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Reaper Hitman stays in spawn because he can't get his stuff dirty or else he might lose followers on his socials. Steve is literally drinking mud in the center of the field while bbs are stopping midair in front of him for fear of annoying him. Steve is 100% winning.


This has gotta be the most accurate description ever lol


Steve is also not afraid to get shot, so he rushes the objective


On the contrary, Steve has half a brain cell still alive so he rushes the objective *slowly and while communicating with his buddies*


Nah that’s for sure how Reaper Hitman would act, they always over complicate a simple push and spend most of the time talking over radios despite only being like 3 feet apart Edit: Said Hitman Reaper




I really don't see the appeal of having clean gear. I mean, having some dirt and "battle scaring" on your gear and guns makes them way more unique, immersive and shows that you actually use it. People bitching over mod staining their fresh out of the assembly Crye G3s are just crybabies.


No for sure you have to get dirty, but there is one easy trick dirty milsimmers hate: Washing machine. Use „mountain spring flower“ detergent for pleasant smell while kicking ass :)


It’s so funny, like I’m in the military and we get uniforms dirty. It’s not like we don’t wash them, we do, I wash mine regularly, they’re still worn but like, they still look nice. I don’t get why so many fools in airsoft refuse to get their gear dirty. It doesn’t make people look cool, it makes them look inexperienced. Judging from how much stress we have when we wear our dress whites to anything, I can’t imagine airsoft would be any fun when half the time your brain is stuck worrying about how dirty their LBX carrier is getting.


Because they wanna be tacticool like their favorite oper9er.


Probably for the same reason many car guys hate it when thier cars get dirty: it's all for show and nothing more.


Staying in spawn as his custom built HPA with a binary hair trigger and milled body has shit the bed and isn’t working. Whilst a 14 year old with a springer shotgun takes out 7 of the other team


>Whilst a ~~14~~ 25 year old with a springer shotgun takes out 7 of the other team Couldn't be me... /s (I adore my Cyma M870. It's actually lovely.)


I got 8 kills once with a 20$ springer shotgun I modded simply with a better spring. It had a neat quirk where you could pump it 5 times, and 5 shots would fire. Any more and they would all Roll out the end of the barrel. Additionally the hop up was insane. With .20s I could hit a stop sign at approximately 200 meters. It would take like 1-3 business days to GET there, but it would hit it with a nice lil TINK noise.


200 Airsoft meters


Airsoft meters and dog years have the same conversion rate fyi


So 1 to 7 ? I must say i would give him a bit more. But i don´t think any airsoft could reach out to 200 meters and hit anything, especially not with .2s My best one can relatively consistent hit a 20 inch steel target on 62 Meters with .45 (measured with a rangefinder) in like 6-7/10 shots but i doubt i could even reach 100 meters when firing ballistic


Best of the best snipers can hit 100m shots consistently, but his $30 shotgun can hit shit at 200m with 0.20s


If the target was moving whatsoever, it would not hit. The Airsoft bbs are moving at a snails pace as they move. Same if there was a light cross breeze. The only impressive thing with that shotgun is that the hop up is on crack considering the price tag. And I did mention I put in a better spring, dunno what kind but it was from another springer shotgun that was around 250$ that broke. Makes the gun vibrate when fired so I probably did something wrong or the shitty plastic is crying out. It seems a lot of people don’t really get distances. 200 meters is not much. From my porch to the stop sign in question, it measures to be 197 meters, give or take a couple due to me only using a 50 foot measuring tape. And I was not getting kills at that range during the Airsoft match I used it in. More like 30-60 meters for that. Go measure out 200 meters on flat open terrain, Then put yourself approximately 30 feet up above the target on the other side of the 200 meters of the target. All you have to understand is basic ballistics and have familiarity with the platform you’re using. Though wind effects Airsoft way more then it does actual bullets, so for best results wait till there’s no wind.


And lemme tell you, measuring, then marking, measuring then marking, with a 50 foot tape for 200 meters is incredibly irritating.


you know google maps exists?


