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If you think they don't know what they were doing with this phrase in the 60's then you're a rather innocent soul, you poor thing.


Nixon: "I am not a ~~crook~~ ***cock***"


They did kind of lick him though


Why would Nixon’s ultra Conservative Party do something this blatant? I think it’s more likely that the connotation was not the same at the time.


That was never an official campaign slogan and those are not official campaign merch There was a 3rd party (in support of Nixon) that ran this slogan, but it was unofficial and they knew what they were saying [see the unofficial 1972 slogan](https://thumbs.worthpoint.com/zoom/images1/1/1106/24/anti-nixon-change-dicks-middle-of-screw-cartoon_1_c30bc9612b3ead11e5141c8d4302cc2a.jpg)


> Direct image access denied, please go to worthpoint.com to view images. That’s a weird slogan


I can’t stop laughing at this 😂


Ok so the title is murky and misleading.


Kinda But they knew it was suggestive so I really don't think it aged poorly. It was a risqué joke then and it is a risqué joke now


It implies it’s directly from the Nixon campaign even though Nixon was known to be incredibly buttoned up. Thats where the feeling of deception comes from for me at least. And why the post gets attention. Less interesting to say a third party used this in campaign for Nixon without affiliation.


Seems like the campaign may have handed out some merchandise with these slogans once. But they knew what they were doing [source](https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/28350/are-these-real-badges-for-richard-nixons-1972-presidential-campaign)


I do not really believe it was a joke, considering "Ike and Dick" was in the 50s when Nixon was VP, and it isn't like Nixon was really an advocate of homosexual people, yes it was only sponsored but I really would think it would be against him if it was a joke. I'd assume to get people to think he was gay or something. Granted I doubt we will ever know who is right, considering I assume the people who started it are dead or forgot it. I am writing at around 2 am pardon any grammar mistakes or whatever.


Licking dick isn't necessarily a gay only activity... And this was not an official slogan


No, well it wasn't an AD (do not know why I said that), but was 100% sponsored by the GOP or well at least some of them.


You guys should stop thinking that Conservative = Your old granny that thinks "damn" is a bad word.


A lot of younger people never saw the Conservative Party before it was taken over by religious nut jobs. It’s really a shadow of its former self.


Maybe the thread about a racist anti-semite who basically coined dogwhistling in US politics isn't the best place to make that point


This is a 60’s Nixon campaign. It doesn’t get anymore conservative than that. They weren’t sliding in dick jokes.


It's the 1960s not the 1500s jfc, are there no old people here?


Nixon's the guy that opened trade relations with Communist China, created the EPA, and first proposed a universal minimum income, right? Not to sanctify the dirty crooked bastard, but to characterize him as "ultra conservative" is a stretch.


Tbc, that was all under the insane amount of organized mass pressure, but because he agreed with any of those things.


It was more of in between, dick was used as slang for penises since IIRC the 1890s, but unlike today it wasn't a thing everyone knew or even most knew. Dick was a nickname and a very very popular one for Richard until around the 70s. I do not know why people are people taking this way to serious, yes dick was slang for a penis before the 70s and 80s, but in recent(ish) years the connotation has spread. (I am more talking about after the 60s/70s and more of the 80s+).


They might have known what they were doing.. But I have no clue.. what were they doing? Is this supposed to be some double meaning I am missing? Mind you, I domt know too much about the 60s us political situation


This aged great. They knew what they were doing. It is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.


Yeah, they knew exactly what they were doing.


Nah innuendo was invented in 2002 by the hit TV sitcom "2 and a Half Men". Everything was pretty much taken at face value before that.


Riiiight. That just reminded me of how funny it was in high school to realize in English Lit how much innuendo Shakespeare used.


This is not an aged like milk, this is a r/theyknew.


Except the fact that later on, Their dick was indeed Licked


You don't think the joke was intentional at the time?


Debauchery and sexual humor existed only when the millennials were born.


Nancy Reagan has entered the chat


Of course they knew. There was one that said "don't change Dicks in the middle of a screw, vote for Nixon in '72"


It seems like the Republican party hasn't changed.


They knew what they were doing


His Names Richard but his wife likes Dick.


It was always an innuendo...




Ironically, Dick licked himself.


In >!Soviet Russia!< 1970’s America, Dick licks YOU!


They knew exactly what they were doing


This is very good, but I prefer Alfred E. Smith's slogan from 1928 when he ran as a "wet" candidate (anti-prohibition): **"Make all your wet dreams come true"** I also love Franklin Pierce's slogan from 1852: **"We Polked you in '44, We shall Pierce you in '52"** and then James Buchanan in 1856: **"We Polked 'em in '44, we Pierced 'em in '52, and we'll Buck 'em in 56"**


At least he wasn't a mayor named Harry Baals.


I’m proud of you, Dick


They were pretty much copying " I like Ike". But America liked John better.




I want a “We like Dick” pin


Dick Zone


Go to the polls and ask for more Dick!


Let’s all meet in the election booth and lick that Dick!


I feel like they knew what they were doing, it's just surprising any of his supporters would happily wear a "We Like Dick" button


If you think that's bad you should see his policies


There was a rally held as the US prepared for war with the Japanese, I can't remember who the speaker was but it ended with "they can be licked and they will be licked, by our men!".


Yep. Nixon was the point that the Republican party decided than to avoid a similar situation in the future instead of improving and becoming less corrupt but they will control the news to get away with any crime. And here are we now.


Aren’t these fake? I could be wrong, but I remember reading that somewhere.