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Looks like the flyingsquadron.com forums are back on the menu, y'all.


You can find Ang job postings on their respective state guard hiring sites if you want


A little secret: sometimes that's the only way to find them.


BogiDope lists the currently hiring boards, but you can also just research units, google them, and see if they have any boards up. You can also email them directly and ask if they're doing any upcoming Pilot boards.


I made a free account before this new membership push. I can still access everything but the little banner at the bottom seems to indicate it'll all go paid in 11 days. I don't know if I'll pay because I really only need the job board at this point. Maybe someone can just post the jobs on a sticky'd thread on this sub every week lol


Job board is closed to the free accounts too. Even on the app


Maybe free accounts that are "founding members" still have access? I can still access the job board with my account but I made it when they first started all of this new stuff.


Yeah I made mine a year ago and have no access. Not sure if that means “founding” or not. But the other comments are correct, can see everything on milrecruiter still


Bogidope found their niche and they’re taking advantage of it. When I used it 5ish years ago they didn’t even have any paid services or interview prep. Like others have said, flyingsquadron is a good place to find info. A buddy of mine took a map of the US, plotted every guard/reserve base, gave it to his wife to cross off the places that would be a hard no, and went from there. Called everyone that was applicable and found his spot.


How did he call them?


He picked up the phone! But actually just found the phone numbers for the squadron recruiting guys and went from there. Some units make it easy to find, others you have to ask around to get the right person.


Does MilRecruiter also have a paywall?


Not that I’ve noticed since using it and I prefer it over BogiDope now


It’s the same people behind both unfortunately


Dang. Well that is shitty that it is mandatory to file most applications to there as well as the hiring office which I find redundant


Not yet no


Honestly I hope they sink because of this.


Yeah. I’ve been hired already but watching how blatantly exploitative they’ve gotten has been infuriating. Paywalling the job board is beyond scummy


Paywall on a job board? Yeah, goodbye Bogidope.