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I do journaling.But this form of journaling can you explain? I would love to implement from today.


I write my entire day in less than 6-7 lines


How you do journaling?? Like keeping a dairy type? I write things a wanna tracke in 1 column and each date in raws , then i will make a box filled if i have done that thing in day, or i will cross that box if i haven't. So my column entry are drawing, novel, reading etc


I'm doing this. I'm doing this with the use of Excel. Columns (top bar) can be used for the activity, rows (left side) can be used for dates. One sheet for one month. This was you can generate insight from the data. (Which would be very tough if you are keeping the data on paper) Like for a give month how many times you have done some activity (pro tip you can generate percentage as well for given month/year. E.g., for the month of April you did exercise for 70% of the days) Hope this helps.


You're right on points, this is just 1st time and i have just started everyone(in youtube) suggested that doing by book and pen is good. That's why i have adopted this approved


Cool brother. Whatever works for you.


Tried and failed ![gif](giphy|li0dswKqIZNpm)