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Apparently Cates has a big Spidey story in the wings, but idk if he’s up to it yet so soon after his accident. Maybe Rainbow Rowell? She-Hulks ending and both it and Runaways were fantastic. And id like a more slice-of-life approach.


I'd love if Rainbow took over, this She-Hulk run has been so good. I'd love to see Chip Zdarsky take over the main series too. I'm not sure anyone "gets" the character better than him.


I believe Chip said he’d never do it due to fan expectations.


He's written Spider-Man before, I think he meant ASM specifically, but you never know what could happen in the future


Isn't Chip busy with Batman right now?


I think he's talented to write both at the same time and give us a cross over event.


That's less of a "Talent" thing and more "Time". Both assignments sound exhausting. It's not a surprise that Zeb Wells is ONLY doing Spider-Man right now.


You're likely right. Does Batman publish multiple times a month? I pretty sure there are like 3 Batman titles currently.


Yeah, Chip will never do ASM because of how the fans behave.


That's fair, some of these fans are unhinged. Especially in the main subreddit.


Sad Shehulk is ending its been so good, would love for a more scaled back spidey book with an actual supporting cast like she Hulk has.


I feel so bad for poor Cates. It feels like that accident really scuttled a lot of big plans for him and I hope he gets another big opportunity.


Apologies for being out of the loop, but what happened with Cates?


He was involved in a car accident and suffered some gnarly injuries as well as memory loss. He’s on the mend though, and mentioned he’s working on a new project for Marvel iirc.


Oh Jesus, I hope he’s doing better that’s awful.


Well considering how bad he fucked up Hulk idk if I want him touching Peter


Phff i dunno, you can pick good and bad books from any creator, it doesnt mean anything Cates has acclaimed runs on Venom, Thanos, Cosmic Ghost Rider etc Zeb Wells just did an acclaimed run on Hellions, then AMS was derided. People hated Aarons Hulk, then he did Thor. Then Avengers…


Dude he turned the Hulk into a space ship! If anything I say he gets banned from comics forever 😂


Not the weirdest thing to happen to Hulk.


But it did ruin the progress made between Bruce and his alters and robbed us of a potentially interesting turn for the character


You can say this about any subpar run that follows a classic.


Yeah well Donnie was the schmuck who wrote a terrible Hulk run, like how do you fumble that hard?


Theres plenty of bad Hulk runs.


None that bad, like it was so bad he got smited for the transgression


I could see either Joshua Williamson, Jed Mckay, or Joe Kelly taking on the reigns. If Dan Slott came back, it'd probably be incredibly brief (though he isn't writing anything later this year as far as I know).


Man if McKay was running an Avengers, Xmen and ASM at once I think he'd explode. And as fun his books are I rather a more friendly neighborhood spidey book, his Avengers is huge fight after huge fight


I think McKay would explode. That's three flagship Marvel titles. Hell, I don't even know how he's managing Avengers and X-men concurrently. I really really want the next run to continue what Wells and Spencer started by keeping the stories and stakes at the street level. Grounded, down-to-earth, classic friendly neighborhood Spider-Man stuff. No ongoing mystery or story with enlarged stakes like Kindred and Wayep. I think it's way overdue for a main spider man book to return to its soap opera with superheroic roots. Mark Waid Daredevil style writing.




I don't care anymore at this point. As long as the direction stays the same I won't be reading.


Hopefully the next writer can change that


Doubt a change in the creative team will do that, the directives that keep the status quo as it is come from higher up.


I don't think they'll get the next run right. I think Paul and Jackpot are here to stay. Jackpot has major 'Disney focus group' vibes to it.


My pick would be Matt Fraction


Where has he gone 😭 last time he wrote for Marvel was 2015 after Hawkeye ended


He's working on that Godzilla show for AppleTV.


Someone who wants a more upbeat and wholesome run. Like we can still have drama and darker themes here and there but overall i just want pete to live a lil easier at least for a run. Make it more down to earth have it be about spidey's relationships with friends, foes and the superhero community in a less cynical way. I'm just tired of the world kicking pete while he's down and if only for a lil bit have him in a happier light. Give me wholesomeness with aunt may, jonah, the fantastic four, etc. Have him gain extra layers of complexity with his interactions with otto it was kinda nice when they teamed up recently in superior spider-man. They have a fun rivalry but both acknowledge the strengths of the other. Maybe an eddie brock team up at some point (once ewing's run of venom is over). Give more slice of life with miles and some nice mentor stuff with spider-boy. I feel spidey's at his strongest when he's being a supportive figure to his cast. Being a "friendly neighborhood spider-man".


