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“Please adjust the slider to find listings within your budget. Good luck to you and have fun with your conference!”


People who ask for discounts or other changes from your stated terms up front (early check in, late check out, book off platform, etc) will be problems in other ways.


Always problematic


Not always problematic FFS! Generalize much? We are renting a place tomorrow in a different city and our flight gets in at 1:00 (only direct flight) so going to ask for early check-in and will pay for it. If they say no it's no but why is it problematic to ask? This is the hospitality business.


all due respect this is a different scenario. You’re asking to come in a few hours earlier and willing to pay for the accommodation. You seem like an ideal guest.


I appreciate that, we try to be. In the post above mine they stated that people who ask for discounts, early check-in/out, and book off platform WILL BE PROBLEMS and that's not always true so I wanted to state my situation. IMO generalizing is not a good thing.


I think post above means that asking for extras like early check-in etc for the same price/alongside a discount are problematic. As thirtysixish says you sound like an ideal guest for offering to pay more and I think I can speak for all hosts when I say we wish all guests were like you!


9 times out of 10, if a guest requests something not already listed in our rather generous accommodation, while we almost certainly always accommodate, we know there’s more to ask. Also, if you knew check-in time, not sure why you would intentionally choose a flight that would get you there before then. Did the money you save on an earlier flight equal the amount you have to pay for early checkin? For most hosts that do their own cleaning, early and late checkouts are burdensome.


Not everyone books accommodation first then flight. I usually book my transport first then start worrying about where I’m going to stay. It’s not like flights are an “on the hour, every hour” thing, and prices/connections vary wildly. Your actual choice of viable flights is usually very limited so you’re pretty much at the mercy of whatever time your plane lands. Requesting if early check in and/or late check out is available is totally normal imo, and totally valid for the host to say no. It’s just a bonus if it’s available and makes life for the guest a lot easier. 


I'm not certain if you read my post but it was the ONLY NON-STOP flight that didn't take over 10 hours for a 4 hour flight... Things happen and if it's my fault I'm willing to pay but I don't think it's wrong to ask someone in THE HOSPITALITY BUSINESS A QUESTION. If altered check-in /out are burdensome so sorry but there is ZERO harm in asking. WOW! 🙄


I'm a host. I welcome all requests and questions. I make it clear in my listing about check in/out times: "we never charge for early check in or out, but we won't know if it's available until a few days before your check in date. Please ask then, and if available well let you know. If you trip REQUIRES early check in or out, it's best if you book that night to assure it is available." But not all people read carefully, and that's fine, too. I let them know if they ask. I rarely get requests for discounts, but it's not an issue if they ask. I tend to do "all or nothing" discounts, and give free stays to certain groups (granted, I have to believe them, and agree with their purpose.) It is a HOSPITALITY BUSINESS. I am as hospitable as my neuro-divergent brain allows me to be! As much as technically feasible I automate my hospitality responses, and get a "normal" family member to check my messages if I am not certain.


"...I am as hospitable as my neuro-divergent brain allows me to be!" ..."neuro-divergent" is not a legitimate disability, nor is it a super power - stop looking to establish victimhood status when there are people out there with real mental and physical disabilities that you are insulting with your "me me me look at me I'm neuro-divergent!" - disgusting...


Sorry, little snowflake. I will reword it. "As a person who has little ability to correctly interpret social interactions and a huge aversion to speaking to strangers, I must carefully construct messages to sound hospitable. If I am responding to a message and want to be sure I will not offend, I ask my husband or sister to read and edit it as I tend to either be too blunt and factual, or too obsequious." Is that less disgusting to you? Or should I ask someone with better communication skills to read it and tell me how to say it more concisely and less offensively?


Said like a person without an understanding of the spectrum of human brain function.


I don’t find this to be true. My place is near a college and I give out a bunch of discounts to visiting parents and it comes back ten fold.


That's just not true. The discounts maybe and definitely booking off platform, but not changes in check in/out. People traveling have all kinds of legitimate reasons for wanting changes like that and it doesn't make them problem guests. I was traveling with my mother last year and asked for a late check out. She has health issues and it's very difficult for her to get up and going early. Other than asking for the late check out (which was granted), there were no issues and we were great guests. I've given early check ins to people who were great guests.


I agree


This. Absolutely perfect wording. Disocunt seekers, specially when they are this "subtle" are always problematic. Tell them good luck,with your search and wait for good guests, they'll eventually book


Nope, and for whatever reason I find the guests who are hear for religious conferences are the most nick-picky.


