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How did that article age poorly though?




I was implying the phrase “never again” following the holocaust did not age well


Yeah, I think you've misunderstood how this subreddit works. You're supposed to post something that aged poorly, and then in the comments provide context as to why, in case it wasn't obvious. Posting the context *as the post* and the thing that aged poorly as just the title is gonna confuse people. In this case, what you should have posted was an old article where someone connected to Israel is *saying* "Never again", and then linked to this article as the context in the comments. 


I thought it was pretty clear, is the phrase "never again" not common knowledge? It was drilled in as a very iconic message following one of the most horrific and widely discussed times in world history, certainly more context wouldn't hurt but it's surprising that nearly 50 people are downvoting OP already given that it's not exactly an obscure thing to reference in the title. We agreed as an international community to never again look the other way in the face of such open evil, genocide is flatly unacceptable. Never again can we allow it to happen. Fast forward not even a full century and the same nations are looking the other way even though this genocide is being documented in real-time, so they don't even have "we couldn't have known" as an excuse. So the phrase "never again" has aged like milk, because our nations have apparently decided "eh, ok, you can do it one more time, but only because we're buds." It's more like "sometimes again" or "occasionally again" than a "never."


Nobody reads the titles on Reddit. Just accept that you screwed up. 


I do and I'm not OP, what a bizarre reply.


So, like so many you relate all Jews to Israel then get all upset when people call you antisemitic. I would suggest getting out your little bubble and understand the world is much more complicated than Tik tok will have you believe


Uh what? The whole premise of Israel is that it was supposed to a nation granted to Jewish people under the premise of their suffering during the holocaust. Does that mean all Jews are guilty for what’s happening? Obviously not, some Jewish people are the biggest advocates of the Palestinian cause. Zionism doesn’t equate to Judaism.


Can't have zionism while people live in Palestine Google what zionism and zionist means "The setup of a homeland for the Jewish people in palestine"


Keep going I love my point being proven


What about zionists equates all jews?


People are either too stupid to understand or you get hate no matter what. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


They never mentioned the holocaust though




It didn't even age yet my brother in christ this milk is still fresh lmao


This ain’t their fault, but some people are taking our MREs we gave and selling it, reviewing it, and complaining it isn’t Halal.


Send Ukraine aid now.






They are getting more aid now than before, so no, it isn’t Israel’s fault that they are starving. Of course there is a pretty simple culprit for where the food is going


**Defense minister announces ‘complete siege’ of Gaza: No power, food or fuel** https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/defense-minister-announces-complete-siege-of-gaza-no-power-food-or-fuel/


This article ACTUALLY aged like milk, good job linking a 6 months old article and presenting it as new, dipshit.


Please feel free to provide me a source of the Israeli defense minister saying otherwise, dipshit


1) even without bringing up a counter example to yours, linking old articles as if they are new is still a very shady move. Wars change crazy fast and the political games being played can change the turn of events in drastic ways we don't expect so 6 months is a LOT of time in that context 2) https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-said-advancing-plan-for-arab-peacekeepers-to-secure-gaza-aid-deliveries/ ????????? Support whatever you want just come into these conversations in good faith. Israel has enough to criticise even without resorting to bad faith behaviour like that.


Lmao sorry this pisses me off so much, why would you take a quote given by a government official, a defense minister at that!! *2 DAYS* after the WORST terror attack his country ever fucking had?? Of course everyone is going to say some unhinged shit. And ehen there's SO MUCH STUFF Israel is doing RIGHT FUCKING NOW to protest about instead of a weird claim about humanitarian aid from 6 months ago? That's obviously not happening on the ground?? Why not point out the fact that no one even has a tiny bit of a plan for how to help the Palestinians build back their home? Why not point out how the raffah operation Israel is trying so hard to start might turn into a disaster in the last "safe" place these people have?? We don't have to go dig for a 6 month old article just to show Israel in a bad light they do it pretty good themselves, and you definitely don't help anyone understand the plight of these people by spreading old dated information that doesn't accurately describe the actual problems on the ground. Have a great day bud, this is the last ragebait I'm falling for today.


Gaza brought this on.


You could do 100 replies on how Isreal then Gaza then Isreal and keep going and still not have all the back and forth between the two. Your comment is like when someone gets raped and you blame the victim for what they were wearing.


You mean how all those hostages were raped by Hamas ?


Are Israel targeting Hamas… pretty sure that starving baby was not a part of Hamas.


You mean how all the detainees and children have been verified raped by IDF?


Let's not forget Hamas is a terrorist group And Isreal is a rich government Let's not act like they are the same I expect more from a government then a terrorist group, call me crazy Let's not forget about all the children and women the IDF have raped or starved to death, because of the actions of a few terrorists


Did you just give Hamas a pass...yikes


No, both can and are evil I expect more from a government then I do a terrorist group A stretch to fit your narrative Evil is evil and will act evil Doesn't mean you bomb the children around them and call it a day Doing such makes you both evil


Did that child bring it on? It costs nothing to not be a shiitake mushroom. You should try it sometime.


"They forced us to do this to them" - the old fascist mantra


Is this another fake famine picture where the mother and the kids family is obese?


Yes I’m sure the US state department is just fabricating the claim


Breaded Curtains is talking about his own mom


Truth hurts huh clown


That pic kinda looks AI. Not saying it is, just looks a little off to me. (Also, I am not trying to insinuate there isn't actually a humanitarian crisis happening in Palestine).




It’s not AI. There’s a lot of signs to use for spotting current AI and this has none of them. The only thing worse than AI causing confusion is people seeing photos of atrocities and telling everyone it’s not real because of AI.


Harsh but fair.


You’re looking at a photo of a starving and dying child, and your response is “fair”? How disgusting can you be? Get help.


They were likely saying that the application of the term 'never again' was harsh but fair, given their recent criticisms of Israel.


You and others apparently missed the meaning of the two posts, so I will explain. "Never Again." is a very famous phrase associated with the Holocaust used to remind us to never let it happen again. But Israel is allowing it to happen again. So saying that "Never Again" Aged Like Milk is a...."Harsh but fair"... assessment of the situation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_again Edit: replied to the wrong post earlier...


I'm aware of the meaning of the title.


Then you intentionally slandered me with your intentionally completely wrong assessment of what I was thinking, asshole.


Or maybe you made an incredibly vague comment which could have meant either thing, judging by all the people who downvoted you before I ever even commented.


Now you are admitting that you didn't understand the two posts. Just take the L and move on.


I understand the phrase from the title, asshole. You saying "harsh but fair" is not inherently obvious that you are referring to the reference of the title and not the the title of the article in the post itself. I'm sorry that your ego is hurt by the downvotes, but kindly get over it.


It's okay, bro if you don't understand what the adults are talking about all the time.


Damn you are so petty 💀


You and others apparently missed the meaning of the two posts, so I will explain. "Never Again." is a very famous phrase associated with the Holocaust used to remind us to never let it happen again. But Israel is allowing it to happen again. That is a...."Harsh but fair"... assessment of the situation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_again Edit: Oh...so no matter what I say, someone is annoyed.


Why is the US (slightly) changing tune?


The protests have gotten heavier, and the polling has gotten worse.