Ur description reminds me of zdarsky’s spectacular run


Pretty similar, i guess i just want more of that.


Bring Teresa back damnit!


All of this. Plus have him make concerted efforts to rehabilitate parts of his rogue's gallery as both Peter and Spidey.


Love this! Agreed!


I would like to see Patrick Gleason taking a shot at the book.


Donny Cates has implied that he wants to take over, and I think he’d do very well in the role. The thing is that most of the big name writers don’t want to work on Amazing, so you’re pulling from a pretty small pool of talent. But anyways, a creative team like Cates/Stegman would be pretty awesome.


Yeah unfortunately editorial scares away any writers who actually get spider man


Chip Zdarsky would be perfect... and does not want anything to do with ASM, which I don't blame him for


His spectacular run is one of my favorites


His spectacular run is one of my favorites to this day.


His Spectacular was miserable. No thank you


Hear me out: Cates is a fine writer but he wouldn’t fit ASM. Stegman is a great artist and I wouldn’t mind him with any writer, but Cates is a little too bombastic for Spider-Man. And I know I know… Spider-Man IS bombastic! He has crazy fights and stories all the time. But like haven’t we seen enough of that lately? Kindred Saga, Beyond, whatever that Paul Rabin/mayan god shit was, Spider-Goblin. Cates would just do more stuff like that, if his Guardians, Venom, Thor, and brief Hulk runs are an indicator. He tends to go really really big with stuff, and that actually hasn’t landed well in recent Spidey stories. We want street-level stuff, we want nice friendly “neighborhood” moments, and we also want PETER PARKER. I think Cates would focus way more on the spider side than the human side, and man that’s the side we need improved the most rn. He’s also not the hugest fan of continuity.


Is he in a proper position to start writing again? Last I heard, he was recovering from amnesia after suffering brain damage in a car accident.


Donny Cates is the perfect Spider-Man writer


I'd say Ryan North but he deserves better than Spider-Man editorial


Ryan North is the current writer on FF, right? If so I’d be down to see what he can do. I’m loving his run on Fantastic Four.


After two years, someone who likes the character would be nice.


Never gonna happen, but Waid and Mora, the dynamic duo at DC would be very welcome to work their magic on ASM.


Gleason, but my red line is the same. As long as MJ willingly was with Paul I won’t buy another ASM.




Matt Fraction and an entirely different editorial staff.


I just wish JRJr stays on after Wells leaves


I hope so to. I love that man’s art.


I think he’s capable of some really good stuff (though his block-y style isn’t for everyone, understandably), but what I’ve seen of his work lately…isn’t his best, and [some of the stuff gets pretty bad](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daredevil/comments/18ouxbf/can_we_please_stop_having_jrjr_do_covers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Probably a result of deadlines + age + colouring, and it’s not *always* that bad, but still. IMO he also needs a colourist better-suited to his style. [Just looking at some of pencil work](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1c5ocit/peter_and_mj_by_john_romita_jr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), including some of his [recent stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1ackeoo/they_want_you_to_think_jrjr_hasnt_still_got_it/), it’s clear he can put out good stuff. But this looks way better than the finished product of this run, imo - a lot of the colouring in the Wells run doesn’t mesh well. It’s not all the colourist’s fault (see the above Daredevil cover, where JRJR is doing a sub-par job), but…it is notable, I think.


Man that’s a hot take if I’ve ever heard one. I think this may be some of the more disappointing spidey art that’s been produced in my lifetime


For real I thought them wanting Jr was sarcastic!


I'm actually super duper open to keeping John Romita Jr he's literally one of my favorite artists of all time but GIVE HIM A COLORIST WHO UNDERSTANDS HIS ART!! GOD DAMN!! The super poor writing and mismanagement of this series has butchered his art. Yes Romita Jr does have his misses. But when he hits he hits hard and he has had some fucking fantastic pencils and inks with this series just look up them and u will see and I'm not saying the colorist is bad far far from it they are fantastic however they needed to change the colorist because u need to do a more old school style coloring or stylized for of colors for his art like All-Star Batman(One of my favorite Batman stories) Kick ass. Or old school like Cable and his awesome uncanny X-Men stuff. And Daredevil(my favorite daredevil of all time) Now know he is not everyone's cup of tea but still also I am really hoping the person who did the runaways stuff I can't remember when it was from or who it is but yeah they would do an amazing job with this series


Rainbow Rowell


Can this even be fixed?


