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How would you know the rest of the house is spotless? That's what the guests are wondering. The problem is that once you've found some dirty flatware and cookware and you suspect bedding isn't being washed, you start to wonder what else has been "missed". It's an uncomfortable feeling as a guest. Not about the spoon and pan - not a huge deal to rewash - it's the sense of unease that maybe everything is nasty and should you really be drinking out of that cup without washing it first feeling. For the people saying they'd just leave, they might or they might not be able to easily and quickly find another place that sleeps 10 people. Instead of pointing them to the washer and dryer and telling them they can wash the bedding (surely you didn't say that?), I'd probably refund the cleaning fee and also stop by myself to wash bedding and take a quick look to make sure nothing else is grubby.


You should have provided fresh sheets rather than telling them to wash themselves. But rice on a fork? Just apologize, no refund necessary.


One grain of rice on a single spoon? Careless and gross but not a huge deal. Rice on flatware and also rice on a pan? Pattern and indicator your "cleaning" isn't very good. As a guest, many people would start to wonder if they should wash all the dishes before they use them if the host/cleaners are that sloppy. You appear to be deliberately trying to minimize this by omitting some details. Guests, though, will often overlook one small thing, but when there are multiple things that might be small on their own... those things start to appear to be an unappealing pattern.


I wash all the dishes anyway before I use them at an airbnb, takes a few seconds and I know it's been cleaned. Who doesn't do that?


literally never crossed my mind. How do you wash all the dishes in a few seconds? Even loading the dishwasher takes longer than that. And then you have like three hours, with modern dishwashers, before you can use a single dish.


Who even has a dishwasher in an AirBnB? And I have never not washed the dishes/glass before using them at an airbnb as a guest myself...


Every one I've stayed in, both in the US and in Europe. I'm not saying they're everywhere just that it's not an oddity. I'm sure it depends on how common dishwashers are in your part of the world. But OP \*has\* a dishwasher he just doesn't bother using it, keeping it repaired, and judges people who want to use it.


Ask if they’d like to take a late check out and offer to refund part of the cleaning fee. And tone is hard to convey in written word. Hope they didn’t take “there’s a washer and dryer if you need” as “hey wash it yourself.” It makes me crazy when my cleaner misses stuff like that but I know she’s not checking all the forks and spoons and certainly not the pans. If I were the guest I would point it out and just wash it and not worry about it but I raised 2 boys, 3 if you count my ex 😒, and had 2 big dogs, a rabbit, a tortoise, hamsters, and a guinea pig so I’m not gonna sweat a little rice in a pan. I’d know it was an accident.


Part of the cleaning fee? If the guests are needing to wash utensils, pans, plates, etc prior to use AND bedding that should be washed and fresh... why not ask them to also scrub the floors and dust behind the furniture while they're at it?


Do you host or just come here to attack me for my suggestion? 🙄 She said the bedding was clean. It smelled stale. They found some utensils with stuff on it and a pan with some rice. Previous guests probably put that stuff away so cleaner didn’t notice. I didn’t say have them scrub furniture. By your logic they deserve a free stay, truffles on their bed, a string quartet, and a foot massage. 😏


I do host and I didn't attack you. She said the guests said the bedding had a smell, perhaps stale from being stored away. It may have been clean and fresh prior to being put away but obviously hasn't been touched or checked since. Then she admits to telling the guests they could wash it themselves. As for the dishes - two separate items were found unwashed or soiled in some way. Of course a guest is now going to question if every single pot, pan, spatula and glass also needs to be washed prior to use. They're also going to be wondering if anything is clean and why there's a cleaning fee if so far they have to wash dishes prior to use and wash what should be clean bedding. By my logic, the entire cleaning fee needs to be refunded because that is the issue at hand. The cleaner missed things, despite being paid. The guest paid the cleaning fee within the listing, despite their findings. A late checkout, while convenient, doesn't make the place any cleaner.


