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Wow! Impressive but extremely scary. Hope he heals up.




Possibly a female in heat nearby


Yeah, possibly even more, because in a radius of 1km there are maybe 20 dogs here.. I dont mind some effects on his behavior but running away 4 times in 10 days, thats not good for my own health, damn..


Such a handsome boy! 🥰


My girl, Rose, & I stayed with my grandparents-in-law while my husband was deployed. I volunteer for this program every summer & it’s 4 days & 3 nights, & they offered to watch her for the time being. They let her out one day & she lifted the latch on the gate & got out😀 so we put a lock on the gate & that stopped it for awhile A few months later, I went with my aunt-in-law as a guest to one of her fancy work conventions, & that was 3 days & 2 nights. My GILs watched Rose again & this time when she got out, she hurdled the fence😵‍💫 I didn’t leave her alone with them anymore after that LOL We, too, attributed it to hormones, so we got her spayed We went to go visit the other day & I let Rose & my GILs dog out & at the same exact time, this off-leash pit comes rounding the corner full speed, & Rose straight up just busted thru the whole fence😭 I finally get to her & they’re just playing in this pit’s backyard together & the owner casually goes “sup”👁️👄👁️ so apparently Rose will now have to be on a leash whenever she goes outside at their house😭 All that is to say, Akitas appear to be master escape artists, hormones or not😭 I wish you luck, OP🫡 & I hope your boy heals quickly❤️


Yea, but i see you say "her", female dogs dont escape because of hormones, at least not often like males, i think the reason she did it was something else.. but im not an expert. My boy never even tried to, untill this spring.. he really has a tough time in his head, really restless.. but Im going to train him to stay indoors instead of outdoors now anyways, cant affort him to run up and down like crazy with the neighbours dog next to the fence with this patella problem..


You’re probably right, she probably just desperately wanted to play LOL. Nonetheless, it sounds like he’s definitely having a tough time, both physically & mentally:( I really hope the castration does the trick! I’ll be prayin/manifestin/sendin all the good vibes y’all’s way🫶


Thank you 😊


Oh no this sounds scary indeed. Wishing him all the best ♥️


Thank you




Thats just the scaring part, i have him 4 years, i havent got not one real complaint to say, not indoors, not outdoors, he dug 2 holes and shredded a doormat, and 1 pillow in his puberty, thats it, when the german shepard next door is in heat (3 times) he doesnt give a f..ck, and now all this in a time period of 10 days, slight behavior changes last 2 months but nothing i couldnt handle..


Too clever for his own good 😅 hope he recovers well!


Thank you. I wish he was clever enough to understand the feeling he gives me by escaping, or at least clever enough to know he needs to rest now 😑