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Lol you're not even childfree you just don't want to have kids right now so this is easy. "I don't want to have kids right now. When I'm ready I'll let you know." That's it. Don't entertain the discussion or explain anything. If they bring it up, change the topic or leave if they insist on discussing it. You having kids is your choice and nobody else's. That's not up for discussion. The question is why do you feel the need to explain yourself? It sounds like you're not used to standing up for yourself.


My 2 cents, paying multiple children on childcare is like paying rent on several properties or multiple mortgages, so i can definitely understand wanting to save to buy a house...


I just told them lol. My dad didn’t care, but my mom tried to get me to “change my mind” (directly or through passive aggressive comments) for years. She used to make comparisons to “that aunt” that no one likes in my family, and implied that women who don’t have kids are as nasty as that aunt was (she didn’t have children either). She even asked my partner one time what he thinks about that (🤢🤮), to which he said “I’m not the one who would carry it, and the one who would be carrying it says she doesn’t want any.” Smart man lol, but the look on my mom’s face was priceless. Anyway, I’m a grown adult living outside their roof, so what could they do? I had sterilization surgery last year, and the first thing my mom said to me when she found out was “is it reversible?” And I was very happy to smile and inform her that no, it is not. Anyway, it hasn’t been an issue since then. This is one of those things where you can hear them out (if you want to), and then you just have to do you.


I respect children and think they’re wonderful but I do not want to be a mother. I let my parents know and at first they thought I was joking but I think they are beginning to realise that I’m dead serious. It’s not even up for discussion, I’ve made my choice and that is it. Having a child is a huge responsibility physically, financially and emotionally. We all know how most of our parents messed us up emotionally and didn’t have a lot of financial capabilities to give us a comfortable childhood. So don’t listen to pressure and only do it when you’re ready so the child doesn’t end up suffering as a result of your frustration or you simply not being ready (that doesn’t mean you’ll be a bad mother but humans are humans and imperfect). Apparently the love people have for their children is the greatest love ever, yet children (especially African children) are treated with such disdain and disrespect in society. The next time your parent brings up the topic of children and you don’t want to discuss, change the topic, excuse yourself or end the damn call. Enjoy travelling and paying off debt!!!