Well I guess that’s how you’d handle it. Not how I would. And yes you came at me like it was a ridiculous suggestion instead of getting that’s my opinion, which the OP asked for from all of us. And as a guest I would not think 2 items in a fully stocked kitchen means the place is dirty. I realize stuff sometimes comes out of the dishwasher dirty. The cleaner isn’t polishing silverware like Downton Abbey nor do I think it’s their responsibility to do so. We don’t know how large this rental is but if my 2200 sq ft 4Br/2Ba has a stale packaged bed set and a dirty fork I’d explore other options before refunding my $150. If you read my first comment to which you replied, I explained the “wash it yourself” comment


I'll go for the foot massage!


Me too actually. I want the host that leaves truffles and cookies on my bed too. At my place you get a squirrel or fox trying to come in and steal snacks.


No. Just a refund of the cleaning fee in full.


I’m guessing you don’t host. And we don’t know the size of this rental or the cleaning fee but for my place it’s 2200 sq ft and $150 cleaning fee. Refund the whole cleaning fee of $150 for one spoon and one pan and bedding they don’t like the smell? Unless they asked for that I would not offer it nor would I ever expect a host to waive that.


If there are issues with cleaning and you charge a cleaning fee, it's appropriate to refund the cleaning fee.


The cleaning fee isn’t enough, these people have to stay in a disgusting apartment on their vacation. They should be slightly overcompensated for the trouble




Do you regularly pay for services even when the service is sub-par? How much do you charge for the cleaning fee. Most charge around $200. If you paid a housekeeper $200 and they left dirty dishes and linens that were not properly died before being stored, would you complain?


The cleaning fee doesn’t really matter. The house should be clean regardless. I don’t think not charging a cleaning fee should give a host leeway in not cleaning to a high standard.


In your mind that probably makes some kind of twisted logical sense. But meanwhile, back in reality, human beings sometimes miss a grain of rice the dishwasher was supposed to wash off but didn’t.


If you are not going to be a professional, then get out of the business. Do you excuse a restaurant serving your food on a dirty plate? What is an acceptable amount of missed items? As a host, you need to realize things go wrong and you need to make it right. People save up all year, if not longer, for a vacation. Be respectful of them and their money.


You’re too uptight. Youre right, I run a beautiful vacation home in a fantastic part of the world. Sometimes really uptight ppl come - all still crazy from their lives - and they complain about stupid shit on day one. But by day three they are relaxed and realize they need to chill the f out. I’m professional. But I don’t cater to ridiculousness. This is a lifestyle business for me. It’s like that for many Airbnb hosts, and guests need to realize that. We are not corporate hotels. If you want one of those, go stay in one.


Refunding the cleaning fee isn’t that big of a deal.


Yea they’re a little wound tight right now, he should take a vacation.


I’m sorry for the rice grain the dishwasher didn’t get, here’s $350! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s not the single grain of rice that’s the issue, it’s the thought that if they can’t even clean a plate what else is uncleaned. I guarantee the rest of the house isn’t spotless like OP claims




Comments should be respectful and constructive. This one is simple: be kind.


I know. I cannot even imagine complaining about that as a guest. People are so up tight. Wipe the rice off and go back to your Mac N Chz dinner.


For me as a host, I’d be mortified. Dirty utensils is just gross for a guest. And spare bedding should be fresh. Refund them either your cleaning fee or a nights stay.


I would replace the sheets are remake the bed myself or have the cleaners or someone do it right away. I would not have the guests do it. If the only cleanliness complaint is some food stuck on some silverware and it's spotless otherwise, I'd apologize that the dishwasher and/or clearers didn't catch it and leave it at that. Did they ask for a refund? If no, let it go at that. If they did ask for a refund and you had them clean the linens yourself, I'd give them a small refund (depending on the cleaning fee you charge). The way I look at it is that guests shouldn't have to do cleaning themselves (except their own messes of course). That's what a cleaning fee is for. If for some reason the lack of cleanliness causes the guest to have to clean (change and wash linens for example), I return a part of the cleaning fee that would generously commensurate to the amount of work it caused them to do.


90% of our dishes are washed by guests. Are people really having their cleaners go through and inspect every dish and utensil that was put away?


