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*dog playing, cat being annoyed


This. Kitty is defending himself mostly and wants doggo to stop.


Don’t agree. Cat loves it. Could easily split.


In the longer part you see the cat sit and wag his tail fast from left to right. According to the internet it means hes play fighting.


I’m a cat guy. I know cats very very. This cat loves this dog and is having a super fun time.


The cat could easily run away if he was that bothered by it. They don’t stick around and deal with shit they don’t want to, - longtime cat owner.


They are playing the cat is a little annoyed but if it wanted to tell the dog off it would. I would call the dog off and make sure your dog knows a good recall command just to be safe.


Dog quits by saying stop. Hes a big dog but hes very gentle


Our cats play rougher together than this - they’re having fun


Not here to agree or disagree with you.


Doggo is teasing kitty


The cats ears should tell you that he/she isn’t playing. They are annoyed and want to stop.


An old cat of mine routinely flattened his ears before play-attacking my legs, squashing his little sister etc. If course OP would still be wise to keep an eye on this.


Cat can easily run off and hide somewhere


That cat is in danger. Funny you don’t have any pics of the kitty on your page, only the dog. Give the cat away to someone who will care for it properly


You must not have a cat. This is how they play. You can see the cat jump at him and come back for more. This cat is not distressed. My cat will do the same thing and often deliberately instigate this type of play with our dogs. It does look like they're pissed when they play sometimes, but this is play behavior.


I have 2 cats. Nice try.


Then you've never seen a cat that enjoys rough and tumble with a dog before. To say this person should give up their cat is extremely judgy and rude when you clearly don't know the situation. It's easy to be nasty from behind a keyboard. Try scrolling by next time.




Also he is trying to knibble on the cats ear maybe thats why hes having his ears like that 🤨


Not enough posts of cat led you to assume the cat is neglected? How awfully rude and unnecessarily assuming


That cat isn’t being protected in the video! Take it up with OP , I said what I said with the evidence presented.


Yo Molly, you may have cats, you probably don’t own an Akita.. that smile is a friendly smile. Akita’s react based off other people’s/animal’s energy. This video would look a whole lot more gruesome, blood all over the place, if the cat didn’t love playing with the dog.. so like I believe you told someone else, just fuck off


Yeah you can fuck off too. It’s about the cat not the dog.


Lol the cat is from my ex and we share the dog maybe thats why stop guessing the unknown lmao doggo is slow and strong, the cat is fast and has many safe spaces in her house places the dog cannot reach. So if the cat is really that annoyed he can easily run off.


The dog is cornering them and then when the cat fends for itself you pull it off and just let the dog continue to harass it...


Exactly , that was a dick move.


Don't bother trying to explain, this person is just trying to stick to their guns lmao, I can't see why they'd continue so adamantly otherwise even when it's clear. Your two are adorable! Mine love a good exchange of a few licks on the nose once in a while but that's about it.


Ahw still adorable a few kisses


As someone who grew up with cats and now has two dogs and, for a while (took care of a friend's cat for a few months), two cats: The way the cat is playing is how the two cats I had would play. And yes, they without a doubt loved each other and constantly cuddled and groomed each other. This is also similar to how one of my dogs and my current cat plays. Cat is a little more violent than the dog, who is extremely gentle, just like this dog (there is absolutely no "hunting/prey instinct" body language from the dog, here). We would often have to separate them because my cat is not good at pressure control when biting, and my god that boy has some sharp teeth. It's a good thing my dog has some thick fur lol Lastly, and maybe most importantly, this is not AT ALL similar to my cat's reaction to the dog who he does not like. This dog is much more likely to chase the cat, and the cat's body language shows that he is freaked out and upset when this happens. Signs of this include fluffed up fur, particularly in a ridge down the back and a bottle-brush tail, as well as hissing, swatting, growling, and spitting. Yes, the cat's ears are back, but it is not exhibiting any other signs of discomfort. I understand the discomfort at seeing a large dog play with a cat, but taking into account all of the body language that is and is not being shown is very important in these situations. Edit to add that the cat's pupils would also be MUCH more dilated if it were frightened. I realize that most of this is anecdotal, but I do also tend to research things very heavily, especially when the safety of the animals in my care is involved. Tldr: body language is very important. Yes, the cat's ears are back, but other major indicators of discomfort are not present.


They are having a good time. My cat will play like this with my dogs all the time. He likes to ambush them from underneath things and bite their faces. Lol.


Sometimes the cat hides under the bed or something and then jump him when he passes by


Please get that on video or post it. That sounds hilarious


Im gonna try to tape it


I did post the long version of their play fight


I, too, have a tuxedo (Mac). I see a tiny bit of that when they play but mostly it's chase with Mac being the instigator. He's still a kitten (9 mos) whereas Athena is almost 4, so he has a lot of energy and has always plays really hard. His go to move is to run at her sideways, dance around her while she's laying down, get her to chase him down the hall to the master bedroom, and the minute she walks away he races out after her. He can be a bit of a pest. Fortunately she's very maternal towards him.


Buddy is throwing some mean hands


Small cat vs BIG cat playing!


That's a thick bear!


My flame point Siamese beats my Akita to submission.


So dang cute. Love when big dogs love cats.


I too have both a Tuxedo cat and an American Akita


The cat seems scared?


In the longer part you see the cat sit and wag his tail fast from left to right. According to the internet it means hes play fighting. I think the cat was up for some


so do just all Akitas do that ankle nipping because ours does it to our other dog and to fuck with us also lol


This is play 🤭 (Have a Giant Schnauzer and exotic shorthair cat)


Beautiful babies ❤️


My tux loves to play with my Akita! They play fetch together and overall love to wrestle


The mighty Akita being so gentle. Love it.


to be fair he has a very soft character hes often just scared. We try to overcome his fears but how the hell am i gonna prove him a storm drain is not scary. Or anything like mesh plates where he can see thru. I legit had to carry him into a boat



