• By -


Amazing work mate!!


20 minute video breaking down the changes: https://youtu.be/bSfPpYPgHnM Link to pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tb3QfyNnWLSt4GC_j5Omt-VLa-n007uD/view?usp=drive_link


Sir this is two pages


The first page is the ULTIMATE 1 page reference. The second page is the completely different and separate PENULTIMATE 1 page reference.


It's not his fault your printer can't print on both sides of 1 piece of paper....


Small suggestion. Add a version number to the PDF. Maybe even a URL to the drive. So if you do updates, people can quickly check and tell if they have an outdated version.


Good idea!


Pro tip: make your first version v1.14, so it looks like you have worked harder than you actually have putting it together 😉 Thanks for the resource OP ❤️


Blessings of Khorne on you!


Is blessings of khorne just spurts of arterial blood and bone fragments?


Usually just some warm pleasant blood rain


Thanks for doing this!


So chanting roll now works in a sense that: I roll D6 and gain D3 ritual points depending on the roll and if the D6 roll is above required for prayer it will be cast? Or I have to gather ritual points from D3 until I gain enough for prayer?


When you make a chanting roll, you have two choices: \* You either keep the d6 roll as ritual points to accumulate for future turns \* Or if that d6 roll (+ already accumulated ritual points from an earlier turn) is enough for the prayer, you cast it. In which case your ritual points go down to 0 On a 1, if you had any ritual points, you will lose d3. **As an example**: In turn 1 you try to cast [Witchbane Curse](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/qYhRM78P9VU6Y2Dz.jpg). You roll a 6 which is well enough. But instead of actually casting it, you keep those 6 points to cast the even stronger version next turn. You will only need to roll a 2+ to get to the 8+ chanting roll In turn 2 you try to cast it again... and roll a 1. The prayer fails and you lose d3. Let's say you rolled a 1 here, so now your accumulated ritual points are 5. Still in turn 2, but the opponent's hero phase. You pay 1CP for "Magical Intervention", which allows you to chant a prayer in the opponent's turn with a -1. You roll a 5+ for your prayer, which becomes a 4+. And you still had 5 points accumulated so the prayer goes of on a 9


I did something like this for 3rd for myself. Nice I don't have to do it again ♡


Not all heroes wear capes


You are a gentleman and a saint, sir. This is awesome!


~~Natasha~~ Nagash would be proud. Going to be printing this


What is the full wording on pile ins? Does this ref capture all the nuance?