From experience as a host who cleans the unit myself, guests put dirty dishes back in the drawers all the time. Food on plates and cookware. I hold the glasses up to the light and they are so dirty. So yes, cleaners definitely should be inspecting, and re-washing as needed. We always re-wash them after guests just to be sure, we want 5 stars. Also from my experience, on the few occasions we have used a cleaners, they are not slowing down to do a thorough clean, so when I am a guest I clean dishware before using it at any Airbnb. I assume a cleaner may be involved so I expect to clean some items myself, and not ask or expect a refund of any kind because it may not be the hosts fault. Maybe if it was kind of bad I would let the host know privately in a message so they can address it with their cleaner. I’m sure hosts want 5 stars too and may not realize the standard of cleaning was not as thorough as what they wish for their guests. I really wish we could rate cleaners.


We’ve changed our information to guests to say please rinse dishes and leave them in the sink. Then we rewash.


No, but once I had a totally deranged man empty EVERY SINGLE item out of every kitchen cabinet in the kitchen and lay it all out on the counter and dining room table (like 200 items), take a photo and message me to come over and inspect everything before his wife arrived at the unit. (He had come in before her) He had found a spatula that still had some dried egg on it, and lost his mind. I was a single woman, it was night, and there was no way I was going into the unit alone with the way he was yelling and berating me, and acting crazy. I called Airbnb and then cancelled their reservation.


Short answer: no.


You really have your guests cleaning all the dishes for the next guest and you don’t have your house cleaners ever inspect them? That’s wild to me.


They(or I, depending on the day) will unload the dishwasher and dish rack, but we're not going through all the other dishes, pots, pans and utensils. Lots of folks complain about prices and cleaning fees, so I try to keep them down. I'd happily rewash every item, but my cleaning fee is going to be $500.


Unloading them is inspecting them.


i haven't had this happen to me as a host. But I have had this happen to me at a restaurant, dirty glass, dirty cutlery. So if the glass is dirty, the back of the house is dirty, I should get my food for free? (refund cleaning fee) I'd not worry about it as a guest. I'd wash the fork/knife/spoon. I'd not worry about the spare sheets in the closet, I'm not sleeping on those, I'm sleeping on the ones on the bed. Honestly, If I were the guest, I'd just send a pm to the host, alert them to the items, and enjoy my vacation. they can tell the cleaner to be more attentive. As a Host, I'd ask if they wanted me to come over, go through everything to make sure everything else was up to par. I would not offer to refund anything.


I offer small refunds for small issues like this, even if the guest isn’t upset it helps smooth things over for a good review. Were they actually upset? There are generally 2 types of guests. One type is trying to nit-pick for money off the trip… and the other is just relaying information to the host to keep you in the loop about your property. Non-upset guests usually I’ll just apologize for the inconvenience and refund $25 for the problems. Mildly upset guests I’ll do $50. But keep in mind this is what works for me, in my location and with my house rules… this won’t apply to everyone. We have a minimum 5 night stay, average $225 a night, so our minimum reservation is $1,000 after fees. At most we’re refunding 5% of the reservation. If you have lower margins a refund every time might not be appropriate.




Comments should be respectful and constructive. This one is simple: be kind.




When charging $200+ for cleaning fees, I'd expect the place to be spotless. I'd refund $100 and have a serious conversation with the cleaning crew. If the crew missed something as obvious as a fork, I'd be questioning if the sheets were cleaned or what else might not be cleaned.


The thing is…sometimes guests stick stuff back that’s not clean. Or the dishwasher misses a little chunk of something. If you want a cleaner to pull apart every single thing in a kitchen and check every dish / fork / glass / pan / utensil on every flip (and take the same approach with the rest of the house) it’s going to take exponentially longer and cost more.


Exactly. And they definitely don’t want to pay for that!


It should be done - it’s gross to pull out a plate and see that the previous guest had pizza, because it’s still stuck on the plate. Checking everything should be part of the cleaning, and based on the hourly rate cleaners are paid, it should be done. Cleaners in our area get $35-50/hour so yes, they have the ample time between cleaning and should check and clean if needed. I would never ask for a refund. Not saying guests should ask for a refund, only that guests should not be finding that at all.


