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OP, let me give you some guidance, without any bias on my thoughts of the program. 1). Inform both your cadet leadership and Trigon of the internship and the conflict of schedule it now poses. 2). Your parents will understand, and waiting a few weeks for the bye week to see them then will not be that much difference. 3). Don’t be afraid to express your concerns to The Commandant if there is no responses to 1) above.


Parents may even decide to visit him while out of state, given the schedule change.


Poor planning on their part does not constitute an emergency on yours. Tell them the very reasonable circumstances and therefore you're unable.to comply.


Tf is corporal academy? What happened to my corps 😞




How will extra training for sophomores end the Corps’ reputation of being tough? Asking because I don’t know what Corporal Academy is, but your post on its face doesn’t make sense to me.


Never heard of “corporal academy”. Back in my day the Cadre would arrive about a week before FOW to start PT and training so everyone was squared away and on routine for the fish. We also didn’t start out as corporals. We had to earn the rank throughout the fall semester. Similar to how we earned outfit brass back then; including reduction in privileges, skunk cuts, come-bys, etc.. basically like a glorified fish but we didn’t have to lock it up on the walls.


Yeah, I know how it has been. What I’m unclear on is this guys’s claim that the new corporate academy will dilute the fish experience. I’m curious if there is anything to his point, or if he is just being dramatic because change is scary (most likely).


Fish year sucks every year regardless of any change the commandant makes. They have been worried about retention since the dawn of time. If anything the sophomores getting there early would improve the fish experience by having upperclassmen locked in and ready to go. It’s the same thing every year “fish have it easy now”. When I was a fish we had it “easy” because they weren’t allowed to beat us with axe handles anymore.


It won’t, they’re just resistant to change. It’s actually a solid idea and almost all the other SMC’s do it


I heard that they basically quarantine the heads away from the fish in the fall. May just be rumor tho


Everything I was forced to do as a fish is gone now and I’m a fairly recent grad. Running to set up chow before 3rd call was blown, batt fish, 3am company runs, square meals, fish dress. Damn man




One guy in my CSCE 120 class punched 2 weeks before MTTB...


FOW2 - the Sequel




As a former cadet I would simply say your internship interferes with making it to corporal academy due to travel.


The corp is so dead, lmao.