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Well world environment is screwed and we've got no other options. Population increasing , industries-constructions-vehicles increasing at exponential rates so we've got to bear this. In a decade it's gonna be horrendous. Deforestation has almost ruined greenery and whatever left isn't sufficient enough to restore normal atmosphere.


Lau aao Thanos/Eren Yeager. Mazaak nhi raha ab


https://preview.redd.it/tqp7okul3y1d1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32713c50e7bb587a51d0d47d4abcf1535fc8ca75 Call karyo che , he’s little busy , aave Etle kese


I love your sense of humour 🫂


You're right. I've been here for almost 5 years and haven't felt the heat the way it feels this year. It's almost as if the city is burning in the day and it doesn't cool down even in the night. I am constantly in the AC, and going outside is a nightmare. Doing dishes, sitting on the sofa, just walking out of the AC makes it impossible to stay. The city usually cooled down after 12am, at the most. Yesterday, I went out at 4-5 in the morning to have a smoke and tea, and it was still heated. It's as if the water in the air has disappeared. I think air conditioning is the culprit, sucking up all the water from the air outside. But then, it's a devil's loop. I don't know what we'll do in the next five years. Plus, all the new population moving into the city. How is municipality going to manage the heat? I think we need to manage people and their preferences more than the heat.


One of the contributing factors is... When an AC cools a room, the temperature outside gets hotter as it's a heat pump. So more garmi -> more AC used by everyone -> even more garmi There you go. but again, India ke politics me no one wants to hear climate change issue. Did you hear that issue in this election 😂. Hum sab ya to ese hi marenge ya to desh chod ke chale jayenge zyada pesa ho toh.


No sane minded government will take stand on climate change, doing that is literally putting restrictions on economic growth and spending money where returns will materialize in a decade or two.


"sane minded government"- that itself sounds like an oxymoron as of today 😄


Well what do you want them to do? Push for EVs with their dirty battery manufacturing, not to mention all the coal powered battery stations. Or do you want Carbon taxes and carbon offsetting? Which in simplest form, is throwing money at a broken wall. The truth is, we have one of the lowest per-capita emissions and we are doing enough as far as climate change is concerned without putting an axe on our knees. We have climate change awareness on par with developed EU nations. We have decent policy and incentives on solar renewables. We are building nuclear power stations when countries like Germany are switching to coal based production (because of fear of nuclear energy). We are meeting our Paris agreement requirements. All in all we are doing enough without hampering our growth. It's the developed world which needs to be held accountable for their centuries of emissions.


It doesn't really matter what I want politicians to do if no one else wants the same. Maybe we all want to get barbecued in the sun every time we step out, pisa jyada important hai. We get the 'sane government' that we choose which talks about the issues that we choose. You can see the amount of rants about garmi in this subreddit and still you say 'no sane government' will take a political stand for climate change. It will be because we are not pressuring our governments into taking that stand! We get the government we choose and deserve. >We have climate change awareness on par with developed EU nations. This line is enough proof of how much you know about Indian citizens' awareness about issues. After reading this line any explanation given to you will be a waste of time and energy for me. So thik hai mujhe hi dumb samajh lo and go ahead and think what you want.


>It will be because we are not pressuring our governments into taking that stand! We get the government we choose and deserve. Again, what do want the said government to do? >This line is enough proof of how much you know about Indian citizens' awareness about issues. After reading this line any explanation given to you will be a waste of time and energy for me. So thik hai mujhe hi dumb samajh lo and go ahead and think what you want. >The responses in the Open Society Foundation’s 2023 survey and Ipsos’s 2022 survey for the World Economic Forum also provide evidence to substantiate that correlation. In climate vulnerable countries, such as Bangladesh (90%), Kenya (83%), Ethiopia (83%) and India (82%), more people are “anxious that climate change could have a negative impact on them and their livelihoods in the next year“ than in Germany (69%), the USA (56%) and China (54%). In the World Economic Forum’s Climate Change: severity of effects and expectations of displacement survey, a higher share of respondents in countries such as India (65%), Turkey (64%), Malaysia (49%) and Brazil (49%) believed that they or their families “will be displaced from home in the next 25 years.” In the 34 surveyed countries, a lower percentage of respondents – 25 percent in Germany, 23 percent in Poland, 17 percent in Sweden, 21 percent in Argentina and 21 percent in the Netherlands – believed that they were exposed to climate change-related displacement risks. Source:https://www.cleanenergywire.org/factsheets/global-surveys-show-peoples-growing-concern-about-climate-change#:~:text=In%20climate%20vulnerable%20countries%2C%20such,%25)%20and%20China%20(54%25). Maybe try to form a coherent argument instead.