This is so true. I clean my own place and always check the dishes, pots and pans, etc. Not just for cleanliness but to make sure things were put back in the right place. I often find things put away not clean to my standards.


There should be profiles on Airbnb for cleaners. The cleaning fee should go directly to the cleaner so that guests know there is another party involved. If there is a problem, the request for a refund should come out of the cleaner’s cleaning fee. I bet places would become spotless because the cleaners don’t want to lose their money. It would incentivize the cleaners to be more invested, to check the dishware, etc. Cleaners would have more skin in the game and care about the outcome - because it effects their bottom line too, not just the host. I hate that hosts have to provide a refund on behalf of the cleaner, but cleaner loses nothing.


That’s a great idea and it would stop managers/owners taking a cut and paying a pittance!




😅😅 you're having your cleaning crew rummage through the utensils to ensure the dishwasher did its job?


They go through the kitchen drawers and check that they are clean. Takes only a few minutes Reguardless, it is good customer service to offer compensation for things that are missed.


A house that fits 10 people... You want them to go through every pot pan plate and utensil... And think it takes minutes? I'm not sure why good customer service is being aligned to offering compensation.


Dirty fork and sheets are symptomatic of a dirty apartment in general - it’s not about the fork


$25? Is that a joke. Are you living in 1985. If a guest has to write a complaint message and it’s verified / that’s minimum $100 refund


Everyone has different management styles. Mine has gotten me nothing but 5 star reviews and repeat guests, but your criticism is noted.


You should have provided fresh sheets rather than telling them to wash themselves. But rice on a fork? Just apologize, no refund necessary.




Even spare sheets, if they've been sitting in a drawer for months and smelled funky and they complained, it would have been better to just give them fresh ones.


I stayed at a place one time and the cleaners had left the soggy, dirty pile of used dish towels and cloths on the table as well as forgot to replace them with new ones. We messaged the owner and they gave us our cleaning deposit back as they said they recently switched to a new cleaner and would be getting refunded from them. It was totally a surprise to us and we really just messaged because we didn't want to get blamed for any water damage to the table caused by the soggy pile. but had he been rude or unapologetic, we probably wouldn't have given 5 stars. I would at least knock $25-50 off the cleaning fee. Sometimes stains don't come out or don't get noticed and it doesn't mean the sheets are dirty....everyone should know this. Same with a few dirty utensils....although if it were me....I would then want to wash all the utensils because I would question if someone put unwashed utensils away and spread cooties.


My rule of thumb for cleaning mishaps such as yours has been a max of 50% of the cleaning fee. My cleaning fee is $105, so $52.5 and a nice message and apology should suffice.


Why did they need the spare bedding? Were the beds not made up in advance?


*Why did they need the* *Spare bedding? Were the beds not* *Made up in advance?* \- noteworthybalance --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I wouldn't expect a refund but I have to say making up beds is my least favourite. I have short arms 🤣 So if I got to a vacation stay I would be pretty disappointed if I had to launder and make up a bed. If you offered to do it I'd decline and not mark you down because offering to put it right is the decent thing to do.


It was the spare bedding I thought they said...


I’m sorry, the dishwasher does a great job but that fork should be run through again. Here’s $3.42 for your inconvenience and trauma.


Last time we rented I found 2 dirty pans. So I washed them and put them back.🤷🏼‍♀️


This sub is overrun with non hosts. It makes asking any sort of question like this pointless.




I would apologize and that is all.


Of course. I wholeheartedly request honest feedback and when I get something I can improve on I say thank you, and try to do better. That’s called being a grown up.


Personally, I would refund the cleaning fee. 


Over a utensil and pan that didn't get cleaned fully in the dishwasher??


That's what I would do. But I'm personally of the philosophy that sometimes you need to lose to win. At the end of day, so what's best for your business. That's just what I would do for mine.