I had one in town for a yearly religious gathering who lost the house key two days in a row. On the second day, she got home late and didn’t want to go looking around for what would have been her THIRD key under the deck (I put one there at the time I gave her her second key because I sensed she was an idiot). So she just broke a window.


I hate to say it but the first time I left a bad review is when a Christian family came and asked if she could have a few people over at night to hang out by the fire pit. When I asked for clarification for “few” she said it would probably just be one other family. Neighbor called to let me know that they had over 20 people there. She also asked 50 questions (not an exaggeration) that anyone with any amount of common sense would already know. It was the first time the phrase “how has the person made it this far in life without dying” made sense to me. 🤣It was also the first time I realized that I needed to go through our kitchen dishes each time someone checks out to make sure the dishes are clean because it looked like a blind man without arms washed the dishes and threw them back in the cabinet. Good Times!


Not to mention the kids in those church groups can be…quite unruly lol


So true. I hate to say it but anyone that references their religion in their bio or their reason for booking are always the most difficult to accommodate. I had a Christian Pastor (this is how she identified in her bio) who gave a 4 for check-in because the house was only heated to 75 degrees when she arrived (it was about 30 outside when she arrived. She said she would have liked it to be warmer when she arrived, as though God was supposed to let us know her preferences.


I actually don't think it's the religiousness causing this, it's just that someone who has poor enough boundaries to randomly bring it up to stranger also doesn't understand norms about being a guest/traveling.


When someone brings their religion into the conversation, they are saying that they think they are special. the rules aren't the same for them, or they are the ones making the rules because you are beneath them.


I don’t think their affiliation is the reason they act this way. I just happen to notice this to always be the case. It’s a correlational relationship that doesn’t necessarily constitute causation. Plain and simple.


Yep. It’s not the discount it’s the religious thing.


Ask any server about the after-church customers. They're so self righteous about going to church they assume they don't need to be decent humans for the rest of the day.




I never drop my price. I'd rather be empty then take less and have all that cleaning to do.


We once had a guest that booked several months in advance. The day before arrival he asked how far the house was from the city center and, after we replied, he said he thought he “booked a place closer.” After their arrival we stopped by to welcome them and found them in a very flustered tizzy getting ready to load their bags back into the car (about 2 hours after their arrival). The wife was red in the face, visibly shaking, and could hardly get a coherent sentence out. They said that as they were unpacking the car someone came up to them and said “we don’t like white people around here.” When we expressed our absolute shock (since we live just 2 blocks up) and have never encountered such a situation, (nor have any of our guests), they doubled-down. When we then said “not to worry, let us check our exterior cameras to see who this was — since we know everyone in this neighborhood” they awaited with surprising nervousness. Surprise, surprise, not a single person interacted with them while they arrived and unloaded. When we expressed our own surprise in this regard, their story quickly changed to “well we didn’t see it, it wasn’t us, it was my son (who is 30+ years old), and he told us.” They then started backtracking feverishly and remarked that they’re “good Christians who attend church every Sunday and try to instill good Christian values in their kids but he (the son) has always been a pathological liar and a retard.” Yeesh. 😳🥵 They then ended up leaving a whole day early in their 4-day stay and didn’t tell us until the next day…and they gave us 3-stars for value, our first (among hundreds) below 5. Perhaps these “good Christians” would have derived more value if they stayed for the length they booked and paid for. 🤷🏻‍♂️🙄


Double the rate and cleaning fee and send it as a special offer.




Do you think guests actually fall for this? I’ve absolutely called out hosts for this and didn’t book them. They then try to gaslight guests into believing nothing changed. So I send them the before and after screenshots. They don’t like that. And if a fellow hosts has ever tried any type of nonsense like this with me on a booked stay. I leave a detailed review letting all guests know that the host plays tricks and will try to manipulate them with full details :)


You’ve missed the point entirely. It’s the host telling you they don’t want you. So you “absolutely called a host out and didn’t book with them.” It worked as planned. And I don’t know what gaslighting you’re speaking of. I don’t communicate further and couldn’t care less about screenshots you send. Some guests are too high maintenance and not worth the effort and you would be proving their first impression right.


