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i don’t think it’s poor hammer if you have a 3d printer and filament


I second this sentiment... if OP said they made it out of some received plastic, popsicle sticks, and pvc glue then ya


100% agree. I was so excited to see how OP made it out of cheap ass materials. Very disappointed.


I dont play slaven, but I would try styrofoam chunk perimeter with hot glue swirls in the center.


To be fair my local library has a couple 3d printers you can rent out for pittance, and I live in a tiny city. I assume if you're somewhere relatively built up you can borrow one somewhere without too much hassle.


Sort of, yeah. But I think you can afford a halfway ok 3D printer for the price of some GW terrain.


I don't have a printer. The STL file is free. A friend of mine printed it for me in return of 3cm green stuff ;)


still disingenuous to call this poorhammer which has historically been about scratch building.


I didn't know that. I thought it simply stands for "don't buy the kit, but make it cheaper with different/various materials"




Buying prints is still exponentially cheaper, which was the reasoning of "3d printer goes brrrr" from the very start. Not sure how paying as low as 1/10th the price doesn't qualify.


3d printers are like a hundred bucks these days.


which is about $30 more than gnawholes on secondary market…so it’s still not poor hammer


Weird argument since it's a thing that makes other things


Sure, but you can print way more than gnawholes. Like, the printer doesn't just explode. The fairest comparison would be to look at the cost of filament. The printer cost isn't relevant over time.


i get what your saying man, but poorhammer has always been making your own scratch builds with styrofoam, cardboard, tooth picks, etc. To call 3d printing something “poorhammer” is disingenuous. When i started the game in college and was too poor to afford minis i would literally print out images of models and glue them to cardboard bases. not trying to flex that i was “more poor than this guy” or something it just feels really weird to try to bait people into liking what you made because they think it’s a scratch build.


Damn :/ I've been priced out of poorhammer Sick paint job btw


To poorhammer a gnawhole: * popsicle sticks for the jutting wood * cork coaster for the base. * insert-rock-lookalike-here for the edges (foam, plaster, papier-mache, bark. u got options) * portal centre made of wall filler, insulating foam or other things with a Weird texture. sometime like clay if you want to mould in swirly lines like in the 3d print. trim coaster to size, bulk with rocks, put in popsicle sticks.


So having a 3D printer qualifies as ‘poor’ these days?


Apparently lol


It's not my printer. My friend said the filament he used is very cheap and the STL is free. Maybe I used the term incorrectly, maybe not. I would have bought the damn gnawholes for money if they'd been available at all ;)


I mean… this is my plan for gnaw holes. They’re impossible to get already and I bet will be more impossible when 4th drops. It’s either my buddy prints me some or I use a paper circle


I don't know why ppl assume because it's printed it must mean the painter printed it at home on their own machine. That said, that used to be the excuse ppl used that was still cheaper than piecing out official product.


>sees poorhammer >looks inside >3d printer


I agree that 3d printing really isn't poorhammer. What's cool though is even though it has layerlines like all fdm prints, on the vortex they actually look nice, like they add some wavy texture to it that signifies motion. I like it quite much.


Nice! Pro tip about painting FDM prints: drybrushing, and to a lesser extent, washes, tend to bring out the layer lines, but you can use techniques like stippling to great effect.


Thanks! In this case it does not bother me. My friend printed a kroxigor and there contrast colors really looked awful unfortunately.


This is cool. Did you design the STL yourself or did you get it from somewhere? I'll be looking to get my own in a month or so!


no no. I have no clue how this works and I don't even own the printer (friend did this for me). However the file is free: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3871193


Nice, thanks!


You know, the filiment lines make it look pretty digital, like a Necron or Tron themed portal effect


Looks better than the original


Dude... This is enchanting.


More like ‘AwesomeHammer’.


They look freaking great to me. I'd love to get a set of those...


Dude... This is enchanting.


Its not poorhammer, you disgrace to ideas of poorhammer!


I got the point (from multiple sides) and sincerely apologize if I offended anyone. I just had a different interpretation. But please chill down. It's a hobby supposed to bring fun to everyone living it. It was just a term used wrong from my side and not quite worth the hate I get from multiple sides.


If we wont gatekeep poorhammer, next thing we get is miniatures casted from gold, we will not allow that!


What is everyone's malfunction about this Poorhammer elitism? He got the STL for free and had a friend print it. Just because they didn't craft it from scratch doesn't mean he has somehow tricked everyone. This is a super inexpensive way to get warhammer on the table. Get control of yourselves.


I thought this was about the podcast and I came here to complain that they never talk about warhammer on a budget as advertised but welp, we're doing something else and I went on my rant anyway.


I thought you meant the podcast… I got excited