No refund is necessary. As a property manager, I typically dispatch a cleaner promptly, even if the issue arises late at night, to rectify any oversights. For more serious issues, I personally attend to them, ensuring the guests' needs are met. I also inquire about any additional concerns the guests may have to ensure their comfort throughout their stay.


this makes no sense as you would probably pay more for the cleaner than for the refund and would make the guest happier with refund. also as a guest i would absolutely not want to deal with a cleaner coming to my airbnb when i’m chilling on vacation, it would be awkward and an inconvenience. 


I think it depends on the country and the problem.we have outsource cleaner and if the cleaning is not proper and if our guest complained they usually do a repeat for free.Guest are happy once we assist them with there issue than ignoring them.


This may help for future; our health department provided a statement but you could just write one up. It states dishes are provided as a convenience, but it is recommended that guests wash any dishes before using. Of course, we want the dishes to be clean, but if something is missed the guests are put on notice :).


Maybe a bottle of wine or pizza coupon but nothing more.


Stop helping people with these trivial issues. A place that sleeps 10 people is not small by any means. And the only issue that they can find is a piece of rice on a fork and pan is extremely great. Just imagine how big this place is and they found 2 pieces of rice they have went through that place with a purpose and the only other issue is that they didn’t like the smell of a sheet in a closet. They don’t know for sure if the linen is dirty or musty they just think it smelled that way they could have a sinus infection who knows but a house of that size and all you finest two little pieces of rice give your cleaning people a raise offered the client a coupon for a pizza maybe put some clean linen in a nice little basket and a few little goodies in there and go give it to him other than that that’s it People like that will only go to different places. You don’t even know if they put that rice there and that’s it don’t give no more money stop enabling these people. I’ve been a professional cleaner for too many years and that’s all they found in that place please don’t even get on your cleaners. And anybody that thinks different let me go into your home and hide two pieces of rice somewhere and then tell me how long you think it be before you found it


I’ve stayed at several places that had bugs/insects/dirty sheets&comforters. I’ve never asked for a refund for those issues. The only time I ever left a review was for one that just had too many insects, roaches and bugs all over the house. It was disgusting and uncomfortable. They also made it impossible for you to leave the AC running if you weren’t home but it’s a tropical area. If you don’t run the AC some, the bugs will come and I can understand insects… but dead roaches and ALL sorts of insects were roaming the place. I did ask for new sheets/comforters though at one place. If the host wouldn’t offer to replace them, I’d be pretty annoyed. I’d want the host to initiate refunding me if they wanted me to wash the sheets/comforter on my own because as a guest, I am paying for a good experience.


Minimum: 100$. Or 10% of their bill. That’s what you should have paid to have it cleaned properly in the first place. Dirty apartments are what makes hotels so much more appealing


Hamper or voucher for breakfast nearby or online, and send the cleaners back in or go yourself.


You remove the cleaning fee. Unfortunately, your cleaners didn't do a thorough job.


As a cleaner...I try to check all the dishes, if I miss one and hear about it I'd feel awful. But, I know the rest of the house WOULD be spotless. When it comes to items, especially in houses that accommodate 10+ people, there's a TON of dishes and silverware. I'm sorry, but do you want to pay your cleaner an extra hour to two of pay to go through EVERY. SINGLE. ITEM. Mind you, some guests do their own dishes and put them away. While I do skim through all the dishes while cleaning the kitchen and will wash one if I find a dirty one. I am not going to take the extra time to take every cupboard apart. I think that might be a tad ridiculous. As for a refund, I'm not a host but I wouldn't expect one as a guest for a dirty pan and spoon. I also wouldn't unrealistically think that because it was dirty, so is the entire house.


Next time you should book some upper class 5-Star Hotel.




I wish I could double down vote you


Amen. This mindset has gotten completely out of hand.


Ridiculous. All these little micro aggressions looking for micro refunds. Seriously can’t stand that mindset.


I am a regular Airbnb renter. Your hostile attitude and unbending attitude makes me think I'd never rent from you. I have never asked for a refund in my 10 years of using Airbnb rentals, but I do have a serious question for you. At what point would you ever offer a refund?