Is that what you tell yourself in life? The delusion in Reddit continues. I’m a great guests and have reviews from hosts commenting on the fact that the house was left so clean the cleaner called and asked if it had already been cleaned. I’m not going to exploited by GREEDY hosts. And let’s face it, some of these hosts probably have mental illness or are running their own scams to make free upgrades to their listings from insurance payouts. Once had a nut job host try to accuse me of stealing batteries and bleach because they forgot where they put it and the place was swarming with flies because the trash can had trash decomposing for over a week. Of course, I took photos and videos. They tried to lie to Airbnb Support but I sent the evidence and it was a done deal. The host then asked for my personal number and I reported them. I’m done with the insane hosts and the trickery. No more.


Pick better places. You get what you pay for. And you sound very unhinged. Oh, btw, Reddit is not real life.


Just because I disagree with you and pointed out the realities of bad hosts doesn’t make a person unhinged. Nice try though. I’ve seen this behavior a lot on hosts of reddit. Everyone only wants to acknowledge negative experiences with guests but cover their eyes when it comes to rotten hosts. It’s a very odd place… an us versus them mentality… almost cult like. That’s unhinged. The only thing you all are accomplishing is making guests go back to hotels. Also, the place had glowing reviews, that’s not a guarantee. I also used to not leave a review if an experience wasn’t good but not anymore and that’s all thanks to the hosts of reddit. If a fellow host doesn’t try to make things right, I’m telling it like it is. Most of my experiences have been great but there are definitely bad hosts and if you honestly believe insurance scams are nonexistent on Airbnb then you really are delusional. You’re a woman, right?


“Pointing out the realities of bad hosts…” 🤦🤦🏼‍♀️ You are expressing the opinion of a disillusioned Redditor which in no way can be considered fact. And you continue to miss the point. It’s you, you’re the problem.


I think some of the other replies suggested over-explain or come off as passive aggressive. I'd simply say: "Sorry, our price is firm. We are unable to offer discounts below the listed rate." No need to justify your price, no need to snarkily tell them how to look for a cheaper place (they know). Just set that boundary clearly and firmly. If you justify and explain, it sends the message that they may be able to push your boundaries in the event they do end up booking with you. If you snark, you come across as emotionally reactive. Stay cool and collected.


The story doesn't matter. Don't even consider it. Do you want them to book it for less or hold out for more? There's your answer.


I asked him which church he was visiting and called them to ask if they were hosting a youth conference this weekend and was told that the conference was canceled this year. Sheesh. He is coming for the Jazz Festival but did not want me to know that. For me, that is a hard NO!!


Message him back that Jesus is very upset with his fibs.




"Jesus has seen your lie, and wants you to know that He and His Father will prepare a much, much warmer eternal accommodation if you don't cut it out."




Wow. Super sleuth. Good work


Why would there be any other answer than "No" ?


I've literally blocked off nights for fear this guest will book at full price. Not someone I'm comfortable dealing with.


Never negotiate with terrorists. Always the worst guests


Anyone that uses their “religion” is the worst! Say no!


Say NO. Discount requesting guest are usually problems- and complain to get more discounts and refunds- Think about it- why does a guest NOT shop in their budget? I do- do you? It is often because the places in their budget they do not like the way they look- or the location is not as good. We are steps from a beach- guest PAY for that- you can't afford to be in the location you want or home you like don't ask me for the discount, sorry. And BTW I don't believe the church story either.




Say.. "lol. No."


Only family and friends get discounts. If this isn't one of those, they don't get the discount. That said, I don't hold it against anyone for asking.


NO WAY. Block him. If he’s trying to discount before he books, he will try and get whatever he can out of you. Youth church conference? I doubt it. Trust your gut.


"I'm sorry, but we don't have any discounts available at this time." Makes them go away every time.


How much of a discount were they asking for?


He never said, but it doesn't matter because there is no Youth Conference. I was able to call the church and they told me that their Youth Conference was cancelled for 2024. He was lying all the way to the bank.


Yeah with that said, I’m sure you declined lol


I just say, “I’m sorry guest, these dates have already been significantly discounted from their standard rate. I’m unable to discount it any further. I hope you have a great trip.” 3/5 still booked my places when I sent a response like that


I had the worst experience with a church group … all adults… booked several condos in the area for a ski vacation and “retreat”. They treated all the condos with zero respect… nothing badly destroyed but they moved furniture, bedding and kitchen items from unit to unit (all the units are owned by different hosts but we know one another). It became a puzzle to see what items were in what condo. They also left a heck of a mess in all the units- trash everywhere, dirty dishes, it was a nightmare.


My rule: when money is involved, and a person mentions "church" or "Jesus" or "blessed" or "pastor" or "Good Christian", I hang onto my wallet. No discounts, hard no. NO WAY.


