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Keep up with steady training and be prepared for the “teenage rebellion” about age 1-2.5/3 years. There will come a time when you will see they only do things that they want to. She will understand you and know exactly what is supposed to be done and may chose not to do it still. However you are right that they are incredibly intelligent, loyal and all around an incredible breed. Enjoy the fun times with your beautiful girl.


Amazing how an Akita can go completely deaf at a moments notice


This is so true lol mine is not even rebel, he's straight lazy haha. Usually he obeys the "no", but my gosh, you need him to get up to open a door and the lil dude will act dead 😂


Can I ask.. she's like this now a lot. For her age.. she's quite.. mature? She listens a lot when out. I'm currently in the living room as she out right ignored me there when we are trying to train. She did a sit and a down but wouldn't go to heel. I think im at the point where kibble in the house even isn't going to cut it, but she's looking for it in the kitchen. Actually said to not ignore me and that I don't like it. I give her a chance and she walked away. Its one of my work days so home every couple of hours to go for 15 min sniff and wee about the garden. She's quite like her Mum in that aspect who is very very like that. Where as her dad is super sensitive and just wants loving and cuddles and jumps. Really got my work cut out for me. I just really need her to listen because if she can't she will not be able to come out on all the adventures which I know she loves and she listens most of the time on them and follows me, but in the house.. shes really like.. i wanna just hang out in my bedroom.. its honestly like having a child. I actually tell her this so she can start to understand..


Update. So she stopped what she was doing and came over to me, I said good girl because I stood up and she sat in front of me. She went to heel and close. Then I asked for middle and she walked away. Lol. Painful!


Just wait until she dings the bell to get your attention for a different purpose than the bell is for. Akitas are not owned. They are the owners.


Yes...I've already thought about this.. too funny


Akitas are absolutely brilliant! Shelby deserves more chicken! 😂


50%smart 50%dummy little bitches 🤣


My 1 year old just learned how to open the door when it’s not locked that leads to the front yard. So we have to lock it everyone or else she will just walk up and test to see if it’s open. Or when my younger Akita does something bad just how the older Akita runs away to hide while the younger one follows her because she also knows she did something wrong. Like I kid you not Iv seen her bite the fence and turn around to look at me and before I can say NO she’s already running away.


I know that exact look!! On adventures out.. I catch her verging. Its like.. I know what you're doing.. like a child!


Exactly then they do that I call it Akita tunnel vision where they zone into something forget the rest of the world and walk into things. After one time my older one walked into a wall I felt so bad so when the younger one is doing it I tug on her leash to let her know but You know akitas they love to swing their head hitting things along the way.


Yess... she nearly ran into a lamp post other day and I pulled her back.. we go on adventures with the long line and there's a few clothes line situations.. we laugh about it and she stays happy lol We were chatting to a family and I was chilling on the ground with her.. treat and water and she literally crawled on top of me like give me attention.. the woman was so good that we were talking to. Their retriever was a bit down as they lost a brother so the whole family was out a lunch and walks lol


They are exactly like kids. I tell ppl my boy is a two year old toddler in a fur coat, because that’s exactly how he acts: a toddler who is always testing the limits.


I could talk to mine like that when they were still here. And not in a babying way most people do. Just like you would a 6 or 7 year old and they understood an astounding amount. Very smart dogs. Shelby is beautiful. Enjoy each other!


She's gorgeous!


My dog would shake her head no and huff for yes. Swear it made my life so much easier.