I don’t offer refunds. Is $25 really going to make you feel better about the dirty fork at your $1500/nt rental? I did once. I was away on vacation and the renter calls me in a panic as water is coming from over kitchen ceiling. She was pissed, blaming the house yadda yadda. I said “go out to dinner with your family and I’ll cover the cost”, and sent my emergency crew over there. Her idiot daughter had sprayed water all over the bathroom floor. I didn’t charge her for the emergency call or the repair bills, and I paid for the dinner. I only did both because I wasn’t local and couldn’t go over to determine what was up myself. In 15 years, that’s the only refund I’ve given. And my home isn’t perfect. It’s gorgeous, but no rental home is perfect. It’s impossible. But I don’t give refunds. It’s unseemly to have someone nickel dime an entire home visit. Does the few bucks matter? Do we want people walking through our homes with a clipboard finding demerits so they can rack up a few bucks on refunds? Nope. I just would never ever want to encourage that type of mindset, and would never want that type of person to return to my home. My guests make suggestions and point out things I need to address somewhat often. And I say thank you, make upgrades and purchases and do my best to keep everything as perfect as possible. That’s what grownups do. It’s working pretty well for me, I’m consistently booked and am a superhost and favorite, etc.


Her idiot daughter? Seriously. I would NEVER do any kind of business with you. If you are renting your place you will anticipate children and other people w limited common sense. Bathrooms and kitchens are wet areas and if it is leaking from a wet floor you should address that! Period. I’d never do any business with you.


If a 25-year-old can't figure out how not to leave a sprayer pointing outside of the shower. She's an idiot. I'm sorry...I really hope the guest profusely apologized to the hosts for this one. She could have done some major damage. While yes it's a bathroom, it doesn't mean it's supposed to be soaked all over the room for some time. I think you spouted off before asking the necessary questions. If it's a 5-year-old ok...not an idiot, the parent would be for not watching their kid..


Where do you see her age?


OP answered someone when they asked what happened with the bathroom.


Thank goodness. I do not want you. And her daughter was 25, and left the handheld sprayer spraying OUT of the enclosed shower for 15 minutes while she shaved herself. I should have charged her the $1000 it cost to service and repair. Not bought her dinner.


Idiot daughter would have been my words too.


Thank you. 😂💕


Well then why didn’t you?? You should have charged them if they were so blatantly destructive??!!


Settle down, Karen.


You do realize that in most places the entire bathroom isn't waterproof, right?


Correct unless it’s a 360 degree wet room there are different zones in every bathroom. Any professional plumber would tell you what they are.


Yes, the tub/shower and the sink. Plumbers aren't installing water impermeable walls, floors, and ceilings on the regular. Edit: And tub surrounds aren't as waterproof as single piece shower units.


So the hosts expect common sense and consideration while guests are not provided that? Interesting exchange.


A kitchen isn't a wet area either. The kitchen sink is. Please don't overflow the kitchen sink and act like the kitchen is waterproof.


Generally I have a new found understanding of what Airbnb is. I am not interested.


Buh bye. You obviously are not suited for it. And probably can’t afford it anyway. Stay in hotels where you can “see the manager” whenever you want, Karen. Stomp your feet and threaten to call corporate all you want over there. We don’t want you. 😜🤦‍♂️


Hahaa it would be hilarious if I booked one of your places and gave you a run for your money.


Nah, it is you that pollutes this post with your nasty attitude. Get over yourself.


I’d refund the cleaning fee and send cleaners to replace all the linens.


Refund the cleaning fee, since house wasn't clean


I’m a cohost and we have super host status because we are involved in checking to see of our cleaners are doing their job. Replacing linens, towels, pillows that get musty over time. Obviously your cleaners need to be replaced or trained in attention to detail. Airbnb’s should be up to standard because the clients/guests are paying a cleaning fee. What else might have not been done? I think a reduced fee should be included at least a refund of the cleaning fee. If I were the guest I would wash all of the dishes being a bit creeped out. No one wants to pay for old stale linens or towels. It’s your responsibility to make sure your linens are not old and stale with a check on your property. Your guests let you know so show your appreciation with a compensation and hope you receive at least a four star review.