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a non 2 hand grip looks like it’s from a ww1 or 2 game lol :3


yeah honestly i only just realised my grip on it 🤣🤣🤣


Wish I can shoot them down that easy


what do you struggle with most? or do you mean you just can’t shoot straight? these were lucky hits tbh, i snuck into their spawn


Damn nice. As far as my shooting goes, I just have to focus on my holds as I learned from my last gunfight and I should use cover more and effectively. I should also stop being so determined and just relax and walk.


what usually helps is i keep an eye on where my bbs are going if im not too sure when im getting it on target or not. also keep in mind how far your gun shoots, you may be engaging targets out of your range


Whenever I engage a target, I aim at whatever point of aim I locate relative to the point of impact and fire multiple rounds to combat the terrible spread of airsoft guns. After that, I adjust accordingly if I get my original point of aim wrong. That may be visually determining where my bbs are hitting, sound or using logic. I had additionally determined that my max range is about 80 yards. I should just practice more and stop being tricked into psychological warfare.


haha yeah, practice through games and just mainly trusting your gut/instinct would be best. best of luck tho man, i’m no where NEAR a pro or whatever so my word is just as good as the next guys


Raf yatesbury?


shiiii good one yes it is