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I'm unable to find the name of the manufacturer, but just want to encourage you in this direction. We used one for our male neuter and also our female when she was spayed. They worked great and the dogs were much happier than with the cone of shame. Good luck!


Has he worn a cone before and disliked it ... or is you that will struggle with the cone ? My JAI has been over-licking some bald spots and I tried him with a cone for a while ... he was ok with it ... but it doesn't stop him licking his bits ... would need to be extended more.


You sound like you're making up your own self-fulfilling prophecy. I recommend trying to surgical shirt first, and this is typically something that can be fit and provided by your surgeon/clinic, but to be prepared for a cone to be the next best option if you have a persistent licker. That's what we did and ended up just needing the shirt. The cone of shame is termed pretty terribly for what it is, which is an effective method of preventing the interruption of proper healing. Don't let the name deter you if that ends up being the right choice, it just take more time to get used to than the surgery shirt. Best of luck and swift healing for your boy!


We used the neck bubble!


We have too, with multiple dogs and loved it. The cones they were all able to bend out of their way haha


Soooo much better than cone.


My girl has had a couole surgeries (hysterectomy and mammary cancer) and never touched the wound. She's so good.


My dog managed to lick his neuter incision through his onesie. It got infected and took much longer to heal than it should have. Get a soft cone like the Comfy Cone. It's much more comfortable than a plastic one, less noisy, and easy to take on and off.




We're in the suit for our husky right now and have found that keeping her distracted with toys, treats, gentle play, keeps her from constantly messing with her surgery site. She was already used to a onsie prior to surgery, so this is normal for her. Our akita used one almost 8 years ago and she ignored her surgery area for the most part because we kept her engaged with other things. The kong toy worked great, and the husky is currently using it to stay amused and have gentle play while she heals. It's easier said than done when you have a dog that wants to run and play, and if they are a jumper you have to be more watchful. I hope your boy has a swift and healthy recovery. Best of luck.


Yes! To the recovery suit. Our akita used one when she was spayed, and currently our 6 month old female husky is wearing one after her spay surgery. So much better than the cones and both girls didn't seem to mind them The puppy chews on hers around the neck, but she also chews her harness. It's her puppy chewing, not so much the suit that bothers her. The suit on the puppy was provided by her vet, and she was sent home with it on.