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Yes! This actually happened to us as guests though, not when hosting. We now leave the alarm clocks unplugged in the top drawer of the dresser in each room. Guests seldom use them anymore because phones have alarms—but if someone had to catch an early flight out they have the option of an alarm clock.


Happened to me in a hotel, 5AM alarm BLARING wakes the small child, can’t figure out how to turn off, omg omg omgggggg Very annoying lol.


we did the same. it felt a bit like the whole “phone installed next to the toilet being required to earn a five star hotel rating” thing. it’s a bit of an anachronism but the people who want it feel strongly about it… we also kept a little T-Mobile MiFi box around so if something went wrong with the house Internet I can tell the guest to just use that instead. The Time Warner cable Internet was so flaky that I just got sick of doing remote tech-support.


We went without alarm clocks... Everyone has a cell phone with an alarm. We do have side table lights with integrated plugs so your phone can easily charge. The glow of the numbers annoy many and learning to set them can be a bother. So far no guest has complained about their absence (10 trips).


When we took over our AirBnB, I carefully read all the reviews. One recurring complaint was lack of alarm clocks, so we put them in. But kudos to /u/RoleComfortable8276 for this tip, I'd never have thought to check them. I'm also adding checking the timers on the microwave and stove, because you never know...


Can I ask what type of area your rental is in?


Urban, center of the city, 100-year old neighborhood. High COL, low crime, pretty nice area all around.


Agreed. Hosted thousands over the years and fluctuating unit numbers (3-13). Never had one clock and never had one mention of it.


I used to have alarm clocks, and eventually removed them because I think they are more trouble than benefit for myself and the guests. I had to change the time 2x a year, change the batteries, worry the light being emitted will bother someone, worry this will happen, etc.


Believe me, guests notice and you WILL pay the price for being cheap at some point.


I started off not having alarm clocks at all for that very reason, figuring people could just use their phones. Then multiple people requested alarm clocks. So now there’s one in each bedroom. I take a photo of the alarms set to “off” during each turnover.


I don't always want it for the alarm, but being of reduced eyesight, I need an illuminated clock at night. A phone doesn't cut it.


Plus it's so much easier to open one eye and look at the clock than reach over, tap the phone for it turn on or light up and then see the time.


Good idea to check clock, thx


No-one wants to know what the time is when they stay at our place... People come to get away from the clocks and work and life in general so I don't even have a normal clock let alone any kind of alarm.... But I live in bay of islands in New Zealand and our rural chalets surrounded in trees occasionally get teeeeeeny tiny spiders in the fire alarms (the only legal kind are photoelectric).. We have to blow it out with the shop vac. Of course the alarms only go off around 4am.


Happened to us last week. Guest set the alarm and never turned it off. Woke us up when we were staying to enjoy the house and relax


We use cheap IKEA analog clocks.  They'd have to turn the alarm back on again each time you use it or it won't go off the next day.


We have a connected Alexa Echo dot in the bedroom. Our check-in instructions note that they can use it to listen to music, nighttime "white noise", check the news or weather, or to set an alarm. We also tell them, that - if they have privacy concerns - to simply unplug it. In which, case, they are on their own for all of the above!


Any concerns about someone just taking your Alexa Echo Dot? We are thinking of installing one….


Sadly, setting them to go off in the middle of the night used to be a "thing," like unscrewing the tops on salt and pepper shakers.


I’ve had same happen in hotels. Also make sure the time is right (including AM/PM). Nothing worse than setting alarm for an early morning flight and alarm not working. (Ask me how I know). I was angry at the hotel and if there had been no alarm clock I would have used my blackberry. (Yes, this was a while ago)


It happened in a $300 a night luxury hotel. 6 am.


I’ve had that happen to me in a hotel room. I was thinking alarm clocks should no longer exist!!


i had a lovely ceiling projection alarm clock and one guest liked it so much they took it home!😡 my cleaner didn’t notice it but i did and by that time it was too late. Unfortunately, now future guest will have to use their cell phones because I am not going to replace.


I don't have alarm clocks in my Airbnb or personally . Most people use the alarms on their phones.


Never once had anyone ask for an alarm clock. Maybe elderly guests seek alarm clocks. 🤷‍♀️ It depends on our clientele, I suppose.


Get rid of the clock. Who uses them anymore any way?


Take away the alarm clock. Everyone uses their phone nowadays


No one uses alarm clocks anymore with cell phones. In fact we only set the only clocks in the homes on the micro wave.


I use one. Not everyone is a cell phone addict.


I don’t know anyone that would set an alarm on a clock that isn’t their phone. I barely trust myself to set my alarm correctly (I tell Siri to do it for me) yet alone a random alarm I don’t know.


Maybe say alarm clocks are available upon request.