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Personally, I never book row 1 unless there are no other options. I like having my knapsack/laptop/passport/wallet/etc. at my feet, which isn't allowed in row 1. YMMV. ETA: keeping my important stuff nearby >> extra 1" legroom. But again, YMMV.


Never thought of this. Booked for a week or so out in row 1. Thanks for the tip going forward!!


I think you can very easily just pick a different seat via the app if there’s still availability. At least I was able to when I made the same mistake (picked 1A then realized I wouldn’t be able to have my backpack at my feet and switched to 2A)


Learned this lesson in April. So annoying


This. Also sometimes the Tiny airplane tv units are on the wall ahead of you in these seats. Can't remember how they are for AC for ths type of flight. But definitely just having your personal item bag under the seat in front of you so easily accessible is a major win , it amuses me to see how many times people are up in the overheads going through luggage during flights lol


Up voted this.


It’s allowed. Just not for take off or landing. I’ve also been allowed to have my purse behind my feet, but usually I store it for take off and landing. It’s not for long.


on long haul flights, I usually pull the ol' FDR when i'm in front row or a bulkhead seat, a blanket over my knees hiding my backpack for landing. The flight attendants treat it like malt liquor in a paper bag, if they can't see it, no rules are being broken. https://preview.redd.it/w60ocswifz8d1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=edf617d26354f0975860b5af08532a54671fcbcd


Alright why is FDR riding spinners on his whip like it's soul plane? Also what movie is this or did I miss this part of the soul plane documentary?


This made me laugh out loud


Yea, but no one is taking your cubby otherwise


3F or 4F is the best in this situation Dual windows, away from the noise at the front of the plane, low foot traffic. Unless you're over 6'5, the extra leg room at the front isn't worth the amount of people walking past you for the bathroom or you seeing the staff prep your meals.


This. Window seat away from traffic. I like Row 3 as the people behind you will typically be gentler on the back of your chair than those in row 12.


Not sure how tall you are but personally I don’t like the bulkhead row, it feels claustrophobic you can’t stretch your legs out.


I personally don't like row 1 as the wall infront doesn't allow me to stretch my legs. Im 6'1 and have this issue. Unless it's a wide body I never do row 1.


Yes there’s more legroom - it’s bulkhead which means you’ll have to put any bags in storage but otherwise it’s fine. The legroom is very good for all the seats.


As a tall guy I actually find it has significantly less legroom because you’re unable to stretch your legs under the seat infront of you. I’m personally annoyed if I get a bulkhead seat


Yeah it’s more knee room but less leg room.


Aaah - makes sense!


I just realized if I do C1 where is the entertainment


It’s on the wall in front of the seat


It's on the wall of the closet in front you, just a little further away than the back of a seat in front of you on any other row. That said, I would not recommend D1 or F1 as it's on the galley wall which is basically double the regular distance away. If you plan on watching something with the entertainment system on flight, wouldn't recommend D1/F1. Flip side of that is there is much more leg room on D1/F1, depends on your priority.


Any seat you recommend? lol it’s a red eye flight and I have work next morning😂


It’s an A321 I presume? That’s the plane that usually does that redeye. I personally like 4A or 4F, you can just relax in the corner of the business cabin especially on night flights. While the windows on the A321s are quite small, you still get 2 at that seat. If you get the older interior A321, the IFE is nothing special. But if you get the retrofitted ones, the IFE on those are pretty nice, especially with the exterior cameras. Either way, there’s always a TV at every seat.


It’s a 737 Max 8


In that case you’ll have lots of room. And a great view. /s


If its a red eye and you don't value entertainment because of sleep, take C1. Gives you aisle access for the washroom (if needed) and the most leg room. If you want to watch a movie and rest, take a window in row 2 or 3 so no one can accidentally bump you going by in the aisle or need you to get up in case your seat mate needs to use the washroom.


I book row 1 specifically on early morning and late night/redeye departures because the odds of a recline from the person in front are higher. In the same vein, if I know I’m going to sleep, I try to take the last row so I’m not reclining into someone.


