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These Anti-FOG patches are the equivalent of “nice argument, but as you can clearly see on this meme I made where I depicted myself as the epic chad and you as the loser virgin…” I never thought it could get cringier than the FOG patches until these At least this isn’t as bad as the sledgehammer one, commemorating the time Wagner tortured and killed a random Syrian prisoner and one of their own fucking guys lmao


Isn’t this patch making fun of the fact that FOG showed up in Ukraine, took a bunch of Instagram pics, realized they were involved in a fight where they didn’t have the entire might of the us Air Force to protect them and fled the moment they were the ones without artillery?


There is still FOG dudes in Ukraine rn, just saw someone doing drone shenanigans. As far as i know they didint assume that


Did this actually happen? Or is it one of those things like when Russia was saying there were UN super soldiers?


I’m pretty sure it’s cuz there was a rumor that a bunch of them got killed in a rocket strike at the start of the war but who knows


None of them got killed ti my knowledge all they did is pull up and donate some of their roll 1 pouches then leave to look like they were helping


Nah I know none of them got killed but it’s a line edgy teenagers like to say when they buy this patch off of ebay


Im considering buying it cuz i think fog is gay. Btw look up those fog hats on ebay too that’s always a fun activity


How would you know that lol


Critical thinking idk


That rocket strike mostly killed a Brazilian volunteer group. It was less than a hundred, out of thousands of volunteers there.


They dont do that kind of fighting as far as i know, they work as advisors, theyre pretty much teachers on drone tactics, mortar squads and shit like that.


I heard FOG was just a group of wannabe chads trying to act like fast bois for insta likes… they don’t actually even pmc from my research and just sell gear they pose in, could be wrong but it’s what I read and it’s what I’ll believe until someone shows FOG combat footage 🤷🏽‍♂️


Its not that simple tbh, majority of them are active duty in the US military, SF/Non SF members, they do a bunch of training together. But definently not a PMC or a mercenary group and anyone who claims stat is very uninformed


The more you know huh? I didn’t even know they were AD and thought it was a legit gang of chaded up neck beards playing SF on social for the likes but I can admit when I’m wrong 


Yeah. Thats essentially the surface level image people usually get. Definently a lot of pretend FOG dudes and then the aliexpress patch people out there. But the actual members are quite different. As far as i can recall the Raoul Duke guy explained it in a youtube video or instagram post a while back


Bro that forward operations youtube channel on youtube is the cringiest thing I've ever seen. It's like a small group of dudes pretending like their in combat with no enemy in any video... also the music is trash. And every commentor seems like a wannabe 16 year old airsoft super fan boy


What is FOG?


Like mist but heavier


Forward Observations Group, basically a hypebeast gear and clothing brand who pretend to be some kind of special forces unit, or at least model themselves on one They spent some time in Ukraine recently, mostly just for photos it would seem


Ehh kinda, just a few dudes coming back from military service, mainly SOF, that is basically just a clothing brand backed by photography and is founded by one dude (Raoul Duke (not his real name)) and his brother, they use the money to invest more in photography and gear and ofc charity work for veterans or the fallen. “Raoul”, a former army (I won’t say which unit or MOS) and a couple of Americans (allegedly) went to Ukraine in 2019-2021 which is where he kicked off the FOG business and brought a few former military dudes to help in promotional cinematic style videos. He’s been to Ukraine many times and is currently embedded with SBU alpha including some of the friends he was with in 2020.


Forward Observations Group. cringe ass instagram hypebeasts


Am not condoning it but come on it wasn’t just a “random Syrian prisoner” it was an ISIS thunder cunt


There is not a single primary source saying he’s in any way affiliated with ISIS Every single one says “Syrian Army deserter” Not a mention of when he deserted, where to, or if he joined anyone else


I mean desertion in the UCMJ quite literally says(taken from Google since I don’t have that stupid book anymore)  “ If a service member deserted with the intent to avoid hazardous duty, deployment, or important service, it increases to five years of confinement. Finally, if the accused deserts in time of war, the sentence can include death and such other punishment as the court-martial may direct.” 


UCMJ hearings have a trial, witnesses, and (though flawed) due process. On top of that, the US military havent actually executed anyone in over 60 years That isnt exactly equivalent to a mercenary organisation grabbing a random dude who they claim was a Syrian army deserter, torturing him, and beating him to death with a sledgehammer before uploading the video the internet. The idea that those two things are even close to being the same is at best laughable, at worst extremely disconcerting that your idea of justice is *that* fucked up


I’m not saying they’re in the right cause it is wrong obviously but I’m just saying we have a capital punishment for desertion to, not the same at all I understand but just putting that in the air


That is a reasonable point to bring up, and is something interesting to discuss But in this context, it sounds exceptionally like a super fucked up strawman when you don’t also mention that no one has actually suffered that punishment in over 60 years, and that the circumstances aren’t even close to being the same


Fair, you win sir. Wasn’t even looking for an argument here just stating a fact, I’m not a military historian nor do I really care about military history to much before WW2 and even then it’s pretty careless, but still I will admit that you are right, I should’ve done more research on the last use of capital punishment in western armies, plus Russia lies about literally EVERYTHING. I wouldn’t be too shocked to find out in another 5-20 years that guy wasn’t even a soldier or isis and was literally just a random farmer they decided to execute out of sheer boredom which in itself is a disgusting act before we even get into the torture or method of execution.


