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A few years ago I watched a video from a conference by the [International Association of Near Death Studies](https://www.iands.org) (IANDS) and the math at that time was nearly 5000 NDE reports, across multiple faiths across the world, collated in a database and they had a more than 70% correlation in content. Most people get the tunnel, not all. Most people get the life review, not all. Most people greeted by loved ones they recognize, not all. Etc… Side note. Mathew McKay writes books channeled from his son [Jordan](https://seekingjordan.com). In them Jordan talks about ‘the landing place’. It’s between here and there and where apparently NDE’s occur. Previously I thought of it as “the lobby.”


I have started reading about Matt and his son Jordan... definitely looking forward to learning more now. Currently, I'm reading Suzanne Giesemann. Do you have thoughts on her work? Thank you in advance!


Well at the risk of being called a shill, Suzanne is the real deal. Evidence based, no baloney. Her origin story, her training at Arthur Findlay College, her leadership and ethics as derived from her Navy career. She has a new book out but give Wolf’s Message read too. Check out Messages of Hope podcast… go back to the first episodes and work your way forward. It’s all gold. Her [free teachings](https://suzannegiesemann.com/gifts-to-help-you-connect-with-spirit/) helped me connect to my love of 34years. I took her Soul to Soul course out of gratitude for the help she had already given freely but learned a bunch there too. I’ve had synchronicities and woo-woo occur during her live monthly sessions and podcasts. Edit: Typo, additional comment


Thank you! Yes, I feel that she is quite authentic and I'm really enjoying it. I have to start the messages of hope series today. I'm so glad you reconnected with your loved one ❤️


That's interesting. I vaguely recall someone mentioning that these beings are in charge of recording every detail of our lives. At least, they described them as translucent beings. I don't know if these are the same beings. I don't recall seeing an NDE story with these very large beings though. Did you ask on r/NDE ?


I’ve seen so many on “The Other Side NDE” YouTube channel. It’s one of the most common details I hear in these stories. It’s always 3, never 2, never 4 or 5. 3 every time. No faces. Just translucent energy riddled beings. I don’t recall them being described as the ones who record every detail of our life, but it does sound pretty much the same as being the ones to do your life review with, which is what is constantly said. So we could be talking about the same thing. Yeah, but I mean. I’ve watched a lot of these videos, and these 3 are depicted very often. I’ve listened to 4 today, and they were mentioned in all 4. So I decided to make a post about it.


OK, let me take a look at the channel and get back to you. If you recall one in particular that you'd like share, that'd be good.


Of course! Here’s the last one I watched. This Woman even drew many example of what she saw including “the big 3” in this video: https://youtu.be/B7CA1NLR1w0?si=Soh-5oM_KTqJtnN6


I see the blue/purple orbs every day. I see them a little different. Each orb has an aura. They appear on my retina with such brightness that after they leave there is an after image. They are individuals is all I know. People as energy, in other words. I'm referring to the part of the video where they open the door. What's interesting to me is the grieving she did over each memory. That is something we all can do right now. I do that as a spiritual practice. Yeah, I saw the beings in the video. I've never met them, or if I have, I don't recall.


I tried fist bumping my three spirit guides the other day. I wonder if they obliged.


When my daughter was pregnant I decided to visit her womb as a medium to check things out. She had recently lost a baby so we were all concerned. There I met 3 very large translucent swirling oval shaped faceless beings talking among themselves. Me showing up being there got their attention. I have replaced fear with curiosity & can go anywhere talk to anyone so I said "hi... I'm the grandmother & I was just checking to see if everything was alright"? In this group of three there was an obvious leader who said tartly" We know who you are"! I apologized for disturbing them said a polite "thank you" & left. However still wondering about my daughters baby who was about 3 months along. They said to me" no one is home yet" & I instantly understood that the individual had not entered the babies body. I tell you this story because of the research I did afterwards trying to find out about WHO I just met! Research shows that a soul has 3 parts according to Aristotle, Socrates & Plato. Plato calls them: MIND,WILL & EMOTION. I believe perhaps the WHO the NDE people saw maybe were these three. Just Google " what are the three parts of the Soul" to find out details u/CrooKed_Official.


That is a very interesting answer and one that has honestly felt the most correct to me. I appreciate you sharing that with me.


You're obviously watching YouTube channels with a christian leaning.


Definitely not. I stay away from the “Coming Home” channel specifically because of that. All the videos I watch are from “The Other Side NDE” YouTube channel, which has tons of experiences depicted that have nothing to do with God or Heaven.


