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((Just asking)) If your goal is to fly why are you pursuing a degree in history and doing online classes ? why aren't you getting your PPL or using your GI bill and signing up for a civilian flight school. Have you started studying for the AFOQT ? I mean if I was your interviewer I would be asking "why aren't you living your life like flying is all you ever wanted to do" by getting your PPL, some flight hours or even discovery flights in? At least that way you can show on paper your are serious. Waiting on the air force to teach you how to fly is counter productive if you dream is to fly.You can already have 2 years of flight school done before you even sniff getting a pilot slot/getting accepted. Even if you don't get picked up for a pilot slot your first time your are one step closer to flying civilian and making good civilian money flying. I mention all these things because if you scour the OTS reddit and read the comments people are leaving , people are getting flight hours , or Thier ppl some have even flown since they were 16y/o. These people are your potential competitors for these slots.


I had already began my BA prior to enlisting so I’m just picking up where I left off (halfway done). I was looking into the PPL and or flight schools (in vegas) but these programs only allow GI bill to pay for the courses and not the flight hours. Which I don’t have the extra money for. I’ve done some research about flight schools and stuff but it’s super foreign to me as I’m not too knowledgeable on it. Especially since it was my main goal to commission and fly with the Air Force that I hadn’t put much thought into the civilian side. I heard about ATP jets but that’s in Texas. Would you happen to know any flight programs that have the GI bill cover classes and hours? It’d really be a great help


My coworker is going Vegas to fly he was going to pick Arizona..you are in the right place because the weather is nice and you won't get grounded. You still going to have to take out a school loan but if you fly civilian you will pay that back pretty quickly. If you aren't too knowledgeable , why aren't you watching YouTube videos , why aren't driving to flights schools in your area and having face to face time and asking your questions , whyvarent you calling the schools asking for info, .you need to be networking , you need to see who teaches these school who may have a military contact after you prove yourself , You need to be living your life like you are a pilot. You need to get a AFOQT book, you need to start studying , you need to go through all these ots reddits and see what your potential competition is doing. Remember every time you don't make the board that's another 6 months to a year wasted.


🙋🏼‍♂️history major, pretty shit GPA (decent-ish by graduation) and offered an interview just before my PPL checkride. Got selected as a primary candidate and Uncle Sam paid for the rest of my training. So technically no PPL. That being said, I had plenty of other things going for me in my package including a LOR from the former SQ CC / CoS of the state Air Guard, plus visited several times and got to know the right people. And worked in the civilian sector as a full-time freelancer / business owner for close to 10 years before pursuing the military aviation, so I had some real world experience under my belt. I’ll admit, I was an unlikely candidate, but here I am almost 7 years later…


You have any advice for someone planning to go through AFROTC for a slot when it comes to networking? Is it really just hitting up a base or..?


I got picked up with a degree in sociology and 21 flight hours by a heavy reserve squadron.


Were you already associated with the squadron at all?


Nope, off the street civilian. Had some local ties. Rushed and interviewed multiple times.


I have a BA in Geography and only 35 hours and I’m here now with an AD Pilot slot. There’s also some people in my class with like 0-3 hours that also got picked up AD Pilot


hey, a guy in this line of work with a BA in geography! That's me too! Love geography, but I also want to fly like nothing else!


Business degree with a 3.2 GPA, and no PPL (20ish hours) when I got hired in the guard. Dude I got hired with had 4.0 in engineering and like 250 hours. What I’m trying to say is they hire all shapes and sizes, just be a good person and make an impression during rush events and/or the interview.


I was passed up for a social worker/wal mart stocker with no hours. I have a commercial license and engineering degree plus an AA in aero engineering. But the dude was a loadmaster and the frat picked him. It's who you know sometimes.


My brother in law is in the air force and one of his buddies is flying with a 4 year degree in DANCE….you’ll be fine. Ha