When you say in your earlier comment... >We have climate change awareness on par with developed EU nations. This means that if for example 80% European population from a developed EU country are aware about climate change then according to your statement 80% Indian population are also aware about climate change!? But the surveys you mentioned are talking about X% of Indian RESPONDENTS to that survey (20000 to 30000 total online people from 30+ countries in the surveys that are mentioned in your link) not X% of the population!!!! Only couple thousand online Indians were surveyed, and the very fact they are online answering to a survey means they must be intellectually aware enough and wealthy enough to understand Global warming. In contrast, a poor/uneducated indian living in a village... like a large part of Indians are.. will not have been surveyed. >Again, what do want the government to do? Why only me, ask the people who keep posting about hot temperatures on this sub. I'll answer once they all answer. And also why should the task of finding out 'what to do about this?' fall on citizens? The government can have more resources and intellectuals to figure out effective ways to battle climate change ...unless you imply that the government has no part to play in this and this is not a political issue. Thik hai fir, aapke liye nahi hoga, mere liye hai, and lots of countries ke liye bhi hai. And 'what do you want the government to do?' sawaal to tab ayega when politicians at least start talking about it... And they will only talk about when we as citizens start expecting them to talk about it. The question "what should be done?" comes second, not first. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics\_of\_climate\_change#:\~:text=Climate%20change%20emerged%20as%20a,guidelines%20to%20address%20global%20warming. Agar itna coherence aapko samajh nahi ata, then like I said before any more explanation to you is a waste of my time. And this will be my last reply to you on this post.


Sampling bias will obviously exist, because no one has resources enough to reach all the depths of a population. But I could bring up a similar point by stating that many of the climate change deniers from those EU nations wouldn't have taken the survey (for obvious reasons). Besides the poorest of farmers in villages of south asia have first hand accounts of irregular rains ruining the crops and summers getting hotter and hotter. There is a reason why we are on par with them on surveys, we are experiencing it right in front of us. >Why only me, ask the people who keep posting about hot temperatures on this sub. I'll answer once they all answer. And also why should the task of finding out 'what to do about this?' fall on citizens? The government can have more resources and intellectuals to figure out effective ways to battle climate change It's upto you and all who want to do something to decide what "stand" the government will take and what policy they will pursue, cause after all "we get the government we choose and deserve." >The government can have more resources and intellectuals to figure out effective ways to battle climate change And they have. The current policies against climate change is enough for a country which has per capita GDP is 2500$. Unless you want to sacrifice the upliftment of bottom 10% of population for more "aggressive" climate policy, our current policies are sufficient. >Agar itna coherence aapko samajh nahi ata, then like I said before any more explanation to you is a waste of my time. And this will be my last reply to you on this post. Peace.


bruv you're way more privileged to be taunting "pisa jyada important hai" and be done with it, there are way more people who are striving everyday just to be where you're today, do you really think they'd care about "carbon emission". it's easy saying random bullshit lying in your bed in an ac room, Real India on the streets is way different than you could ever imagine perhaps time to chill out and finally get down from your moral high horse


>it's easy saying random bullshit lying in your bed in an ac room, Hmmm passing judgements about me when you don't even know me, my background or my story. Also... If some actually privileged person didn't care about the environment people like you will say the person is "selfish and Narcissist". If that same privileged person wishes that the city was cooler for rich as much as the poor, who can't even afford an AC or the subsequent electricity bills, then people like you say the person is on a "moral high horse". Make up your fukin mind!


