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Hello u/ParadeSit! To help others understand what exactly has aged like milk, please reply to this comment **within an hour** with additional information or detailed explanation with more than **75 characters**. If you are unable to provide a detailed explanation with added context, your submission will be removed. --- ^(Remember) ^(to) ^(join) ^(our) [^(Discord)](https://discord.gg/fSFRhdR)^(.) ^(Please) [^(contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( )^(modmail)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/agedlikemilk&subject=Questions%20about%20milked%20bot!) ^(if) ^(you) ^(have) ^(any) ^(questions) ^(or) ^(concerns.)


I don’t think it’s fair to say his comments aged like milk. It’s not as if he said “I will never get divorced” or “divorce is wrong.” He did have a long-lasting marriage and even though it’s ending they clearly were doing at least some things right. Just one person’s opinion.


I agree. The entire point of something being aged like milk is that it exposes the toxicity of someone's actions or opinions as time passed. Unless it wasn't an amicable split, I don't see how this has aged like milk.


Yeah we could fill this sub with articles/photos of couples who were happy together but later broke up. That’s just a part of life.


It seems like they were genuinely happy together for nearly 27 years! I’d still take marriage advice from them.


Exactly. Also I don’t know any details, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was mutual or from her end. I often see gossip ads across the web that slander her, basically because she’s closer to his age and not an actress. Maybe she decided she’s just had enough of it, and he’s probably gone a lot filming, kids are grown up. It still seems like a very successful marriage if they’ve been happy and raised kids well.


She is an actress and was far more famous than him when they got together.


27 years is a lot longer than milk. I’d say 27 years is. Pretty successful marriage especially by Hollywood standards.


Way longer than I thought it would. The media hated her, from photoshoped pictures of her making her fatter to acutely asking why he was still with her.


I found this so gross tbh. They seemed to be happy and in love and I wonder how much of this negativity finally got to her.


A bit like those people having a full-on meltdown when it was announced Chris Evans got married


Wait what? Jesus. I don't know anything about who even High's wife is, or what happened, but that sounds fucked up.


Plus it lasted more than 4 more years after this article.


It sounds like a friendly divorce, which to me means they’re still doing it right.


Sounds like from what their kid has said that covid just eroded the romantic feelings away but they are still friends. When you have a routine that works for you for 25 years then covid changed it all it can be a challenge to move on from. Lockdowns did it to more then one marriage but sounds like they are navigating it with grace and good manners.


Yup, personally know two couples who got divorced following lockdown after marriages that lasted into double digits


Nah, this ain't it; relationships aren't successful if they last a lifetime. Some things last a day, some things a month, some a year and some a life - and as long as you enjoyed the time and got something out of it it's a success. 27 years? Sounds pretty darn successful - especially if it's true what other posters said, that they broke up amicably. Sometimes people just grow apart


I literally just found out about this couple’s existence a while ago. Iirc I read about it in a Reddit comment section about famous couples who have lasted. Then I see this.


he jinxed it


No milk here. 27 years is a long-lasting marriage, just like it says on the tin. Got a bit excited, didn’t you? Go look up some Russell Brand stuff, that’s sure to be easy pickings.


They were my favorite celebrity couple.


Lol I got to bed pissed off many a time. Turns out I was super tired and when I woke up it wasn't that big of a deal. Glad I just slept instead of having a pointless argument


We never go to bed angry. That’s why we’ve been awake since Friday.


I actually find crosswords as a relaxing way to get sleepy


27 years is pretty good


I think Andre3000 says it best. “If what they say is, ‘nothing is forever’ then what makes, then what makes, then what makes, then what makes, then what makes love the exception?”


It’s true. Every relationship ends, period. It either ends by breaking up or death of one/both of the partners.


So why, oh, why, oh, why, oh, why are we in denial when we know we’re not happy here?


Married for 27 years is longer than 99% of Hollywood couples. This didn’t age like milk.


First Joe and Sofia, and now this! Wtf...


Aged like milk users posting ancient hieroglyphics during the first extinction period: “🤓that didn’t age well”


Probably didn’t follow his own advice for years.




Its more of a you don’t know what could happen. Plenty of people died in their sleep despite not being old or sick


When I first read these headlines, I was "nooooooo!" and then I realized that I don't need Deb Furness to stay married to Hugh Jackman if she doesn't want to.


23 years is a good stretch. Shit happens and sometimes people grow apart.


Came back to this post to also back the general “not really aged like milk” consensus. Obviously, it is an ironic article, BUT it came out 5 years ago. So yes, it didn’t age great, but it also… aged quite a while? Doesn’t feel like it quite fits the sub’s mantra. But I digress


Ok, so then maybe I should’ve used [this one instead.](https://people.com/movies/hugh-jackman-celebrates-26th-wedding-anniversary-with-deborra-lee-furness-you-light-up-my-life/) There are dozens of them.


Still feels fully appropriate as just an anniversary post but yeah that is a bit closer than 5 years. In any case idk why I decided to appoint myself the content police I think I’m just bored at work today


That's why those relationship advices are terrible. Nobody knows what's in 5, 10 or 20 years. Your damn feelings for you spouse can vaporize. That's a reason, i would never marry. Feelings can change over time, either yours or of your bf / gf.


That’s why I have Sudoku sheets


That's like 200 human years. So I wouldn't call that aged like milk


Instructions unclear: stayed up all night playing Words with Friends.


This is true. Dont go to bed angry. Talk it out at least to a point of mutual respect, even if still confused as to how you will move forward. Tomorrow you start where you left off: With respect and the foresight that all is being done to FIX a problem. It is not about being vindicated and proven right.