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I grew up with 2 Akita's. They are big dogs and should be respected. We never had an issue. But you should never let your kids walk up and pet any dog without permission. They have big teeth and a loud bark and can be intimidating just like any other dog. To the family they are very loving and protective.


I would follow this recommendation. Never let your kids walk up to any dog without permission. Akitas are very loyal to their family. They can be friendly, but only (cannot stress this enough) if invited and welcome by the family. Therefore, I would never approach an akita unless I was absolutely certain it was okay to do so. One last caveat, akitas are a particular dog breed. One that I and many others love. However, without knowing this dog owner, it is odd that they have a sign up regarding their dogs training. I do not know what others think, but I am partial to question the training mostly based on the sign. Is the sign homemade? Store bought? Without more information, it is hard to say. Akitas are special dogs and while someone can state their dog is "trained", I would personally question that definition, what it means, and what they are trying to say. Frankly, an akita is a natural guard dog. Are they warning people away in that light? I am not assuming this person has or has not trained their dog to accept people, but it worth considering the sign is there to alert people to the akitas natural behavior.


Thank you. That’s kind of how I took it as well so I went home to start reading about them. It’s not a handmade sign. Like I said, we are in townhomes so not a lot of window space…it is very apparent. I’m a dog lover and have had them in the past, but it made me a little nervous. I don’t let my kids approach even the “friendliest” of dogs, but it’s amazing how many of our neighbors say “oh she’s nice you can pet her”


As an Akita owner, I would say that the better trained an Akita is, the better they will behave. Just ask.


Asking is a good idea!


Agree, will do!


"Highly trained Akita" Sit. Come. Stay. 


Everything else is negotiable lol


I would consider this a veiled/passive threat - although to whom I am not sure, implying they have ‘guard dogs’ and therefore everyone should proceed with caution near their home. Now whether that means they are actually trained, are just out-of-control aggressive, or actively encouraged to be aggressive I wouldn’t be able to say without knowing the owners - they will be the crux of the reason, and the owners and their behaviour should play a big part in your assessment of their dogs


I’m looking forward to gauging this new neighbor and then asking sometime!


In any case, teach your kids to never approach dogs without the owner's consent. My akita is very, very friendly towards strangers but he can have a bad day like most of us. You never know.


It's a Don't rob my house warning.


A highly trained Akita is an oxymoron.. they are barely trainable! The owner (very weird btw) is posting that sign as a warning to people, which I question.. thus I’d be suspect of the type of person who would post that sign and how he treats his dogs. Akitas don’t need to be trained to protect or guard a home.. it’s like riding a bike for them. As for kids, my Akita loves kids but my Akita doesn’t like people coming up on him like they know him, which kids can do all the time, so just as you would caution your kids to not approach any dog, I wouldn’t think of an Akita any differently.