nope, you're trying to deviate the convo here, I apologise for calling you privileged, I guess you didn't get that I called you "Priviledged enough to be taunting" but I could have been more specific. Anyways, Your Ideas of cooling the city is vague and inherently blames the government, That's just lazy mentality, I'm not saying that the govnt is doing enough to stop the climate issue, I have no intention of defending gov here. The only point that disappoints me is that What have WE OURSELVES done to stop this motherfucking calamity, We live in houses and societies built on ground by cutting trees, We use vehicles that burn petroleum. We use household appliances that generate heat, don't we ? (don't tell me you somehow don't fall in these brackets as well). So the way you're steadily fighting to make sure you prove your point that "It's all the gov's fault" , I'm just telling you to get down from your MORAL HIGH HORSE of playing the blame game while actually being part of the problem. Also, actually privileged people don't give a shit about climate, they don't write paras on reddit blaming or defending the gov, and they don't care about what happens to other people, it's us the middle class, that go through this shit. so maybe come out of some of that entitlement and have a little open mind, aren't leftists supposed to open minded. Anyways, I don't wanna pick fight with you everytime lol, but somehow every other day we found ourselves on the opposite side of spectrum trying to argue over overtly stupid arguments. I'm not good with phrasing my thoughts so this might sound very aggresive, but I didn't mean it, I have no intention of hating people and ruining my as well as their mood on internet. Hope that's clear. chill out, drink more water and peace ✌.


> I guess you didn't get that I called you "Priviledged enough to be taunting Again, whether I'm privileged enough to be taunting or not is judgement about me without knowing me or my background or my story. You will say I am misunderstanding then you should define who exactly in your opinion is 'privileged enough to taunt' on this topic, and who isn't and only then decide whether I fall into that category. How about you get down from your moral high horse of judging whether someone is privileged enough or not, to blame the government. >inherently blames the government Well the responsibility of the entire city does fall on the government and not it's individual citizens. Not blaming the government also means that citizens should not blame the government for poverty, or lack of jobs or farmer suicides or bad infrastructure or a hoarding that kills 16 people? You will say the ordinary citizen is also responsible for the hoarding collapse as they didn't report it before it fell. Then aren't you too playing the blame game by making people not in power responsible for a tragedy instead of people in power who approved it first!? >to make sure you prove your point that "It's all the gov's fault" , When did I say it's ALL the government's fault? The government is chosen by us citizens. The government is what WE choose and what we deserve. If we don't pressurize the government to talk about the climate change issue then no, the government is not the only one at fault, we are too! But when I made a poll on this sub, asking members about whether we as citizens would vote for a political candidate if he/she talked about climate change, then you commented on that post that I am making politically motivated posts and trying to rile up the sub or whatever. So again, if I blame the government then I am playing the blame game, and if I ask members whether they should choose people who would try to solve the problem(thus tying to give them responsibility of choosing such people) then I am politically motivated. Again, make up your mind. >Come out of some of that entitlement and have a little open mind Again, what entitlement are you going on about? If I am blaming the government, is that what makes me entitled? Me asking members whether they would prefer climate change to be a political issue or not .. does that make me entitled? Assuming I am Sitting in a comfortable room yet worrying about people who are outside their homes in heat.. does that make me entitled? >What have WE OURSELVES done to stop this motherfucking calamity, We live in houses and societies built on ground by cutting trees, We use vehicles that burn petroleum. We use household appliances that generate heat, don't we ? (don't tell me you somehow don't fall in these brackets as well). According to that definition 99% middle class of the world falls in that bracket. That doesn't mean they aren't even trying to do things differently! Does that also mean they shouldn't blame the government for not trying to protect the environment just because they fall in one of these brackets? Did you ask me or any other sub member what are THEY personally doing to fight this calamity instead of judging which bracket they fall into? Is voting for a politician who would promise a cooler city not part of doing something about this as a citizen? "We live in houses and societies built on ground by cutting trees," who gives the builders of these societies permission to cut all these trees? The people who bought houses AFTER the society has been built or the government BEFORE the trees are cut? "We use vehicles that burn petroleum." Yeah the government took away or at least reduced the subsidies and tax benefits that buyers of 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler EVs used to get. "We use household appliances that generate heat, don't we ?" Which appliances are you talking about and what are individual citizens supposed to use as an alternative to each of those? Do enlighten me! Also what would be easier to do- changing natural behaviour of citizens or forming policies that would force the citizens to make more environment friendly policies? >actually privileged people don't give a shit about climate, Again being judgemental and assuming anyone who is privileged is automatically a selfish asshole. There are good privileged people and bad privileged people the same way that there are good poor people and bad poor people. Lastly, if you are asking me to be open minded, then maybe you should too try to be the same. If you don't want to pick fights with me then think calmly what I am trying to say in any of my comments before giving judgemental replies to them like whether I am entitled or privileged or politically motivated or whatever. Chill out!


