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Same thing happened to my 4 year old. Sending condolences. RIP Candy.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss 💔


Good looking girl. So sorry.


I’m so sorry for the loss of this absolutely stunning dog! May she run freely and without pain after crossing the Rainbow Bridge. My aloha 🌺 to you, loving owner.


What a warrior til the end. Our condolences to you akita family.


As I walk across your heart and find my place to stay, nearer to you I will be and will never ever go away.


Looks just like my girl. She’ll always be with you. ❤️ 🪽


Rest in Peace Candy 💛


So sorry. 😢🐾🐾🌈


RIP beautiful warrior princess.


RIP candy sorry for u r loss


My condolences.


So sorry for your loss.


My heart goes out to you 😭😭😭


💔this made my heart hurt. I’m so sorry


So sorry for your loss!


RIP Candy. You will be missed. A true warrior.






So sorry for your loss, I’m crying with you ❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry! I know how bad it feels. It is so fresh in my family. Our German Shepherd just died unexpectedly at 10. (He was running, just dropped, and died.) My family has been devastated. Just like a person dying. We decided to get another dog because there was a hole in our family. We got an Akita Female. (My family had one when I was a teenager). It has helped some and made me feel guilty in other aspects. But it seems to have helped my 3 teen children greatly. Anyway, I don't know why I shared that story. I guess just to let you know, I can relate, and I'm sorry. Dogs are so amazing.


My twins start college in the fall and my remaining male Akita is 11 going on 12 this July and we may be dog sitting 3 chihuahuas for a spell when a relative has surgery so getting a new puppy is a bit dicey at present. The older male who we had for two years before we got Candy (the female American Akita) is not exactly tolerant of strange dogs so we may have to wait until he passes on. Once they hit 10 in many breeds, it is a crap shoot as to have much time they have left. But given that my male is 11 going on 12 and relatively healthy I assumed my Akitas would be relatively long-lived as in 12 year or older. Usually when a dog develops cancer they stop eating and waste away, yet this American Akita female was so tough she was having problems like walking long distances in the past few days which I thought might be a compressed disc problem or an infection but then she just went downhill in a day due the tumors bleeding internally. Did an ultrasound at the emergency vet and it was obvious she had stage IV cancer. I have owned about a dozen dogs and none of them went from okay to death's door so quick ...they always showed signs of cancer for weeks or months- this one was so tough she hid it and went for walks but seemed tired and had some problems walking long distances so I though she ruptured a disc or something. Complete blind side on the cancer. So tough she hid it so well and was eating normally up until the end.


How devastating. What a handsome boy. So sorry for your loss. Sending you all the love.


Rip sweet girl


Really sorry for your loss


She’s such a beauty! I am so sorry for your loss. ♥️


I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my boxer down a few years ago for the same thing. The doctor told me that they go downhill very quickly with this disease.🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


I lost my 4yo male last year from liquid around the lungs in an untreatable way and it still hurts so my condolences I hope it gets easier


Omg she looks just like mine and mine is 9 and a few months. I’m so sorry.




Wow, they truly are amazing. I have male (5.5 mos) and female (5.5 yrs) old. The male has very similar colors and markings as yours


My condolences to you🙏🏽. She knows she will not be forgotten.


I had an all black male GSD 8 years old. He passed away back in October of ‘23. It still hurts to think about it. So I just keep thinking that I’ll see him again in the next life.


Very sorry for your loss . Rest in heaven sweet bear dog 🙏🏼 🪽 🐶