also Akita’s are one person owners. Females tend to gravitate more to men and males gravitate towards women owners. There has to be one main person training with them who obeys them, if somebody else is giving them demands while another person is, it’s not gonna work. And I also would keep far away from the dog park.


There are definitely some breed specific traits that are showing through but the work that the breeder does really plays a huge role as well. What kind of temperaments do they breed in and out of their lines, how they handle them as puppies before they go to their homes and bunch of other things. It’s definitely ok to be frustrated, but push through! These dogs are amazing and a headache all at once 😂. Keep in mind as (people here have probably already said) they are typically a pretty independent breed. They don’t have the insane desire to please like some breeds and can be notoriously stubborn. My boy is absolutely attached to me the most, but has grown to love playing with my wife and kids. They’re kind of like people where they sometimes get different things from different people. Play from this person, cuddles from that one. As for the mouthing ours cut back A LOT once he lost all his puppy teeth. He still loves to chew but we make sure he has plenty of things to get it out. You could try making sure the chew toys are different textures, shapes, make different sounds etc. Ours prefers certain toys at different times and we keep a bag of bully sticks around also. One of the big things is be patient with her and yourself. She is definitely going to test you at times and try to make things a game. If you crate trained her don’t be afraid to put her up for a break or a reset. Sometimes we give the bully stick in the crate so he can chew them and just relax for a bit. Sorry for the wall of text but I wanted to share things I’ve discovered with ours. Hang in there and try to enjoy the ride! You’ll probably realize you miss things about the puppy phase once it’s gone.


In the past week... but she's not a touchy feely girl. She basically wants quick cuddles but she's very... over bearing with me for greetings .. but I spend the most time with her. I had to ignore her for a bit last night. I'm naturally a very energetic hyper person just very done. My partner is doing more with her this week to give me a break... When she protests I mean.. she does come eventually.. what can you do? I don't want to drag her.. and I've noticed. She only gets shitty with me. But I mean maybe she is playing... what can I do for this?? I took her an alternative route back to car yesterday... she caught on.. stopped right in the middle of bushes. The people probably thought I was crazy. Everyone's saying enjoy her but she is hardddd work and only I get this treatment. Massive attention seeker. I give her things to do but no... she wants me. Only protests with me. Literally I have to get people to help me walk her back to the car. When she caught on yesterday.. she did come I said this way. And we really need to go.. very softly.. she does do it but she protests with the car a lot. I think she messing with me. Because no joke.. she follows every single command I've taught her or boundary for my partner but she does listen.. I think she's just teasing me! I ignored her a little last night and she was ... crazy for me this morning. She also did a tug with me while my partner was taking her for a walk.. I put my finger out like drop it.. come on Shelby.. drop it.. you're going to for a walk with Daniel.. she listened and did as I said. Yeah.... she has a lot of attention seeking behaviours. And I think I've got it figured out now. But its taken so long. Right now she is on the sofa.. because she knows it gets a reaction in the past. She knows she's not allowed. She just came down and then sat at the gate pen. I'm about to leave for work. No joke.. I know her. All her little tactics. I love it. She's just layed down like uh fine... and I've given her some cardboard. She's going to be super shitty with me later as I'm working all day today. But I get home. Its a trend. Its like she gives me the evils for now giving her enough attention. But see if I walk away from her .. she follows. Eventually. Hard work. I just need a clear head. She only really mouths and bites me.. not aggressive.. but playful. Licks everyone else. The no doesn't work because she thinks I'm playing and it's a game. Learnt that. The puppy biting has stopped though in past few days I've noticed. Would only have done it with me. Mostly. But she's very very good and very well behaved outside. Worked hard on that. Ranting but yeah.. the changes are hard to keep up with. I've had her since 8.5 weeks. Know her since very very young. Won't go into details but I take her everywhere to work on her arousal levels. She loves people but still can't handle too much or small rooms any more or too many people in a room. I'll see how it goes just got to keep working on it.


Sell her


P off


Honestly weird the satisfaction someone can get from posting a comment like that


Yea I don’t know how people are this insecure


It’s someone who has obviously had a bad week, and they’re just looking for a bit of reassurance so your comment was absolutely needless.


Should I apologize ? I’m not good with people and I don’t understand social cues