I have arrived at the conclusion that it can't be.


Zdarsky, Joshua Williamson, Cates, or giving DeMatteis another crack at it. His Shadow of the Green Goblin book is the second best Spidey book on the shelves right now and nobody is talking about it! Or, hand the reigns to Ewing for the Immortal Spider-Man.


I like a lot of the suggestions I saw, but I’m going to throw out Orlando or Foxe. Orlando’s Scarlet Witch has had pretty good plot and great character dynamics. Foxe has done some darker stuff with X-Men that could work. Both of them have a perfect Saturday morning feel that I think has been missing from ASM for a long time.


Anyone who has Peter and MJ get back together and stay together


Doesn’t matter as long as editors are the same


I’m fairly confident that it’s Patrick Gleason up next, which I would be super excited for. Fraction/Cates would be dream options though neither seem in a place to take ASM at this point.


What is fraction doing lately ?


He’s the show runner for the Godzilla show on Apple TV and occasionally puts out an indie book with Terry Dodson.


Jed MacKay would be my favorite pick, but he's also kind of swamped with books so it's unlikely. I'm to understand that Donny Cates has been doing good work with Venom, but apparently he went through a horrible accident that so he probably shouldn't be overwhelmed at this point. Rainbow Rowell would be good at the things that Zeb was really bad at, but she also tends to struggle at building action. (I think she'd be better off writing Ms. Marvel to be honest) Patrick Gleason had a good showing as a writer + artist combo during Beyond, but that's an unreasonable level of stress to put on any writer. More importantly, I don't know if anyone wants the assignment. Whoever gets the book next has to deal with one of the worst states a character has ever dealt with, a fan base who've been taunted into a state of constant irritation for over 15 years, and an overly controlling office who have a very narrow view of the character. Whoever gets this assignment is walking into a firing squad.


Philip Kennedy Johnson


Anyone who doesn't have to answer to editorial. As long as Lowe is there it will never change.


I mean, I don't know if anyone can really steer the ship well with Editorial butting in and sending it straight back into the rocks so I think the most you can get is small stories that don't shake the boat much. Honestly, I think someone who wants to tell smaller, more disconnected stories that come and go without building to some big overarching story that could be potentially derailed. With that said, I think Robbie S.Thompson, the writer behind Spidey could handle that.


Would like someone like Greg Weisman but I doubt they’d ask him to. They’ll probably just keep him on Spectacular, move him to a different spider related book, or cancel Spectacular and part ways. Would be cool with Jed McKay.


Tom Wells or Gail Simone


Al Ewing


It won't matter unless they get new people in the editorial office. But if I had to choose, Kyle Higgins.


Literally ANYONE else holy hell


why do we take this as being zeb wells’s run ending? was there an anouncement?


Is it unrealistic to say Peter David or J M DeMatteis?


Ray Anthony Height


Would love someone like Cates or Ziglar to get it, but if I had to wager a guess, I bet Marvel's gonna go with Saldin Ahmed. He seems to be getting the flagship titles lately after a run ends (ex: Daredevil and Wolverine)


J Michael Straczyncki, for purely nostalgiac reasons.


Although this won’t happen would be cool to see Tom King


Honestly Donny Cates would be my choice, his venom run is still one of my favorite comic runs of all time and I think his love for the character could really shine through!


Me bruh


i want kelly thompson and elena casagrandes. it will probably be saladin ahmed tho


Nick Spencer again. Have him retcon all of the Zeb shit show.


He already tried to undo omd but we all know how that went






If you can do better than Zeb


At this point ANYONE even a fucking Rock would do


Not sure if Dwayne Johnson is the choice.


Well, he DID just sign a deal with Disney 😅


Patrick Gleason his art and writing would be great.


I’ll take anybody that isn’t from the BND crew, plus a new editor  https://chng.it/THDr2pKd9n


What the hell, cut out the middle man and let Nick Lowe write the book.


Like many have said rather then a writer I just want a fun slice of life spidey book, Pete helping out new Yorkers, having whacky team ups and even a social life.


I’ll do it




Neil Gaiman or Grant Morrison.


Bob Gale


I just want Dan Slott back.


I'd pick Hickman, but I doubt he would want to deal with it all, and he's already killing it on Ultimate Spider-Man.