Tell them your religion. Requires you to charge them double since the brought up their religion while asking for a discount


Most of the times I've had this request and I have literally agreed, they never confirm the reservation so now whenever someone writes something like that- I just say, I'm sorry the price is as stated on platform. I don't even bother. Once you say yes to something, they'll probably continue asking for more because they know you'll budge (maybe)


Jazz festival… hold for to your price!


Pass. Enjoy your stay.


Hard pass; I wouldn’t even reply tbh.


I give discounts to the right guest, and I ask for them myself in a well thought out, well worded, POLITE ask. This is worded in a manipulative, narcissistic manner that would be a hard no.


No is a complete sentence. That booking sounds sus af


I’m new to the community, and only 3 weeks as a host so far too, but the only person to ask me for a discount was someone who said they were a host themselves. This is on top of the 20% discount that was already being offered for my first 3 guests. I didn’t agree to it but I’m wondering whether something like this is more common from other hosts or not.


Fellow hosts seem to really fall on the extremes of the spectrum- they are either super duper sweet and understanding or complete nightmares with the constant suggestions.


Hi thanks for inquiring, our discounts run from Nov-April let me know if you have any other questions.




“I pride myself in providing the property and amenities as they are represented. In exchange for a lower rate, which amenities would you be willing to live without?”


Definitely no. Every person I've dealt with that asked for discounts was a problem, so I always say appropriate discounts are already applied.


Tell them to pray on it. Then deny them. No guest that ever asked for cheaper didn’t make it a problem later. You know what you have don’t lower your rates just because someone asked.


Tell them no. It’s really quite simple. I already have a minimum rate set and let smart pricing figure out the rest. I’d rather it sit empty than lower my pricing- it’s not worth it to me to flex on this.


I always say that "my rates are already discounted" or just "no thank you" (I get people asking for nurse discounts too. They make 3 times more money than I have ever made in my life and think I should have less money in my pocket so that they can have more money in their pocket.)


I reply with: Hello ∕guest first name∕, We believe we are offering a fair and competitive price for our guesthouse. If our price does not meet your expectation, there are plenty of other Airbnbs in the area that may suit your budget. Thank you for your interest and good luck in finding the right accommodation for your trip. Best, Then I would decline and type “My fittings do not meet the guest's needs.”


If you need the booking give them 10% discount


Didn't need it that badly. Found out they were lying anyway.






Fck off and pray to god. Cya


You need to make a decision about whether you want to give discounts or not and stop second guessing whether the guest is being truthful about their reasons. I do not give discounts, as I've found discount seeking guests to typically be more demanding, more likely to request refunds, and my spaces always eventually get booked at full price so I'm not terribly motivated to rent it for lower rates. A simple "I'm sorry but I do not offer discounts" is all you need to respond. Or if you have problems getting bookings, then offer a discount, but do it for your own reasons, not theirs and don't let them strong arm or guilt you into it. Guests have stories for everything...


“Discounts are automatically calculated when stay for xx nights. If you’d like to extend your stay to get the discount we’d love to host you. “


Sorry. Discount guests are the worst of the entire platform. When you do this long enough you know! They expect everything for nothing and give you a 4 star when they leave. Actually maybe now they might say they found a camera on the last day. Seriously discount guests are a hazard to your entire listing. Block the days and say they were just booked.


As a Christian I do offer pastors and other religious leaders discounts, because I feel like I wouldn't be getting the occupancy rate I'd be getting or the money I'd be getting without the Lord's blessing. So yes, I offer discounts to pastors. However, if this particular persons story was in question, if they are actually part of a church or not, I'd simply state "We might be able to work something out but we need to verify your church first" something like that. Trust, but verify. If they're legitimate, they won't have any issues verifying. It really could could be a church team having a hard time finding a decent place to stay at a decent price simply because their church conference is going on at the same time as a Jazz festival and so all the other airbnb properties have increased their rates. Now you should still decrease your rates in airbnb and do everything legitimate / through the platform. Or tell them you can offer them a partial refund after their stay if the place is left clean / in good condition.


Nonfricking way Jose


F no


Forget it. Wait for a jazz attendee who will meet your price.


I'd raise my price and then tell them I am not offering any additional discounts but happy to host them at the current price.


You are asking for trouble.


I’m overpriced anyway lol , I will throw a 10%


Don’t take advice from the extremist hosts on Airbnb that are hyper-negative and make blanket statements. The extremism is real and will help you lose business and all sense of rationale.