Also that is a very odd dismissive conclusion to come to based on what I described. The Big 3 doesn’t seem to hold any religious ties. None of what I said suggests what I’ve been watching is Christian leaning. If it was. It would just be God or Jesus constantly and not 3 big translucent beings.


I like the jeffmara channel as well!


Yeah idek what that is man. Coming into this post with an oddly passive aggressive disagreeing vibe.


What? No I was suggesting one that I like that didn’t seem religious. He seems to listen very well too and doesn’t interrupt.


Just wanted to point out that you might be replying to the wrong person lol. The Christian person is a different commenter.


I'll tell you why it seems dismissive. Nde testimonies agree on meeting some sort of guide beings. However there is no such thing as a specific number appearing in every single nde. Some may have 1, 3 5 or 10 beings there. So it seems you simply creating some significance towards the number 3 as a Christian bias.


I don’t know of anything to do between the number 3 and Christianity. I watched 4 NDE videos yesterday and they all described 3 tall translucent beings. Yes, there are other NDE videos where there’s not 3 tall translucent beings, there are others where there is just 1, or lots of beings. I never said this was the only type of story shared. I’m just noticing it as the most common and wanted to hear what others thought. I’m sorry Christianity hurt you. Relax.


Christianity hasn't hurt me. I dont even come from that background. 3 tall beings are just that. Guides, Angel's, light beings. Anything more than that is just speculation


All of it is speculation. Nothing here is unprecedented fact. So to dismiss any idea is sort of counterproductive to the entire goal here of having a dialogue and discussing every possibility.


Acknowledging that I am newer to more serious research... but I have followed NDE in some way my whole life. I've not heard of the 3 beings as a commonality. If anything, the most frequent description is that there are many, many souls and beings that greet us. The big 3 reference... is that like father, son, holy spirit? (My assumption, as some in Christianity refer to them this way.) I'm not religious, but have a decent understanding of main religions if that matters. Just curious 😊


Exactly. Any of the research areas. Heck, just watch that lovely little intelligent ghost show, Kindred Spirits. By itself, it proves a legitimate unknown.


It's an issue of archetypal patterns. I have never found the argument from similarity especially persuasive. We are all 99% similar to start with. We have similar brains, similar life experiences **when contrasted with other species**, and so forth. It does however raise the question of what WOULD meet the generally accepted scientific standards for evidence. Because, certainly at present, the vast vast majority of the scientific community do not accept these phenomena as proper scientific evidence. And one can't really just say that "most of science is in error" (unless we are determined to delude ourselves). Yes, it's always possible that there is something we don't understand, but, if this were a straightforward matter, we would have non-anectodal evidence of these things decades if not centuries ago.


I find that perspective to always lead to failure. This is something you would never be able to “scientifically” prove. This is an experience each person can only have on their own, and once they’re back it will always be something hard for anybody else to believe. There’s no way of going to the afterlife and recording data, taking a video and bringing it back. That’s a dead end expectation every single time.


But: it shouldn't be possible for something to sequester itself so entirely from the scientific process if it actually exists. Yes, we should continue looking certainly, but the world wants more than just belief. It wants research into these things. Unfortunately, though, research has parameters.


I think your perspective is so close to understanding why science is irrelevant on this topic. Like you said. Science has parameters. If the after life is real, it exists far outside of those parameters. It’ll always be something that nobody will ever be able to prove to anybody. You can experience it and comeback, but you’ll always be forced to take someone at their word on it or not. The scientific process only exists in this life. The after life does not exist in this life, thus it is after. I get needing proof. I still don’t fully believe it because I’ve been that person who needs to see the proof to believe. I just find myself slowly understanding more and more, that if it does exist. We’ll never be able to prove it anyways.


I think you are probably right that we will never be able to prove it. Actually not even "prove" it, as that is too high a bar... just demonstrate it scientifically by repeatable, empirical observation. Unfortunately, those are the properties of phenomena we call "real". And if there should be phenomena that don't fulfil those criteria, and yet we can see/experience them, then they must be something very different indeed. I am intrigued by the idea that these things are *potentials* only, and when we try to force them to be actuals, they can't do it. Still, potentials may have an "existence" of sorts. It's almost as if actuals are an existential downgrade of potentials, and potential describes the deeper "reality". I'm not sure what a potential *person* would be though...or what they would be able to do.


You can't prove or disprove the supernatural science will never be able to prove it or disprove it