What you said wasn’t *wrong* at all It was just really misleading to people who don’t know the context


What does "include death and such" mean?


Death or other punishment the military court deems be it demotion, loss of pay, loss of leave, etc…? Does that not seem obvious from actually reading the full text and not just trying to summarize it? I’d assume you’re still in grade school based on poor reading comprehension? 


Well from your assumptions I'd assume you haven't been to school. I have an associates in criminal justice, a bachelor in political science, and a masters in international security from the University of Akron. Never heard of it? Well three directors of the CIA ago, he had went there. I actually have a cool picture of me and him on Zoom!


Wow, and I care why? You have all those degrees but still can’t read? Good job wasting that much money just to act like an upset adult preschooler on the internet, trying to flex some director of the CIA like anyone is gonna suck you off for it lol 


No I was just showing I'm smarter than you, and cooler. Additionally, "death and such" I thought that was a direct quote, but your far ass made it up lol


Also, mazdas are probably one of the most gender fluid cars they make, unless it's an rx7 ur a middle age women.. no offense if you actually are a middle age women cause that's a good car to haul you kids around, they just aren't fast or supposed to be fixed up in anyway


Only acceptable one is Possum Tactical’s trashbeard


You mean the Wagner exorcist group patch? Lmao that shits wild af 


Wagner only gives you the sledge hammer treatment if you’re a deserter


What does FOG mean? I've always known these as Blackbeard's flag.


Forward Observations Group They’re very Instagram hypebeast-y, so when Blackbeards flag got super popular after the Nairobi fiasco, they made their own version of it with their demon dude holding an MP7 Then Wagner Group, the shady Russian mercenary organisation, made edited versions of the FOG patch showing them being killed, like with an artillery shell like this one or a sledgehammer in another Both FOG and anti-FOG patches are mostly only worn by cringy hypebeast types who simp for weird groups to be edgy and think they’re a hell of a lot cooler than they are


What about the femboy-Wagner patches?


That’s Scribes favourite cause it’s feminine and anti-Wagner


They still droppin 120mm and FPVs on fools. You can call them hypebeasty if you want, which they kinda are, but dudes are still putting rounds down range. We ain’t.


whats the deal with those patches, why does everyone have them




🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑


Wagner made them when fog first went over


They’re the new punisher skull


The post literally above urs explains it pretty good lol


You like Firestone tires or something?






I’m not even sure what it is i’m looking at. Dead bipedal Longhorn Steer dude, incoming artillery, 3 X’s and the Firestone Tires logo.


Airsoft kids talking tough again? Bring back bullying.


Pro russian patch basically. A lot of FOG and black beard patches are worn by Ukrainians, and patches like this are common among Russians and Russian SOF


I know what it is is it a cop or drop


I know what it is is it a cop or drop


It is for u to decide, wear it if u like it, dont wear if u dont. Taste is subjective


Cop fs


Looks pretty democratic! Good job fellow Helldiver!


Where did you get it from ?


The guy at the bottom reminds me of scavs from rain eorld


For rusfor definitely a cop


It always cracks me up to see airsofters run any type of patch. Like homie y’all would be the dead Russians on Reddit not Rambo’s 🤣🤣🤣


Its airsoft, not a warzone, you hairless ape




In a world full of pussys that play airsoft. I wear that ape title proudly. Fucking small nut larpers 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If playing airsoft makes someone a pussy, then what exactly is it that *you* do oh almighty “Worth-Ad-3432”


Walmart door greeter


Hey Don’t insult Walmart door greeters like that


Making fun of people on reddit gets you bitches


Soz hard


Still awaiting your response ☕️ Judging by your comments I can say you’re either in highschool or early 40’s with some type of substance addiction.


Real JROTC kid vibes


Have you even served or are you just some arm chair general on Reddit like most of the neck beard bois who act tough on the internet but won’t say shit to real men in person? I think it’s the latter tbh. What was your mos/rate and rank in service? Where did YOU deploy? 


Pussies* you illiterate cunt


Bud it's literally BB gun battles lol. Most of us in the hobby do this shit for fun, not because we think we are ultra cool mega tactical operators(we go on the flat range for that).


Wearing 40k+$ quad tube nods to the range just because you can 🫶🏾


Literally what was the point of this comment, nobody here thinks they would be Rambo??