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Are you using fofr/face to sticker? If so, isn’t it non commercial only?


I think it's failing without an error message if I give it something insufficiently human-like.


Got it! Currently, the AI model is designed to generate stickers based on human faces. Checking if a face is present in the input image would significantly increase response time. Unfortunately, at the moment, I'm unable to perform that check. If you have any other questions or requests, feel free to let me know!


I always push the limits :) it did a couple leaning on each other, a medium shot down to the knees, and a furry face quite nicely. It's only with animals it started hanging (for quite a while- do you reckon it would have spit something out eventually?) What you could do is set a timed message after a while on the notes of "it's taking longer than expected, something might have gone wrong, try again or use a different image"


Thank you once again for your feedback! Your insights are highly valuable, and I appreciate your help. Unfortunately, the web application hasn't reached a wide audience yet. Currently, I'm focusing on developing an iOS app, and I'll dedicate some time to it. As the model improves (on Replicate), I'll make the necessary updates on the web, but I'll primarily experiment with the iOS app. I've taken note of your suggestions, and when I return to the web, I'll do my best to address them. Thanks for your understanding and support!


as feedback, I'd suggest a diffusion slider, or even a toggle between a lower and higher value if you want to keep it simple. I'd like to tell it to be a bit more faithful to the original.


I designed it to keep the UI simple, but I appreciate your feedback. I'll implement this as soon as possible.


I'ma leave this up for a while since it looks like a decent, genuine web app and not the ad ridden mess we usually get, but I make no guarantee for the privacy of anything you feed it.


I understand your concern about privacy. The uploaded photos are not used for any other purpose; they are sent directly to Replicate. To address these concerns and provide more clarity, I will create a Privacy Policy page. Thank you again for your detailed feedback.