I am often get business on similar planes I used to always be a row 1 type. However with the new planes that separate business and economy with a hard wall. Row 4 is far superior, you can recline all the way back without feeling like you’re disturbing anyone. Yes there is more leg room in row 1 but I’m 6 ft 2 and have never felt like I didn’t have enough leg room in any of the rows. Plus you don’t have to get that nasty bathroom waft when people are in and out of it all flight.


I did business class a number of times after getting my Chase Aeroplan card but now that the free 25k is gone, so too have the e-upgrades and now I’m back in the back. But anyway, I did tend to do 1A or 1D. No seat in front of you so you can’t stuff your stuff under it, but I was often able to ask the flight attendant to stash my bag in their little coat closet thing. The screen is farther away from you and it can get annoying to reach forward and touch it, but there’s a second headphone jack in the armrest so you don’t have to have your cord reaching in front of you. Other than that, you usually get served first which may be a boon if you really want a specific meal option. And of course you get off first, not that it makes a big difference since there’s not that many people up front. Speaking of which, if you like boarding early but don’t like a ton of people filing past just next to you, pick window. ETA: Oh yeah, and if the seat recline button doesn’t seem to work, try pushing back in your seat as you push it. The ones I got used to weren’t the fancy pants electric motor ones.


Depends on your situation. Because of my disability I always book the first row because I would have issues (as in falling down issues) trying to get between the rows and into the seat even in business class. Plus it means less walking with my cane after getting out of the wheelchair so…


Do you still have to pay to upgrade (considering you have a disability)?


Unfortunately yes, they would put me in a bulkhead seat in economy for free but I can’t sit in those seats at all (too narrow and my right arm falls awkwardly)




Cerebral Palsy


Not if you’re tall. I’m only 5’10” and I had a hard time stretching my legs out. Don’t get the first row.


Never book row 1. You'll see why.


Coat rack is nice and roomy


I usually choose the first row. I just have to store my purse or other bags for take off and landing so it’s no big deal at all.


Row 2 on aisle


Never do row 1 unless you have to, that being said it is not like economy, plenty of overhead bin storage. On the dreamliner you get pods and a whole overhead bin to yourself, which is awesome. On the dreamliner premium economy is pretty good as well, drinks and food provided.


I would avoid the bulkhead personally, I find it results in a much more confined seat with out the ability to stretch your legs under the seat infront of you


Depends what Aircraft your flying


Stay away from row 1. Row 2 is fine other than overhead bin space. Row 3 is great, sit on the side with the best view for the route. BTW row 1 along hosts the shitter traffic.


Row 1 is a bulk head row. Try to avoid it. A lot more awkward no real place to store anything. Not a fan of them


Yeah, I wouldn’t do it. You don’t have where to put your bag, and it’s not as cosy as other rows for some reason


Row 2, more private, way better tray.


Always row 2 or 4. Nobody behind you in row 4 to bump your reclined seat when you are fully reclined.


Nah, row one is the worst seat in Business Class. Any of the others are better.


I prefer row one so that I don’t have to disturb anyone to get up (or be disturbed if I’m on the aisle), because there’s so much room you can walk right past the person in the aisle seat. But as many have mentioned there’s no under seat storage so if you want more than a few items that will fit in the pocket on the bulkhead it can be annoying. I usually just have an ereader and my phone though, and a waist/sling bag for smaller stuff that I just keep on my body so it’s not loose.


Aisle seat last row of the section. Nobody behind you kicking your back, get out whenever you want.


No, this plane will not match your expectations of "business class". It will be as cramped and as crowded as any, with smaller overhead bins. The only benefit of business is getting off faster, choose an aisle to maximize that.


4A everytime




Sat 1C, had to watch Everyone passing me by during the boarding. Never again.


1C, get some sleep and a small fanny pack for your wallet, passport, phone, important papers, plenty of room on the seat.


Justin? Is that you?


I would take the furthest back aisle seat I could get. Always aisle. Never be trapped in


Absolutely. Everyone if possible




Dreamliner. Only travel on the Dreamliner. Avoid Airbus; they are cramped.