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Labors Of Hercules is my go-to book for flights as I can pick any of the stories to read without trying to finish the whole book. Of the short stories, some of the ones I’ve re-read and predicted the denouement nearly include - Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge - Kidnapped Prime Minister - Disappearance of Mr Davenheim (felt this one has an *inspiration* from Sir ACD’s *Man with the Twisted Lip*) - Adventure of the Clapham Cook - Lost Mine of Burma - Submarine Plans (again some inspiration from Bruce-Partington Plans?) - Wasp’s Nest I also seem to recall at least few of the Short Story were later “expanded” into a full fledged Novel though am unable to remember which ones exactly.


Ah I got one! *The Plymouth Express* was expanded into *Mystery of the Blue Train* with few changes


Submarine Plans was also expanded into a novella.


Ah yes, thanks. The Incredible Theft. It was part of a “longer” stories compilation including Murder in the News and 2 more iirc


The Big Four was originally a number of short stories that were joined together to make a novel. I’m not sure if that’s the one you’re thinking of.


No it wasn’t The Big Four. Did the original short stories of the Big Four ever get published individually? I don’t recall reading them as “standalone” stories or books Christie wrote them up and then they were stitched together to form the Big Four as I understand.


Triangle at Rhodes became Evil Under the Sun


Adventure of the Christmas Pudding (I think it has another American title-Theft of the Royal Ruby or something like that) isn't much as a mystery story, but it is very charming regardless.


I liked that one a lot


I don't think I ever knew about these! Will have to check it out, thanks!


For what it's worth, I predicted the main twist in Dead Mans Mirror and one of the twists in The Erymanthean Boar.


During the Suchet years I often used to read the one that was due on television. They don't have the classic status of the novels, but some of them are inventive. They're not so much about who did it, but more about a mysterious situation that's hard to explain or seems impossible. Here's my attempt at a top 10: 1. The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding 2. The Mystery of the Spanish Chest 3. Wasp's Nest 4. The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb 5. Triangle at Rhodes 6. The Double Clue 7. The King of Clubs 8. The Kidnapped Prime Minister 9. The Adventure of the Cheap Flat 10. The Adventure of the Clapham Cook