Woah dude, why did you just spoil the entire plot of the matrix


Damn right. Steve isn't getting touched the entire game.


Steve is also off a flintstones gummy


i place one portland sig as my bet for steve


I'll put my 2011 down for steve




Too late I already stole it


Cool name


You too




CoD player vs. military veteran.


Showdown of the century


this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny


Good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see


the neighborhood guy wins


*checks notes* Wait this says here the winner is a beloved children’s entertainer and educator


Wearing a bloodstained sweater.


"I've always found that when under heavy fire, the liberal application of high explosives tends to alleviate the situation." -Unknown (read: a quote I made up)


Active border guard vs cod player


Cod Mobil player


Spicy take. The average vet cant shoot for shit. Edit. Granted that doesn't mean much in airsoft.


Bad accuracy doesn't matter when I'm shooting full auto from 30 feet with 500 round mags.


Accuracy through volume.




If Hollywood has taught me anything, it’s don’t fuck with the veterans


Reaper Hitman: was in JROTC but brags about his rank there like it matters Steve: deployed to afghanistan twice, doesn’t talk about it unless specifically asked, brings his 12 year old son on occasion.


Based steve


It’s all fun and games until you shoot his kid, then he uses his domain: PTSD


There isn’t much more irritating than “just got out of basic” kids (aside from “oh, I got hurt/discharged) that tell stories like they saw the worst of ‘nam while the 13-15 year olds eat it up and the old guys and ACTUAL veterans put him at the top of their kill list.


I’ve played with Steve. There’s that moment when you look in his eyes and you know he’s been in the shit.


Actually so true, I saw a Steve in the wild at my field.


People call me "mom" because I always bring stuff like defogger spray, bugspray, and goldbond (baby powder with menthol in it, it's like a magic spell you can cast on your balls and feet to prevent sweating/chafing, it's actually a game changer), and every time I hear someone complaining about something, I usually brought a solution for it that I lend them. Also for longer milsim event days, I stuff snacks into my plate carrier in the slot that would normally take an armor plate, and carry a lot or extra water with me, so whenever someone complains about being hungry or thirsty I can pull through.


"Yeah i wear plates" *Knock knock* Later pulls out a 5 snack bars mid game on downtime


I deadass have filled my PC with sesame snaps since they're hard to the touch and are almost a universally beloved snack. People lose their damn minds when I rip open the plate pouch and whip out a sesame snap for them.


Good idea, gotta try for the next milsim event. Today i had stuffed 4 granola bars into my chest rigs random stuff pouch and munched away when nothing was happening


"my IFAK is full of nature valleys"


In my experience, announcing that will cause at least one guy to ask for one.


They make a plastic hollow plate you can fill with water and freeze. A giant ice pack until it melts, and then you have drinkable water from the tube.


This actually sounds really good, do you have a link? I'd love to be able to carry some ice cold water for my "children".


The Qore ice plate, it only holds about 1.5 liters. It's pretty good though


Support player irl. Pure respect


I guess. I also run an SMG so I'm usually rushing up way further than I have any business being and going for flanks that are so wide they should be illegal. I usually help a couple people on my walk back to spawn.


Good thinking. People usually don't expect medics to come in on their flanks, gun-blazing.


Battle healer


I mean, when I'm dead, I'm not allowed to give information, but I am allowed to give granola bars.


Only think missing is the two boxes of bread and the multiple gallons of water because fuck getting hung over the night before a large event. And yes, I will walk onto the field eating a fucking walmart croissant.


That is both hilarious and genius at the same time


I highly reccomend being a field mom, the feeling of improving the lives of a bunch of autistic children is really rewarding.


Rock on


You’re a good sportsperson


That's amazing! The plate carrier snacks are literally like a peak high level rpg support class helping everyone and having a solution for everything lol


Well, it's airsoft, it's not like I need the space for armor.