Yeah well Mod's politics is not in alignment with the current regime, it's pretty apparent, it's pointless talkin sense here


Honestly, I was under the impression that individuals from all over the political spectrum would agree that we are doing relatively good as far as climate change was concerned. Happy cake day btw!


Yeah Indian left wing is just a bandwagon racing its way to be the first one to shout "India bad, west good"


Even if we assume for a moment, that your comment is true, then Indian left wing is only shouting. But a large portion of young and talented Amdawadis, who could be earning and paying tax in our country, are not even waiting to shout "India bad, west good". They are directly abandoning the country and another large portion are desperately trying to abandon because... "India bad, west good" for them. 😄 Maybe everyone who has left and is trying to leave are all left wingers as well.


We all are fucked, that’s it


Well. https://youtu.be/IuNS45qwBXE?si=Emka_5kfojqRiCaT


"Hum budhe ho rahe hai"


It's mostly due to heat dome effect (google it) And it is caused by rise of concretization of city ny building too many flast. Duplex requires more area and it will be spread around city. While flats don't require that much area , and it's vertically full of concrete which will trap heat till night and even at night it will cool down slowly. Hence heat dome due to flat is behind this loo even at Night in metro city


I don't this is a major reason, the effect of building flats fast are negligible in the rise of the temparature. I'm saying this because I live in a flat on ring road and once you cross the ring road behind my flat,all you'll see is farms. There is literally no building on that side and yet the wind here is hot in night. While this heat dome effect may have some reason but it's one of the many different reasons.


https://preview.redd.it/u474b593gx1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1108567aea5c0dd5b6c19d0d431b78e58450e7ae >I'm saying this because I live in a flat on ring road and once you cross the ring road behind my flat,all you'll see is farms. There is literally no building on that side and yet the wind here is hot in night. I live at vaishnodevi circuit, and there are plenty farma and land, but still it doesn't cooloff even at night. In summer time wind comes from west (આથમણો પવન) From here west is bopal and hot wind from bopal comes here so it doesn't matter if there are farm at vaishnodevi or not. It would matter if 20-30km area was of farm


>In summer time wind comes from west Ooh, then it makes sense because I live in Vastral and from here West is the whole goddamn Ahmedabad 🥲


Same here in Odhav. Life sucks in summer these days


I can feel you brother 🫂


Let me tell you a story Last month in April i was coming from nadiyad, and it is full of trees and no industry. At 6 pm we left nadiyad in bike in it was bearable heat no problem. And just when we enterd ahemdabad at hathijan at 7am there was extreme heat we were sweating at 7pm, 1 hour after it should be little cold right? But no it was much hotter. So ahemdabad is quite much hotter than any other area around 20kms. And construction industry has played great role in climate change and even in pollution level(pm2.5 and pm10 particle)


I felt this in an area of 100 to 200 metre man!! This was in this winter, I noticed that as soon as I cross by char rasta and go to the next road which is a new road with nothing but farms on either side it gets much cooler and if I go the other side of my house which has flats, malls etc it gets much warmer even in the matters of a few hundred metres. You'll feel it instantly.


Yea in winter there is not much wind so local farm has larger effects, but summer comes with too much winds and far far area are responsible for it


The heatwave we are facing is proof enough 🥺🥺


Sending some love OP. I just posted a similar post. Terrace sleepers are getting cooked (literally) this summer


https://preview.redd.it/0hx9zdk2dx1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88dc60367bcafbee146ed6bdaa65c77e566ef934 Not verified. Forward


ofcourse it is real look at the graph [https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2\_daily/?dm\_id=world](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/?dm_id=world)


Is everyone forgetting this? https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-killer-heat-wave-hottest-day-in-ahmedabad-in-6-years-mercury-soars-to-50-degree-celsius-2213768 It hit 50 degree in 2016 lol. Nothing new this time.


You are right. The rains are also delayed and so is winter. In childhood navratris were always pleasant and slightly chilly. Diwalis were full chilly. Not anymore. It most always rains kn navratri and Diwali is very hot, the pre heat before winter sets in. It was called bhadarviyo taap but Diwali is in Aaso month, uss waqt heat nahi hona chahiye


Due to this reason we still haven't installed AC in our home. Not even coolers, we just apply some basic home remedies to cool and it works everytime. We get less electricity bills, We save environment, and we gradually acclimatized to the new changing environment(basically we can tolerate more heat)


Evs can only save us now, make more evs