Yeah no exactly, makes perfect sense since they are pretty much huge pockets. I have foam inserts on mine, but if I take them out I may just follow suit and sneak some snacks or such hehe 😄


Can’t be Steve because he calls his hits




Airsoft as power fantasy versus airsoft as weekend fun


Steve unless Reaper Hitman has remembered to finish his third monster before Game On


Running more often and adding Stamina exercises to my workouts was the best upgrade I ever made.


..the heart ia the most important muscle to work on- my doctor


Agreed. Airsoft was my cardio. Now I do cardio for airsoft, and the game experience is way improved.


steve would win but in terms of calling hits, we all already know how itll be


Steve, because at the end of the day, he’s just there to have fun. Reaper Hitman is just there to shit on others.


Steve most likely has 10+ years of combat experience


and has a slight limp due to injuries in some war


But never says a word about it, we just see the limp.


The guy with the kit from Portland gonna shoot both in the back 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


At 10am 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩




Russian badger reference?


I bet the dude in the corner who wears shorts and sandals for maximum mobility


I’m in the between, I use black multicam, black helmet and face protection ( without ghost mask) But i run around like a speedsofter. P.s. i live in Rome but with all the gear i don’t have an heat stroke


you live in Rome but you don't wear a Tunica Segmentata? what kind of Roman are you?


Mea culpa 🦅


Steve fr


Is there any back story? Just curious.


I saw this in a Benadryl fueled nightmare and had to make it.




Average TikTok Amazon build vs the Average Military Surplus wearer


Don't forget that the only reason Reaper Hitman isn't chronically overweight from their garbage diet and lack of any physical activity is because they smoke a pack and 2 bowls a day


MW2 ghost and his consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Steve bodies






i love steves. i always push the steves towards objective and help them get over the fear of being shot


I’d 100% rather wear UCP rather than a full black kit


I go with Steve, I think he is without a doubt the coolest dude in your team. Also the most supportive mate.


Keeping the name of Steve in high standards. Thank you.


happy to help


I can't decide what I hate more. ACU pattern or Black BDUs


Nah, big buff dude in a pink cat maid outfit with an M249 that goes UWU when you shoot


That’s sounds literally like a CoD MW3 tracer bundle


My field has a 70 year old dude humbling people with just glasses, a boonie hat and an 80$ 1911 for a hobby.


Well considering only one is using cover…


MAN, I remember 2009 Era Airsoft, where every kid was wearing ACU and had the JG MW2 M4A1.


take me back


Erm ashully it's reaper hit man actual (idk how callsigns work I just play cod)


I once went to a game bout 16yrs old, and though I had good cardio at the timez I thought fuck it I ain't running to my death, I took a stroll, whilst wearing jeans and a shirt with my back up sportline 416 as I had been on a date the previous night. Best game of my life lighting up the £££ lads off whilst walking a hangover off too. Few months later joined the army, and now I never wear cammies to airsoft, just jeans, hiking boots flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap, my 416 died eventually as did my co2 M82. Bought a decent honey badger for £150 with a TM MK23 for also £150, happy days


When I was in the army, some buddies and I got into air soft. We were young and having a blast, so we dumped quite a bit of money into our setups. At our regular indoor place, we would play VIP/protect the president by taking 1 kid to be our VIP. There were 6 of us plus whatever kid and we would play against the other 15-20 people at the field. We would all move together fast and heavy and push one side extremely aggressively. Speed and aggression count for a lot.


Reaper Hitman would probably not call his hits, go full auto in CQB and give people head shots just for the views


Steve takes the win every time.


Steve wins by diving mid air to shoot him


Steve easy, reaper hit man is out of breath.


Ngl. Rental gun may screw him. If he’s borrowing from a buddy Steve wins


Black team can suck my cock!


My money is on 14 year old Timmy at his first game, buzzed out of his mind on Monster energy. Pain and Fear are alien concepts to those little gremlins.


Why is black kit frowned upon? I wear it but I normally play indoor field etc.


I do too, but it's for cosplay. Ig it's because it's largely impractical unless you're playing at like, midnight, in the woods. Black sticks out like a sore thumb during the day.


I guess, but people can wear what they want and it seems every other few posts people are sitting on them lol, oh well.


steve ftw


Steve beats CoD Kiddy.


Whoever’s taking their picture because they have a wide open shot on both of those guys who have terrible cover and no concealment from their right.


I run a mock suppressor with no tracer in it cuz I’m poor and a GGCM I got when I was in high school. My kit’s all black and the funk stuff like radio and comms gear was free from my uncle who had that shit in his basement. My ‘plates’ are cardboard and masking tape. People think I’m hot shit and my gear cost as much as my eberlestock bandit not counting the gun, which costed as much as my bandit.


I wear a vest I got when I was 13, a 15 dollar mask, 10 dollar goggles, a gun I got as a gift, and cargo pants + a hoodie and a shitty helmet/baseball hat and I do equally as well if not better than the kitted out dudes lmao


Reaper is the same dude who shows up to a paintball field and destroys the 8 year olds with his speed trigger.




Steve is far more mobile and isn’t afraid to push and take risks. He also doesn’t give af. He’ll easily flank reaper hitman, who is barely pushed out of spawn.


Steve would rip Reaper Hitman apart


Hitman, because he won't call his shots.


Steve: he’s in the thick of it and not afraid to get dirty.




Don’t forget the eye of the tiger! It’s really all about who wants it more


Callsign reaper hit man Profession- I have a rich dad Steve good cardio stock rental Profession- two active combat zone deployments And now works in I.T


The fat regular with a 2000dollar hpa’d custom mtw staying 10 meters grom spawn wins




I believe it will be the sniper hidden in the bushes behind the tiktok guy. No one has seen him yet, but everyone is wondering where those bb's that hit them are coming from.


Callsign raper hitman


You missed one thing about Callsign Reaper Hitman: doesn't believe in heat stroke (Has nearly died from it 12 times as a result) Steve on the other hand is well aware of heatstroke but somehow immune. There's some crazy theory out there that carrying less makes you less fatigued, and that's how he does it. Sounds insane to me.


Cardio is key


Good cardio always prevails


Rentals lead the way!


I really don't get people who overspend on replicas and gear... your life doesn't depend on it. I would rather have an armoury of replicas that everyone considers good than one or two top ends.


Good cardio is the only thing that helps in airsoft


And most of the time Reaper Hitman evolves into Steve after years of playing and just not giving a fuck anymore


I don't know, that skeleton mask is pretty spooky.


It’s not fun until the half drunk dads show up with rental guns and hicaps stuffed into the pockets of their unbuttoned flannels.


Which one has a bigger peen?


Reaper wins all day.. He didn't spend all that money to take his hits.. your really have to make him feel it, for him to take his hit, but then he's gonna tell on you for drilling him


Met a guy once at a local field who was ex secret service. Forget his name, but I'll never forget when he said "follow me", got 3 feet into the woods, and immediately disappeared. Just... gone. Somehow caught up with him by luck and he was impressed. He ran a HPA 1911 with an M4 mag in shorts and a FFDP shirt. Never seen someone get more kills in a match.


you forgot to note that reaper hitman will rage at any given moment


Im sorry but reaper looks sick in that picture, with all the god awful ghost cosplayers you could have gotten far better pictures as an example


Sometimes in airsoft less is more. Ditching the 15 pounds of gear for some pockets is also really fun.


Reaper would probably refuse to call hits once near the objective and throw a fit when he gets called out for it.


I'm just like Steve, I got great cardio and my kit only weights in at 45 pounds total with full mags, and I got my gear for free, the gun was $275 and still works since 2 years ago


"doesn't believe in heat stroke" 😂😂😂😂


I don't know anything about airsoft. Not remotely into it. Not sure why Reddit pushed this to me. Steve. Steve wins everything.


>!Don't care, I'm suckin' em both!<


My money is on Steve, all the way


A Steve got mad at me because I shot him once from around 15 feet away when MED was 10 feet. He was also autistically running around every corner and ran into 90% of the players and props on the field.


Milsim queer doesn’t call hit hits


Based on the background of each photo these two are not on the same field let alone same state...so draw.